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6559632 No.6559632[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6559653
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>> No.6559654

should i shit or shower first?

>> No.6559658


Why the fuck would you shower first?

>> No.6559664

so the bath doesnt stink like shit?

>> No.6559667

>shower first
puts lots of moisture in the air, the miniature particles of fecal matter that are flung into the air when you flush the toilet will likely travel more effectively and cling to more stuff. If your toilet is next to a sink or anything you put by your face, this is gross

>shit first
you cannot clean your ass without certainty that little bits of shit you missed didn't stick to between your cheeks

lose lose, friendo

>> No.6559668

>so the bath doesnt stink like shit?

This response is so stupid, I'm not sure where to begin.

>> No.6559670

I haven't read it.
To anyone else who has not read it. You can find it ↓

Anyways I believe reality is real.

Shit, shower, shave.

How you gonna get clean, when you are full of shit?
Speaking of full of shit. Well never mind.

Just let it air out, and/or spray something.

>> No.6559680

Makes sense to me - I always shit first (for better post-leaving-the-room hygiene) but that means the place smells like shit while I shower. I would not change SOP, but I can understand Anon's point.

>> No.6559684

>lose lose

I'm still not understanding how shit first is "lose."

>shower first
Have a shitty asshole all day. The fact that you are wet from showering makes even more shit stick to you.

>shit first
Have a clean asshole. Literally no downsides.

How is this even a question?

>> No.6559685


Oh I see, so he's saying he can't bear to be in the same room that he shit for a long time afterwards. I thought he was saying that the shower would smell like shit afterwards because his shit got washed down its drain or something.

It still makes no sense, since if his shit smells that bad then he should want to clean it off himself.

>> No.6559689


your shit don't stink? are you a girl or something?

>> No.6559693


Why do you want to smell like shit all day, if your shit stinks so much?

>> No.6559696

>your shit don't stink? are you a girl or something?

Nah, I'm just not incredibly unhealthy. Seriously, wtf do you eat?

>> No.6559701

Such bait.

>> No.6559703


Uh, no. Your shit is not supposed to smell so much that you literally can't stay in the room.

>> No.6559705

I thought that's what the flusher's for.

>> No.6559710

Shit first, then flush.
There you go. No odour.

Then proceed to do whatever the fuck you want to do next.

>> No.6559712


Do you think OP doesn't have a flushing toilet?

>> No.6559713


I *cannot* believe that I am about to actually give a real answer in a conversation about the smell of shit but here goes:

When I grew up and stayed at home, I ate my mother's food. She's a GP and, in general, interested in health and nutrition, and this was reflected in the food she made.

When I was together with my at-the-time best friend and we both needed to drop the deuce, I always went first because his shit was vile and mine was barely noticeable.

Then I grew up and moved out. I now commute long distances and eat pre-processed crap that's fast and easy to prepare, and my shit is far more vile.

Now, that my just be physiological changes due to older age and slower metabolism.

But the consistency of my shit is definitely affected by what quality of food I have been eating lately (Raw veggies => solid shit, processed wheat => squirters) and while I have not been paying attention to whether the smell varies with consistency, I'm sure the smell is also food-dependent.

>> No.6559729

/sci/ - Science & Feces

>> No.6559734



>> No.6559789


Don't you have an extractor fan in your bathroom?

>> No.6559834

To really answer the question. Several people in Talbot's book are quoted quoting scientists. Talbot doesn't realize they're misquoting the scientists/ totally misunderstanding the quote. So I don't trust anything he says that I didn't already understand from somewhere else.

>> No.6559857

I think consistency has to do with fiber. Soluble fiber gives hard turds.

>> No.6559865


While that's probably true, there is definitely more to it than that.

>> No.6559950


Fibers are a solid part of it though

if you see what I did there

>> No.6560962

>shit in one bathroom
>shower in another different bathroom