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File: 151 KB, 900x600, world_socialist_flag_by_frankoko-d4u7h7o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6587650 No.6587650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you believe that scientific progression is the future of mankind, then why aren't you a national socialist?

>> No.6587656

Better International Socialism

>> No.6587660

Why not /pol/?

>> No.6587661

Because that's stupid.


>> No.6587664

>international socialism
>implying you're not part of the illerminaty

>> No.6587668

>soviet union
>national socialist

Have a nice day Rabbi Goldstein

>> No.6587677

My point is that trying to tack conduction of research to an ideology is stupid.

>> No.6587681

I am.

>> No.6587711

>national socialist
picked the wrong flag here didn't we?

>> No.6587718

Nationalism is often at odds with free thought and meritocracy.

>> No.6587729
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Because I like technology OP.

Please kill yourself or go live in North Korea.

I'm sure they have plenty of technology there.

>> No.6587748
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Because I don't believe that sitting on your ass and doing nothing but spitting out kids should be rewarded the same as dedicating your life to the STEM fields, or the embetterment of human kind in general.

>> No.6587752

I hope that's inflation adjusted.

The dollar today is twenty times what it was worth in 1914 if you assume average 3% inflation

>> No.6587756
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But I am.

>> No.6587757

>I hope that's inflation adjusted.
It is.


>> No.6587761
File: 917 KB, 1700x1095, purchasing-power-of-the-us-dollar-1913-to-20132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you faggots talking about

>> No.6587762

They don't know. They just don't know.

>> No.6587764


Yes I do actually. I don't support central banking.

>> No.6587765


Because OP is an edgy faggot of epic proportions.

>> No.6587769

Because socialism doesn't work.


>> No.6587771

Andrew Jackson was the most national socialist of all our presidents and look where he got us. He was the only president to get the nation out of debt

>> No.6587772

Correlation does not imply causation

I am sorry you are so ignorant, but please refrain from posting falacies

>> No.6587779

you can't deny that capitalism improved our lifestyle compared to industrialism and prior.

>> No.6587784

>Andrew Jackson was the most national socialist of all our presidents and look where he got us.
He was more libertarian than anything.
Socialism gets people into debt in the first place.

>> No.6587785

I can, in fact, correlation does not imply causation. Please lrn2basiclogic.

Technological advancement was and is possible in both capitalism and socialism. Conjecturing on what would have happened if Socialism would have ruled the western world since after mercantilism is a very futile exercise in theory-crafting

>> No.6587786

Go on.

>> No.6587790

Because you can't have a meritocracy if research is dictated by ideology.

>> No.6587793
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>Correlation does not imply causation
No shit but

>Technological advancement was and is possible in both capitalism and socialism.
Bull fucking shit, socialism just ripped off the technology of the capitalist west.
They made some of their own technology yes, but it was all basically technological stagnation compared to the capitalist world.
The causation here is clear.

These vast improvements in living standards are due to capitalism.

Slavery doesn't really help with technology.

>> No.6587794

Having debt in a socialistic society is not a problem as society share the burden of the debt.
Having a debt is only a problem unless some goon forces you to pay it at a rate you can't match.

>> No.6587796


>> No.6587800

>Having debt in a socialistic society is not a problem as society share the burden of the debt.
That makes it a fucking problem you retard.
I don't want to share this debt and lower my living standards because the government wasted too much money.

Socialism is a joke.

>> No.6587805



Your possibility to live today would be very low if we lived under socialism.

you gotta go faster

>> No.6587807
File: 68 KB, 640x479, 1402605473801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poisonous snakes should read Mein Kampf. Right now, the more you talk, the more lazy you look like.

>> No.6587808


>These vast improvements in living standards happened while there was a capitalist reigning model in the wstern world. Notice, even then, most advanced country are a mix of socialism and capitalism, so you should even take that statement with due caution

There, I just made your statement accurate for you. I really do wish you do refrain from fallacies in the future, they are misleading.

