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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6562826 No.6562826 [Reply] [Original]

why do mathematicians always shit on physicists and computer scientists sci?

>> No.6562830
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The mad pussy we get

>> No.6562839

Because they think it will make their dreams of becoming anything more than a white collar worker or a high school teacher come true.

>> No.6562848

>why do mathematicians always shit on physicists
A lot of mathematicians worked with physicists, and they sometimes made significant contributions.

>> No.6562852

I meant on sci not the real world, in the real world everyone respects or at least pretends to respect each other at least some what.

>> No.6562859

>I meant on sci not the real world
then who gives a fuck?

>> No.6562863

aka 1st year underscrubs

>> No.6562867

-Mathematics isn't a science, mathematicians don't like being bunched in with the rest of science.
-Being good at mathematics doesn't imply you're good at other things and vice versa. Math people understand this so naturally whenever they see physics or comp sci people making said logical fallacy they call them retarded.
-Math people don't like being attributed dumbed down versions of their work and then being told that it's easy.

>> No.6562875

citations needed. keep your autistic agendas to yourself mate.

>> No.6562876

Because physicists aren't anywhere near rigorous enough and CSer are driveling retards

>> No.6562877

>asks for citations on plainly obvious statements.
>calls others autistic

>> No.6562878

Mathematicians don't poop on physicists.

>> No.6562883

Because they're undergrads. In gradschool and real life, Mathematicians, Computer Scientists and Physicists work together all the time. And they all work directly with other kinds of scientists and engineers with no animosity at all. /sci/ will make you think there's some big contest because they're all undergrads that took joking around on the part of grad students seriously.

>> No.6562890

*maths students

There's a difference because real mathematicians are too busy doing maths to care how their fellows spend their time.

>> No.6562894

They're jealous no one in their field will be as instantly recognizable as Newton, Einstein or the average computer scientist turned businessman like Gates, Brin, et cetera.

>> No.6562903

Experimental physics is the only thing that people actually think is cool. The average person can sort of understand what you do and think it's cool. Theoretical physicists, computer scientists and mathematicians can't explain what they do full in under 5 minutes and no one invites them to parties

>> No.6562993

Physicists have annoying handwavy ways of looking at things. My personal least favourite is "The particle has P(x)dx probability of being in a region dx" gah wtf just say probability density like everyone else

Also they invade my algebra classes and say shit like "hurr when is this even useful this subject is so boring why am I doing this"

>> No.6563007

It's pretty much just undergrad maths students on /sci/. The reasons are

>failed first year physics, feel angry and try to take it out on people who are good at it

>babby reads Rudin for the first time and thinks he's a hardcore mathematician

>due to the Dunning Kruger effect, they can't fathom the idea that there are computer science students who are better at math than them, so when they see one the automatic response is to feel angry

>their field of study is typically held to a much lower standard of respect among average people than other fields, eg, a lot of people think that anyone who does physics is automatically a super-genius (even if they only have a bachelors degree), while most people think that mathematicians just solve quadratic equations all day

Most mathematicians I've met in real life are okay though and have worked with theoretical computer scientists and physicists.

>> No.6563120

I'm studying neither but I guess it's because math has higher standards. In a math curriculum the dumbasses are weeded out in first semester already. They fail their analysis class really hard and then realize that it's time to drop out. In physics on the other hand dumbasses are always given the chance to take the experimental route with minimum mathematical rigor, so that even people who failed babby's first linear algebra or babby's first QM still have a chance to become physicists. In CS it's even worse. Since CS curricula are flooded by retards who think regularly playing video games or using facebook qualifies them to do "something with computers", the minimum requirements in CS courses had to be dumbed down to such a level that it is possible for some of these failures to spend 10 semesters on their BSc and then graduating without knowing what a logarithm is or how to do fizzbuzz.

>> No.6563138


>implying there are mathematicians on sci with anything more than a GED
>implying there are physicists on sci with more than a BSc
>implying there are computer scientists on sci who didn't simply program a flash game in high school and are experts now

>> No.6563151

>or at least pretends to respect each other
I honestly think that there are a lot of mathematicians that do look down on engineers.

>> No.6563153

Pretty sure there are math PhDs on /sci/. In another thread I saw a guy talking about triple integrals.

>> No.6563513
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>inb4 Gödel
>inb4 Newton invented calculus
>inb4 Cantor

>mfw I can't tell the difference between trolls and genuine idiots on this board

>> No.6563541

sounds like you got trolled hard. If you'd spent more than five minutes on this board you'd know triple integrals are impossible

>> No.6563597

Lol, he thinks the average person knows who Cantor or Godel are. Also the only thing people know Newton for is "that apple thing".

>> No.6563608

God damn I hate all the faggots in computer science that are only interested in learning one programming language to make the next big thing TM they're fucking useless and are ruining the field. It's not my fucking fault that undergraduate computer science is full of retards. Blame the kikes like Zuckerburg pushing "everyone should learn 2 code!!!1!" not people who are genuinely interested in learning about and researching Artificial Intelligence, Computational Complexity, or anything else real computer scientists do.

>> No.6563616

I really feel you guys. I can't even make fun of computer scientists anymore. I can't imagine what it's like to have a field so misunderstood and filled to the brim with idiots. There needs to be a weed out year. Focus strictly on math in the freshman year. Don't even talk about programming languages. Teach Calculus, Lambda Calculus, Computational Theory FIRST. Separate the real contenders from the faggots, and let the failures learn to "code" in community college. It's how it should be. I'm sorry. To go from the great and promising field it was from its inception to the 80's to what it is now is just really, really sad. What's worse is that it's likely a sign of whats to come for other fields.

>> No.6563920

mother actuary (applied math)
father physicist
me engineer
wife pure math major

nobody "shits on each other"

that's really immature

>> No.6564834


>> No.6564851

no one shits on the engineer? I thought that's why you guys exist.

>> No.6564856

physicists are bros, what are you talking about.

cs fags, and engiees in general are just trained monkeys.

>> No.6565665

As someone who has studied all three, that is exactly correct.

>> No.6565684

computer scientists are pretty cool in gradschool, once the idiots drop out or take 60k codemonkey jobs, they're not dumb really, engineers though, they're retarded

>> No.6565691


> As someone who has taken Intro to Java, Physics I, and College Algebra and Trig

>> No.6565695

Not even trolling, but your family sounds like the biggest, most unfun pile of nerds bro

>> No.6565700

because mathematics the basis of those things. on its own it doesn't shit on anything but when applied we get physics and comp sci and that's good stuff.

>> No.6565712


this right here for everything

>> No.6565713

I really don't think it will happen to other fields, it's sort of a unique problem. It's like if schools lumped math and accounting together. Schools aren't going to separate CS from programming because actual CS is just so obscure. I'd imagine that only the better schools can actually afford to have real CS professors, and no school is going to stop calling their program "computer science" just for the sake of clarification.

>> No.6565718

Yeah, really though, once you get into about 3rd or 4th year, the people who just were in it to learn to program all leave with an AS or BS, and then the actual theory people stick around and go on to higher higher education.