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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 91 KB, 721x482, wim-hof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6617887 No.6617887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does science explain this guy?


>> No.6617890

Humans can adapt to extreme conditions very very quickly.

>> No.6617895

Read the article you linked, dimwit.

>> No.6618019

The article doesn't say much.
How does he keep his body from having hypothermia?

>> No.6618085


>> No.6618095

Burning calories at an accelerated rate to math his environment.

>> No.6618292

Why don't our bodies do this naturally to combat hypothermia?

>> No.6618305

We aren't northern European freaks who have happened to inherit all of the best cold-weather mutations that have accumulated in millennia of people freezing to death, as one super-heater package.

>> No.6618330

He doesn't do this because he's northern European, he does it by meditating.

>> No.6618356

Actually nearly everyone has the ability, they just don't develop it.

Thermogensis, brown fat... what, you niggas never heard of this shit?

>> No.6618364

>he does it by meditating
So he says, but my explanation is more realistic.

People often attribute to their own effort and discipline things which are actually due to inborn ability.

He has developed his ability to tolerate cold through exposure, but he was also born with an exceptional potential.

>> No.6618368

How do you know?

>> No.6618370


Its brown fat. Meditation is just something to do with your mind while your body- at a cellular and genetic level- convert "white" fat cells to "brown" with the object being the maintenance of body temperature.

>> No.6618373

He told it himself, he uses a meditation technique used by Tibetan monks and teaches it to his students who all achieve the same cold-resistance ability and have control over their immune systems.

>> No.6618374

>Its brown fat.
There's other thermoregulatory pathways availible too.
Like how you can get fever even without any brown fat repositories.

>> No.6618378

Oh, yeah.

I would think brown fat at the subcutaneous level would be kind of a "first-line" adaptation.

>> No.6618380
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Meditation has been known to help regulate immune response so I suppose there could be a direct effect, eg. the prostaglandins and cytokines.

>> No.6618387

Those are some wild claims, he certainly has results but how can we be sure that's actually how he's doing it?

>> No.6618393


Maybe has a battery powered space heater lodged in his rectum!

>> No.6618404

Did you even watch the fucking video? He taught other random people to do the same and it worked.

>> No.6618415
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>demonstrating that he is able to directly influence his own Autonomic Nervous System and Immune System.

holy shit, how?

>> No.6618417


You ever taken even measured breaths to calm yourself down when confronted with /pol/ and /x/ threads on sci? See how your heart rate automatically adjusts downward? You're controlling your shit, homes. For real.

>> No.6618418
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>Those are some wild claims, he certainly has results but how can we be sure that's actually how he's doing it?

that's' not really surprising. meditation rewires your brain and mind to absurd levels if you practice long enough

when they do brain scans of highly trained monks their brains activity is an extreme outlier on the normal distribution curve for gamma waves and other measurements.

Their amygdala is downregulated so much that they are almost always in control of how they react to situations, how they feel, etc.

>> No.6618420

practiced cycles of biofeedback aimed at releasing specific neurotransmitters.

>> No.6618422
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holy shit hahahah
time to learn meditation

>> No.6618430

What the fuck, why am I hearing of this guy for the first time?
If we could understand how he does all this shit, it could have revolutionary implications.

>> No.6618432

The immune system is modulated by the autonomic nervous system, the autonomic nervous system is affected by emotions, emotion can be controlled by thought.

>> No.6618437

A 1982 study[13] of the physiological effects of Tummo has been made by Benson and colleagues, who studied Indo-Tibetan Yogis in the Himalayas and in India in the 1980s. Conducted in Upper Dharamsala in India, it found that the subjects, three monks, exhibited the capacity to increase the temperature of their fingers and toes by as much as 8.3 °C. In a 2002 experiment reported by the Harvard Gazette,[14] conducted in Normandy, France, two monks from the Buddhist tradition wore sensors that recorded changes in heat production and metabolism. A 2013 study[15] by Kozhevnikov and colleagues showed increases in core body temperature in both expert meditators from eastern Tibet and Western non-meditators.

