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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6565490 No.6565490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>post your face when you realize that about 60% of all /sci/ shitposting is done by one person, me

>> No.6565496

Are you saying I'm only 40%, faggot? You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Think again, fucker.

>> No.6565502


>> No.6565505

Ok, fight me. Just ask your prostitue mom about her last customer to get my info

>> No.6565508

OP here. I also make quality threads as well. Im about half of the OC/ decent threads. So I cancel it out. I currently have 5 threads other than this going on right now.

>> No.6565511

roflmao u hav 2 fug cheap horse liek me mum lol whats the matter faggit? cant get laid with a real woman?

>> No.6565514

Show me one quality / OC post you made.

>> No.6565517


>> No.6565521

I didn't ask for your shitposting thread, asshole. I want to see your quality posts.

>> No.6565524

And the worst fact is that you aren't even in STEM.

>English literature major detected

>> No.6565527

I am actually in math right now. Just finished up my second year.

>> No.6565538


>> No.6565543

It's called STEAM now. Deal with it or cry moar.

>> No.6565544

how is that funny? Ask me something an undergrad with 2 years of math should know.

>> No.6565547

>about 60%
I'm actually going to break character for a second. I was kind of surprised when you showed up. For so long, /sci/ had just been me and that other guy. Then you came along. At first I thought it was that other guy, but, nope, it wasn't. It was someone new.

I've been posting 24/7 on /sci/ since I convinced moot to add the board. Almost no one else visits. No one ever posts. It's just me and the occasional post by him. And you. I like you. I like your posts. I especially like when you argue with one of my posts against one of my other ones. That's fun.

It was nice to say this, but I'm going to go back into character now. Look forward to everything we'll talk about in the other threads!

>> No.6565552

y-y-yout too

>> No.6565553

Give a geometric interpretation of the Sobolev trace theorem.

>> No.6565554
File: 44 KB, 620x465, top_lel_mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's your major?

>> No.6565556

cheg em

>> No.6565560

havent taken numerical analysis yet

>> No.6565569
File: 789 KB, 641x639, 1389466358712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean that you have no major, or what?

>> No.6565572

It was a basic calculus question.

>> No.6565576

no it means I justed finished my second year. This year, i took calc iii, linear algebra, DE, mathematical methods in physics. Though I have started reading through an analysis book

>> No.6565581

So you're still in high school?

>> No.6565583

are you unfamilar with undergrad mathematics pace?

>> No.6565588

Do you go to a shit tier community college for the mentally challenged?

>> No.6565590

no, I go to purdue university. pretty good school

>> No.6565591

what a good reminder that 4chan is just a cesspool of misinformation and faggotry

yet, i can't bring myself to leave... what is this phenomenon?

>> No.6565593
File: 1009 KB, 245x210, 1397684578117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aha, I understand then. When I was your level (at about age of 15) I also liked to shitpost.

>> No.6565594


>> No.6565597

Does your school also teach creationism? When they already refuse to teach math, it wouldn't surprise me to seem not teaching biology either.

>> No.6565598


>> No.6565602

purdue university is one of the best colleges in the universe

>> No.6565603

Nerds. Nerds everywhere.

>> No.6565605

Maybe in your twisted world view. Have you taken your meds today?

>> No.6565607
File: 53 KB, 500x655, hear_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's cool, bro. Lets shitpost some.

>> No.6565611

How does your girlfriend think about your "shitposting" hobby?

>> No.6565615

She's always there to help me.

>> No.6565623

You're one of the dumbest tripfags I've ever seen. Recently I saw how /x/ told you to GTFO because even for that board you're too fucking retarded.

>> No.6565663

false, there are many shitposters

>> No.6565693

Never happened. Gimme a screenshot or a post referral.

>implying I'm not responding to shitposting

>> No.6565698

No but seriously, is this just two indian kids from their mathlete teams arguing aboot teh classes they take and who can disprove 2+2=4 faster its probably the nerdiest thing I've ever seen, and I make alien drawing for a living.