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File: 35 KB, 531x604, autism_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6626932 No.6626932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I go to a good university and I take STEM classes so I've come across a few people with aspergers syndrome. I've just assumed that if they become scientists then they would be fairly successful, but I thought about it and I realized that I don't know of any autists in history who actually made a significant contribution to science. Does anyone know of any?

Keep in mind,
>Dirac wasn't an autist, he just had a fucked up childhood
>Boltzmann wasn't an autist, he just had depression
>Einstein definitely wasn't an autist, he fucked bitches left and right before he got old

The only mathematician I can think of who might have been an autist was Riemann, but I think he just had social anxiety, not the kind of autism present in people like Jacob Barnett or Sheldon from le big bang theory.

>> No.6626949

>>Einstein definitely wasn't an autist, he fucked bitches left and right before he got old

>Implying autists don't fuck bitches
>Implying Einstein didn't have aspergers

Also, Isaac Newton definitely had aspergers.

Which university, OP?

>> No.6626972

Dirac was a fucking autist

>> No.6626982

Oh, I didn't think of Newton.

>Which university
ANU, in Australia.

>> No.6626983

Nicola Tesla highly likely.
Severe inability to relate to others, didn't really understand jokes. Spent most of his time with pigeons in his later years.

>> No.6626997

>Spent most of his time with pigeons in his later years.

>> No.6627013

Actually he was just batshit insane, not necessarily autistic.

>> No.6627074

>didn't think of Newton

>> No.6627079

he has been noted to be extremely well mannered and a socialite with his close friends.
This anons right, he was driven into mental instability after he got lost in the woods for a few months at around 19 or so

>> No.6627083

Its the same case with Newton- he wasn't autistic, just crazy. Most of Newtons writings that aren't considered scientific canon were pertaining to demons and other supernatural shit

>> No.6627089

Stephen Hawking. He talks monotone as fuck and always has the same expression on.

>> No.6627091

Yea he doesn't seem to do much physical activity either

>> No.6627096

>everyone on /sci/ thinks physics is the only science.

>> No.6627113

*best science

>> No.6627119

>subjectively ranking things
choose carefully, young one

>> No.6627122

I bet he doesn't even lift.

>> No.6627126

Evan O'dorney is a legit autist.

>> No.6627149

I know a sperglord who studies math. He's completely shit at it. While it's common that autists or spergs develop obsessions with some activity, not many of them become obsessed with math or science.

>> No.6627152

top kek

>> No.6627166

Jacob Barnett

>> No.6627168

Faaark m8 I'm at ANU as well cunt.

What you studying? Comp sci, 2nd year here.

>> No.6627175

top kek

>> No.6627188
File: 281 KB, 490x639, von neumann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's flip this shit upside down. Geniuses who weren't autists.

John Von Neumann. Quite possibly the cleverest man to live in the 20th century, he was a fat, cheerful, bon vivant who loved socialising, parties and fine dining, and who happened to be a mathematical genius. Died shockingly early from cancer caused by working on the Manhattan Project

>> No.6627192

But he was a Jew.

>> No.6627194


Worse - he was a Hungarian too.

Seriously though, has there ever been a 20th century physicist worth a shit who wasn't a Jew?

>> No.6627200


Von Neumann quotes:

>You wake me up early in the morning to tell me that I'm right? Please wait until I'm wrong.

>In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.

>It is just as foolish to complain that people are selfish and treacherous as it is to complain that the magnetic field does not increase unless the electric field has a curl. Both are laws of nature.

To Claude Shannon regarding Shannon's new Uncertainty Function:
>You should call it entropy, for two reasons. In the first place your uncertainty function has been used in statistical mechanics under that name, so it already has a name. In the second place, and more important, no one really knows what entropy really is, so in a debate you will always have the advantage.

>If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.

>Truth is much too complicated to allow anything but approximations.

>You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in.

>> No.6627234

Dirac, Heisenberg, and Rutherford.

>> No.6627259




New Zealander.

>> No.6627274


>> No.6627276



>> No.6627278

Godel was known for being quite loopy. He's often contrasted with his friend Einstein, who was much more socially approachable.

But if Dirac doesn't qualify as being autistic, I don't know who would...

>> No.6627334

>Dirac wasn't an autist
You tell me that 'stache isn't worth an immediate unreversable autism diagnosis. I dare you.

>> No.6627337 [DELETED] 

top kek

>> No.6627405


PW Anderson

I guess Willard Gibbs just barely qualifies.

There was some negro child prodigy who got his Ph.D. at 19 and worked on the Manhattan Project. Apparently his work was good enough to impress Wigner and Teller.

>> No.6627419

Even a genius level autistic savant may not be interested in science at all. And even if they were interested, they may not be able to deal with the grant process.

Basically, STEM autists are more likely found as non-publishing corporate researchers than as published scientists.

>> No.6627453

Polish mathematics in Lvow before Second War had their own cafe and crazy night life, Banach was famous for going to parties for whole night and then to seminar at morning still in a tailcoat.

Von Neumann was often a guest at their cafe and in puritan Princeton he was dissapointed and bored sometomes.

>> No.6627455

You don't go through grant process alone, it is a whole team. So autistic savant would have otheers to fill in document

>> No.6627762



>> No.6627790

There have been some in the past (Isaac Newton probably had autism or at least aspergers) but it would probably be difficult for those with relatively more severe ASD to navigate their field effectively given how social you need to be to excel in the sciences nowadays.

Although it should go without saying that if you have severe ASD in the form of something like non-verbal autism or something equally debilitating then your participation as a productive member of the scientific community is practically out of the question.

>> No.6627809
File: 16 KB, 312x338, 1373506230493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jacob Barnett
>autists in history who actually made a significant contribution to science