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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 305 KB, 1920x1200, moon fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6563938 No.6563938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we post incredible facts!

>> No.6563942

There has lived more than 6 million people since the dawn of man.

>> No.6563945

FACT: OP is a faggot

>> No.6563948

There is an incalculable amount of Universes

>> No.6563949

Some people can actually run faster than some types of animals.

>> No.6563953

You don't know that

>> No.6563957

There are many types of trees!

>> No.6563958

There will be a point in time where your name is said for the last time

>> No.6563959
File: 810 KB, 2392x2364, bird-about-town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists thinks it exists at least 100 types of insects!

>> No.6563965

0.999... is very close to 1

>> No.6563966

It took more than 1000 years for monkeys to evolve into humans.

>> No.6563968


>what is modal realism

>> No.6563973

That's a good one. Check this out:

>> No.6563976

There is a skeleton inside of you.

>> No.6563977

That's just silly

>> No.6563978

A single elephant is heavier than 3 full grown men!

>> No.6563981

Your heart sends blood to your organs.

>> No.6563984


>> No.6563989


>> No.6563990

God is real

>> No.6564005

There are more shitposters on /sci/ than there are stars in the solar system

>> No.6564015

There are more planets on the ANdromeda galaxy than there are on Earth.

>> No.6564031

Therre is statistically a 50 per cent chance that you were actually the opposite gender then you are now.

>> No.6564032

There are more trees in South America than there are trees in Delaware.

>> No.6564034

Women in general are weaker then men.

>> No.6564038

Fat people have more energy

>> No.6564041

There are fewer scientists on this board than there are live dodos in captivity.

>> No.6564054

There will always be a dog somewhere that understands more of a foreign language than you.

>> No.6564055

There are more than 700 MB (a full CD) of data on the internet combined.

>> No.6564079

According to the multiverse theorem, there exists a universe in which 0.9999... is equal to 1.

>> No.6564087


Electrons are negatively charged.

>> No.6564093

Pokémon was originally called Capsule Monsters.

>> No.6564094

Only according to convention.

>> No.6564096

We are made up of star stuff.

>> No.6564100
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>only one star in solar system.

>> No.6564102

There is at least 1 mole of water in the average human body

>> No.6564104

J-List sells Onaholes.

>> No.6564106


There are many types of bushes!

>> No.6564107


There are many types of grass!

>> No.6564119

Humans can complex ask questions.

>> No.6564126

Modern computers can make over ten calculations per minute.

>> No.6564137

anything can happen according to Quantum Mechanics (which was invented by Richard Feynman), but things that violate the laws of physics have an infinitesimal probability of occurring, so everything appears normal.

>> No.6564145

computers series of one and zeros
all life started in the water
we are all african
jesus died for our sins

>> No.6564147

You need to be a supreme gentleman to get the girls

>> No.6564148

Veins is the garden hose of blood

>> No.6564152

all land was was one large continent known as Pangea

>> No.6564154

The sum of all primes numbers is itself prime. wicked.

>> No.6564155

Yuki Matsui.

>> No.6564156


>> No.6564159

Ships float because they're afraid of dark

Its dark under the water

>> No.6564161

There are literally dozens of grains of sand in Sahara!

>> No.6564163

Every day the combined experience of every human on the planet amount to 20 million years of data.

>> No.6564165

The nearest galaxy is so far away that it takes light more than twelve minutes to get from there to here!

>> No.6564167


>> No.6564176

Five thousand grams of cyanide is enough to kill a person.

>> No.6564179

Drinking mercury can make you sick

>> No.6564185

The Sun is hot enough to set paper on fire.

>> No.6564189

Believe it or not, it's possible to drown in 2,942 hexaliters of water

>> No.6564190

Some people have been known to live for more than 50 years!

>> No.6564192

Some books have over 1,000 words in them!

>> No.6564194

It is true that you are read

>> No.6564195

Fat people are generally heavier than skinny people.

>> No.6564196

Humans have been communicating with spoken language for over 100 years.

>> No.6564248

Sometimes when I see an attractive female, something happens in my pants

>> No.6564255

0.999999 does not equal to 1

>> No.6564261

You piss yourself?

>> No.6564317

>Fat people are generally heavier than skinny people.
That's actually an optical illusion. Mass bends light, but also, light bends mass! So fat people appear heavier than they are.

