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6621304 No.6621304 [Reply] [Original]

What are the chances of a alien race in this universe existing that humans might actually find attractive.
Or a race that is actually genetically compatible for reproduction with humans.

I find it kinda fumy how media likes to portray aliens when the chances of finding a alien race that even remotely resembles humans is highly improbable.
The jellyfish from mas effect are more likely to be our first contact than some kind of space elf's.

>> No.6621311

>implying some humans won't find space jellyfish attractive

>when the chances of finding a alien race that even remotely resembles humans is highly improbable.

What are you basing that on? Convergent evolution happens here on earth, if other animals existed on another planet and were subjected to the same evolutionary pressures, it's entirely possible would produce similar adaptations.

>> No.6621324

I'd agree with you that a similar planet may make similar adaptations appear but there wouldn't be any guarantee that the parts would be in the same places.

Like space Mr. Potato Heads.

>> No.6621338

>What are the chances of a alien race in this universe existing that humans might actually find attractive

>Or a race that is actually genetically compatible for reproduction with humans

>> No.6621341

>What are the chances of a alien race in this universe existing that humans might actually find attractive.

'humans' that are lonely are fucking wierd, so if the chance of an alien race existing is 10%, the chance that some wierdo will find it sexually attractive is 10%

>Or a race that is actually genetically compatible for reproduction with humans.
~0%, but there may be some way to merge using fancy science.

>> No.6621351
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>> No.6621381

I would argue that if intelligent aliens exist, there should be a very good chance that they have 2+ hand-like appendages, 2+ eyes, a mouth, and an internal skeleton. I would not expect them to look like... the Vanar, was it?

2+ hands: need some way of manipulating tools
2+ eyes: binocular vision would be important sensory adaptation, even most insects have it.
mouth: necessary for caloric intake
endoskeleton: I thought I read that exoskeletons on Earth-creatures are only good up to a certain size and after that they become prohibitively "expensive" in an evolutionary sense or just don't permit some biological functions.

>> No.6621387

>What are the chances of a alien race in this universe existing that humans might actually find attractive.
100%, read some hentai, humans are capable of finding a lot of things attractive. I personally hope we find some sort of slimy tentacle monster in my lifetime.

>> No.6621448

OP here.
I who'd not mind some kind of centaur hermaphrodite fluffy tail mammal (multibreast even) creature.
As long as its sentient and capable of love and somewhat cute by human standards i don't mind.
And i think the rules of abstractions go both ways.
If you find such a alien race attractive chances are there exists a alien of that race that finds humans attractive.

>> No.6621459

i wonder what humans who'd look like to aliens.
We have almost no body hair.
We have many holes on our body.
Males have a tentacle and egg sacks for reproductions.
Females give birth to live young in a painful process and occasionally bleed from the reproductive hole.
We secret a slime from our oral cavity.
And even more viscus slime from our what we call nasal cavities.

>> No.6621474

We should make a thread about how aliens will see us. Seriously.

>> No.6621477

Agreed. The monkeys are pretty good at doing things. Humans are, for me, monkeys with the ability to speak and to stand up for extended periods of time. The rest is a byproduct of the evolution.

>> No.6621484

If there are more particles than possible combinations of particles, then there actually is a chance.

>> No.6621503

After all of this is settled, maybe we should start speculating about who will start the debate about interspecies marriage, alien/human rights, etc.

>> No.6621540

blue space elves would be a lot more likely if a concept like Panspermia was correct, making us (not so) distant relatives of the alien species we come across.

>> No.6622258

Doubtfully. You take an area as infinite as the universe and then look at how adaptable life is? It's entirely possible we could encounter an organism like us; it would be extremely rare but still quite possible.

>> No.6622290

>Convergent evolution happens here on earth
In very, very broad senses and in more specific cases, very, very rarely

>> No.6622295

>2+ hands: need some way of manipulating tools
You can manipulate things with more than just hands.

