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6615122 No.6615122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/ low IQ amateur here.

I was reading about imaginary numbers and saw often example ? * ? = -1 and as you all here know answer is i * i = -1. Nothing surprising here but friend of mine came up with solution (-1) * 1 = -1 which at least in my calculator turns out to be totally correct so anyone here could explain what's whats wrong with this alternative solution, if anything?

>> No.6615135

>? * ?
> (-1) * 1

>> No.6615138

protip: -1 != 1

>> No.6615167

I was reading about natural numbers and saw often example ? + ? = ? and as you all here know answer is 0 + 0 = 0. Nothing surprising here but friend of mine came up with solution 7 + 0 = 7 which at least in my calculator turns out to be totally correct so anyone here could explain what's whats wrong with this alternative solution, if anything?

>> No.6615176


ummh.. okay thank you for the reply. Thought i was the low IQ here, guess you can get much lower.

>> No.6615180


no you really can't.

>> No.6615194


Well, if so could you kindly explain to me why (-1) * 1 = -1 is correct or wrong? You reply didn't really bring anything on the table except really bad trolling attempt where you fell on your own shoe laces because you obviously have no clue about imaginary numbers.

>> No.6615197

The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.6615198


It's not wrong, it's just missing the entire point of I.

>> No.6615211

When the problem says ?*?=-1, it is implying that both ?'s are the same...

>> No.6615217

yeah, it should say ? ^ 2 not ? * ?, fuck

>> No.6615250

?^2 = -1.
i.e. both the ? have to be the same. i*i =-1 is fine because i is the same as i.

-1*1 = -1 is not the same because -1 and 1 are different.

>> No.6615398

The whole of complex analysis is symmetric under √-1 <-> -√-1

>> No.6616106

>x * x = -1

>(-1) * (1) = -1

>x = (-1) = 1

>-1 = (1)

OP, your friend is a mathematician.


Your friend is an idiot.

>> No.6616127

I think OP's friend really <span class="math">is[/spoiler] a mathematician. He has quite cleverly exploited OP's low intelligence.

>> No.6616130

Nothing. Imaginary numbers are a crock of shit.

>> No.6616131

however there is also (-i)*(-i) = -1

>> No.6616300
File: 374 KB, 640x360, 640px-Algebraicszoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also
(i*i*i)*(i*i*i)= -1

woah guys, I think we are close to a breakthrough, maybe imaginary numbers have something to do with circles! o.O

>> No.6616307


There are infinitely many of these number pairs even in real numbers. Actually only 0 has not such pair.

>> No.6616310

You're aware of the polar form of complex numbers, yes?

>> No.6616398
File: 486 KB, 300x169, 68747470733a2f2f33312e6d656469612e74756d626c722e636f6d2f37393232663633343730663434323865373562633566346265386436313035352f74756d626c725f696e6c696e655f6e34306d6535796d775631736f6c706a6d2e676966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6616628
File: 103 KB, 640x683, YLXoKxm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6616764

wrong, -1! = -1

>> No.6617095

e^(i*pi/2) have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6617189

If you can't understand something so simple without an explanation you can't understand it with an explanation

>> No.6617193

Factorial is not defined for negative numbers!
Not even gamma function.

>> No.6617203

OP, do you not understand the image you linked?

>> No.6617311

<span class="math">\Gamma [-n]= \tilde { \infty }~~n=0,1, \cdots[/spoiler]

>> No.6617313

>this is what normalfags actually believe

>> No.6617315

You mean negative integers. It's defined for negatives that aren't integers

>> No.6617354

Are you mentally retarded?

Serious question

>> No.6617367

i'm actually curious about the reasoning behind this.

>> No.6617390
File: 536 KB, 600x622, Yall_niggas_postin_in_a_troll_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6618157

Without bitching about analytic continuation of the gamma function

n!=n*(n-1)! is basically the main point of the factorial



So the factorial isn't defined at -1 and you can do the same thing with -2 etc

>> No.6618172

Is zero a purely imaginary number seeing as its real part is 0?

Or is zero a real number seeing as its imaginary part is 0?

Or is zero just a special case in C just like it's considered neither positve or negative.

>> No.6618174

0 is a real number
0 is also an imaginary number
kindof like clopen sets
going by most definitions anyway but this shit is just semantics it doesn't matter

>> No.6618175

k thanks anon

>> No.6618176

oh forgot to add, can we think of this in the terms of the complex plane?

if all imaginary numbers lie on the imaginary axis, and all real numbers lie on the real axis, and if 0 is the intersection of those axes then 0 is both real and imaginary

>> No.6618215

>Factorial is not defined for negative numbers!

Yes it is: -½!=√π

>> No.6618219


>> No.6619514

I always thought imaginary numbers were considered the ones which have non-zero Im, which leaves 0 as real. At least that's how I usually see it treated in functional analysis and self-adjoint operators in qm.

>> No.6619575

Well yea because 0i is still zero.

>> No.6619885


>> No.6619897

It's not an imaginary number or a real number, just a complex number.

>> No.6619945

On the off-chance this isn't just a troll thread and it's an honest question:

The thing about i (and -i) is that when you multiply it by ITSELF it gives you 1, or, in symbolic language, (i)^2 = (-i)^2 = 1. i was needed to solve polynomials (things like x^2+x, x^4-2x^3-5, etc) where the roots (the values of x for which the polynomial equals 0) were roots of negative numbers.

Multiplying (-1) by 1 and getting -1 back isn't "as special", because we're not talking about multiplying the same number by itself (-1 is not the same as 1). You can write this in the more general form:

If you plot the graph of this equation, you'll see that you can find a y for every x without ever needing to leave the reals (as long as the x's you input are real themselves), except for 0 (because division by 0 is a very complicated thing which can't really happen in the reals, but which you can "approximate" by using things called limits or by leaving the reals).

>> No.6621250

>The thing about i (and -i) is that when you multiply it by ITSELF it gives you 1, or, in symbolic language, (i)^2 = (-i)^2 = 1.

>definition of i
>sqrt(-1) = i

>i^2 = sqrt(-1)^2 = 1
>how to math

>> No.6622193

in op's pic it shows i^2 = -1 i^ 3= -i and i^4 = 1. Does that mean that i^5 = i ?

>> No.6624224


i^2 = -1

i^4 = 1

i^5 = i^4 * i = 1* i = i

>> No.6624262

i^1 = i
i^2 = -1
i^3 = -i
i^4 = 1
i^5 = i

The pattern repeats itself thereafter.

>> No.6624806 [DELETED] 

Those are different numbers. That is why it is wrong.

>> No.6626119