>> No.6564332

the fibonnaci sequence has a time complexity that is an order of itself

>> No.6564338

The closest star to us besides the sun is not visible without a telescope.

>> No.6564339
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Koreans are the most superior form of life to have walked the universe

>> No.6564343

Aryan = master race

>> No.6564351
File: 39 KB, 400x334, 1400942908139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People die when they are killed.

>> No.6564364

"many types" can be used to describe something when you want to piss off or confuse a biologist.

>> No.6564372

That was a shit-post, wasnt it :^)

>> No.6564389

There are more people that shit outside in India than the entire population of Europe.

>> No.6564399

Scientists recently discovered that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.

>> No.6564402

There are more atoms in your body than hairs on your head!

>> No.6564407

Allah was just a prophet. Monsanto is the real God.

>> No.6564412

If the Earth were only 12 feet closer to the sun, we'd burn up. If the Earth was 12 feet further, we'd freeze. God is AMAZING.

>> No.6564418

Moot wants you to buy one to get commissions to feed his famiree

>> No.6564424

Jesus died for our sins.....this guy pshhht

I don't care if it's bait also

>> No.6564426

The Earth is closer to the Sun in winter than it is in summer in the northern hemisphere.

>> No.6564482

Yeah, but if it were 12 feet closer ALL YEAR LONG...
You get what he's saying now, huh?

>> No.6564490

No, still does not make sense.

>> No.6564501

If each point in Earth's orbit was moved exactly TWELVE FEET closer/further from the sun, ALL YEAR ROUND, then...
...life on Earth would literally be IMPOSSIBLE, because we'd either BURN UP, or FREEZE TO DEATH.
So... yeah, isn't that a coincidence, huh?

>> No.6564520

The habitable zone is larger than you think.

>> No.6564529

habitable for OTHER planets and aliens, maybe, but not habitable for HUMANS, which have SOULS, and which ARE ON THIS PLANET BECAUSE *GOD* PUT US HERE, and NOT because of some FORMULA that says blah blah blah about OTHER forms of life that do not have a CREATOR.

>> No.6564530



>> No.6564537

Why don't you try living on Venus, huh?

>> No.6564541

Venus is more than 12 feet closer to the sun than earth is. The habitable zone is where water can be in a liquid form.

>> No.6564548

If it is true that aliens can live closer to the sun than us, that would mean that we adapted to our environment on earth. That would mean the Earth is not special.

>> No.6564720

Less people are killed by bears than from World War 1 and World War 2 combined.

>> No.6564732
File: 10 KB, 144x171, 335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that if you drive at a speed of 50 km/h for 1 hour, you can get to a place 50 km away?

>> No.6564734

Your skin covers over most of your body's surface

>> No.6564735

Pluto is a planet

>> No.6564742

I'm using this as a definitive source from now on. Thanks anon.

>> No.6564750

Mice like to eat cats

>> No.6564775

Ho do you know that?

>> No.6564780

but how long would it take to travel 50...whats a km? OH you mean .62 miles?

>> No.6564783
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>> No.6564788

6.000.000 ( millions ) jews died in the holocaust, even though pre and post-war demography was mostly unchanged !

>> No.6564802

The sum of all primes is not a number and thus is not prime. The sum of any given finite list of primes is not necessarily prime (2 + 3 + 5 = 10, 10 is not prime)

>> No.6564803

fuck I hate these troll threads learn2calculus

>> No.6564805

humans are toroids and a majority of our surface is in our intestines where we have no skin

check and mate

>> No.6564806

That's why it is incalculable

>> No.6564807
File: 114 KB, 383x644, thatdoesntsoundright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about universes to dispute it

>> No.6564810

Some times mathematicians use the letter x to describe an independant variable

>> No.6564826

prove it cunt.

>> No.6564843

>We don't know the answer, therefore this is the answer.
Yeah, great logic right there.

>> No.6564874


The Mt. Everest is taller than the average building

>> No.6564889

All of this is happening for a reason.

>> No.6564894

There are many species!

>> No.6564895

The surface of the Earth covers most, if not all of the surface of the Earth!

>> No.6564898

wrong there are more male born than female born.

>> No.6564899

More than 60 Jews died during WW2.

>> No.6564903

wrong there are more male born than female born.

>> No.6564917

It is called statistical fluctuation.

>> No.6564986

I call bullshit.

>> No.6565078

A kebab is gone when it is removed

>> No.6565094

Someone post this in Tumblr and see any of the fuckers eat this up.

