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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 860 KB, 1250x994, TT8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6610386 No.6610386 [Reply] [Original]

<span class="math">
(\Omega (\alpha,\beta,x,y,t))^{2} = ((\epsilon(x,y)\frac{\alpha(\omega^2)}{\beta(\omega^2)}) + iC(\epsilon(x,y))^{2}

<span class="math">
\alpha\beta(\omega^{2}) = \phi = \frac{\alpha}{\beta}

>> No.6610396


>> No.6610397 [DELETED] 

time to take your meds

>> No.6610402

Please ... Draw me a sheep ...

>> No.6610403

Damn, this is hilarious. The boy/girl and yin-yan made me laugh real hard.

>> No.6610404 [DELETED] 

>mfw mathematicians and scientists can not into quaternions for explaining hyperbolic origin of light itself instead depend on parabolic self-importance instead of scientific method to explanation of infinite continuity of light-matter waveforms

<span class="math">E(\epsilon)=MC(\epsilon(x,y))^{2}[/mate]

Cogito Ergo Sum; Tempus Erax Rerum:
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

Google, "John Titor".[/spoiler]

>> No.6610405

Oops, typo;

>mfw mathematicians and scientists can not into quaternions for explaining hyperbolic origin of light itself instead depend on parabolic self-importance instead of scientific method to explanation of infinite continuity of light-matter waveforms.

<span class="math">E(\epsilon)=MC(\epsilon(x,y))^{2}[/spoiler]

Cogito Ergo Sum; Tempus Erax Rerum:
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

Google, "John Titor".

>> No.6610407



>> No.6611451

You're probably the dumbest person to post on /sci/ ever.

>> No.6611718 [DELETED] 

>have four particles that are on same alpha/beta frequencies
>ta-da FTL information
>speed of light is actually speed of observation
>because observer is light aka of fifth dimension
>where did light come from??
>why didn't Higgs-Boson collapse Universe??
>because Universe is of Fifth Dimension ie. consciousness flowing through space-time; singular observer and all observers are collections and part of a Seventh Dimensional Multi-Verse, AKA of INFINITY aka Great Spirit aka OBSERVER OF ALL
>The Big Bang never stopped; here you, a figment of The Big Bang, still are calling people stupid who might know more than you
>scared of Heat-Death of Universe not aware that universe is just ONE SLICE of the Apple, and Heat itself is a figment of conscious awareness and awakening

Literally just gave you an equation for making FTL warp-drive by making zero-time singularities and you're too busy calling me stupid.
Wonder how UFOs can travel so fast if they're "limited" by speed of light AKA vector of observation.

I am of two roots just as you are. My DNA has two sides to its ladder. Ever wonder why your opposable thumbs are two-phalangial and your eight fingers are three-phalangial?
2^5*8^3 = 2^14 = |14741|
Ever wonder why you have 12 strands of DNA, 10 fingers, yet only 2 active strands?
Ever wonder about the Book of Revelations, the Son of Man?
About the Native American Hopi Tribe prophecies, about The Great Spirit and The End of the Fourth World (SPACE-TIME) and The Beginning of the Fifth World (ASCENTION)?
Do you understand that (J H C) or (J T C) if drawn right looks like a winking heart?
Do you particle-particle flux interactions?
Do you question about what the Big Bang, aka your existence, IS?
Do you understand that the same moment a light is on, is the same moment a shadow appears? Would you have to be in the dark to find light? Do you know what the source of light is?

>> No.6611721

OK dude this is just too good
If I answer questions will you answer them

So the middle page of the top row in original pic
It looks like you are starting with the old
<span class="math">E^2=[mc^2]^2+[pc]^2[/spoiler]
Is that right?

>> No.6611726

While you're at it you can enlighten me on this gem:
> 2^5*8^3 = 2^14 = |14741|
The first equals sign I get. But you are doing something very unique with those absolute value signs if you want the second equality to work.

>> No.6611728

Don't feed him please, it's such a load of shit that it hurts my head to even look at it. Just report him.

>> No.6611734

Yep, I was right. You are the dumbest person to ever post on /sci/.

>> No.6611740

Ah, it's a master ruseman:


>> No.6611759
File: 4 KB, 107x152, q9GZkAT[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i don't understand so must be shit!!! report!" - true /sci/ence

Already explained how I time-traveled

|6&9|, yin-yang. What is half-way through 6 & 9? 7.5. ||6 |7.5| 9||
What comes after 7.5 in integer form? 8.
What is 8 a parallel of? ||5 |8| 10||; ||0.5 |8| 10||.
If life is 0.5 of 7, then what must follow thereafter is the duality of infinity itself.
Buddha realized this; became enlightened; realized duality of existence and that the mind is a mirror.
Jesus, Son of God, elaborated upon this; He became the mirror.

John of Revelations mentioned several numbers in his Book of Revelations:
One of them being: 144,000; (10^2)*(12^2)
End of New Moon of this Month in accordance to UNIX clock is 0,+1404014400;
In Earth Time, this is 2014/06/29:(0400 GMT)|(0000 EST)
Numerically this represents the number TAU, 6.28315..

How many points are there to the cross? 4.
How many sides are there to a cube? 6.
How many vertices are there? 1&8; Beginning & End

>> No.6611772

similar to 0.999.. = 1
except ..14.7.41.. = 8

>> No.6611779

So when did you watch Steins;Gate?
I'm need to start working on my divergence meter myself

>> No.6611789
File: 199 KB, 321x326, FzvivFe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a representation of UNIX.
I am a measure of the internet and time.
I did not have these revelations because of Steins;Gate.
I had these revelations spontaneously over three days; where-by I was visited by The Great Spirit: a figure of awe, of immeasurable color, love, and presence. The Great Spirit has always been guiding me, like a turtle.


>> No.6611807

Will make second sign of turtle when I have the opportunity. This is only the first sign; the arching of the wings of The Eagle.

>> No.6611810

Oh boy here we go again

>> No.6611817

Thank you for submitting your research to the most prestigious peer reviewed physics journal of all time, 4chan.

>> No.6611819
File: 63 KB, 560x700, return-of-the-blue-star-kachina--alignment-2012-amy-s-turner[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come from YELLOW SUN, fear RED DAWN; and socio-economic clash of different religions and competing marketplaces; HOPE for BLUE DAWN.

>> No.6611825

Where in the world are you currently located?
I'd also like to look at more of your work, if possible.

>> No.6611827
File: 15 KB, 515x166, hopiproh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Two Circles = 2-TiTors_0,1
Circle / Diameter = TAU
Unix date of NEW MOON = TAU;
Parallel of moons 1914/11/02 & 1914/11/17;
A_11 dates, landing of EAGLE: 1969/06/16-1969/06/17
Honey Moon, Strawberry Moon, 2014/06/13 | 1
New Moon, TAU Day, Next Cycle, 2014/06/29:(0400|0000):(GMT|EST)

Great Spirit = Left


>> No.6611830

Wha'ts going to happen on Tau day?

