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6570558 No.6570558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sasha Shulgin died today, at exactly 5 o'clock in the afternoon. He was surrounded by family and caretakers and Buddhist meditation music, and his going was graceful, with almost no struggle at all.

Let us give our respects to a man who has touched, helped and saved the lives of millions, if not billions of people with his discoveries

Sasha Shulgin June 17, 1925 – June 2, 2014

>> No.6570559

RIP In Peace.

>> No.6570561
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Actually crying, just saw this on facebook with everyone posting.

PHIKAL touched my soul, one of my favourite books ever written and got me into chemistry.

>> No.6570568
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Oh no, that's so sad. RIP. Thank you for letting me know, this is the first ive heard of it

>> No.6570569


>American medical chemist and pharmacologist of Russian descent Alexander ‘Sasha’ Shulgin, best known for introducing the MDMA (ecstasy) drug to psychology, passed away Monday “peacefully surrounded by friends and family.” He was 88.

>Shulgin was an icon of the psychedelic movement in the US, synthesizing previously unknown psychoactive substances and testing them on himself, making detailed reports of his experience later transformed in a number of books, including PiHKAL (Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved) and TiHKAL (Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved).

>Through his experiments, Shulgin reportedly synthesized over 200 new psychoactive substances and rated them according to his personal Shulgin Rating Scale.

>> No.6570576

Huge loss to the community, I guess this generation has to carry on his work.
Goodnight sweet prince.

>> No.6570577

"one of the greatest chemists who ever lived"
No, his contributions to chemistry are limited - would you assert that Dave Nichols is one of the greats?

He was a biochemist by training, and made a lot of interesting compounds via known and straightforward methods. He may have put those substances to good use - but generally not in a controlled, scientific manner (lots of anecdotes, personal and otherwise).

I'm interested in what he did and I have great respect for him, but he's no Woodward, Robinson, Stork, Hoffmann, Corey, Stille, Grubbs, Sharpless, blah, blah, blah.
One could name dozens of chemists who have more impact on the field (Eshenmoser, Overman, Bergman, Trost, Heathcock, Vollhardt, Denmark, Gin, Nicoloau, Fu, MacMillan the list goes on and on, and that's just getting started w/o-chem, leaving aside other areas.)

Shulgin's contributions are greater than my own will ever be.
At the same time, his achievements are not w/in chemistry, but in other areas.

>> No.6570582

One of the strange things in PHIKAL, is that they found 2CB really, really dominating and quite a "heavy" experience

I've found 2CB to basically be MDMA with visuals, totally light and fluffy and happy and really no head "trip" at all, I was totally functional, unlike shrooms or acid in which I'm blown off to another universe. What gives?

>> No.6570584

Probably body chemistry and/or purity of substance, remember that his methods of extraction and purification may differ in product than say headshop chinese lab quality.

>> No.6570587

Take enough 2CB and it can be overwhelming w/o being 'psychedelic'.

this >>6570584 is reasonable

>> No.6570680

Rest in peace.

I hope his memory lives on through all of those he has touched.

>> No.6570684
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>> No.6571719

One of the greatest Pharmacologists that ever lived.

MDMA pulled me right out of my PTSD that I was suffering from so quickly it's insane.

>> No.6571752

First Hofmann and now Sasha ;-;.

>> No.6571772

>responsible for a billion insect deaths
>worth remembering

nope, stop placing value on your meaningless human pursuits that harm others

>> No.6571905

>worth anything
top kek

>> No.6571928

Pharmacology and psychopharmacology are pretty different from chemistry. His achievements are a subset of chemistry but apparently it isn't widely considered once it approaches biology.

I use to be interested in him as a kid, and did see that his work spawned off and influence psychiatry and so-on.

Like in recent years there's pretty strong evidence that using MDMA therapy helps to break clinical depression faster than many months of treatment, probably by activating parts of the brain responsible for joy and so-on that is otherwise unactivated in depressed people.

>> No.6574268

Hofmann was old as fuck swear he died at 102? You can't be sad when your hero lives to 102 man.

>> No.6575169

RIP Shulgin

>> No.6575175

Considering that he ate a bunch of novel and untested drugs and still lived to 88, I'd say he made it out pretty well.

How did he even know how much to take? I guess he worked his way up? A lot of the things he synthesized probably have a low LD50.

>> No.6575177

Depressing. RIP in peace.

>> No.6575181

Exactly and he pretty much did each one numerous times.

>> No.6575223

A lot of them were based off groups of known psychedelics, just modified structure.

A lot of psychedelics are extremely safe at high doses. You can (sort of) hap-hazardly guess that similar structure -> similar properties (but not completely, not by a long shot). He started low on the dosage and then worked his way up a bit (it's in his books TIHKAL/PIHKAL for each drug).

It seems like that structural niche is pretty damn safe. I wouldn't trust it mahself, but this man was perty cool.

>> No.6575229

Yep. Most were modified structures of psilocybin(tryptamines) and mescaline(phenethylamines)

>> No.6575303

which side is LSD?

are pihkal and tihkal accessible for someone with limited knowledge ir not super jargony? I'm not be synthesizing droogs but would like to expand my understanding on psychedelics because as the Huey Lewis song goes, I need a new drugs

>> No.6575311

LSD is a tryptamine. Pihkal and Tihkal are very accessible if you're not expecting to be able to pick it up and make drugs with it. Most of the reports on the drugs effects are easily readable without any scientific knowledge.