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6624211 No.6624211 [Reply] [Original]

Hey sci I'm heading off to college in a month and want to get your opinion on what's the best way to take notes? I usually use a 3 subject five star note book or a binder with reinforced graph paper but was thinking of getting something to take notes electronically that I could write with a stylus so I could still take god-tier math notes.

Thoughts? Opinions?

I probably spent like $10 just on paper for differential equations.

>> No.6624237

>taking notes

>> No.6624777

bump, want to know

>> No.6624815

I use Gregg - ruled steno notebooks bound at the top.

>> No.6624829

My notes are always shit. I just write things down to help me memorize them, I don't even go over them. I could really use some advice on note-taking :/

>> No.6624833

>not taking notes
enjoy failing your test

>> No.6624838

He's just a neckbeard.
He wouldn't know what it is to have tests.

>> No.6624858

Graph paper for math. I organise my notes into formal notes that I'm going to look at again and answers to problems which are just going to be discarded (keep a few around just in case).

>> No.6624861

I have the same issue. It gets to the point where taking notes feels like a waste of time better used going over practice problems continuously.

Taking notes in math classes is easy enough, even chem courses but in heavy theory based bio or biochem courses it feels like you might as well copy the whole book in your own words which is way too time consuming.

>> No.6624862
File: 40 KB, 350x452, cornell notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6624867
File: 615 KB, 1377x1782, study tactics 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6624868

The best way to take notes is to read a chapter ahead. Taking notes just to take notes is pointless if you don't know what the hell the professor is talking about. What always help me is to write on the top of every page of notes what the topic is and how it relates to the course.

>> No.6624870
File: 615 KB, 1377x1782, study tactics 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6624871
File: 596 KB, 1377x1782, study tactics 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6624875

This is the most important thing. Doing this will make you one step ahead of people that don't, and you'll be able to understand the bigger picture during class.

I also find writing everything by hand is far more useful than printing out the slides and reading them during class, but that might just be something that's only helpful for kinaesthetic learners.

>> No.6624880
File: 696 KB, 1377x1782, study tactics 4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6624886


Stay away from pads too. Tape your lectures, if you are allowed and you are forgetful, but the act of taking notes on paper forces you to both pay attention to the narrative, and preprocess the info.
Electronic note pads are not tactile enough (for my tastes), and are poorly designed to mimic writing on paper.
Why not just write on paper? What do you gain that you couldn't get by scanning your paper notes? They all suck at OCR (for my writing anyway), and if you are using electronic textbooks to save weight, then to take notes you have to switch programs back and forth.

This is automation for automation's sake.
Nothing is gained with electronic note taking.

Be aware: there are Profs who won't allow computers or phones in the class. They want you to pay attention, not text each other, and surf pron.

>> No.6624907

>and surf pron.
unless its anatomy, then you share it with everyone else and explain what you are looking at.

>> No.6624913

>Dictaphone or your modern day equivalent
>Sketch some notes
>Write both your sketched notes and recorded notes up in a series of hard backed books.

>> No.6624916

I did some notes via Laptop and a drawpad and its amazing. You can do 5color graphs easily, You have one continous Text for the class, You can send your shit to people whithout having to copy it. Its pretty rad, but I couldnt bring my laptop everywhere and doing paper and electronic both does not mix.

>> No.6624917

>taking notes in lecture in grad-level maths classes
I don't know what kind of a crazy brain one has to posses to be able to do that. I always re-prove all theorems on paper later in the evening, though.

>> No.6624924

pen and paper master-race

no shit you can't write fast enough to keep up, that's the point

you have to think about the material as it's presented to you, to distill it down into the most important piece of information

that aids recall immensely

>> No.6625805

>I use Gregg - ruled steno notebooks bound at the top.
>The best way to take notes is to read a chapter ahead. Taking notes just to take notes is pointless if you don't know what the hell the professor is talking about. What always help me is to write on the top of every page of notes what the topic is and how it relates to the course.

>Stay away from pads too. Tape your lectures, if you are allowed and you are forgetful, but the act of taking notes on paper forces you to both pay attention to the narrative, and preprocess the info.

but im a firm writer & it hurts my index finger's fragile knuckle to take so many notes ;[

>> No.6625807

>>Dictaphone or your modern day equivalent
>>Sketch some notes
>>Write both your sketched notes and recorded notes up in a series of hard backed books.

wise young sir we have in class lads

dictaphone or your modern day equivalent

>> No.6625815

How do people write extensive notes and at the same time listen and take it what the lecturer is saying?

Classes where I have been forced to take notes because very few resources existed/were supplied I did much worse than classes where good enough notes were supplied and in lectures I could listen with my full attention

>> No.6625837

Anotger thing you can do while recording the audio from the lecture while taking notes is noting the time on paper like every 5min. That way you can easily re-listen the lecture and see what notes you took when.