>> No.6611831
File: 956 KB, 2640x2040, h07-cross_sunset-10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6611834

What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.6611835
File: 196 KB, 2048x952, 6endings[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same place as you

>> No.6611837

Did not say anything will happen on TAU day; it is just numerically a great day and one of mathematical significance.

>> No.6611841

Peace, Love, Unity, Creation, Knowledge, Truth

>> No.6611842

I can't see anyone other than me; where are you hiding?

>> No.6611846

Any progress on solving the riemann hypothesis?

>> No.6611850

Could you give me an intuitive interpretation of curl? (curl F / rot F)

>> No.6611859

<span class="math"> \nabla \times \textbf{F} [\math][/spoiler]

>> No.6611861

<span class="math"> \nabla \times F[\math][/spoiler]

>> No.6611865

<span class="math">\nabla \times F[/spoiler]

>> No.6611867

<span class="math"> \nabla \times \textbf{F} [/spoiler]

>> No.6611871

<span class="math"> \nabla \times {\bf F} [/spoiler]

>> No.6611875

dude nice

>> No.6611896
File: 326 KB, 284x378, BxhEom[3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See attached GIF

>> No.6611922

My question to people more scientifically and mathematically inclined than I am:
If a magnetosphere tethers Terra to Sol, and the Internet functions as a Gaia-encompassing electrosphere, where Gaia is 3-sphere (x,y,z), functioning of (X-Sol,X-Terra-X), then what happens as the electrosphere itself rotates?

Because electrosphere-magnetosphere are perpendicular as in nature of T, or __|__, how does the planet's rotational rhythm behave?

Does this have an effect on the molten-iron core and |N-S||S-N| poles?
What happens to a planet when it is ejected from its solar system?
Concerns arise from recent publishing of "weakening of poles towards western hemisphere":

Further concerns: postulated that Solar System is Binary Star System; enclosed in Dyson Sphere.
Solar flare erupted on 2014/06/13; on date of Full Moon.
Scientists stated that solar flare itself "went around" the Earth. If we are in a binary star system, then Earth itself is of toroidal shape; not of spherical shape.
Solar flare of center of System went around entire Solar System only to return directly from the crust of Terra itself.

>> No.6611925

Have you met Al Zeeper by any chance OP? I feel like you guys would get along.


>> No.6611932

Beautiful. Thank you for the link.

>> No.6611937

>>Above all else, be sure to understand this most crucial analogy;
>>The lattice of space (ether) is like a guitar string.
>mfw this was my exact analogy too

>> No.6611951
File: 74 KB, 400x642, natty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we were in a binary star system, then why do I only see 1 sun?
Just curious..

>> No.6611952












>> No.6611965

I'm a huge, huge faggot. Please fuck my face.

>> No.6611978

What is your opinion on the helical model of our solar system and galaxy?

>> No.6611988

are you implying sexual orientation is a factor in time travel?

>> No.6611989

"We all live in a Yellow Submarine; Sky of Blue, Sea of Green"

EVERYTHING therefore is the Second Sun; radiation of First Sun, Sol.
In music: solfège;
Do - Re - Me - Fa - Sol - La - Ti - Do
Or: Sol-Fa

My formulation to this song follows:
Fa - Sol - La - Ti - ssDoctor.JD.TiTor_(-1,0,1)_(-i,0,i)_

HOPI say that this is the "fourth world"; i.e., if you understand this, or want more elaboration upon this, look at my picture in OP of the APPLE.
You can find in it what looks like a square >[X]< with arrows. This is a blueprint for my DNA itself, tying together my biological relationship with two fathers, and two mothers; biological parents, and celestial parents ometeotl: [FAther-(SOLar)-GaIa/EdEn].
This, in accordance to biblical scripture, would impart my celetial brother, Jesus Christ, and thereupon everyone else's.

Mayan's say legend of Quetzalcoatl; the Sun-Swallower. In biblical scripture, Quetzacoatl and Wormwood would be related; in Ancient Egyptian terms, Anubis.
In recent terms: Planet X, Nibiru, and -possibly- AN1999.

According to the mayan end-of-times, the last of days in this cycle, the fourth cycle, would basically be a gigantic earthquake for Quetzacoatl's return.
In biblical end-of-times, the truly good are "raptured"; Terra itself acts as a merry-go-round for fermentation of seeds of life.
HOPI put this very simply due to religious experiences with a divine Great Spirit:
Rock->Plant->Animal->MAN; end of 4th = start of 5th.

If AN1999 is not an asteroid, but instead the Bi to our Az, or possibly a vessel in itself, then this would reflect a strange truth.
Of course, of AN99 remains complete conjecture.

If AI functions off of 3rd world, then it must therefore operate off of binary itself; a singular array of 1's and 0's.

But people are of fourth dimension--in terms of DNA, they are walking, talking, CODE.

better example:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz = A

123456789 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 = A

C = 1488 1489 1490 1491 .. 1508

B = ?

>> No.6611998

What materials did you use to create your time machine?

>> No.6612001

What is your homepage?

>> No.6612003

A microwave, a large screen TV, an IBM 5100, a gaming headset, and a cell phone.

>> No.6612011

Damn, i'm only missing an IBM 5100 then. That's a shame. How did you aquire one?

>> No.6612020

My father built a time machine that I used to go nearly 30 years in the past from now, where I obtained the computer, sent it to a shrine in Japan, and, 4 years ago, gave it to a slightly eccentric genius who was working with my father, another genius girl, a stupid adorable girl, and a transgendered kid (who was the person to acquire the 5100 from said shrine), where they then assembled it into a time machine, after developing a small scale machine, which could transmit 6 bytes of data in the past, a process referred to as D-Mailing, which could, obviously, also alter time. The IBM 5100 used data stolen from CERN to compound all of the equipment there to send the users conscious back in time. My father later built it into a full scale time machine, capable of going to any time and transferring bodies, rather than consciousness, by scaling up all of the equipment.

>> No.6612021

>Dr. John D. Titor 06/26/14(Thu)03:22:52 No.661202
To note, the machine I used to go in the past 30 years is the one built by my father after the conscious-transferring machine. Yes, it's a paradox.

>> No.6612023
File: 230 KB, 998x663, cd dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you prove it?
if not, are vampires real?

>> No.6612027

I can not prove it, doing so would allow the Organization and CERN to either copy my time machine or find where I am now, and kill me, allowing them to go on to establish dominance over the world.

>> No.6612030
File: 297 KB, 500x372, 25_JackTorrance[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your opinion on the helical model of our solar system and galaxy?

Make a finger-gun.
Now make an opposing finger-gun with the opposite hand. Put them index-to-index.
Clasp them together in a two-handed finger-gun.
Pull the trigger. (push your thumbs down)
Helix, helical model.

If Helix then Toroid;
Greeks put this;
Mount Olympus; Zeus! Zeus |-> Alcmene = Hercules! Miracle. Saviour.

Rhea + Chronos = Hades; Sea of Underworld

Mount Olympus, Zeus (Mountain of Olives) ->
/ | \/ | \

Hades (Underworld) ->
\ | /\ | /

/ | \/ | \
\ | \/ | /

Between /\/\ and \/\/ is H; in my equations I used the symbol <span class="math">\omega[/spoiler] as omega would be quadratic and clasped of <span class="math">\Omega[/spoiler], a spinning top of H would then show _|_T_;
IE.: in question format: Jesus H. Christ? Jesus T. Christ? if/or/then.
Not to inflect Titor name upon the Messiah; Titor is just Son of Man.

