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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6566055 No.6566055 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe dyscalculia is a real thing and that some people just don't get math like others or do you believe it's all an excuse for people to not learn math?

>> No.6566096

Dyscalculia is exactly like dyslexia but for maths and numbers. It's not about "not getting math", it's about how the brain doesn't process the information it receives correctly.
So yes, real.

>> No.6566099

Definitely made up like every other disorder in that class (dyslexia, adhd). People for some reason just cannot believe that human intelligence is highly variant and that some kids will be smarter and some dumber. I mix up numbers in my head sometimes as well, doesn't mean I have a disorder, I just made a mistake.

Most these people who have dyscalculia just want an excuse for not being good at math and not knowing that they have to put effort into it to be good.

>> No.6566110

I have dyscalculia, fuck a bitch nigga who says it's not real. From grades 1-12 I've had dickweed teachers tell me hur dur you just don't like math, you just need to practice it and you'll get it. Fucking hell it's been 15 years and I don't "get" a GOD DAMN THING. Math still looks like fuckin mandarin to me, I still don't know how to read analog clocks, I still can't visually estimate distance too well, I mean I simply cannot process the information. I'm in a precalculus class(I cheated my way through algebra) right now and nothing makes sense, it just doesn't register, like what the fuck is all of this? Just a bunch of fucking gibberish, it's like I look up and see fucking mandarin on the board.

In statistics, I can easily understand the general concepts of things, but when it comes to number crunching my mind just goes blank and I start misplacing numbers, misreading signs, sometimes I'll be able to grasp a concept and apply it, then 2 hours later have NO fucking idea what to do.

>> No.6566116

> Anonymous 05/31/14(Sat)20:12:53 No.6566099▶
Never reproduce
>>>6566055 (OP) #
>Definitely made up like every other disorder in that class (dyslexia, adhd). People for some reason just cannot believe that human intelligence is highly variant and that some kids will be smarter and some dumber. I mix up numbers in my head sometimes as well, doesn't mean I have a disorder, I just made a mistake.
>Most these people who have dyscalculia just want an excuse for not being good at math and not knowing that they have to put effort into it to be good.

>> No.6566142

You are dumbasses and the reason why actually disabled people can not get good help.
6/10 made me reply.

>> No.6566464
File: 38 KB, 500x560, 1400908133838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same
>correctly means its wrong to not do it the same
>we are all clones so comparisons work

>> No.6566467

I really like maths but I am diagnosed with dyscalculia. I just let computers and calculators handle the numbers, for me it was only a problem during early education when I wasn't allowed to use those.

>> No.6566635

Bro, just couse your inbred doesn't mean I gotta help you. Just use calculators, or don't do maths.