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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6627311 No.6627311 [Reply] [Original]

So how did /sci/ receive this? I wasn't here when this thing happened.

You can't make this shit up.



>> No.6627315

Doesn't really surprise me. I think there were some people who did something similar, but where they only looked at the IQs of people who enrolled. They got basically the same result, with physics having the highest (132), then philosophy (129) and mathematics (128). They didn't control for gender though. And I cannot remember the link.

>> No.6627319

Oh, the IQ - major correlation is nothing shocking yes, but holy shit that strong correlation between IQ and the percent of females enrolled in that degree

>> No.6627325

Oh yeah, that's true. As far as I know there isn't much of a correlation between IQ and gender, so it leaves me wondering what all the high-IQ females are doing.

Mathematics is a bit of an outlier though, but this is exactly what I see in my own university. They have surprisingly many females. I have no idea why, though.

>> No.6627326

Apparently, although the average IQ for females and males are comparable, the extremes tend to be more out there for males

>> No.6627328

>have no idea why
Higher female demographics

>> No.6627329

Yes, this is true. Males are more likely to fall into extremes on the intelligence curve. But remember, most if not all IQ tests are designed to give males and females the same average.

>> No.6627331

>tfw the only reason for why maths is lower than physics on the iq scale is because it has more females

>> No.6627332

How do you mean?

These were based on SAT scores. I'm not sure what it means for normalization.

There are some good explanations in the comments. For example many of the average-IQ males tend to go to technical schools or just work factory jobs, whereas more women go to college. And many of the fields to the right have a lot more students, which simply makes the IQ regress towards average.

>> No.6627333

Nah m8, we're just smarter than you.

>> No.6627335

>And many of the fields to the right have a lot more students
do they really?

>> No.6627338

⇒estimating IQ based on SAT scores

Into the trash it goes. SAT is a test to weed out people with intellectual disabilities. It does not allow for classification within the higher intelligence range.

>> No.6627340

But they also link to some studies to show a correlation between SAT and IQ

>> No.6627344

Yes. Health profession for example lumps everything from nurses to doctors to radiologist into one. And education if a huge field, compared to physics or CS. They even treat a whole faculty (social science) as one data point.

>> No.6627345

warning, this is a crazy chick from /lit/, don't fall for her bait

>> No.6627346

Low SAT and low IQ are obviously correlated, because that's what SAT is essentially testing for. High SAT scores on the other hand allow no finer categorization than "this person is at least no retarded".

>> No.6627350

You already fell for it

>> No.6627353

w/e, I'm off now anyway

>> No.6627386
File: 17 KB, 429x241, male_female_bell_curve_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most high-IQ are males.

>> No.6629079

all majors are above the average IQ on average, fortunately

>> No.6629088

What will happen when more females enter physics? Will that drag the average IQ of physics students down by a lot/

>> No.6629098


>> No.6629119

Were do female intelligent college students go?
Honest question.

>> No.6629126


Physics and astronomy. Isn't that obvious?

>> No.6629132

But there are way less women than men. Where do intelligent women go?

>> No.6629138
File: 494 KB, 788x1872, 13938849400192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6629145
File: 170 KB, 1000x834, 1387688859091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So how did /sci/ receive this? I wasn't here when this thing happened.

Here's a better pic, showing each dot + major.

>> No.6629157


In undergrad, probably chemistry and biology. In grad school, definitely organic/biological chemistry and neuroscience. Srsly, hot chicks flock to neuro, first, and then chem. I was a physics/math double in undergrad, tech'd for a few years before going back for biophysics grad school. At every med school or university I've worked at, neuroscience labs had the hottest chicks, no doubt. There's always a few smokes in the synthetic orgo labs and maybe some in the structural (lots of women have been big in crystallography) or mechanistic groups.

>> No.6629164

Sci, do a quick calc

Im about to be Mechatronics student, we have total of 5 chicks (if you can call them that) in our class

Whats the average IQ

>> No.6629169

Thanks for answering.
I'm at Civil Engineering, and we have a couple of chicks, not many.
I have to say, some of those girls are fiercely intelligent and some are a totally dumb. I have no data, but it feels like I'm average while with girls they are either intelligent or dumb.

I don't know if I'm making any sense.

>> No.6629170

⇒Were do female intelligent college students go?

I did two BSc degrees simultaneously in math and physics. My current research is highly interdisciplinary.

>> No.6629171

if you want the mean of just your class then it's still 100.

>> No.6629175

Or maybe growing up in western culture causes less intelligent women to go for a worthless degree and hope to find a job, as opposed to less intelligent men going for menial work and education for jobs such as car mechanic. Or maybe it's due to an invisible dwarf messing with IQ test results for university-educated females. You can't just provide one hypothesis ("women are dumber") and work on any scrap of information that backs it up.
And no, Occam's razor doesn't apply to the first provided example.

>> No.6629178

>>6629171 contd.

... just like the average IQ of all Mensa members is 100. Don't listen to statisticians talking bullshit about sampling bias.

>> No.6629183


top kek. it's not even science faggots.

>> No.6629189


How the fuck does mensa have a mean of 100
I thought they had a low of 120-130 something

>> No.6629192
File: 47 KB, 499x497, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6629196


>tfw physics master race

>> No.6629304
File: 367 KB, 680x680, 1301505229534[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematical sciences
>mathematics is science

>> No.6629317

why is chemical engineering higher than chemistry?
one is a fundamental science while other is just manual labor

>religion and theory + hgher than anything