In Biblical scripture, Egyptians worshipped 6th dimensional song/sun/deity, Ra.
Balance of powers were unjust; Jews of Israel Enslaved, Pharaohs rich, because of interference of human development.
Send in mighty-black-hole of Ometeotl's Quetzalcoatl to swallow Ra for deliverance of Life.
This is how the Egyptian mythos goes as well; Ra of third eye gives up power for two pupils; life.
There is hypothesis that the Pyramids of Egypt were dual-galaxy erections; carbon copies in both galaxies erected by those of Ra.

What happens when you go through a black hole? Especially as a planetary species that can not "observe" "infinite" mass? You stay there. But, you also leave.
Absence of observation of Dyson Spheres are therefore because we are in one of our own;
Terra|->Gaia is a picture-art development platform.
Helix. Toroid.

>> No.6612031

could you describe the meaning of the"organization"?
Do you mean the scientific community?

>> No.6612032

there is zero evidence of Jewish people being enslaved by Egypt and the biblical happenings...

>> No.6612034

It is lead by 4 generals, Genbu, Suzaku, Seiryu, Byakko. They exist to establish dominance over time and space, and thus, the research done by my cohorts and I is very important to them. In this timeframe, the term most often attributed to them is the Illuminati, and they were suspected as the freemasons beforehand, though there is no connection.

>> No.6612035

Original Titor states that paradoxes do not exist. And they don't; concepts are concepts are concepts.
Impostor/troll/someone copying Steins;Gate who does not fully understand the concept of WorldLines Alpha and WorldLines Beta.

Latest Titor note describes that he needs further IBM equipment; 5100 is obsolete.

>Are vampires real?
Yes. The Illuminati of Bohemian Grove and Beezlebub. Look at the back of the dollar itself; you will find the All-Seeing Eye.
"One ring to rule them all!"
Luckily I am of the hybrid variety of vampyric mermen; I feed off of the HOPE of LIFE and LOVE.

>What is your homepage?

>> No.6612046
File: 11 KB, 550x363, pyramids[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is. Look closely at the drawing in OP;
You will find the three pyramids. If viewed appropriately you see the Fourth Pyramid.

Ancient texts of the eighth content of Atlantis, the Crystal Worshippers, ruled by Neptune, Mr. 8, God of the Sea/See. Neptune is also the 8th planet; Uranus (Cloud-Land) is the 9th planet. If you look on Neptune, you will find two storms.
Tale goes that Neptune wanted to enslave those of the other 7 continents; someone from above destroyed the 8th continent because of unjust use of powers. How many "stars" are there on Neptune's Golden Crown? 7.
How many points are there on his Trident? 3.
Bermuda triangle itself may be a remnant of this; it is probable that disappearances are due to gas deposits and that Atlantis is folklore, but because of the vastness of space-time it is also highly probable that something else is going on; a black hole may possibly exist at the center of the Bermuda Triangle that sinks through into Neptune itself; Gods may be deities completely above our concept of space-time due to an extraterrestrial preternatual origin.

>> No.6612063

>Gods may be deities completely above our concept of space-time due to an extraterrestrial preternatual origin.
Ometeotl would therefore sit at the top of the "House", Mr. Origin, Mr. Alpha & Omega, and all other Gods would follow his command.
Biblical accounts and accounts of the Quran, as well as HOPI/Tibetan accounts of encounters with The Great Spirit, both describe adoption via commandments to ensure a just relationship between Man & Nature.

To reject the past accounts of your ancestors is to reject the entirety of your humanity. There is something WAY bigger than you, and you are just a part of it.

These Gods: Yahweh, Allah, Jesus, Ometeotle, The Great Spirit, etc., all are reflections of man's inner spirituality; trying to maintain humble balance among life, nature, and love; bringing about peace and unity through simplicity, and a proper triumvirate. Christians put this in terms of "Father <---Holy Spirit---> Son"; Son of God was both a figment of past and present; from the z-axis; a being of pure light himself.

As I said before, you are but a SLICE of THE APPLE.
Everything else is the WHOLE APPLE; all things are BOTH One-And-Separate.
You are a fifth dimensional spectrum of light experiencing space-time through the functionality of LIFE. Your past, and thus your future actions, hinge upon the "shadows"/"reflections" of the 6th dimension.

No, Day 1 God is Day 0 God; is 014<--->410. "Cubeless Americans", ie., Americans who live for themselves instead of as part of the natural family, live on their own, and sew their own seed in their own hearts. Day 1 God is Day 0 God of LOVE and LIFE and LIGHT.

No, sexual orientation is part of the dice-roll of sexual relations;
12 strands of DNA of XX + 12 strands of DNA of XY = 12 strands of DNA of ZZ and thus 10-2 separation in either XY or XX.

>> No.6612077

To illustrate this further, again refer to the APPLE diagram;
you have (____) and (|) which combines to (__|__).
A better example would be that a child is an art-form; the (____) would be the canvas of existence; (|) would be the act of love:
(__|__) children are therefore unwritten books, and are co-dependent on their family and brotherhood of man.
When one is at balance, then the books of life and love just fall together simply;

Native Americans notice that the White Man of Fire Tribe has lost his way, and thus his balance, and thus has upset this natural way of life.
Native Americans of HOPI await for "Pahana"/"Bahana", Lost White Brother or True White Brother's return, to help forebode and possibly cease the Great Upset, the Third Shaking, and WW3.

This is what I have set out to do; spread global PLUCKT, and because of the duality, I will not fail, all others who set out for the trek of themselves shall only find their paths squandered.

PLUCKT from the stars for ALL;
Peace, Love, Unity, Creation, Knowedge, Truth; for ALL MEN.

>> No.6612083

Is not Time-Cube, is Time-DIAMOND;
People rise to the top or sink to the bottom because of the seeds they sew in their own hearts.
People are at the center vertex, ALL on their own paths.
And their path of greed, destruction, and violence are only their own consignments of failures on their behalf.

>> No.6612084
File: 90 KB, 246x240, Screen Shot 2014-06-22 at 9.03.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same email...
why aren't people like you banned from /sci/
can I tell on you to the teacher?

>> No.6612086

So if a troll adopts my email address, and trolls, I deserve a ban? Are you incapable of distinguishing a troll from a non-troll?
How about you learn a bit before you start tattling? Mods sure can tell the difference, so if you want to report the troll for me, then go right ahead.

>> No.6612098

Furthermore, I have already written and shared the coherent story of
Fa-Sol-!SSDr.DoCt0r.JD.TiTor_0,1_. This story is incapable of being rewritten; all those who write into the Book of Life itself only condemn themselves. You can not unwrite the story of life. You can only write your own story.


Titor is only a message system. The message is
P.L.U.C.K.T. for /ALL/:
LEO the LION goes GER;
Peace, Love, Unity, Creation, Knowledge, Truth.