<span class="math">
(pun intended)[/spoiler]

>> No.6565097

God = Allah = YHVH

Muh language

>> No.6565182

Somehow, light can travel through both ways of a glass.

>> No.6565197
File: 125 KB, 545x3000, truth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565212


Arabs worship a different supreme being called Allah.
Spaniards also worship a different god called Dios.

>> No.6565218
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>> No.6565223

There are more planets on Earth than there are on Mars.

>> No.6565229

Coffee is actually bean soup.

>> No.6565231


>> No.6565238
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>> No.6565250

sounds like evolution to me too

>> No.6565270

I if Venus had an earth like atmosphere we could live there. It would be hot, but we could live there.

>> No.6565413
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>> No.6565416

There is more shit in India than there is India in my shit.

>> No.6565650

Alcohol is a macro-nutrient at 7 calories/g , where protein and carbohydrates are only 4 cal/g.

>> No.6565739

hardly incredible.

>> No.6565793

With certain proper training you can recognize different types of trees from quite a long way away like the Larch.

>> No.6565859

>dat progenism

kill yourself

>> No.6565924

There exists a very rare and special species called Homo sapiens on this planet right now

>> No.6565938

koreans are the best at trend-hopping on w/e americans do and wearing fake clothing

>> No.6565953

I don't see how that's relevant. The sum of the finite series 1+2+3+...+n is always a positive integer.


I rest my case.

>> No.6565971

>implying convergence

>> No.6565973

You are at the end of a single line of females that reproduced for millions of years.

>> No.6565974

your parents had sex at least once. They probably enjoyed doing it, too.

>> No.6565977

>finite series

>> No.6565982

scientists have confirmed the Earth is a perfect sphere up to the scale of pi planck years

>> No.6565985

most atheists don't believe in Zeus!

>> No.6565989

the sun is on fire 99% of the time

>> No.6565992

>All primes
>Finite series

Euclid has something to say about that.

>> No.6565995

No XKCD refrences allowed.

>> No.6566004

an average black man's dick contains more DNA molecules than there are galaxies in the Milky Way!

>> No.6566005

Even if this were correct -of which it isn't- life would have had to originate somewhere due to the number of habitable planets, and when it did, it would stand in awe of how lucky it is to exist.

Checkmate faggot.

>> No.6566008

all of my kek

>> No.6566009
File: 1.92 MB, 400x300, aJlf37h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is if the "this" refers to not knowing the answer.

anyway, did you know that there are more cells inside the human body then there are neurons in the entire brain?

>> No.6566013

the problem of evil is NP-complete

>> No.6566017

coffee beans, despite the name, are not actually beans.

>> No.6566019

>climb up a tree
>burst into flames
Thanks Goldilocks

>> No.6566027

white is in fact a mixture of all other colors.

some scientists have hypothesized that black might not even be a color and laymen people have raised their concerns over the fact that many will be unwilling to pick another favorite color once the study being carried out at MIT reveals the true nature of dark tones

>> No.6566038


>> No.6566045

Top kek

>> No.6566051

there are a negative number of scientists on this board? how does that even work?

>> No.6566072

I don't know why you guys are replying to me. This was exactly my point. He used the example that the sum of any finite list of primes was not necessarily prime to refute anon's idea about the sum of all primes.

I was giving an example that something which holds for all partial sums does not necessarily hold for the infinite series.

>> No.6566100

ITT: /sci/ searches for aspies and is not dissapointed.

>> No.6566113

What about the 1%?

>> No.6566120

Many infinitely nested radical expressions have closed forms, for instance<div class="math">\sqrt {1+ \sqrt {1+ \sqrt {1+ \cdots }}}= \frac {1+ \sqrt {5}}{2}</div><div class="math">\sqrt {x \sqrt {x \sqrt {x \cdots }}}=x</div><div class="math">\sqrt {1+2 \sqrt {1+3 \sqrt {1+4 \cdots }}}=3</div><div class="math">\sqrt {x \sqrt [3]{x \sqrt [4]{x \cdots }}}=x^{e-2}</div>However, no closed form is known for<div class="math">\sqrt {1+ \sqrt {2+ \sqrt {3+ \cdots }}}</div>It is not even known whether this number is irrational.

>> No.6566144

There is no God but DNA, and RNA is it's messenger.

>> No.6566174

what the fuck?