To write plainly, Tummo is known in popular discussions as the process whereby the practitioner (monk, or otherwise) can raise his body temperature at will and on call. Films exist of near-naked monks bodies steaming while sitting in snow. Tummo could explain how near-nude holy men can live in very cold places with no shelter and few clothes. Tummo demonstrations are one of the few esoteric practices that practitioners will display to anyone and to science.


>> No.6618441


I heard about him like 3 years ago but back then everyone said he had some genetic anomaly.

apparently not.

>> No.6618445

can you use this to lower your body temp? like if you live in a really hot country, thailand, and need to cool down?

>> No.6618451

>asking this on sci

>> No.6618462

meditation and other occult subject's are really "paganism".

and no they didnt kill human's and animal's - that is christian slander and it is obvious if you take five minute's to look into the matter.

>> No.6618481

Actually, if you want to feel cool, you need to warm your body temperature. That's why you have chills when you have a fever.

>> No.6618516

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.6618531

Ok idiot.

here is some 3rd common sense for you

You feel cold when you lose heat

when you have a fever your body heat goes up

the outside of your body, the air, is cooler

heat moves to outside of your body to the cooler areas, to form equilibrium

that sensation of losing heat from inside your body to outside your body is called "getting the chills" or feeling cold


>> No.6618550

>Ok idiot.

being this angry for no reason

>inb4 IM NOT ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6618555

if it's not windy anyone can do that

not uncommon for people working at arctic research stations to just go outside in a t-shirt

if it's not windy and you don't move fast then you odn't really get the heat sucked out of you

>> No.6618563

Wim Hof climbed mount Everest almost naked.
He and his disciples even go into ice-water and stay there without any symptoms of hypothermia.
Maybe watch the youtube video in OP before you start making assumptions.

>> No.6618565

Up to 24,000 ft, not to the top. Remarkable, nevertheless

>> No.6618568


he wasn't angry, he just called you an idiot

u got [x] rekt and now you're doing damage control

>> No.6618580

Except you said that what he said made so sense instead of saying that you didn't understand it because it made perfect sense.

>> No.6618592

>he wasn't angry

>referring to yourself as "he"

kek lol

>> No.6618593


There are hermits in romanian, orthodox christian monks who live in the freezing cold and snowy in the mountains wearing nothing but thin robes and slippers

it's fucked up

>> No.6618603

>How does science explain this guy?

It doesn't yet, but this guy should let people do more experiments to figure out exactly how all of this works. I wouldn't call what he does 'paranormal' as much as fascinating and interesting and requiring more research to figure out how it works.

>> No.6618616

>>How does science explain this guy?

mind over matter, can science explain how you lift your arm up? other than saying "brain impulses and then it happens" not really...

same shit for this guy, his brain impulses are influencing his internal temp and immune system somehow

>> No.6618619

>mind over matter, can science explain how you lift your arm up? other than saying "brain impulses and then it happens" not really...

That's a really poor analogy because motor control and muscle activity is very well understood.

>same shit for this guy, his brain impulses are influencing his internal temp and immune system somehow

For someone browsing and posting on a /sci/ board, you have absolutely no drive for scientific inquisition whatsoever.

>> No.6618620
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>not maintaining perfect meditation posture while engulfed in flames

>> No.6618622

>That's a really poor analogy because motor control and muscle activity is very well understood.

not at the neural level it's not, the decision making level and how that decision translates to electrical impulses

moving an arm, or increasing body temp, same shit...

>> No.6618624

>moving an arm, or increasing body temp, same shit...

ya basically this, only difference is different pathways are activated. But how the mind activates those pathways is key

>> No.6618627

>not at the neural level it's not, the decision making level and how that decision translates to electrical impulses

The reason being that we don't know exactly how every single neuron forms wires and connections in the brain. There's currently a project going on right now that is attempting to figure out how the neurons in the brain connect the different parts of the brain together, and it's called the 'Connectome Project'.