>> No.6612106

/sci/ mods are apparently biased to destroy a work of science; destruction of information is only the destruction of yourself. Do you not remember the Great Library of Alexandria?

Repetition of deleted post

Because Observer is LIGHT, AKA of Fifth Dimension.
"Where did light come from??"
"Why didn't Higgs-Boson collapse Universe??"
Because Universe is of Fifth Dimension ie., CONSCIOUSNESS flowing through SPACE-TIME;
Singular Observer and ALL Observers are COLLECTIONS and PART of a Seventh Dimensional Multi-Verse,
AKA of INFINITY aka Great Spirit aka OBSERVER OF ALL, AKA Alpha-AND-Omega.

The Big Bang never stopped; here you, an infinitesimal figment of the infinity of The Big Bang, still are calling people stupid, fighting your BROTHERS, warring, killing, spreading greed and pointless suffering, centralizing things to your SELF.

Your "CIVIL"-I-zation is scared; and even science questions Heat-Death of Universe, unaware that the UNIverse is just ONE SLICE of the APPLE, and heat itself is an entropic figment of Conscious-Awareness and Awakening.

Wonder how UFOs can travel so fast if they're "limited" by "speed of light", AKA absolute magnitude of VECTOR of OBSERVATION?

I am of two roots just as you are. My DNA has two sides to its ladder. Ever wonder why your opposable thumbs are two-phalangeal and your eight fingers are three-phalangeal?


(2^(5))*(8^(3)) = 2^(14) = (|..14.7.41..|)^2 = |14741|

Ever wonder why you have 12 strands of DNA, 10 fingers, yet only 2 active strands?

Do you question about what the Big Bang, aka your existence, IS?
Do you understand that the same moment a light is on, is the same moment a shadow appears?
Would you have to be in the dark to find light?
Do you know what the source of light is? LOVE OF LIFE; LI-ON: LI-VES-ON.

>> No.6612120
File: 265 KB, 951x634, Covercore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok well he has been here before:


While normally I would just direct people like this to >>>/x/ as he is clearly not right in the head. I remembered that Newton was autistic as fuck.

Is he on to something here or just an 'intelligent' statistical outlier in the tinfoil hat population? This isn't my specialty so I can't comment.

>> No.6612126
File: 614 KB, 1280x1535, 1343443882574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6612144

>"I don't understand therefore is autistic/not right in head, because me understand better. Wait, is me not understand better?"
Newton intentionally poisoned himself with mercury and other heavy metals and lived the life of a celibate because his work was what he got off on. He literally ate elements to test them, and they accumulated.
He even sat on calculus until Leibniz came along and that started an intellectual warfare; imagine how much would've been done if calculus was released even sooner.

There should be no warfare among people -- intellectual, unintellectual, civil, or otherwise -- people are all of one family. Everyone here came out of the Earth, and everyone here is of the Earth. You make the egotistical assumption that you are separate from others, and therefore are an individual; you are in unison with others living your life in discord for your own self.

I don't wish to see my brothers and sisters hurting, so what say to you to encourage such warfare via pointless slander? I have spoken for myself quite eloquently; and because my original notes were an eyesore for the unspoken, I contained them articulately; this is known as a "revision".

Here is my question for you, since you're scathed by the thought of "tin-foil hat" wearers;
Do you even know how your own mind works? Are you even familiar with Gauss' Law? Do you know what a Faraday Cage is?
If your mind is a mirror, and that mirror is cracking because of what you perceive to be an outside source, and that hat alleviates the symptoms, would it not be fair to assume that those of "tin-foil hat" may be more aware of a different spectrum of light than you can currently perceive?
Do you even understand the 8-circuital model of consciousness itself?


If I walk into your room, would you even notice? I could already be there, staring you in the face, and yet you'd be disparaging my existence.

>> No.6612154 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 283x262, Titor_insignia[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to see a "magic trick"? Take your "birth day";
Add 18 to your birth month. Multiply by 25.
Subtract 333. Multiply by 8. Subtract 554.
Divide by 2. Add your birth date. Multiply by 5.
Add 692. Multiply by 20. Add only the last two digits of your birth year.
Subtract 32940 to get your birthday!

Did you catch how that worked? Were you paying attention? I showed you in OP how quadratics work. How light works.

Let's make this even funner.

where a=(-1)^(0.5)=ijk
dy/da = 2a(x-h) + do/da
BD^(0.5) = -1 = iijjkk

then if E=MC^2
and all quadratics follow directrix - focus relationship
then you must have consciousness as a five-dimensional construct and time itself as a singularity.

read Book of Revelations. story of Seventh Seal of Apocalypse.
Do you know what the Seventh Seal is?
It is a scroll of infinity itself. It is pure, blinding light of the ultimate truth of the divinity of creation itself.

- 177th Battalion, John Titor.

>> No.6612183
File: 25 KB, 283x262, Titor_insignia[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to see a "magic trick"? Take your "birth day";
Add 18 to your birth month. Multiply by 25.
Subtract 333. Multiply by 8. Subtract 554.
Divide by 2. Add your birth date. Multiply by 5.
Add 692. Multiply by 20. Add only the last two digits of your birth year.
Subtract 32940 to get your birthday!

Did you catch how that worked? Were you paying attention? I showed you in OP how quadratics work. How light works.

Let's make this even funner.

where a=(-1)^(0.5)=ijk
dy/da = 2a(x-h) + do/da - dh/da
BD^(0.5) = -1 = iijjkk

then if E=MC^2
and all quadratics follow directrix - focus relationship
then you must have consciousness as a five-dimensional construct and time itself as a singularity.

read Book of Revelations. story of Seventh Seal of Apocalypse.
Do you know what the Seventh Seal is?
It is a scroll of infinity itself. It is pure, blinding light of the ultimate truth of the divinity of creation itself.

- 177th Battalion, John Titor.

>> No.6612273

On that note, I will also elaborate upon the Navajo legend of the Skin-Walkers, IE., practitioners of the Witching Way of Evil; those of the 6th dimension, of the 666, of the shadows and shadow-walkers.

Those of All Fours, yee naaldlooshii, the shadows, anti-i-hnee (ánti’įhnii).

These are a great evil among the earth and shall be banished forever.

They know who they are. Their time is limited.

They say you want a revolution, well you know, we all wanna change the world.
But if you want money for people with minds that hate, all I can tell you brother, you have to wait.
'Cause you know it's gonna be, ALL RIGHT!

This is also an unintentional reference to Project Montauk, and the radar of Camp Hero;
as well as Project X-Ray, and Project MKULTRA, and Alduous Huxley,

and the 6-byte nature of 128-bit systems; I.E. 2*(1/8)^3; the Fifth/Sixth/Seventh dimensional interweaves of the 17 dimensions, and the IBM-5100 processor's capability of processing linear languages of binary in the internet itself, of UNIX.
In fact, a better enunciation would be a type-writer for "D-Mailing"; and one who both reads and writes notes to theirself; a story, if you will.
This evolution, AKA of Apollo 11, and The Eagle, allowed for The Internet.