>exoskeleton can't work
Only assuming earth-like environment, and then also assuming they don't have an endoskeleton to help support it and more efficient lungs like us instead of the book lungs insects and arachnids have.

>> No.6622315

Hands, pincers, legs, tentacles...Hell, there's multiple terrestrial example for manipulators and given the sheer variety life can evoke, its unrealistic to believe that "these are the only designs possible".

Eyes would only matter on world's where light is widely available.

Mouths aren't necessary if the organism simply absorbs its prey or uses a proboscis.

Turtles and pangolins use variations of exoskeletons. The main problem with bugs is that they use an open circulatory system, not that they have bones on their outsides rather then their insides.

>> No.6622354
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>What are the chances of a alien race in this universe existing that humans might actually find attractive.
100 percent.

Here, take this screencap from somewhere

>> No.6622820

It is my longstanding goal to be the first human being to fuck an alien. I don't even care if I get the space AIDS.

>> No.6622855

>implying humans wouldn't find any alien attractive

I think you guys don't understand human nature. When we find aliens, they are going to think we are massive sluts for wanting to fuck them. Make no mistake though, we will. It doesn't matter if we have to make special devices so we can withstand crushing pressures, or alter our bodies to appear more attractive to them, WE WILL FUCK WITH THE ALIENS AND MAKE THEM LOVE IT

>> No.6622857

>be alien diplomat
>meeting with human diplomat for the first time
>I've never seen a human before
>nothing could have prepared me for this
>despite being a revolting, squishy biped, it has modified itself
>modified itself to seem attractive to me in small ways
>it smells arousing
>the specific frequencies of light bouncing from its skin are pleasing to my sensor organs
>it says hello
>then it asks if I want to fuck
>run away
>immediately request transfer to another diplomatic posting
Fucking humans, whores and sluts, every one of them.

>> No.6622948
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>space AIDS.
Shit. Not in your lifetime, buddy.

>> No.6622963

Actually on the most habitable planets in nasas list of exoplanets. Survivability and evolution makes bipedals the most likely advanced form of life. Quadropeds are the most efficient lower form. Assuming the aliems didnt fuck up their own evolution with feelings theyd most likely be about a foot taller. Fairly thick. And raised on the balls of their feet unless they had hooves, if they had pads its irrelevant.

Ps id fuck an intelligent alien no matter what they looked like

>> No.6622967
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"Come here, big boy."

>> No.6622976

I would not even object. Slitheens wpuld get it

>> No.6622977

Why would you become an alien diplomat if you didn't want to bang freaky alien sckhleemales?

>> No.6622978

Not before me guy

>> No.6623067
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>Survivability and evolution makes bipedals the most likely advanced form of life

>> No.6623078
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I nominate you for Anon most likely to get space AIDS.

>> No.6623094

surprised nobody has mentioned /d/ yet...

This seems like something that'd be right up their

>> No.6623103

>What are the chances of a alien race in this universe existing that humans might actually find attractive.
considering tentacle porn: 100%

>Or a race that is actually genetically compatible for reproduction with humans.

>> No.6623393


I'd put it at 0.00000000000000001% but the gist is the same

>> No.6623626
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Do you think aliens will have butts?
I wanna feel an alien butt. Sexually.

>> No.6623635

Humans are bipedal because we evolved from tetrapods who were based on a four limb body plan. 4 limbs is not necessarily the standard for anything. 6, 8, many more, and none are all just as likely.

>> No.6623639

>What are the chances of a alien race in this universe existing that humans might actually find attractive.
Fairly high. Some humans can find anything attractive - see also, bestiality. If macroscopic multicellular alien life exists, someone will want to fuck it. I consider the chance of multicellular alien life existing to be quite high.

>Or a race that is actually genetically compatible for reproduction with humans
Zero. Well, not literally zero, but so unlikely I'd bet a billion dollars on there being no such alien species.

>> No.6623647

>assuming earth-like environment
As far as we know mammal life can only exist in an earth like environment. Yes some life has proved resilient in a vacuum and extreme conditions but not of the kind discussed ITT.

