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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6576760 No.6576760 [Reply] [Original]

ok /sci/ I have two little relatives of 6 and 5 years old.
What are some cool shit to do/teach them to get them interested into Math and engineering?

>> No.6576764

At that age just buy them some lego and meccano.

>> No.6576770

does minecraft count?

>> No.6576775


>> No.6576777

5 and 6 is too young, if they know what money is i would teach them things about interest rates
like letting them choose between two contracts: in the first one i pay out 1 dollar every day and the second one i pay out one cent first but double the value every next day (let's say for total 20 days)
usually the dumb kids will chose the first contract and you can explain them why they should fucking do their math homework

>> No.6576778

to be honest there are some cool shit done with logic gates and red stone or powder in Miecraft.

>> No.6577622

I hav some ideas for the engineering part, but it could be against your country's law.

Otherwise,I don't know. Maybe geometry stuff, just for the beauty of it. BUt you can't expect a lot from 5-6 yo mind. You (most of the population) barely know how to count at this age

>> No.6577626

I wasn't expecting them to learn equations or some shit, but rather enjoying some cool shit you can do.
just like going to a science museum.

>> No.6577634

seconding this, k-nex is good too (if they still make it?)

>> No.6577635 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6577697

Find good materials on match(the wooden kind) modeling and follow the examples given. Start from simple geometric shapes, then perhaps some towers and bridges and stuff. Make sure the matches have blunt ends.

>> No.6577709

model rockets, FIRST (pretty sure there's a pre-school version, can't remember), legos, telescope, chemistry set, museums (where do you live OP?)

>> No.6577711

Pablo's escobar country.

>> No.6577715

that blows.
learning company had some nice games when I was young.
Gismos and gadgets was always my favorite.

>> No.6577722

nothing fancy.

teach them how to add, sub, divide, multiply, so when they start the school they'll have the head-start, destroying their peers, and getting the ego boost from doing maths.

>> No.6577752

at the age of 4 I learnt to read by myself to do mental calculations (all four operations) that were in a little book my parents had bought me.

so no, 5 and 6 is definitely not too young, it's gonna be too late soon because then the kids get influenced by other kids.

>> No.6577754

Watch "breaking bad" and "the wire" with them, then.
They'll learn useful stuff for their future life.

>> No.6577757

<span class="math">
\sum\limits_{i=0}^{19}2^i = 10485.75

Let's hope OP's little shits are dumb, that's a pretty penny to pay for a math lesson

>> No.6577764

you're not the average guy. Do not infer too quickly from your personal experience.
There are reasons (even if you can debate on it) why the age for learning/counting is around 6 and not 4.

I can also cite you lots of cases (my mom was a teacher in elementary school) where 10yo literally don't "get" why 10+12=22 and not <insert incredibly weird answer here>

>> No.6577766

> learning/counting
learning to read, write and count

>> No.6577813


Fourier analysis

>> No.6577817

Make a solution that interchanges between three colors every 2-3 seconds using le chateliers principle.

>> No.6577826

Put some practical things in a historical context.

Like, explain them the concept of volume and take an object and make them wonder how to find it. Relate to the greeks who put it in water and measured the rising level.

Strong, practical ideas always fascinate those who are even slightly interested.

>> No.6577844

>interested into Math and engineering?

Just show them your gay porn collection

>> No.6577882

Kerbal space program

Fastest way to learn orbital mechanics

>> No.6577889

>Let them play Space Engine


If you're decent at astronomy and astrophysics you can go touring the universe and you can explain some of the stuff they find

>> No.6577947

You want to get them interested in math, not make them autistic.

>> No.6578041

Or they will be BORED as fuck as they won't learn anything new for the next 6 years (double their ages).

If you're going to teach them math, then take responsibility and continue to do so until they get to college. Motivate them by writing notes to their teachers that they are allowed to play video games during "math" period.

>> No.6578055

But what if their talents are better suited for law and government? You could deprive the world of great leaders diplomats and statespersons! What if they are more suited to business and finance? You could prevent untold jobs from being created!

Better they learn a general sense of right and wrong along with basic skills. Then see what interest and aptitude they have. Early carrier choice is no choice at all because they cannot make a choice when they don't understand the choices.