Why do we know the closed form for <div class="math">\sqrt {1+2 \sqrt {1+3 \sqrt {1+4 \cdots }}}</div>, but not for <div class="math">\sqrt {1+ \sqrt {2+ \sqrt {3+ \cdots }}}</div>?

>> No.6566207
File: 110 KB, 424x550, 1376862427915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6566228

>All the elephants would die

Not the ones within Earth.

>> No.6566232

They would get squished by all the elephants on top, silly.

>> No.6566246

No, they would get pushed away from inertia.

>> No.6566256

Fossils are put there by God to trick us.

>> No.6566289

Good thing Earth doesn't normally climb trees

>> No.6566344

It converges to -1/12 m8

>> No.6566369

All these fucking queermos who have never heard this fucking Facebook Christfag argument.

>> No.6566415


An absolute value defines n for n = number of scientists on this board, but they're all negative.

>> No.6566497

No you don't understand, 15 °C is the ideal temperature for SOULS to thrive in. Plus souls die when exposed to high-energy radiation, pretty big coincidence we have this magnetic shit around our planet to shield us from it HUH?

>> No.6566503
File: 173 KB, 881x500, 1361656214322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60% of /sci/ shitposting is done by a single guy

>> No.6566533

Hey! That's me!

>> No.6566604

Most planets have a magnetic field.

>> No.6566619

Of course it is. It's (-1/12)^0.5, dumbass.
>it's imaginary

>> No.6566622

Yeah, this one

>> No.6566632

Did you know that light travels 299,792,458 meters in one second? Coincidentally, a metre equals the distance travelled by light in 1/299,792,458 of a second. See how the two numbers match up - what are the chances?!
Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.6566765


>> No.6566804
File: 2.29 MB, 853x480, 1399322921087.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know there's always a 96% chance that Liverpool will slip away a Premier League title?

>> No.6566860
File: 76 KB, 1448x880, 1398674765292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, exactly 96%.

>> No.6567082 [DELETED] 

Latent energy. If they move their fatasses they can actually utilize it.

>> No.6567083 [DELETED] 

>What are positrons?

>> No.6567088

I call bullshit. It takes 8 minutes for it to reach from the sun. You are saying the nearest galaxy is on the dark side of the sun?

>> No.6567094

there are more atoms in the universe then there are brains in my head

>> No.6567099

Birds are important

>> No.6567103

did you know there's an aliens on the dark side of the sun?

>> No.6567113

for fuck's sake /sci/, this guy is obviously joking, he's even taking the joke from an image that's commonly reposted, and posted it in the middle of a troll thread
how are people falling for this

are you all just pretending to fall for it as some kind of advanced meta-trolling?

>> No.6567127

>this guy is obviously joking, he's even taking the joke from an image that's commonly reposted, and posted it in the middle of a troll thread
you don't say?

>are you all just pretending to fall for it as some kind of advanced meta-trolling?
...are you also meta-trolling?

>> No.6567156

Trolling trolls trolling trolls. U fockin wot u cunt m8 ill smash u you spicity spic.

>> No.6567191


u wot m8

>> No.6567193

Acoustic levitation is accomplished when two or three guys blow sound waves through straws on an object central from them.

>> No.6567204

It's than.

>> No.6567206

fucking limeys

>> No.6567295

oh god i almost fell for that one
>dark side of the sun

>> No.6567299

no periodicity mentioned mate

>> No.6567302

If you delete Win32, your PC gets a 500% speed increase!

>> No.6567306

venus is at least 12 feet away from earth

>> No.6567311

maximum rage

>> No.6567313

There are at least 0 suns in the solar system, but we suspect there may be more.

>> No.6567347

Almost every man on Earth will be dead in 5 minutes.

>> No.6567351
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>> No.6567375

Six million jews were killed in the Holocaust.

>> No.6567425

The only way to make your PC faster is by downloading more RAM ya dingus.

>> No.6567446

You're stuck in a timeframe for eternity but there's no way for you to notice it cause you don't gain new memories.

>> No.6567499


>>6564165 here. Depends on whether it's day or night. The light has to go around the long way at night, you see, but during the day it can travel in a straight line instead.

>> No.6567791


>> No.6567798

Actually, every computer comes with system 32 already downloaded, which makes your computer work slower. This is because the government does not want you to know that we have the technology for very fast computers. If you delete system 32, your computer will run much faster.

>> No.6567800

good one

>> No.6567813

Homos rape little girls every night.