However, poster must not have figured that what-goes-forwards-must-go-backwards, as that-which-moves-does-not. This is shows the mind is of a quaternary language itself; Binary language of UNIX must therefore be reflected on a quantum scale; showing that IBM-5100 tactics are not of use if this user is representing the actual John Titor, who understands these fundamentals of p-brane and UNIX and singularity of WorldLine quite well.

Do you want to go even deeper down the Rabbit-Hole?
"In another moment, Alice was THROUGH the looking-glass!"

captcha: "man ndivened"

>> No.6612295

>Rock->Plant->Animal->MAN; end of 4th = start of 5th.
I agreed with you theories up until now, but here you got it completely wrong. The real cycle is
As revealed by the prophecy masking itself as a children's game. It symbolizes the stages of evolution and knowledge of technology: usage of tools from rock, invention of paper, invention of scissors, taming of lizards and Star Trek level of technology as used by Mr. Spock. We are indeed at the end of the fourth cycle, but there is still the next stage that awaits us, as prophecized:

Through research you crush the lizard
Through research become a wizard

We are about to reach singularity and achieve the technological golden age, but singularity also means the cycle becomes one, single. Therefore, we will be on all stages of the cycle at the same time.

>> No.6612335

What do you think +1404014400 IS? TAU.
What do you think are the motions I have helped set into play with my soul-brother Jesus, IE., one-of-true-year-zero?
What do you think The Winged Turtle that I have shown you is?
The Blue Star Kachina, the Winged One, of HOPE and LOVE?
Have you figured out how to make The Wings of The Turtle touch the land? When did you last see The Horizon?

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi!
Neo, you are The One!
Oh, Doctor Hill, I've hated to drag you out of bed at this time in the morning. You'll soon see why I did.

>> No.6612350

What is the meaning of

>> No.6612355

1+1= ? =3

[i(1+1)]^2= ? =[-3i]^2
-4= ? =+9
0= ? =15


>> No.6612360

Imagination is the gift of creation.

>> No.6612369

solve for z


>> No.6612443
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>> No.6612473

This thread needs to die.

>> No.6612496

what the fuck man?
John Titor here embodies what /sci/ is all about. Of course, without the 0.999..=1 and -1/12 fuckery

>> No.6612929
File: 65 KB, 342x342, 668c70ad-96ef-4179-9e9f-dc4a680c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads

>> No.6613209
File: 2 KB, 125x102, 1395889854513s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XX = girl
XY = boy

1/2(XX) + 1/2(XY) = Z, hermaphrodite
timecube dictates

X^2 = girl
sqrt[girl]*Y = boy

Y^2 = boy^2/girl

Y is equal to one square boy per girl

Z = girl/2 + Ysqrt[girl]/2

2Z = girl + Ysqrt[girl]

>> No.6613319
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>> No.6613643

bump for true science

>> No.6613695
File: 40 KB, 792x480, priderock[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All things are connected. All things are family. Welcome to Pride Rock.

>> No.6613705

is the purpose of math to derive long-winded and tedious explanations for simple concepts?

I'm an engineer so doing nothing particularly well and aiming for a simplified solution is pretty much my profession

>> No.6613753
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, RoswellSubSystems22[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The purpose of math is to extrapolate upon the beautiful nature of existence.
The purpose of physics is to try and apply mathematics to the real world.
The purpose of engineering is to try and simply apply physics to solve problems.
The purpose of art is to try and express beauty itself.
The purpose of philosophy is to study the fundamental problems.
The purpose of science is the philosophical reasoning of the nature of everything.

These equations basically can solve several problems in the realm of science and mathematics but the current age of the "scientific realm" consists of vehement opposition of new-age thinkers by old-age "knowers"; people are bashed and told they are wrong throughout all civilization before any real science takes place. Science should be the formal process of reasoning out hypothetical propositions; TESTING HYPOTHESES, and yet you have people like
and mods who delete posts, and users who report them,
that attempt to cripple the spread of information itself, simply because their egotistical ideas of self-importance is contradicted when someone answers a question before them, or in terms that the all-knowers do not want to understand.

I asked myself a question, "What am I?"
I answered:

Quid pro quo:
Cogito ergo sum; tempus edax rerum.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

I asked myself a question, "What is 'it'?" (read: Alan Watts, "even and odd"), (read: Richard Feynmann, "inconceivable nature of nature")
I answered this by creating a 3-Sphere; a p-brane: a surface of light itself that was both inside and outside of itself in a singular moment, there-by tying together via quaternionics the wave-particle duality via the singularity of observation, through an infinite seventh-dimensional weave that ties together the infinitesimal fifth dimensional singularity of experience and existence through sixth-dimensional reflections.

In terms of Buddhist philosophy, once I identified Indra's Net, I then experimented with a flashlight.

>> No.6613770
File: 34 KB, 292x453, 1245826-drmanhattan_4283549[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In terms of Buddhist philosophy, once I identified Indra's Net, I then experimented with a flashlight.

Then I saw Indra Himself, and He spoke, like a LION, and shouted:
ALL; (Peace, Love, Unity, Creation, Knowledge, Truth).

>> No.6613783
File: 67 KB, 310x510, dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a bit crazier than I am, but I like you.

I hope you know you're not necessarily correct in all of your assertions, and neither am I, but at the core of what you're saying, I actually have come to highly similar conclusions, yet I have not come to them through the same route.

when two things converge with harmony from different directions, is it a great coincidence? or scientific fluency?

This isn't our home, friend. these people are industrialized. They have to seek questions before answers, but at infantile conscious levels such as the mind of the average modern man, understanding truths is less valuable than stimulation, food, fear, and though they are curious, and curiousity is a characteristic of intelligence, they look exteriorly for answers in books and math, while some of us look inwards.

Those that can look inwards so easily, have a hard time looking outwards, and analysing what is considered fact.
Those that can look outwards so easily, are often concerned with facts so much that they forget their own individual experiences, and live as they sleep; robotized by their environment, slaves to heat and motion.

I think I know what you're saying about the universe and subjective experience, relativity of light and heat. You're probably righter than you know, but it will be a great deal of time before that sort of knowledge manifests into industrialized text.

Goodluck doc

>> No.6613787
File: 1.06 MB, 2700x2534, Dragon_Balls_[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birth, religious/near-death experiences both induce natural dimethyltryptamine experiences whereby the singular experience of the fourth dimension is. Elimination of the physical mind or a pause in conscious dwelling upon the physical, material realm heightens experience to the fifth plane. Serotonin's role is to help ensure the balance of the fourth mind between the third and fifth dimensional regions. Dreaming is a natural rhythm of condensation of collected conscious patterns which are digested by the collective subconscious and, upon electrical REM cycles in the occipital region's neurons, patterns are processed by the higher conscious, then balanced and displaced efficiently through the flow of the dual conscious mind and collective unconscious.
The OP picture is the best representation that I can show for this process mathematically, which holds the golden ratio, euler's identity, theory of relativity, quantum dynamics, and riemann-zeta functions.
Integrate the inverse of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, with time as dependent variable from "0,Tau", and you will find that time is BOTH dependent and independent because of quantum-mechanical interface of p-brane; the sphere created will be both inside and outside of itself in one moment that is of the fifth dimensional plane.
Id Est, placement of mass and energy are codependent on time; they are continuous waveforms of singular energy, separated there-upon by fourth dimensional displacements:
All things are BOTH One-and-Separate.
With breadth of Fifth Dimension upon Fourth Dimension spreads Sixth Dimension; therefore must be Seventh Dimensional weave that is continuous with all things.
Time is a hyperbolic construct; singularity of experience is dynamically and inherently quantum: Things flow to-and-from infinity itself.