Unfortunately, I don't think it will answer what you're looking for, which is how 'qualia' translates into actual electrical impulses. But just because we have no clue how that works exactly doesn't mean I'm any more willing to believe that 'chakras' have anything to do with how this guy sustains his body temperature. We just need more science.

>> No.6618635

>We just need more science.

too boring, let the autists worry about modeling it with their trivial jargon

>> No.6618638
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Why do you even bother browsing a science board if you think that the scientific method is just 'modelling stuff with trivial jargon'?

It's the best method we have of creating reliable explanations for how the natural world works. Just because it doesn't sound like Harry Potter shit and doesn't inspire the same sort of childlike fascination with magic as Yoga does doesn't mean anything.

The difference is that actual science is slow and sometimes boring but it's what ends up correctly teaching us how nature works.

>> No.6618640
File: 92 KB, 200x200, Ascetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to give you an answer, but none of you are going to believe me.

Yoga and meditation-practicing spiritually-elevated humans can do a lot of things that seem super human.

>> No.6618643


im interested in exploiting what science figures out, i'm not interested in doing science or learning the boring details

>> No.6618644

>I'm going to give you an answer, but none of you are going to believe me.

probably because it's bullshit

>> No.6618646

>im interested in exploiting what science figures out, i'm not interested in doing science or learning the boring details

well then you can go fuck yourself since you're just as bad as those popscience losers who equate science with photography and real science with pointless bookkeeping done by nerds.


pls go

>> No.6618648


That's what everyone says before these things are actually studied and published in science textbooks as legitimate science.

>> No.6618649

From the explanation at 10:40 it seem to boil down to the trained group being able to stress themselves into producing adrenaline at will. If this is what happens, couldn't they simply administer an adrenaline shot instead?

>> No.6618650

in a thousand years from now our scientific ideas like "neurons" and "immune system" will be just as vague and incomprehensible as "chakras" were.

A useful tool to give an approximation, but nothing real or substantive.

>> No.6618652

I've read the page before and I'm familiar with Tummo, so let me rephrase what I said.

>Yoga and meditation-practicing spiritually-elevated humans can do a lot of things that seem super human.

This is the part of the answer I can work with:
>can do a lot of things that seem super human.

This is the part of the answer that I think is bullshit:
>Yoga and meditation-practicing spiritually-elevated humans

Notice how the first one is an observation and the second one is the explanation. If your explanation for a repeated observation is bunk, you aren't doing science.

>> No.6618654
File: 9 KB, 441x457, neuron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A useful tool to give an approximation, but nothing real or substantive.

The reason why chakras are vague and incomprehensible is that they are completely unobservable and most likely do not exist. It's not because people came up with them a thousand years ago. We started naming different types of minerals thousands of years ago too, but we still agree that iron and tin are real things because people came up with those labels off of /sound/ observations.

If you are really doubting whether neurons exist, direct yourself to pic related

>> No.6618658

>being this autistic because of the word "spiritual"

grow a pair of balls

>> No.6618660

Maybe you should grow a pair of balls like the scientists who want to actually research Tummo and figure out what part of his breathing/posture causes body temperature to stabilize.

Those are the people with the real balls because they're putting their money and time into experiments to figure out the /real/ reason why this shit works, not just because "oh it's a spiritual thing!".

As long as we have no clue why this shit works, we can't quickly train mountain climbers to do it to avoid hypothermia, or mountain rescue teams, or any of the other practical opportunities that would actually be useful.

>> No.6618667

>implying Russians don't do this all the time without meditation bullshit

>> No.6618668

I understand your point of view. I'm not a hippie interested in all these Eastern spiritual mumbo-jumbo.

I live in India and I've seen and experienced these 'things'.

But I really can't blame you for not believing me.