>> No.6567825

the internet is a means to control people ; imagine what would happen if all internetz would dissapear / our acces wuld be cut off
>inb4 >>>/x/ ;

>> No.6568094

Did you know that there's a good chance that a homosexual might be gay.

>> No.6568132

Homophobe detected.

>> No.6568164

Every form of media can be used for mind control, but if you have half a brain you can sift through the mounds of disinfo on the internet

>> No.6568173

If the internet is a mind control apparatus it must be broken.

>> No.6568300


>> No.6568330

If you add up the age of population alive right now it would be ten times more than the age of the Universe.

>> No.6568341

More than 49% of the things that exist are actually real!

>> No.6568377

Your mother is so fat that the integer storing her weight is negative.

>> No.6568394

The speed of light is so fast that no spacecraft has ever caught up to it!

>> No.6568434

On the 24 hr clock the largest digit you can obtain by adding all the digits of the time is 24

>> No.6568439


No it isn't.

>> No.6568469

If the oldest man is, say, 120 years old, it means that 120 years ago there was a completely different set of human beings on this planet

If you were to compare an atom's nucleus to an orange, the remaining amount of space that forms the atom would take up the space of a football field

Air is actually poisonous because every being that breathes dies

The sum of all numbers in the world equals -1/12

Your car runs on dead people unless it's a Tesla

>> No.6568492

Mostly False => I'm pretty sure you see the media/internet's effects on today's generation : these kids are so fake and superficial it sometimes amazes me they don't forget how to breathe ;

>> No.6568496

reversed tripcodes by mistake , sorryz

>> No.6568504

you can't prove newton's laws

>> No.6568629


Causality is marvelous.

>> No.6568728
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>> No.6569224

If you are in a group of 5 people, in 60 seconds one of them will have aged a minute

>> No.6569317

Every 60 minutes in Africa, a hour passes by.

>> No.6569392

those three actually aren't right all the time.
you dun goof'd

>> No.6569413




>> No.6569461

<span class="math">1_3 + 2_3 = 10_3[/spoiler]
fixed that for you

>> No.6569470

Don't you mean base 10?

>> No.6569477

Ibis' are extra important for the Earth's magnetic sphere.

>> No.6569497

weight sperm having X chromosome bigger than sperm caring Y,thats make Ysperm faster

>> No.6569510


Nit-picking bastards

>> No.6569512

>computer science

>> No.6569526
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>> No.6569556
File: 397 KB, 735x3120, Newtons Axioms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me /sci/
still really rough

>> No.6569611

This is just a bunch of definitions again.

Newtons laws are axioms, which means you can't prove them. So what do you have, apart from "muh measurements"?

It could also be that the axioms are totally wrong, and the measurements were coincidence. You can't for sure.

This is why I dislike physics. Same with the second law of thermodynamics.

>> No.6569617

You can't prove that 1+1=2 either.
Still we have to make do.

>> No.6569623
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>> No.6569631

>trying to make rigorously axiomatize Newtonian mechanics
just stop.

>> No.6569637

F=ma is incredibly prevalent.

>> No.6569643
File: 368 KB, 1532x1632, A+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ejaculationless.. orgasm.

>> No.6569648

This is actually an incredible fact.

>> No.6569676

Classical, nonrelativistic mechanics already has a rigorous mathematical treatment.
If I remember correctly, it uses symplectic geometry.

If you want to try to axiomatize a physical theory, focus on quantum field theory; that's where it's really needed.

>> No.6569696

As you read this sentence, there are at least as many people masturbating to your waifu as there are galaxies in the solar system.

>> No.6569701
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>> No.6569710

It's more that it's practice for me while I'm bored reading analysis books.
I'd really like to learn symplectic geometry though.
I can't say anything about d'Almbert principle or the derivation of EL equations without more math.

>> No.6569777

If Pluto was a planet, it would not be a sun.

>> No.6569805
File: 80 KB, 1003x552, 56(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i panicked during my finals

now i can't sleep problems, i have constant panic attacks, my hands tremble and everyday i wonder whether i will have to waste a year or through some odd chance go into the university

also there are tanks in this picture

>> No.6569827

optimus prime was irrational. let's roll.