>> No.6623663

Nobody knows anything about alien life because we've never seen any. The most we can do is infer some things about it from life on Earth everything else is just speculation, including whether or not they would resemble humans or Earth life in general.

>> No.6623702

Actually, humans have a surprisingly diverse spectrum of sexuality compared to virtually any other animal. If this is a property of intelligent creatures then it wouldn't be terribly unlikely that we might find attraction. I hate to say this but the furry community is a decent example of such adaptive diversity.

>> No.6623719


We haven't really experimented with cross species breeding very much. It's unethical as fuck. So there isn't good data on the true scope of tolerance for other species.

That said, anything not from earth will have a not-from-earth immune system. This will likely autoimmune the fuck out of any natural xeno hybrids that would be hypothetically possible. That takes us well beyond the probability of the duplicate configurations of matter.

I don't imagine it would be terribly hard to engineer a hybrid, though. Provided the alien species happened to emerge from a similar atmosphere, they'd likely have similar functional sets of core organs.

>> No.6625338

Bumping this thread for a different discussion:

What would the largest barriers between alien races be? If we did come into contact with an alien race, the two sides would have to spend time sequestered by each side just to see how our body chemistries interacted, including viruses (though communicable viruses between an alien race and humans are fairly low when you think about it. They may have something similar to DNA but to assume viruses can even survive in each other's body chemisty is assuming a lot). Once the health risks are taken care of you require translation. Language first, and after that math. Math may be the more universal language, but you would need a translator to explain our species meanings behind our mathematical notations. Like the symbols we use for derivatives and integrals and what we call force, energy, mass, and everything else. You need to be able to translate the ideas as well as the pure math. Just assuming + means addition requires translation.

What other requirements are there for communication with aliens?

>> No.6625391

Give this a read, it touches upon some of those subjects:


>> No.6625403


1) Math is universal. This is how we'll communicate with them first. Use binary to convey basic geometric concepts and positive, negative expression. Once they understand binary expressions from us we can teach them our axioms and vice versa.

1.5) There's no guarantee they share a visible light spectrum with us. They might see deep IR or UV and fight it hard to perceive things we see clearly. That is assuming they have a similar light cone visual system as evolved here on earth.

2) The ability to use vocal speech as we do is something that very few creatures are capable of. The method of communication in other species may be imperceptible for us. Audible language isn't guaranteed.

3) You'd be unable to talk about any axiom systems they disagreed with. Our higher understanding of physics might be completely different than theirs. If they reach us first, theirs is probably right. We're limited to trigonometry, set theory, number theory, algebra, arithmetic and calculus.

Let me show you how to explain basic axioms to an alien.


. + . = ..
. - 0 = .
. + 0 = .
. - . = 0
.. + . = ...

. = 1
.. = 2
... = 3

Now you have the basic axioms of numerals, addition, subtraction and conceptual 0. Next you'd want the basics of geometry where you'd illustrate the Pythagorean theory. Then draw a circle and next to it, write the golden ratio out a ways. They'll figure it out pretty fast.

Your main problem is going to actually come from the Fermi paradox. If we've made contact with the silent one that found us, there's a decent chance they're predatory. We must convince them that we are not food.

Fortunately, there's a good chance that we're actually an incredibly militant species. So when we fire off a warning Czar bomb as a warning shot, they might stop, look at each other, then quietly back away from their control stations.

>> No.6625414

I'm sort of curious; if we beamed a video to their ship as an analogue signal as in ye olden days, what sort of steps would they have to take to resolve the signal as an image?

>> No.6625443

I doubt they could understand it. I would rely on visual communication or interference patterns. A broad spectrum noise shot to get their attention, then a narrower shot on higher vs lower frequency to communicate the concept of axioms. Though realistically, the second they saw a shitload of satellites and the dark side glowing at night, they'd probably just send an envoy. Or they'd attack from distant orbit with a volley of asteroids as projectiles (assuming they had a replenishing EM fuel system that could harness the sun).

