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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6633513 No.6633513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy. Shit.

Turn to channel 5 RIGHT NOW

Apparently the voyager spacecrafts were intercepted about a day ago and we have just received this message

>> No.6633519
File: 323 KB, 396x554, 1404882493942937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6633520

Looks like Korean.

>> No.6633522
File: 541 KB, 1697x1767, Zdzisław Beksiński - 139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like chinese

>> No.6633523

I don't have channel five, I can afford satellite tv.

>> No.6633524

indeed, the symbols describe a number system and derives the chinese remainder theorem

>> No.6633529

Too simple and blocky, doesn't look much like Chinese to me

>> No.6633530

Voyager was launched in 1977, they're 37 light years away by now you fucking moron

Which means if we're hearing about it now, then it was intercepted 37 years ago.

>> No.6633531
File: 108 KB, 764x1024, 1404409767288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>voyager moves at the speed of light

>> No.6633533

> channel 5
Which locale?

>> No.6633537

It's space, there's no friction.

>> No.6633538

What if aliens beamed us the solution to all 6 millenium problems in a show of superiority

>> No.6633539

That's entirely irrelevant. Voyager did not move at the speed of light.

OP, can you give me an online source? What news organization is it? I don't have a TV.

>> No.6633540
File: 114 KB, 694x670, 1404363309181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6633541

I don't think you understand how space works, you can increase speed indefinitely (assuming you have the power for it), and not slow down (outside of minuscule gravitational shit), but you still need to accelerate in space.

>> No.6633543

Voyager was launched to take advantage of a multiplanatery alignment that propeled it to 99.95% the speed of light

>> No.6633545

38120 miles per hour is nowhere near the speed of light. It's currently around 35.5 light hours from Earth. I googled that shit, so you know it's on the up and up.

>> No.6633547

I can confirm this, I was on the Voyager when it launched

>> No.6633548

that's impossible, that would mean this message is nearly 20 years old at least and 4chan was made in 2003

>> No.6633549

No, I jumped out.

>> No.6633561
File: 81 KB, 800x685, b98169_1341255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impling you can jump out of a moving platform


>> No.6633564

>implying I can jump at all after falling from space and landing on my feet

>> No.6633566

Dat code

>> No.6633569

Technically possible if your legs are like that of a cricket.

>> No.6633576

Not with a chair, you'd just push it down. If it were a larger object and you could jump upwards at ~60mph, you might make it.

>> No.6633578

no that's only possible because of the difference in mass

>> No.6633580

oops not mass meant buoyancy

>> No.6633581
File: 77 KB, 694x801, 1404487888253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are CS grads that are actually this incompetent
>I've personally interviewed graduates who can't answer "Write a loop that counts from 1 to 10"

>> No.6633582

You mean pressure, retard

>> No.6633583

that's a myth

>> No.6633584

has nothing to do with pressure

>> No.6633586

I didn't say pressure, I said BUOYANCY

>> No.6633592
File: 10 KB, 280x210, SuperStock_2016-137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indeed, the symbols describe a number system and
>indeed, the symbols describe a nsa

>> No.6633595

Not being able to do that under interview pressure is pretty ridiculous , but in general the industry puts undue weight on such testing given that it doesn't bear much relation to the way people actually solve coding problems day to day. The best I've seen was a LONG telephone interview, followed by a 'coding challenge' to do in your own time (apparently LOT of people drop out at this stage,) then finally a few relatively straightforward questions at the end of the face-to-face interview just to make sure you haven't managed to bullshit them so far.

>> No.6633600

Prime numbers up to 89 and then the 37th Mersenne prime at the bottom.


>> No.6633602

>channel 5

what are you retarded? you mean, CNN or BBC or some other globally recognized media brand, right? RIGHT??

>> No.6633626

Let me translate this...

0th rule: do not talk about aliens.