>> No.6618681

No like, I believe you that this stuff works, I just don't think that it works for the same reason that the 'spiritualists' think it does.

>> No.6618701

>implying race and aliens aren't real

>> No.6618761
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Does this describe how you feel?

>> No.6618801

>As long as we have no clue why this shit works, we can't quickly train mountain climbers to do it to avoid hypothermia

except this is bullshit, Wim Hof trained those test subjects in just 1-2 weeks....

they didn't have to learn the biomechanics involved, they just had to visualize certain things and do meditation exercises while exposed to intense conditions

tl;dr materialists getting BTFO

>> No.6618803


I dont love science at all, I enjoy exploiting it. I love life and philosophy and women and experiences and a whole bunch of other things that actually have meaning and value.

>> No.6618804

Trained them to sit in an ice bath for hours, or trained them to amp themselves up like an athlete before a competition, to get the adrenaline flowing and reduce their immune response to an applied irritant?

>> No.6618806



>> No.6618814
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>> No.6618817

just keep ignoring my point, meditationfags

>> No.6618854
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>> No.6618860
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>> No.6618864


I like this response

>> No.6618868
File: 177 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity you, I really do. You will never truly understand the beauty of this universe and you will never realize how insignificant we all are...

>> No.6618870

its no surprise the nordic race is made for cold, you get genetic outliers that are more cold resistant.

I mean ffs I am hariy and nordic, and have stood out in sub zero temperatures no worries. My body hair also is about the same as a really good jumber, I can tell the diff when I shave it off

Also blacks and many asians / indians really struggle in the cold.

>> No.6618873

the first time I've seen this meme on /sci/ where it's actually justified

>> No.6618878

This is pretty fedora as well

>> No.6619034


finally someone making sense on /sci/

>> No.6619149


this is the only interesting thread on /sci/ since Jan 1st 2014.

>> No.6619420

>In research done by the Radbout university Wim Hof trained a group of 12 volunteers to prove the immune system can be modulated. He had already proven in 2011 the ability to control his own immune system.

If we could teach the population how to control their immune system, what would this imply? What benefits would someone get from being able to stop inflammation? Isn't inflammation and fever necessary to fight off harmful organisms?

>> No.6619432

>300 k in room
man, feels kinda hot in here
>320 k in room
man, feels so much colder in this human skin now that it's hotter all around me! Good thing I listened to SCIENCE!
>succumbs to heat stroke

>> No.6619479
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>meaning and value

>> No.6619488

wim and his traineess were injected with a disease and they were able to fight off the disease just by increasing their metabolism through breathing and a test group of 12 other people all got sick really quickly and were shivering and had fever for days

he suppresses the inflammation and the disease all at once. he does that by voluntarily increasing his adrenaline or sth like taht I think

>> No.6619501

not the one you're replying to, but i think the acclimatisation factor plays a role here.

When you get a fever your body goes beyond your own temp acclimatisation range, and it doesn't have time to acclimatise because fevers usually don't last longer than a few days.

>> No.6619589

Someone from /sci/ should try this and report.

>> No.6619603

I watched a documentary on the Tibetan monks and they said they had a technique for warming the body, such that after a while you would see smoke arising from the body of a monk in a lake.

>> No.6619606


>> No.6619613

I watched a similar documentary about this body warming technique but he said it was extremely dangerous. He said they don't teach it often but the narrator did try it once and was afraid of trying it again for risking brain damage or some such thing. He was very vague about the danger but I guess in theory if you're overriding your body's autonomic system the only thing preventing you from heating your brain to 106° F is your own mental discipline.

>> No.6619633

>im not just samefagging the same bullshit
/x/ wants to know why you left.

>> No.6619644

It sounds possible if he is able to increase his body temperature high enough right at the time of injection before the bacteria has a chance to multiply. The other test subjects body temperature was ideal for the bacteria to multiply and take hold, and only when the body started to realize it was sick did it begin to inflame.