>> No.6578062

This, so much.

>> No.6578081


By 5, I came up with addition, subtraction by compliments, and multiplication on my own without ever reading any books on it. (Downside was I didn't know the nomenclature so I was using "ten tens is 100" or "five sixes is 30" and it took 4 year to learn it was called times. Even sadder, it took 14 years to learn my method of subtraction was called compliments and was just dong math modulo 10^n.)

Current society is just too afraid to teach math young children because they are desperate to hide the fact that most adults are stupid and easily outsmarted.

>> No.6578085

>law and government
>leaders diplomats and statespersons

It's like you don't want to make the world a better place.

>> No.6578087

>trying to create socially inept autists
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6578092
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>ok /sci/ I have two little relatives of 6 and 5 years old.
>What are some cool shit to do/teach them to get them interested into Math and engineering?

>> No.6578094

Cheese it! He's on to us!

>> No.6578104

>variations in cognitive ability don't exist

>> No.6578106

Maybe Möbius strips and stuff like that? Also just show them cool stuff even if it isn't math.

>> No.6578108
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>> No.6578162

If they can't figure out by 10 that 10+8≠ then they should not be allowed to move up in grades and graduate elementary school.

There's a difference between "variations in cognitive ability" and plain stupidity. Dropping all standards in order to allow retards to get degrees so that they won't be socially stigmatized for not having one is a idiotic assertion that somehow has turned into the M.O. of modern schooling.

Formal education was never meant to be for everyone.

>> No.6578165 [DELETED] 


>> No.6578169


>> No.6578173

My dad taught me division at like 6 or 7 years old and I ended up taking math courses at our local university for the latter half of high school.

/anecdotal evidence

>> No.6578183

I chuckled

>> No.6578186

Puzzle games, Zelda games, etc

>> No.6578199

I was the youngest of 7 children. Being the family slave, I was forced to do my older brothers and sister's homework, and assignments for them, even though they were much older, ranging into college, and I had not yet started school. It baffled me, why older humans had such difficulty.
Hard work is it's own reward, but as a bonus I aced the entrance exams, and was able to skip kindergarten, and go directly into first grade. It was there that the intentions behind our government run education system were revealed to me. Like you, I had a grasped the intuitive nature, of mathematical concept, early on, but through doing my siblings work, I was exposed to the more commonly used alternative methods practiced, and developed by our primitive cousins, and could translate.
I soon had a cult following of classmates, eager to learn what the school could not teach them. Mrs. P., my original first grade teacher stood behind me 100%, but the school board caught wind of what was happening, and stepped in to put a stop to it. Transferring me to Mrs.T's class was their idea of punishment, but I accepted the challenge, and soon had this group of apes doing Calculus behind the teacher's back. She was a mean one. Spent most of the class setting at her desk using a pocketknife to carve splinter barbs into her ruler, which she used on the students who demonstrated the slightest signs of free-will.
Again the school board determined that I was disruptive to their agenda, and after the Christmas break, they conspired with my wicked step-parents to send me away.

>> No.6578256

Summing geometric progressions at the age of 5? Not bad.

>> No.6578277

>I can also cite you lots of cases (my mom was a teacher in elementary school) where 10yo literally don't "get" why 10+12=22 and not <insert incredibly weird answer here>

In that case they clearly haven't been taught the concepts early enough. Or they're retarded.

>> No.6578285

>Or they're retarded.
so many people are retarded.
Or maybe I'm just untolerant.

I don't like smarter people than me too.

>> No.6578294

I feel your pain. There are only around 13 people in my year who don't seem retarded to me.

>> No.6578301

It's actually not that hard, because <span class="math">\sum_{i=1}^{n}a\times 2^i=a\times (2^{n+1}-1)[/spoiler], therefore <span class="math">\sum_{i=1}^{20}0.01\times 2^i=20971.51[/spoiler]
It's still not easy, but you don't have to actually sum it.

Why did you start from 0?

>> No.6578361

>Why did you start from 0?