>> No.6569881


>> No.6569994

i laughed

>> No.6569995


>> No.6570013

Today I learned that you can approximate a specific state of some martingale with a polynomial with integer coefficients as long as you make the time interval unitary and the end and start points are integers (say a stock price which started at 1$ and in one year ended in 10$)

>> No.6570475 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 366x464, 1377740999694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy Vey!

>> No.6570495
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>> No.6570818

Faggot, 0.999=1
Multiply both sides by ten
Subtract one x, or 0.9999 from both sides
Divide each side by nine
Since x=0.999, 0.999=1 faggot

>> No.6570826

I already proved that faggot

>> No.6570831

Yes it does faggot, look it up

>> No.6570839

Pandas are British, hence their smart attire and dapper appearance.
Koalas actually aren't Bears but are in fact part of the reptile family.
You could theoretically reach inside your anus and high-five your heart.

>> No.6570846

It is theoretically possible for it to have been theoretically possible that some people once believed that we can go faster than the speed of light using only water vapor as an energy source.

>> No.6570869

Are you retarded, or just drunk?

>0.999999 does not equal to 1
This is true.

0.9 ≠ 1
0.999 ≠ 1
0.999999 ≠ 1
0.999999... = 1

>> No.6570871

You could upload the entire DNA of the universe onto a 1 terabyte hard drive.

>> No.6570873

Some numbers are bigger than others

>> No.6570876

There is more ice on Earth than there are planets in the whole world.

>> No.6570915

Faggot nigger retard

>> No.6570920

The speed I'd light is nott constant. Light can bee accelerated by gravity faggots

>> No.6570926

This. People do not understand that even if light had mass, the constant c would be unchanged.

>> No.6570931

>I don't know what repeating and terminating decimals are
Nice bait.

0.999... is not the same as 0.999, faggot

>> No.6570959

Getting hit by a blimp kills over one Americans every year.

>> No.6570967

The constant is lights mass multiplied by its velocity i.e.it's momentum. C remains constant, velocity (speed and direction) however, changes. And everyone knows a change in velocity means acceleration.

>> No.6570971

What's 0.9999.... Times 10 faggot? C'mon, do the math

>> No.6570973

What's 0.9999.... Times 10 faggot? C'mon, do the math

>> No.6571002

>today I learned

>> No.6571433


Yeah, because .999999 + .000001 = 1, and .000001 > 0.

>> No.6571452

>What's 0.9999.... Times 10
It's 10. What's your point?

>> No.6571454

holy shit it took me 2 minutes of staring at the pic to realise

lol nice

>> No.6571478

We're all skeletons waiting to come out.

>> No.6571481

Because they're negative scientists.

>> No.6571487

according to multiverse theory, for every embarrassing thing you've thought about doing, there is a universe where you did it

>> No.6571490

We're all from the ocean.

>> No.6571522

you're thinking of the sum of natural numbers. he's talking about primes. also, just because a summation doesn't converge doesn't mean it can't equal something via a different method of calculation. in other words, the infinite sum of natural numbers doesn't necessarily have to converge to equal a real number.

>> No.6571655
File: 108 KB, 1706x728, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying implications

>> No.6571778

Mirrors aren't real because you like cock up your ass

>> No.6572097
File: 18 KB, 426x469, evilgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are evil. Pic related. It's a proof.

>> No.6572260

0.9999 times 10 is not 9.9999 just like 0.1 times 10 isn't 1.1

therefore you're the faggot

>> No.6573300
File: 6 KB, 189x267, 1401761144880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that there are more atoms in a Big Guy than Big Guys in the entire universe?

>> No.6573312
File: 339 KB, 500x750, 1399886717561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6573322
File: 322 KB, 500x750, 1401923079416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6573323

Can you prove the underlying assumption of that proof?

>> No.6573340
File: 106 KB, 500x636, 1396571670604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice double dubs

>> No.6573396


>> No.6573433
File: 138 KB, 1263x892, 1399382564254 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big guy is actually the same height as CIA even though CIA considers him a big guy.

>> No.6573493
File: 9 KB, 238x395, topkekek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6573516

count the 9s you fucktard.

>> No.6573533

.999999999 * 10 = 9.999999999 Correct.
.999999999* 10 = 9.9999999999 Incorrect.

>> No.6573629

Nail varnish remover (acetone) is less toxic than alcohol (ethanol) apparently. Makes sense, acetone is already a ketone so cannot oxidize further into anything nasty.

>> No.6573774

Light travels at the speed of light.

>> No.6573916

Remove one 9 from each and you're right..