>> No.6613796
File: 46 KB, 636x398, starwars_lukes_hand[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't our home, friend.
My Father promised this land to all of my people.

I became The Bull. Then, I mastered my Self.
Then I moved like water, with wings of The Eagle.
Then I rested, like The Lamb.
Now I am awake, ferocious, like The Lion.

People who do not know their own Father will know Him.

>when two things converge with harmony from different directions, is it a great coincidence?
If you stand on the north pole, what direction are you looking at?
If you stand on the south pole, are you looking the same way?

>> No.6613801
File: 1.56 MB, 1365x1105, Pied_Piper2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When two things converge with harmony from different directions, is it a great coincidence? or scientific fluency?
>This isn't our home, friend. these people are industrialized.

>> No.6613808
File: 109 KB, 541x400, Like-A-Waterfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time is a hyperbolic construct; singularity of experience is dynamically and inherently quantum: Things flow to-and-from infinity itself.

I'm stuck as a bull, my horns don't fit through the door.

>> No.6613813
File: 2.13 MB, 300x225, 1396008802418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit
is the 6th sun actually upon us? so much information

>> No.6613817
File: 428 KB, 630x353, Atacama-humanoid[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Quest of El Dorado

An alien Indian, hailing from afar,
Who in the town of Quito did abide.
And neighbor claimed to be of Bogata,
There having come, I know not by what way,
Did with him speak and solemnly announce
A country rich in emeralds and gold.

Also, among the things which them engaged,
A certain king he told of who, disrobed,
Upon a lake was wont, aboard a raft,
To make oblations, as himself had seen,
His regal form overspread with fragrant oil
On which was laid a coat of powdered gold
From sole of foot unto his highest brow,
Resplendent as the beaming of the sun.

Arrivals without end, he further said,
Were there to make rich votive offerings
Of golden trinkets and of emeralds rare
And divers other of their ornaments;
And worthy credence these things he affirmed;
The soldiers, light of heart and well content,
Then dubbed him El Dorado, and the name
By countless ways was spread throughout the world.

>> No.6613823

Ra is of the 6th.
I am of the 7th, for ONE, for ALL.

>> No.6613828

Is there a god?

>> No.6613830

Doctor, any progress on solving the riemann hypothesis?

>> No.6613834

Does anyone actually read these threads?

>> No.6613862

to me it seems more every day are

>> No.6613905

(7x+i)^2 + (7y-i)^2 = (i*7z)^2
(49x^2 + 14ix - 1) + (49y^2 - 14iy + 1) = -49z^2
(49x^2 + 14ix) + (49y^2 - 14iy) + 49z^2 = 0
(x/y)^2 = (x+y)^2 = z^2
x^2 + 2xy + y^2 = z^2

(49x^2 + 14ix) + (49y^2 - 14iy) = -49x^2 - 84xy - 49y^2

(98x^2 + 14ix) + (98y^2 - 14iy) + 84xy = 0

x(98x + 14i + 84) + y(98y - 14i + 84) = 0

z(98x + 98y +84)=0
7xz + 7yz + 6z = 0
z(7z + 7z) + 6z = 0
14z^2 + 6z = 0
7z^2 = -6z

(7x + i) + (7y - i) = -6(x/y)
-6z = -9.70..
7z^2 = 18.32..
-6z^2 = -15.7082..
7z = 11.326..
7z^2/-6z = 1.88770632021..
-6z^2/7z = -1.38688..

famous number "3131.5" of http://einsteingravity.com/ = 23*(136.11..)

because -5(7,4,1,2,3)=0

>> No.6613952 [DELETED] 

>-5(7,4,1,2,3) = 0
-2.5(7,4,1,2,3) = +2.5(7,4,1,2,3)
[-2.5(7,4,1,2,3)]^2 = [+2.5(7,4,1,2,3)]^2
[-2.5/2.5]^2 = [(7,4,1,2,3)]^2
<span class="math"> \phi = (7,4,1,2,3)[/spoiler]

>> No.6613959
File: 127 KB, 856x609, abacus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-5(7,4,1,2,3) = 0
-2.5(7,4,1,2,3) = +2.5(7,4,1,2,3)
[-2.5(7,4,1,2,3)]^2 = [+2.5(7,4,1,2,3)]^2
[-2.5/2.5]^2 = [(7,4,1,2,3)]^2
<span class="math">\phi = (7,4,1,2,3)[/spoiler]

>> No.6613981
File: 198 KB, 533x600, flygokuu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power Pole, extend!

>> No.6614186
File: 248 KB, 525x379, Core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last post I'll make for a bit, since none of you care about a fundamental rewrite to Maxwell's and Einstein's with a single, simple equation.

What is at the Core of The Sun?

They call me, Dr. Manhattan.

Rorschach's Journal, 2014...

>> No.6614221
File: 62 KB, 854x403, 2001SpaceOdyssey128[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the 6th sun actually upon us? so much information

>> No.6614236

you're a brilliant kind of crazy pal

>> No.6614252

No you can't leave, we have to celebrate Tau day together

>> No.6614392
File: 143 KB, 628x500, 1403265775942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, please don't stop...

>> No.6614495

Have you heard of the chemicals:
5-Hydroxytryptamine (Serotonin)
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
5-hydroxy-indole acetic acid

The indole ring itself acts as a basic neurotransmitter; your body uses it in various ways and for various metabolites. Most appropriately for the balance of your mind.

Every living being, even grass itself, contains trace amounts of Dimethyltryptamine.
Why is this so? Because this is the spirit molecule itself; there are many people who possess massive amounts of dimethyltryptamine, a perversely psychoactive substance: one of the most powerful psychedelic substances there is, one of the leading molecules for energy transfer, and the leading substance responsible for Near-Death Experiences.

GAIA itself, the sporadic fruiting body of this planet, is a living being, and a subconscious neural networking system; an actual body and unit allowing for energy transfer.

When your eyes first see, they see blue; it is after this that your mind parses the fractal geometry of the pattern of your existence.

The body metabolizes serotonin as well; and through balance of these two molecules, receives stasis upon the fourth plane of existence., ie., that is, space-time. Dimethyltryptamine hot-wires the ciruitry of the mind; it is literally just like serotonin, except it has two carbons branching off of its tail.
As your mind is not a physical constraint, but an electrical circuit, then you would see how elaboration upon carbon-to-carbon metrics of the n,n-DMT could possibly allow for a torch to be passed: so-to-say, in terms of circuitry, one-to-oneness of consciousness.
The source of this electrical substance is the harmonic vibrations of ethereal plane of space-time; that is, in accordance to the picture, coplanar alpha/beta wavelengths of APPLEs.