>> No.6625497

You're missing
You need to establish what the two parellel lines mean.
And should we really include 0? That's a little advanced for a first contact situation.

>> No.6625548

How will they know that circle is meant to represent zero?

>> No.6625561

Exactly, that's why we should leave it out until later.

>> No.6625583

>Implying people won't try to fuck it no matter what it looks like.
We just HOPE it's wet and squishy.

>> No.6625591

What if alien life doesn't follow the same biological standards that Earth life does?

For all we know the most civilized species on another planet won't have any features, parts or functions remotely similar to our species.

I wouldn't think so, unless you biology folks know otherwise of course.

>> No.6625617

>earth gets visited by aliens
>they are horsemen
>our women find them attractive
>all the men do not
>horsemen starts giving our women the D
>men try and sex up the horseladies
>horseladies laugh of at our size

Would be fun for a change when we always fuck the spacegirls.

>> No.6625658

Consider the gamut of the universe, anything is possible.

>> No.6625695

There are sextillions, if not septillions, of star systems in the known Universe. It would be extremely unlikely for there to not be human-like extraterrestrials somewhere in the Universe. Whether or not a human can get one pregnant by fucking her, I don't know, I guess I'll have to try it and find out.

>> No.6625697

>almost every remotely successful species on earth has 2 distinct genders. it MUST be a key part in evolution, so it's not imporbable at all that if we find another bioligically-evolved (even if not carbon-based) intelligent lifeform, it could have 2 genders

>facial attractiveness is actually deeply bound to brain architecture, that's a key part in sexual selection. it's not completely impossible that some of the facial traits we find attractive are more universal, and any species with similar brain architecture would have similar facial features

>what's most improbable IMO is that we would find a race that fits the previous two criteria AND also the same sexual distinction. think of guys who undergo hormon therapy, their face completely changes, but their brain doesn't. even if we find a rather similarly evolved race, imo both genders will have mixed male-female traits for us, so only bisexual people will actually find them sexually attractive

>> No.6625700

>oh, the chance of us being able to reproduce is nil, no doubt on that

>> No.6625708


Who are you quoting?

>> No.6625716

i didn't quote anyone, i green texted.

>> No.6625785

>attractive to any given human
>genetic compatibility

It's infinite.

>> No.6625792

>any of the above actually being found by humans
close to 0
>every remotely successful species on earth has 2 distinct genders
Ever got the flu? Pls don't get into microbiology, we don't need you.

>> No.6626064

>As far as we know mammal life can only
Yes, and? Any alien life we find, even if it does come from an Earth-like planet, isn't going to fit in any of our categories of mammal, reptile, insect, bird, etc.

>> No.6626083
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The screen actors guild is pretty much all humanoid actors.

Also, it would be very hard for the writer and director to get the audience to really relate to a flying jellyfish.

Old school "hard" science fiction is rare in TV/movies. It's not for general consumption.

>> No.6626086

>Yes, and? Any alien life we find, even if it does come from an Earth-like planet, isn't going to fit in any of our categories of mammal, reptile, insect, bird, etc.

Of course not but there could very well be analogs of those categories; The first thing with a spine and wings could spread out to fill many of the same niches we see in birds.
Even if they eat sulfur I suspect many of the forms would be reminiscent of earth life: Grazing herds being stalked by predators, stuff like that.

>> No.6626089

And they'd just be passing resemblances and analogues, nothing more. There's no reason to believe their "birds" will also be warm blooded, have feathers, beaks, or talons, etc.

>> No.6626651

I've seen it claimed many times that math is the solution to communication with ETs.

Can someone finally explain to me how can it be used to communicate anything useful except pure math?

How do you translate "Hello! Welcome to Earth! Please don't kill us." to math?

>> No.6627014

my apologies. the obvious fact that the flu virus is right on the verge of becoming an intelligent lifeform slipped my mind for a moment

>> No.6627935
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