Is it just me or does Buddhism seem like the only nonbullshit religion? I mean they just say its mediation, i.e. training your mind for years and years any other religion say it's faith or something stupid like that.

>> No.6619675

>Buddhism seem like the only nonbullshit religion

Both are Indic religions are very similar, but Buddhism is just hipster-Hinduism.

>> No.6619678

*and are very similar

>> No.6619718

does ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) aka that tingling sensation at the top of your head and down the spine have anything to do with this?

>> No.6619754

>Buddhism is just hipster-Hinduism.
u wot 8? On a fundamental level, they have very little in common.

>> No.6619822

Hinduism has exactly the same bullshit all other religions have.
Buddhism throws those bits out, mainly.
Depends on your brand of budhhism of course.

>> No.6619828

It also has the merit of being entirely different and related to Hinduism only in a strictly historical/geographic sense.

>> No.6619833

>in a thousand years from now our scientific ideas like "neurons" and "immune system" will be just as vague and incomprehensible as "chakras" were.

I don't know where you get this stuff. The Charkras are very clearly explained and mapped out. Thoroughly bullshit, too, without any detectable physical basis.

>A useful tool to give an approximation, but nothing real or substantive.

Not real? Scientists have pulled neurons out of organisms and manipulated them. They can observe them with any number of instruments.

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6619857

>Hinduism has exactly the same bullshit all other religions have
Like what?

>> No.6619894

unprovable sapient god(s) with amazing power(s) that they apparently never use as far as we humans can tell, and contradictions up the wazoo, and a bunch of stories that only make sense if you don't take them even remotely literally at which point the whole religion kind of comes into question.

>> No.6619985


Nope. That's isn't expected to have anything to do with the immune system.

>> No.6620028

take their vodka away and suddenly they'll start shivering like little bitches

>> No.6620074
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>how insignificant we all are
Or when you TRULY understand the beauty of this universe and realize how it's all one

>> No.6620164

There are plenty of religions are fairly consistent with their own ethos, and it doesn't take an idiot to know the difference between eloquent prose and literal dictum.

>> No.6620479

If it was due to booze, they'd very easily get severe damage to their fingers and toes when fucking around in extreme cold like they do.

>> No.6620482

Hinduism is not such a religion.
Buddhism is.
Some would say Christianity is (but as someone who actually studies religions, I personally disagree with this)

>> No.6620484

>Hinduism is not such a religion

>> No.6620486

His real name is Valentine Michael Smith

>> No.6620609


This is why ur a virgin

>> No.6620644
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Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.6620649


>> No.6620651

Simple, try not to think much and focus on your breathing, and while you're breathing use your abs to push the air out while flexing them while you breath in so your diaphragm pushes against them.

I've done it before, though it took me an hour and I did my best to not fall asleep.

>> No.6620778

born on 420

>> No.6621182

Some Native Americans tribes would harvest oysters and clams in the middle of winter. They did this almost naked. Most people would go into shock being submerged in icy cold water, but the natives did this all the time.
Meditation or adaptation, whatever... people can do amazing things when they put their mind to it.

>> No.6621227

I'm a poor swimmer, can't usually go more than 200-600m without running out of energy/breath and having to rest

One time I was "in the zone" and swam 20km +
I remember feeling each movement of my arms/legs and a state of bliss

>> No.6621238


I've felt this a few times. Need to schedule a day to walk another 17 hours.

>> No.6621239
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>im interested in exploiting what science figures out, i'm not interested in doing science or learning the boring details

This statement could be a whole education to anyone who thinks that science in and of itself is a virtue.

Or, that science and technology somehow confer, with its benefits and powers, responsibility or virtue.

Scientific insights made it possible to put great destructive power in the hands of simple idiots who are going to use that power to use up all the exploitable resources they can within one generation leaving a scarred and trashed wasteland for 1000s of years, a time in which no one will understand or teach science.