>> No.6587810

i'm sorry you believe that. socialism doesn't work. Ludwig Von Mises proved that.

>> No.6587812

get >>>/out/

>> No.6587814

>no argument
>continues to be retarded

>> No.6587815

But that is not National Socialism. I hope you have something to say about NatSoc.

>> No.6587817

>Notice, even then, most advanced country are a mix of socialism and capitalism, so you should even take that statement with due caution
Except for the fact the "mixed" economy model came AFTER.

All of the improvements in living standards happens when it was almost mostly capitalism.

In fact our mixed economy today is lowering living standards, look at america and europe.
You don't think central banking is a good thing do you?

>> No.6587819

No, he just hated the shit out of banks.

Less ethics, more experiments. As a med student, it angers me how we are limited to rats and tomography.

>> No.6587825

So you haven't read one book about the topic and I have to get out. What

>> No.6587827

Just use homeless people no one will notice.

>> No.6587833


>All of the improvements in living standards happens when it was almost mostly capitalism.

What a fucking idiot, there are great discoveries being made today, fucking hell, the genome was coded during the 00's, we are ad portas of confirmation of the orogin of life and the Higgs bossom was empirically found some years ago...There was, is and will be science for a long time

I think central banking has goods and bads, first and foremost, to control inflation it has worked.

>> No.6587837

I'm very very sorry, sir. I mean, of course right now the West doesn't deny races and all. Of course we can't have any ideology because you assume it comes from fucking nowhere everytime. What else, lazy bro? Anything else to say?

>> No.6587839

>What a fucking idiot, there are great discoveries being made today, fucking hell, the genome was coded during the 00's, we are ad portas of confirmation of the orogin of life and the Higgs bossom was empirically found some years ago...There was, is and will be science for a long time

We were talking about improvements in living standards(which mostly came from factories, businesses etc).
Not scientific advancements in general.

You fucking idiot.

>first and foremost, to control inflation it has worked.
How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.6587842

>decentralized banking in a global economy
just why?

>> No.6587844
File: 257 KB, 200x214, 1395590188125.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social policy under national socialism (in germany)

>In den ersten Jahren der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft sank die Zahl der Arbeitslosen enorm
>Ende August 1935 nur noch 1,1 Mio.

>extreme decreased unemployment when germany went NatSoc
>by end of august 1935 only 1.1 mil people had no jobs. (that's 1.42 %)

Sorry I thought you mean the communistic socialism.
I truly find national socialism has more potential.

>> No.6587847

It would work much better, it was successful everywhere else it was tried.

>he actually thinks the economy improved with hitler
Cool keynesian bubble and food rationing bro.
FDR and hitler had basically the same fucking policies. Unemployment is irrelevant if everyone is suffering.

>> No.6587849

Yes, today there are new surgieries and invterventions being created to treat different diseases, alzheimer, stem cell research, new bacteria that can digest plastic and that sort of stuff, you delusional fuck...

You do understand that SOME inflation is good, right? It is good that inflation happens and its kept under control

I feel like Im talking to an eight year old

>> No.6587850


today on /sci/: Mengele, the reincarnation.

>> No.6587855

I was joking(mostly).

>> No.6587857

If socialism works so well how cum almost all socialists eventually failed ; What say you about this, HUH???HUH????
Capitalism fails as well ; we need to go back into trading stuff 4 stuff ; tis the only way my brethren !

>> No.6587859

>Yes, today there are new surgieries and invterventions being created to treat different diseases, alzheimer, stem cell research, new bacteria that can digest plastic and that sort of stuff, you delusional fuck...
and that's GREAT.
What's your point?

>You do understand that SOME inflation is good, right?
No it's not you fucking idiot. It destroys people's savings and purchasing power, it causes boom/bust cycles, it raises the price of capital goods, it destroys living standards, it makes the rich richer.

Countries with the strongest currencies are the richest ones.

>I feel like Im talking to an eight year old
You have the economic knowledge of a 3 year old.

