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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6548295 No.6548295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Majoring in physics and not engineering

Why haven't you realized that engineering is the top dog? Physics classes are our electives.

>> No.6548297

>hurr give up you

>> No.6548306
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>an engineer thinking he's my equal because he knows triple integrals

>> No.6548319

>Implying an engineer can do 1/10 the things a physics major can do.
>Implying a physics major can't do 90% of what an Engineering major can do, then learn the rest in a couple of days.

Engineering is a specific subset of physics which has some field-specific info, but that's it.

It's like saying.
>implyign you don't need maths to do trig, and maths can do so much more than just trig, whereas trig can only apply to a small portion of maths, despite being a useful application of mathematics.

>> No.6548324


The only way you could know that is if you have majored in both engineering and physics. Otherwise you're just a retard talking shit. So, have you?

>> No.6548354

not that guy, but i have both, and:

you obviously have no idea what engineering is. only around 30% of engineering is normal physics, the rest is stuff like finance, project management and similar shit, and depending on your field more specialized physics than will be done in any physics degree such as reactor design, engineering material science, heat exchanger design, biotechnology...

>> No.6548358

>never got paid to do a project for an engineering student
>never got paid to take an exam for an engineering student
>never worked with engineers

>> No.6548870

>engineering is a subset of physics

in the same way chemistry is a subset of physics

>physics major can do 90% of what an engineering major can do

similarly, can a physicist do organic chemistry? chemical engineers can.

basically the existence of chemical engineers makes your agrument invalid

>> No.6548882

I find it annoying hat people equate intro classes to a major to the entire major.

>> No.6548889
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>a physics major who doesn't know triple integrals

>> No.6548902

So between two equally qualified candidates, one with a BS in Physics, and the other with a BS in Electrical engineering I wonder who an employer will hire for an electrical engineering job.

Physicists always say they are equally qualified for engineering but I think in the real world employers will always prefer the more specialized person if that choice exists. Reality is EE guy has more knowledge of physics applied to electricity and circuits than the "jack of all trades master of none" physicist does.

>> No.6548914

Except physics doesn't touch molecules. While it touches every other kind of engineering.

>> No.6548921

>Physicists always say they are equally qualified for engineering

They actually don't. 19 year old physics majors on 4chan say they are equally qualified for engineering.

>> No.6548929

I'm assuming a BS in Physics would rather go for a career in, you know, physics.

>> No.6548933

control theory?

>> No.6548941

I'm 27 and I only study physics using Wikipedia, thank you.

>> No.6548942

>Physics classes are our electives

>> No.6548947
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>> No.6548958


Ignore the bitter undergrad feud, of second year drop outs, it's stupid,endless posturing and there is no point to it. Ignore it and your life will be better.

To end all the trolling, Physics is a fairly difficult and prestigous major, but no it's not true that "physicists can do everything engineers can" BECAUSE IT'S LITERALLY FUCKING ILLEGAL YOU GODDAMN IDIOTS, THAT'S AKIN TO SAYING BIOLOGISTS CAN DO SURGERY BECAUSE HE KNOWS SOME ANATOMY.

See, I lost my shit, now I'm part of the problem, don't be like me anons, fuck I'm probably gonna drop out now too.

>> No.6548959

Just like a physicist is equally if not more so qualified in medicine than a doctor coz relly all a doctor does has to do with physics rite?

>> No.6548962

That's why ChemE is always in the God-Tier bracket of major charts alongside physics,there are huge differences between engineering disciplines, people generally refer to Mechanical when they say engineering.

>> No.6548968

EE master race repotin' in

>> No.6548970

>one with a BS in Physics

all you can do with a BS in physics is fold it into a little hat

>> No.6548997

Pretty much. Best thing to do for EE is do the masters, do a couple of years work and you can apply for chartered status

>> No.6549002


This, let them live in their fantasy math/physics world where they will get 300k starting for their "superior degrees"

Not one engineering job actually wants a physicist/mathematician because learning quantum mechanics or abstract algebra is not actually a valuable skill. Only the top 1% of autists make it in these fields, and the rest usually beg for engineering scrap. How many random stem majors try to get into engineering either in grad school or somewhere else once they realize that they're majors are dead ends?

>> No.6549003

Just went on a huge argument with parents over decision about physics vs electrical engineering undergrad

>tells father about friends studying physics
>gets reply like: Oh im sure that all of your friends are going to transfer into engineering after a year
>wtf is wrong with this family

>> No.6549006

>EE is master race
>can easily just become an electrician and make as much money


>> No.6549019

>yfw in the real world employers actually want physicists
Back to your baby version of physics classes.

>> No.6549032


I'll see you at the unemployment office

>> No.6549038

Implying you will be there too?

>> No.6549042

Since when was science about jobs?


All you people who are studying to get a job:

Why not do something you're good already for money and learn about the science you're interested in as a hobby?

20 years of number crunching for some megacorp that will make see all the profit from your hard engineering work does not a happy monkey make, despite what a century of propaganda and faux promises of prestige will have you believe..

>> No.6549046


Physics majors are just as bad as rich liberal arts kids who go to college just to get a degree in woman's studies. Physics is a garbage degree until WW3 with china and a sputnik moment happens again, even then modern engineering will be valued more.

>> No.6549047

you're good at already*

>> No.6549051

>learning quantum mechanics or abstract algebra is not actually a valuable skill.
Yes it, I use for generating data used in industrial applications.


>> No.6549054

Your father is right, society views Physics majors as kids who couldn't get into engineering, Physics is not a valid major for grown ups unless you explicitly plan on an academic career.

>> No.6549055

>yfw engineers on physics say the exact opposite
His father is just trying to defend his mistakes.

>> No.6549085

> Math major
> my passion
> not concerned with lucrative employment
> just doin my thang

Chemistry made up my chosen electives. It was fun.

>> No.6549157

this is wat I was thinking about the shirt. I'll avoid engaging all other discussions as it it's just aes flinging
followed by feces.

>> No.6549161

So I just finished my B.A. In physics, is it even worth going to grad school for it? Or should I just run head first into traffic.

>> No.6549170

according to /sci/, the answer is 50-50

>> No.6549175

Oh god... i never took statistics! I HOPE ITS A SEMI TRACTOR TRAILER!

>> No.6549176

As opposed to running backwards?
Who would do that?

>> No.6549179

if you can, do it.

>> No.6549180

When i say headfirst, i mean bent over 90 degrees, running headfirst into traffic. If you get the picture.

>> No.6549204

Well now you just look silly.

>> No.6549205 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6549211
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>> No.6549213

>19 year olds

>> No.6549214

Was that not aloud in /sci/? No fun?

>> No.6549216

>not taking the best of both worlds and going with mechanical/mechatronics