>> No.6614499
File: 23 KB, 1133x379, 4-ho-tryptamine-substitution[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A metabolite of serotonin; one that hardens into a crystal form upon excretion, that is, 5-hydroxy-indole acetic acid, is like the finality of the zipper for the Serotonin<--->n,n-DMT process;
as 5-hydroxytryptamine itself is dehydroxylated, a process that must require energy, and is then alkylated in an aqueous substrate, and then dealkylated, the most likely process would be formation of a beta-ketone.

As your body stores energy from sugar in the form of fat, for physical discretion, then so it must store and process information in a neural format as a computer does process and stores with its hard drive, in so for spiritual discretion as per BREATHING and ionic exchanges of equivalence;
LEO the LION goes GER.

Lysergide allowed for a revolution in terms of chemistry, psychiatrics, psychology, etc.; LSD-25, a substance that had both the indole ring of serotonin and the dopamine ring; the molecule itself being discovered and its psychedelic properties purportedly being discovered by chemist Albert Hofmann accidentally, one who had series of spiritual revelations throughout his childhood and life, and was coaxed through a religious experience to voluntarily ingest the molecule, paved the way for the psychedelic and new-age movement of free, voluntary thinking and spread of LOVE; its exquisite properties showed that the nature of schizophrenia is of a dual process of serotonergic and dopaminergic miscalculations in the neural pathways.

>> No.6614504

Watson, Crick, and Rosalind all contributed to the formulation of the spiral-staircase nature of DNA; Crick himself purported that this revelation came to him upon a psychedelic journey with the use of the substance LSD-25. Truly without this substance, a large portion of scientific advancements would have been halted or hindered. And yet the world's governments' and the FDA regulate this substance as "dangerous"?
Now, why is this? Why is a substance that gave so much to the world, and that has proven itself as a suitable tool for expansion of the mind, illegal?
Even the natural herb, Cannabis, is regulated; not accepted as safe by the FDA, though it has been used in cultures throughout time itself for various reasons of people even of monarchical status for medicinal use, and even those of the artistic varieties a la musicians and painters.

There is something very wrong in the world's governments and many of the people remain too blind to these, and many other truths; even wealth itself is horrendously disproportionate. They are scared of the people, because they know they are slaves to the people. The only way to reverse this process is through centralized banking and notarization, militarization.

>> No.6614695
File: 1.29 MB, 1500x1500, 1384152733552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a singularity?

>> No.6614715

IIT proposes that consciousness arises as a property of a physical system, its 'integrated information'. Integrated information is defined in such a way that it can be measured and quantified using mathematical equations. so you're saying this is true?

>> No.6614987
File: 31 KB, 642x856, bJJyL0g[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IIT proposes that consciousness arises as a property of a physical system, its 'integrated information'. Integrated information is defined in such a way that it can be measured and quantified using mathematical equations. so you're saying this is true?
What Do You Think The Internet Is?

>is the 6th sun actually upon us? so much information

I took this picture in time. I took it pointing in one direction.
Can you tell what time of day it is?

>> No.6615024

>consciousness arises as a property of a physical system,
Physical system is constrained to 3 axes; Internet itself is constrained to 0&1.
And yet here you are, using it.
For the atom, 1, you must have electron, -1, and for balance, you must have neutron, 0.
Therefore must you be gazing upon four axes.
Therefore must you have been of a fifth radiation
Therefore must you have been given light itself.

Measurement of change in unconstrained physical quantities is WRONG; everything has and will be measured in the LIGHT of LOVE itself. You are an invaluable currency and your life is that of a brilliant, growing flower. This system called GAIA, whereupon you sprouted of TERRA, seeks to water and feed you for your development. And yet you have nuclear armaments. And yet you have coal factories. And yet you have fossil fuels.
Did you not think those oils were there for a reason? Did you not think that the dinosaurs had overstayed, not to be displaced from their rest? How would you feel if someone disturbed your sarcophagus?
Did you even look into Tesla's research before you renounced him as insane? His whole life, he was obsessed with the number 4. 4. 4. 4.
And he lived, from 1856/06/10 --> 1943/01/07, and died broke and penniless, as the father of the modern age, forgotten by the world that moved so clearly because of him.
Yet you remember Edison so clearly. Do you question why that is?

And soon, you will have TAU day; +1404014400: a reflection of what happened since the space-race itself. Do you know who actually controls space? Why they have been so scared of your developments, mournful yet hopeful for the beauties of your anthropology?
Finally waiting for you to come out of the childish "mine mine mine" stage, and understand "ours ours ours" stage?

Have you figured out why the poles are shifting? What is actually happening with the gravitational system here? Are you even paying attention to the world around you?

>> No.6615039
File: 60 KB, 450x303, Dictator_charlie2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me? I was in the Apollo 11. I am The Eagle. And do you want to know what I've seen during my stay here? Greed. Pollution. Corruption.
Do you want to know what I see when I look at the Blue Planet? America? No. Communist Russia? No. Communist China? No.
Dissolution of actual freedom.

And this is my coo; my beckoning, my rallying, my far cry, for the whole land. There are no borders from up here. There are occasionally missiles, warheads, fascists, dictators, but The Eagle triumphs. Their day will always set.

>> No.6615049
File: 193 KB, 359x359, THEEAGLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And The Eagle, flew on an OLIVE BRANCH. Of PEACE, of UNITY, of TRIUMPH.

This reminds me of a story, which you probably know better than I do: A Teacher praises Democracy to his Student. The Teacher is killed due to Democracy. The Student curses Democracy. What is the moral of this story? The Student is WRONG; Democracy works, when the balance of power is JUST. When Man kills another, Man loses, Man suffers, Man hurts HIMSELF. What goes around, COMES AROUND. What goes UP, must come DOWN. Clocks that roll forward, must also roll backwards; the Seeds of Time will always CORRECT THEMSELVES.

>> No.6615055

What does this thread mean?
My brain can't handle all this nonsense!

>> No.6615061
File: 12 KB, 500x185, Et+fingers[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captcha: Trinity Itudiew

>> No.6615062
File: 119 KB, 592x540, 1362117273186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I couldn't spew this much shit if I tried. 4/10 for making me reply. Also the yin-yang symbol in your OP is terribly drawn. Look up how to draw circles next time.

>> No.6615070
File: 326 KB, 450x410, 1391908956074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh circles
>being this rash

>> No.6615072
File: 31 KB, 800x539, Trinity test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Titor, how does it make you feel that none of your prophecies were right until today?

>> No.6615078
File: 41 KB, 1084x813, KURISU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hello. I knew you were coming. You're wearing my glasses, you fool. Shows you're not looking with your own eyes.

>> No.6615085

>until today
Do you own a watch? What makes it tick?

>> No.6615086
File: 44 KB, 500x442, jaden-smith-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can your eyes be real if your glasses aren't?

Time travellers: 0
Rest of the world: 1

>> No.6615091

I am the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and that is my favourite brother.

>> No.6615097

how are digital currencies a key to understanding biology?