>> No.6587861


Capitalism was not the sole cause of those figures you produced and neither can those figures be ripped out of their socio-political and historical context and solely attributed to capitalism.

One could just as easily pull figures from some soviet communist ruled country which saw massive gains in literacy, technology, a decrease in child mortality etc. but they would be just as 'meaningless' for making a statement 'for' it.

>> No.6587863
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>Cool keynesian bubble and food rationing bro.
Hayek fanboy beta virgin detected

>> No.6587866

I'm sure that would be Josef's defense too should he ever have gotten to Nürenberg

>> No.6587868

>Capitalism was not the sole cause of those figures you produced and neither can those figures be ripped out of their socio-political and historical context and solely attributed to capitalism.
I know.

But leftists/socialists whatever think we have "capitalism" now and it's evil and destroying everything and making people poor.

The image is just showing that even with what they believe, they are still wrong.

>One could just as easily pull figures from some soviet communist ruled country which saw massive gains in literacy, technology, a decrease in child mortality etc.
Well no, because the ussr was a complete shithole compared to the capitalist west.
Just look at north korea or cuba today.

>> No.6587871

>and that's GREAT.
What's your point?
You fucking moron...the point is they were all possible during a mixed approach era. NOT A CAPITALIST ERA

>No it's not you fucking idiot. It destroys people's savings and purchasing power, it causes boom/bust cycles, it raises the price of capital goods, it destroys living standards, it makes the rich richer.

Inflation is there to reflect the aggregation of goods to the total market, each time you add something in to the market, the currency must show the added value. More things added, more money on the other side of the balance, means adquisitive power will readjust. That is why you need controlled inflation.

You really hav eno idea what you are talking about, do you?

>> No.6587873
File: 281 KB, 748x992, 1353378464093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super poor, food rationed poverty loving poor faggot detected.

Enjoy your decreased living standards.

Need a strong man to hold you, babby?

>> No.6587875

Boom and bust cycles happen anyway ,you can't have indefinite grow. Economic contractions are inevitable.

>> No.6587880

>the point is they were all possible during a mixed approach era.
lol and most of these technologies and medicines are developed by corporations.

>Inflation is there to reflect the aggregation of goods to the total market,
Well no, the price system does that. Inflation manipulates these signals.

>each time you add something in to the market, the currency must show the added value.
Yes and the price must go down, not up.
>You really hav eno idea what you are talking about, do you?
You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

>> No.6587884
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>Boom and bust cycles happen anyway
Um, no they are the result of monetary expansion which distorts the structure of production.

>Economic contractions are inevitable.

>> No.6587885
File: 501 KB, 200x150, 1352204297717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creating jobs
>not genius
dude, you are making this too easy.

>> No.6587894
File: 84 KB, 400x400, 1353345720488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creating jobs

>who needs production when you have JOBS
top lel

>> No.6587899

>lol and most of these technologies and medicines are developed by corporations.
Corporations that were incorporated and act through a mixed political approach, you have no argument now and are resorting to stupid simplisms

>Well no, the price system does that. Inflation manipulates these signals.
Inflation is not "something the government does you dumb fuck, there will inevitably be some inflation because of the material process of printing money and the dephasing of the sectors of the economies in the real world. Hence why we need to control it

>> No.6587903
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>> No.6587906
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I said I'm against communism, but please tell me how the german folk was hurt by all those jobs socialism created before WWII ?

>> No.6587913

>Corporations that were incorporated and act through a mixed political approach,
Holy shit, what a pathetic fucking cop out.

>Inflation is not "something the government does you dumb fuck
Um yes, yes it is.
Inflation would happen in a free market in banking and money but it would be very rare and currencies that inflate would lose out.

> there will inevitably be some inflation because of the material process of printing money
Which the government does.

>Hence why we need to control it
Buddy, we had a deflationary economy for basically the entire gilded age and it created tons of industry and improved living standards.