We aren't getting off this rock, because we took all the reasons life on Earth is possible, and trashed them.

So embrace this worldview, /sci/, They don't give a shit about your enlightenment, they just want Angry Birds, Microwave Food, and Huge Cars. Antibiotics? Go fuck yourself, This Generation Wants Cheap Hamburgers.

Pearls before swine, people. Pearls before swine.

>> No.6621243

>We aren't getting off this rock
nigga there is an american flag on the moon

we're 20 years away from a singularity

probably 21 years from terraforming all the planets in our local solar system and establishing colonies.

Do you even read?

>> No.6621251
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Dutch superiority

>> No.6621279

>we're 20 years away from a singularity

What is the practical consequence of that? I'll tell you. The superintelligent computer is going to quickly realize the planet is fucked and humanity is the problem.

>probably 21 years from terraforming all the planets in our local solar system and establishing colonies.

Complete fantasy. Meditate harder.

>Do you even read?

In the future no one will read anything.

>> No.6621286

>muh hippy ai

Shut the fuck up faggot and learn about computers

>> No.6621348
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Yes. But how would they hold up to the Spice agony?

>> No.6621359

You're so right man, like, I remember when I finally got pilled and lernd the TRUTH that Vikings, Romans, Caribs, Aztecs and all the other Pagans didn't kill people or animals. Fuck'n Christians always trying to trick us amirite?

>> No.6621703

I've just started with his book..
everyone support$$$$$ the guy!
"An hour later, we returned home. I went to take off my son's jacket when I realized that he was still holding the ball of snow in his hands! He told me he wanted to put it in the fridge and store it. Like most children, they want things to last forever. So, we let him cherish the memory by storing the snowball in the freezer.
I grew curious as to how he was able to hold onto the chilled ball for that long and not complain about the pain."

spiderman says mind over matter///

>> No.6621710
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>>To my surprise, his hands weren't cold at all. In fact, they were incredibly warm! I'll never forget my son's first experience with the cold.

>>To me, expanding consciousness is the path to true knowledge. The material you learn from books ultimately leads to an expanding consciousness. That experience finally quenched my thirst for knowledge. I now felt peace within and my mind was still."

Maybe everyone interested should check out his book

>> No.6621790
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Quantum Cascade?
I don't recall ever hearing that before, but if it's anything like a resonance cascade I want no fucking part of it!

>anon what are you majoring in?
>physics and math double major

Oh god this. (I'm studying Physics w/ Astronomy)
No. No I am not going to make a lot of money. I am going to be a broke ass fucking nigger, scraping by, with mountains of debt, desperately trying to get noticed so I might one day be able to spend all day working on a huge fucking telescope and finally be happy. And if I get really unbelievably lucky, I might even go to space. AND I'M STILL GONNA BE A BROKE ASS NIGGER BECAUSE THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM IS FUCKED.

Picture unrelated, but helps me to forget that my dream job doesn't even exist and may never exist.

>> No.6622644

What's the technique?
It seems to be hidden in the guys book and I can't be arsed to read 100 pages just to find out one thing.

>> No.6622659

>we took all the reasons life on Earth is possible, and trashed them.
[citation needed]

>Antibiotics? Go fuck yourself, This Generation Wants Cheap Hamburgers.

The fact that people are realizing that our enlightenment leads to them having nicer shit is a wonderful thing, and I'm not sure why you're framing it like a bad thing. It means that even the most unintelligent of people still have enough sense to realize that science is worthwhile for everyone, even if they have no interest in pursuing it themselves. It means that scientists can get lay people excited for worthwhile projects by talking about how cool it will be. It's a good thing.

>> No.6622670

Haha. I want you to try to remember making this post. Keep it in your mind. Then, watch as the world drowns in our shit.

>> No.6623057
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>How does science explain this guy?

can't explain it, we don't understand meditation yet scientifically, probably never will

has to be done subjectively it seems