He started with one cent, not two

>> No.6578429

>Early carrier choice is no choice at all because they cannot make a choice when they don't understand the choices.
While I agree...
I would rather push my kids towards STEM than risk watching them be indecisive. If they truly want to do something other than STEM, they will have the faculties for it.
I'm working on nuclear engineering, while my friend of equal intellect is spending his 3rd year at community college studying accounting because he doesn't know what he wants to do or where he wants to transfer, when that was the plan since graduation.

Do you guys have any thoughts about treating kids as adults?
>no santa
>no baby vocabulary
>first sex talk when it comes up

Is there any information to suggest this is detrimental? I plan on having kids as an objective of producing a well balanced and rational adult, instead of as a byproduct of my love or an accident.

>> No.6578470
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>Do you guys have any thoughts about treating kids as adults?
Read about Dolto, famous for her work on childhood questions.
Looks fine and interesting.

Result: see pic, he is her son

Well, we need higher standrds.
Read "Emile, or On Education" by Rousseau (yeah, french again but anyway).
Woa, so deep.

Learn that his 5 kids were thrown in the public hospital system


>> No.6578611

My dad did it to some extent and I turned out fine.

>> No.6579122

>I plan on having kids as an objective of producing a well balanced and rational adult, instead of as a byproduct of my love or an accident.

I was "that quarterback guy" who married "miss valedictorian prom queen" and don't get me wrong, I love my kids, that are the product of that love, and the future of mankind, but I learned a few things having them.
for example: I'm 6'2" 200Lbs of locomotive, and She's 5'2" 100Lbs of delicate flower.
Genetically I would be much better suited to a woman with a larger frame, and perhaps some booty. I like how she comes up and pounces on me, and how acrobatic she can be in bed, and she loves the protector factor that my sheer size provides, and how I man-handle her, but, i think she would have been better off with someone more her size, who carried a gun.
I have no complaints, the sex is great, we're both happy as can be, kids are awesome, i'm just putting this out there for people who like to think things through before they jump into something.

Our combined genetics, a mainly difference in size meant that while she and I both have perfect everything, our children needed orthodontics, and glasses.

One day maybe there will be genetic testing available to determine compatibility between a man and a woman, that will give you a list of pros and cons about how things might turn out, and it might affect your decision.

>> No.6579189

you're a big guy

>> No.6579203

Honestly, show them how cartesian coordinates can be used to reflect physical events.

>> No.6579218

Dudes got a microphone, is obviously doing some kind of prop comedy. Looks like normal dude who is probably well liked and fun to be around.

>> No.6579229

I'm the runt of my family. 6'4" to 6"6" Father, Brother, Uncles. Although the females are smaller, they are still 5'7" to 5'9"
My wife barely touches my chin in heels, and punches below the belt.

>> No.6579302

>"five sixes is 30
Do you happen to be french?

>> No.6579306

Just drown them in Lego. It worked for me

>> No.6579309

nothing, literally nothing else.

>> No.6579312

No, you're posting on 4chan instead of having a life.

>> No.6579317

THAT is actually the problem. He had fun for sure, but singing really stupid songs.

this one is about his wonderful "papayou" (understand his ...dick)

>> No.6580150

Get them readining and watching this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magic_School_Bus_%28TV_series%29



>> No.6580323

Cool story brak. So what do you do "now" after all that amazing "progress"?

>> No.6580332

>I'm big ooga booga
>she small tiny weeny
>therefore orthodontics and glasses

This is why you should never let football "studs" into science.

>> No.6580851

>>therefore orthodontics and glasses
>This is why you should never let football "studs" into science.

I'm sorry anon, I didn't mean to upset you. I only played football, because it was expected of me, and in doing so, I left other scholarships that were available to me, open for my fellow nerds to take advantage of.
Don't pretend that you like having to wear glasses, or that you enjoyed getting your teeth wrenched. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

>> No.6580859

How would /sci/ teach a kid basic arithmetic operations?
Arithmetic was intuitive for me so I don't know what processes normal kids would go through to learn this shit.

>> No.6580888

>How would /sci/ teach a kid basic arithmetic operations?
With candy.

>> No.6580896

>5 and 6 year olds
>Breaking bad, the wire

You would be the coolest dad ever. For serious.
They would be selling grandmas meds in kindergarten

>> No.6580905
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How about some introduction to graph theory?

Hamilton's puzzle thing comes to mind. Should look something like this.