1st rule: do NOT talk about aliens

2nd rule: we are aliens

3rd rule: aliens are legion

4th rule: aliens never forgive

5th rule: aliens can be a horrible senseless, uncaring monster

6th rule: aliens still deliver... HEY! WTF?!

being the little girl... upward ascension on the vertical reproductive organs...


>> No.6633644
File: 190 KB, 1200x1600, 1395913738148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6633648

They would instantly gain the respect of scientists and mathematicians alike. They would be a great idea on their part, if they could somehow figure out what the problems even are.

>> No.6633649


Any confirmation?

>> No.6633658

Nothing on NASA.
Nothing on social media.
Nothing on google.
Base 10 numbers.

It's a fake, did you really expect anything else?

At least OP put some effort into it, my favourite part is the binary page numbers at the top.

>> No.6633664


Of course not.

Besides, it's all numbers in base 10.

>> No.6633666

Seconded. OP did put work into it.

>> No.6633674

Too much redundancy.

>> No.6633677

He didn't put work into this, I've seen it before on /sci/

>> No.6633678

Well, whatever. It is still obviously is bullshit after looking at it for 15 seconds, no matter who made it.

>> No.6633680

There is Science Friction

>> No.6633682

Industrial engineer here, bringing those source code at work no matter how great your CS grades were I would definitely fire you.


>> No.6633684

if it looks stupid, but works
it ain't stupid

>> No.6633687

Why would alien = sign be so similar to ours?

>> No.6633688
File: 115 KB, 850x800, 1404472474735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6633689

>what is maintenance

kill yourself

>> No.6633690

>I'm going to maintain some odd number picker shit
stop being an idiot, a compiler will optimize that anyway and literally nobody but sperglords give a shit

>> No.6633691


Maybe for your homework, but 1 second wasted in a plant cost a lot. The production system can be entirely detain for several hours for coders who can't even follow the main rules of standardization and simplicity.

Don't get me wrong I am not like a Nazi but procedures safe lives, time, money.

>> No.6633699

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23...

>> No.6633722

if you write up some little script that way, how are you going to develop the architecture of a major program?

bad habits are just that. bad.

>> No.6633955

0=0000 1=0001 2=0010 3=0011 4=0100 5=0101 6=0110 7=0111 8=1000 9=1001 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71
73 79 83 89


>> No.6634104

now kill yourself

>> No.6634135

I actualyl couldn't figure out why this wasn't a legitimate strategy until I was at least 20 years old

>> No.6634278

do the probes have some sort of google car technology?
I don't understand how it is not wrecked by the kuipier belt..

>> No.6634283

>not using modulo

>> No.6634286

>turn to channel 5
>not realizing that channels are provincial

>> No.6634287

> not getting the joke

>> No.6634361

The would win six million dollars.

>> No.6634412 [DELETED] 

>send more chuck barry

>> No.6634414

>send more chuck berry

>> No.6635285

It clearly says ayy lmao

>> No.6635629

shi- nice snipe.

>> No.6635760

>not using bitwise and
modulo is an expensive operation.

>> No.6636038

its a meme

>holy shit look at this, turn to channel 5!

>> No.6637503

Depending on the architecture running the program. If your computer is x86, the modulo operator it's dandy. If your architecture is RISC (like seen in embedded systems) it's not and you'd probably be using the AND instruction anyway.

>> No.6637953

sure, modulo is never faster than a mask operation though

>> No.6639631

Which means it got intercepted on voyager's takeoff.
This bad b8 was bad m8.

>> No.6639637 [DELETED] 

They got my messages!

I've been sending out notes for them for awhile. Left them some clues of our competency, showed them a simple equation for the Universal Waveform.

Guys, in case you haven't caught on yet, we have been on a large precipice as a species. We have had contact for awhile now.

This moment has been prophesied for a very long time. We have neighbours.
Also, lol @ the people in the thread talking about "the speed of light".
We have had tabs on us for millenia; do some cultural research.