>but please tell me how the german folk was hurt by all those jobs socialism created before WWII ?
It was the same exact bullshit FDR did.
Resources were stolen from the private sector and wasted on retarded as fuck unnecessary things. The production of capital goods which would eventually get turned into consumer goods is destroyed.
What you are talking about is WHY we had the great depression.

A job is worthless if there is nothing to buy with it.
Hence food rationing.

>> No.6587921

Please elaborate on how any job can be useless.

>> No.6587925

>Holy shit, what a pathetic fucking cop out.
That is your response to being out-gunned? Assume it, your first attempt was to correlate science to capitalism (in a cronological order), I showed science and other political systems work just as good and now you cry likea baby. Fucking loser :^(

>Which the government does.
It would happeneven if the goverment didnt

>Buddy, we had a deflationary economy for basically the entire gilded age and it created tons of industry and improved living standards.
Where are you even going with this?

>> No.6587934

It work just fine, but you need compatriots who are less egocentric than you and this guy >>6587800

Solidarity will never work in any constellation plagued with too many parasites like you in places of power.
Rich get richer til the poor get educated. But once they understand their situation and vote accordingly, you're screwed.

>> No.6587938

>Please elaborate on how any job can be useless.
Paying someone to dig holes, and paying other people to fill those holes back up.

Do you even broken window fallacy?

>That is your response to being out-gunned?
So capitalist corporations create all this awesome medical technology for everyone and you have the balls to attribute it to "mixed economies". lel

> I showed science and other political systems work just as good
JUST as good? Really? Seriously you think north korea and cuba even come close to the amount of scientific production in the western world?

Socialism basically BANS science for private citizens. It's impossible to get any capital to do any scientific research.

>It would happeneven if the goverment didnt
Yes which is fraud and is illegal in a free market of banking.

>Where are you even going with this?
An entire fucking era of america history proves you dead wrong.

>> No.6587942

>It work just fine
Socialism has been an absolute disaster everywhere it has been tried. How fucking stupid are you people?


>Rich get richer til the poor get educated. But once they understand their situation and vote accordingly, you're screwed.
LOL, you actually think the "rich" are exploiting you.

Protip: They have nothing for you to take from them at all. Take their money, fine but you won't be able to buy anything else with it, prices would simply rise to meet the new demand.
In fact you would lose living standards.

>> No.6587960

>So capitalist corporations create all this awesome medical technology for everyone and you have the balls to attribute it to "mixed economies". lel
Corporations, as in, human associations with legal personhood, are not capitalist exclusive, in fact, many of the failed marxist states had them, I do not defend socialism though, do not jump so fast to conclusions teenie.

>JUST as good? Really? Seriously you think north korea and cuba even come close to the amount of scientific production in the western world?
The fact that they do not do it today, does not entail that other socialist countries couldn't in the future. As of right now, no, I dont think they do. That still does not prove me wrong thugh. Mixed economis do prove you wrong. Also, nice taking o the most extreme examples.

>Yes which is fraud and is illegal in a free market of banking
It is called time, dephasing, stop ignoring the cold facts, it would still happen, economies dont magically adjust

>> No.6587968

If you wanna talk nations that have went down a humanistic socialist route instead of authoritarian dictatorships merely calling themselves socialist you'd understand the socialist position better.
Hybrid economies like Scandinavia and parts of Europe seem to do just fine. And putting Cuba and North Korea in the same basket is fucking retarded.
Cuba seems to actually be doing quite fine despite having a huge monkey on it's back denying it possibilities availible to the rest of the world.
North Korea is so fucking dysfunctional in every conceivable way there is, and it's not because they've democratized everything and have given the power to the people, now is it?

>> No.6587969

if it'll bring back government subsidization of universities (to an actual detectable level) so that kids aren't forced to pay $60,000 a year for an education, then i'll support it

fucking americlaps "hurr it works because my parents were rich"

>> No.6587971

I'm not in any place of power. The best and easiest way to obtain power is to be involved in govenment. If the rich get richer then everyone else does too.