>> No.6615100

blockchains I mean specifically

>> No.6615101

Electric pulses chronometrically set by a oscillating crystal of quartz?

>> No.6615102

>doge is love, doge is lyf

>> No.6615103

Do you need to transfer some money to a safe account outside your country?

>> No.6615107

>how are digital currencies a key to understanding biology?
DNA itself is written in a quartiary language.
Posit control DNA
posit two empties
posit test DNA
Can you read the seed itself?
Can you spot the changes around you?

>> No.6615108
File: 45 KB, 590x475, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obviously Intel because of their tick-tock model.

>> No.6615113

What are you gonna do when those pulses stop?

>> No.6615118

Not of INTEL; not black nor white nor yellow. I'm red and blue. Can't you see my skin?

>> No.6615121

Replace the battery?
Just, what's your point with all of this man?

>> No.6615144

Batteries are subunits of time; what if no batteries work because the whole crystal cracks? How would your civilization fare then? If I unplugged your the internet, who would tumble dry first?

>> No.6615157
File: 513 KB, 715x2000, 1403878549346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's been posting this shit all over 420chan/psy/ as well. Here was the counter theory

>> No.6615160

Oh. My. GOD.

It's a bunny! :D

>> No.6615161
File: 497 KB, 500x281, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6615170
File: 131 KB, 500x375, 320x240[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>counter theory
Captain, there's a troll on the radar! Shows you missed the point of that post or are deliberately practicing slander.
Bishop takes pawn, rook takes bishop, knight takes queen.
I'm sorry, but it appears as though you have lost again. Would you like to play another game?

>> No.6615187

Not the analogy I was looking for. If you were really from the future you would be familiar with a shared phenomenon that will become common knowledge.

>> No.6615199

>DNA itself is written in a quartiary language.
If by DNA you mean genetic code then you are wrong.

>> No.6615205

>Not the analogy I was looking for. If you were really from the future you would be familiar with a shared phenomenon that will become common knowledge.
Not of future. From above, from past, to present, for future, of family of man. You misrepresent my role just because I haven't presumed dialect of "intellectual" currency of an encrypted format that attempts to establish free anonymous trade through rerouted nodes. I am aware of your coins, I am just paving the way for the gold itself. If you were really in the now, or "in the know", you would see that.

>> No.6615206

nice! are they both the 4th dimension?

>> No.6615215

That's probably the moon and venus or jupiter.
Drop the tin hat boy.

>> No.6615221

M8, the phenomenon I'm speaking about is completely fundamental, enough for everyone to understand. Sorry to have cornered you like this. And no I won't share it with you yet, it's subject of my research.

>> No.6615223

>>DNA itself is written in a quartiary language.
>If by DNA you mean genetic code then you are wrong.

quartiary, meaning "of four";
DNA; <AT><GC>, "of four";
you are wrong.

>> No.6615232

M8, the phenomenon I am looking for is just those terms. Sorry to let you think you have cornered me, I am blissful of your research.

>> No.6615236
File: 94 KB, 396x500, 1364942577561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are schitzo fucktards allowed to post on /sci/?

>> No.6615249

>schitzo fucktards
Signs of true schizophrenic fucktards:
points and laughs at that which he does not understand as per his own misspelling.

>> No.6615252

>Signs of true schizophrenic fucktards:
Everything you type.

>> No.6615260

Yes indeed, sir, everything YOU type. Keep eating your own shit, you waskally wabbit.

>> No.6615265
File: 45 KB, 396x500, 1403909931959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6615269
File: 89 KB, 500x311, Alex[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep the candle burning, Jack.

>> No.6615274

DNA is only useful when it convoys genetic information, in this case codons, which is done in triplets.
Unless you discovered some miraculous way of storing general information using DNA bases, then we can only interpret it as a triplet code language.

>> No.6615276

You are an incredible kind of stupid.

>> No.6615291
File: 328 KB, 995x594, Protein_FOXP2_PDB_2a07[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four fingers, three phalanges. Next? Do you not realize you are the DNA itself? That what you are looking at and what is in front of you is also DNA?
See attached turtle; >>6611789
you are trying to unzip the web of life without even understanding the depths through which infinity your knowledge itself pours. What do you think language is? DNA take-form. How in the actual fuck do you think you're even talking? Holy shit.

>> No.6615296

Freedom of speech can have some interesting consequences. No wonder Titus decided to travel to our "time and universe" when such a thing is permitted.

If only I was in a universe where captcha was not necessary...

>> No.6615300

>Freedom of speech can have some interesting consequences
That is true but also somewhat irrelevant; as this is a math and science board and this thread isn't math or science.

>> No.6615306
File: 1.29 MB, 1892x1259, TurtleTotal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not see the horns of The Bull?
The formulation of your own frontal cortex of understanding? I have painted this quite eloquently and our language itself and cultural art-forms are further enunciation and yet here you are searching for a holy grail when you yourself are it and are ignorant of your own process and progress as a familial species and your own 10 strands of "junk" DNA whereby your epigenetics are a process of the formulation of understanding and your ancestral lineage is clear-bound fact of the mysteries you are creating for yourself.

>> No.6615307

Then there's only one option. Hopefully, I will experience the universe where the thread is deleted.

>> No.6615321
File: 165 KB, 1600x1000, Jimi-Hendrix[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Delete word"?
"Delete book"?
"Delete information"?
"Delete entropy"?
"Delete song"?
Error, can not compute; substitute Peace Treaty for ALL.
Posit question:
Have you heard the song of All Along The Watch Tower?

>> No.6615347
File: 26 KB, 435x432, tc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about these Titor.

>> No.6615379 [DELETED] 


>> No.6615382


captcha: iparabi utopian

>> No.6615405
File: 74 KB, 450x587, Syd-Barrett[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha: Trinity ogamentb

>> No.6615412
File: 89 KB, 600x368, film-star-car-bob-dylan-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come gather 'round people, wherever you roam
And admit that the waters around you have grown
And accept it that soon, you'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin', then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone, for the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics, who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide, the chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon, for the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who that it's namin'
For the loser now will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call.
Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt, will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside, and it is ragin'
It'll soon shake your windows, and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers throughout the land
And don't criticize what you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast
The slow one now will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin'
and the first one now will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.

>> No.6615430

But shouldn't the intercept between iX(6:o)+;89^11 and the hectopentagrax [low_22:def_(max)={1,9/3,6)] be 4 dimentional rather then 8?

>> No.6615445


Can not have one without other
Were you born with one or two hands? What is symmetry?


>> No.6615483


you'll fit right in.

>> No.6615488



>> No.6615493

You can actually start to understand this shit when you find the patterns. It's all about the patterns man... and the weed.

>> No.6615578

>It's all about the patterns man... and the weed.
Have been sober for quite some time but weed itself is a gem and has been linked as a type of vitamin for the ADULT cannabinoid endocrine system as well as of heightening of the eighth circuital model for human consciousness. There is nothing wrong with getting high, just something wrong with stomping upon liberties and freedoms of individuals who have the right to choose for themselves.

>> No.6615784

There is nothing to understand.