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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6609474 No.6609474 [Reply] [Original]

Why does poop smell and taste bad? Is there a scientific reeson?

>> No.6609476

So you don't eat it and become sick

>> No.6609477

why would it make you sick? Food is just leftovers from stuff you have already eaten. If you able to eat that stuff once, why wouldnt you be able to eat it again?

>> No.6609479
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>he doesn't love the taste of poop

>> No.6609483

because it's decomposing organic matter. can you eat compost?

>> No.6609486

theoretically, yes

>> No.6609493

OP confirmed for eating shit

>> No.6609499

>not eating shit

fucking casual

>> No.6609500

>Why does poop smell and taste bad?

there's a story behind this, and I don't want to hear it.

>> No.6609510

no you can't dip shit. it has bacteria that will make you sick and kill you if you keep ingesting more.

>> No.6609511

Ok, so I was playing around with my poop as usual, making stick people and other shapes and stuff. I got sick of the ole routine and gave it taste.

>> No.6609512

>being this dumb

There are more bacteria in our body than cells in our body. bacteria are clearly not harmful to us. you are thinking of viruses

>> No.6609520

people can drink their piss, what makes you think they couldn't eat their shit?

>> No.6609534

Ladies and gentlemen: /sci/ - /b/&/v/

>> No.6609537

>literally a shit thread


>> No.6609539

smell & taste are subjective

>> No.6609545

>smell & taste are subjective

Kek, no they are not. Maybe to a certain degree, but No body finds urine tasty or poop tasty

>> No.6609554

some people love to eat shit and drink piss

>> No.6609557

some people like to cut themselves, doesn't mean stabbing yourself wont hurt

>> No.6609566

You can't drink piss because it's acidic, warm and salty, which makes you vomit.

>> No.6609571

plenty of people have drunk it to survive, retard piece of shit stupid fucking cunt whore

>> No.6609573

Fuck off back to /b/, cancer.

>> No.6609577

>can't refute me

top kek retard

>> No.6609586

Can't refute the mentally disabled.

>> No.6609591

What does your mom have to do with this?

>> No.6609595

I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt and think you're a troll rather than a complete retard but I just can't tell anymore.

>> No.6609598

>durr Im two stupid to come up with a counter argument durrrr
>i know, ill call him a troll!
>problem solved@!1

>> No.6609601

I could very easily give a counter argument. The problem is it's just not worth my time to actually give an explanation to a bunch of brain dead cretins.

Also, shitpost harder.

>> No.6609602

Actually you can drink your urine, but it will not help you survive, as it would decrease the amount of water reabsorbed in the nephrons as there will be less water reabsorbed due to the salt of the urine reducing the concentration gradient of the salt in the medulla of the kidney, thus reducing the amount of water reabsorbed through osmosis.

>> No.6609604

youve already wasted like 10 posts. You could have made the argument already. I just dont think you can :) coward.

>> No.6609606

I've made 2 posts actually. Now 3 with this one.

>> No.6609611

>still can't refute me

top kek

>> No.6609615
File: 49 KB, 600x1104, i was only pretending to be retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6609621

Back to /mlp/ or /pol/, they enjoy beating up retards.

>> No.6609624

That picture isn't even relevant to the conversation dump ass.

>le back /Xboard/ meme


>> No.6609934
File: 62 KB, 369x399, 1395657420696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck is going on

>> No.6609947

Some retards are being retarded and spouting retarded shit, other retards call them retarded for doing so, retarded people get mad at being called retarded and lash out at the retards who called them retarded.

>> No.6610148

OP look up food spoilage

>> No.6610185

Such an shitpost , litteraly

>> No.6610225

Oh wow shut the fuck up

>> No.6610226

And it's called coprophilia OP.

Many animals do this. And for humans it's considered a fetish. Personally witnessed quite a few hentai featuring that literal shit

Just go read up on feces, what constitutes them, etc

>> No.6610233

wtf, is this what American shit looks like? Even your shit looks like it ate too many burgers and is about to have a heartattack, how the fuck is it so oily

that's fucking disgusting, I hope you're ashamed

>> No.6610239

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.6610245

Why is /sci/ the least intelligent board?

>> No.6610254

Because of influx from other boards.

hey /sci/ can u pls eplain global warming xDDDD what's 9*2/(6+3) xDDDDDDDDD

Janitor refuses to clean up, and this is the result.

>> No.6610257

Because of the massive amounts of bacterial activity present in the gut. Eating it would introduce those bacteria into areas they shouldn't be, like the stomach. It would also throw off the balance of the variety of bacteria within the gut, causing illness and irritation.