-Dr. John D. Titor

>> No.6639639

already solved most of these, posted the solutions on reddit and /sci/

>> No.6639643 [DELETED] 

>Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, Apollo 11
>Jack Daniel Torrence, JDT
>Mr. Dick Hallorrann, DH
>Dr. Hallorann, John D. Titor

>> No.6639645

also, general rules of the Galactic Federation in service of The Infinite Creator is to not interfere with a species' development unless necessary as a harbinger of survival

>> No.6639659


is there like a series of these?

>> No.6639661


>> No.6639684

For the purposes of dev time and readable code, modulo is an acceptable operation. If prompted, a compiler would optimize that down into a bit mask anyways.

>> No.6639712

that's a shitty argument, why is "%2" more readable than "&1"?
if anything you could get confused whether %2 does "0,1,2,0,1,2" or "0,1,0,1,0,1" when iterated, the effects of &1 is impossible to accidentally get wrong.

>blindly relying on the compiler optimizing your code for muh incompetent devs
They're here, the end times.

>> No.6639782


You should be fired and I can only hope we'll find someone to redo all your crap.

>> No.6641165

He's not saying its written in chinese, he's saying it derives a Chinese mathematical theorm

>> No.6641167

top kek

>> No.6641628

> I can only hope we'll find someone to redo all your crap.
deoptimize my code so you don't have to learn about bit masks you mean?

>> No.6641631

I laughed.

>> No.6641632

I actually used to believe that in 13-14.

>> No.6641675


Are you all pretending to be retarded? It's called Newton's Third Law. The "troll" comic is completely legit.

>> No.6641678

if you just jump hard enough, sure

>> No.6641692

what's wrong with this one?
seems ok

>> No.6641699


It's just redundant. y=x would be faster I think.

>> No.6641707

>>I've personally interviewed graduates who can't answer "Write a loop that counts from 1 to 10"
I really doubt that this is as he presents it. You can't get a CS degree without writing simple programs like that.

It's probably more like people who falsely claimed to have CS degrees, or people who heard the question asked and realized they didn't want to work for someone who would ask for such a ridiculous thing.

Remember, job interviews are a two-way selection process, especially for highly qualified people. Prospective employers can get rejected for misstep in the interview, just as applicants can.

>> No.6641758

top kek

>> No.6641769


>> No.6641893

So the program finds odd numbers by producing all numbers ever made, and specifically picking out the odd numbers? But if you already have a list of the odd numbers why not just replace this program with a list of odd numbers?

>> No.6641903

It was a hoax. OP is faggot.

>> No.6641907

I am a non technical fag. Please explain why your right, pretty please?

>> No.6642019

Asteroid belts don't look like they look in Star Wars in real life. The asteroids are gorillions of kilometers away from each other, so a collision with one is not likely.

>> No.6642155

We're talking about whether modulo (%) or bitwise and (&) is the better operation to use instead of the clusterfuck in >>6633540.

With modulo you check the remainder after division, so a number n%2 would have a remainder (1) if it's odd
with bitwise and you mask the binary representation of a number with logical and, the binary representation of an odd number will always have the bit representing 1 set, an odd number thus returns 1 with the operation n&1.

My argument is that since a processor can do bit mask operations extremely fast (one clock cycle) because they're fundamentally constructed around those operations (read up on what an ALU is if you're curious) and modulo is a slightly more complex operation taking more clock cycles, the bitwise and is the superior alternative.

The other anon's argument is that the modulo operation is better to use because it's "more readable" and saves dev time somehow, even though it's not as good as a bit mask and the only reason i can come up with where it would actually save dev time and be more readable is if the devs are somehow uncomfortable with the & operator, which they shouldn't be.

The code wouldn't be all that different:
for(int i=0;i<Array.Length;i++){
if(i&1 == 1){
for(int i=0;i<Array.Length;i++){
if(i%2 == 1){
The other part of his argument is that a compiler can tell if the denominator in the modulo is a power of two, and if it is it automatically optimizes the modulo into a bitwise and anyway, so you might as well just use modulo.

I thought that was a weird argument though
>tfw captcha is "andMPle and"