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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6547234 No.6547234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We convince people that are college majors are the best. I'll go first,
I'm a mathematics major. Mathematics is the most important field because when you make a discovery in mathematics, it can help all fields of STEM.

>> No.6547247

I'm an art major and I agree that your field is the most important and I wish that I was good enough to make an important discovery.

>> No.6547250

>justifying his inevitable NEET status

>> No.6547256

no math major would ever draw that illogical conclusion.

this thread sucks and so do you, OP

>> No.6547259

>ITT: We shitpost like a 12 year old while raping grammar.

>> No.6547263

I am Mathematics major too. Mathematics is superior to most majors because an achievement in the field affects not only the study itself - but all other disciplines too. Contributions in math have affected physics, computers, and economics.

>> No.6547265

>marine biology degree
>any job I want 300k starting

>> No.6547275

stop samefagging your shit thread, OP.

>> No.6547281

I am a physics major. My major is most important because the discoveries made affect all fields of science (Chemistry is applied physics, particle physics especially, biology is applied chemistry, etc;etc) and often affect Mathematics as well, and, if they don't, still contribute to the advancement of humanity, while a discovery made in, say, Math may contribute to Physics, it quite often goes without impacting the rest of the world.

However, I prefer to think that all of the high level fields are equal, and the liberal arts fields have their own claim to fame in that they make life in general more enjoyable, especially with the often low pay, and I admire them greatly.

>> No.6547287

I'm a [REDACTED] major, I'm not saying what my major is, it's too fun and and I don't want any competition.

Go do math or something.

>> No.6547288
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I am an Electrical Engineering major. I just suck a bunch of dicks all day.

>> No.6547290


>> No.6547296


>> No.6547302

I'm a physics major. I may have made a mistake.

>> No.6547322

I agree, being a physics major was a mistake. My dick is sore from all of the pussy I've gotten.

>> No.6547331

I'm a PhD student in financial mathematics.

A PhD in financial mathematics is the most important degree because you make the most money.

Prove me wrong faggots

>> No.6547332

Molecular biology.

Because you are going to watch your mother slowly turn into a stranger right before you when Alzheimer's hits while your dad chokes to death on his own phlem because he's too weak to even sit up.
Meanwhile, you just found out your first child has downs syndrome, and your wife doesn't want to abort. Also, your sister has AIDS. Not in the funny way, either. In the way that she will start getting sick more often. Just the flu. Slowly, though, she starts losing weight. Coughing more. Getting sick more often. One day, she just stops moving.

Biology, because one day all of this will be a thing of the past, and I'm gonna throw my time, energy, and effort to make sure it happens sooner.

>> No.6547337

Systems Engineering
It sucks

>> No.6547340

Computer Science because it's <span class="math">fun[/spoiler]

>> No.6547344

Engineer, specifically mechanical.

The contributions of my fellow engineers directly improve people's quality of life. I however will be sitting in a lab at 4 in the morning trying to figure out why my robot is trying to kill me.

>> No.6547360

I'm a ChemE


>> No.6547364

I hope you have nepotism and prepare for burnout

>> No.6547366

English Major.
>that are college majors

>> No.6547389

Also we get all the chicks

>Oh anon, take a shower with us and tell us alll about the laambda calculus
>McCarthy 91 Function? Is that how many time's we'll orgasm when you fill us with your knowledge of computational complexity?

>> No.6547395

>Tell girl I'm a physics major
>Within seconds she's dripping and begging for me to put my physics in her major

>> No.6547414

I'm a physics AND math major. Stop being casuals.

>> No.6547483

Don't be a chemistry major

>> No.6547499

Actually according to a study, the neuroscientists do. This is because:
1. Exposure to biology chicks
2. They have the whole brain surgeon thing going
3. They have mastered mind control

>> No.6547512

It might suck dick now, but when we graduate it'll be fucking worth it. Most versatile STEM major cuz everything needs a damn circuit.

>> No.6547513

>Most versatile STEM major cuz everything needs a damn circuit.

That's like saying "construction worker is the most versatile job cuz everything needs a damn building"

>> No.6547520
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I'm an astrophysics major. I don't have to justify shit.

>> No.6547522

y no?

pls respon

>> No.6547528

Interferometry up in this bitch.

>> No.6547531

nuclear engineering cuz its cool as fuck and you get a pretty rounded education compared to shit like EE or civil

>> No.6547541

I was a physics major in undergrad.

Idk why it was great. I understand quantum mechanics and general relativity. I always wanted to understand that shit, and now I do.

>> No.6547568

I'm a physics major going into my sophomore year. All of the female physics majors have declare plebian tracks like nuclear and biophywsics. Only the most autistic women have the balls to join me in the glorious field of astrophysics

>> No.6547572

There's like 2 women in physics and 14 in astrophysics in my year, anon. We all take pretty much the same classes, except the physics majors take more quantum mechanics, while we take astrophysics. I think my full physics/astrophysics year started with 70 people at the beginning of the first. At the end of the second we're down to around 40 people. We experienced our greatest loss at the end of the first year.

I was chasing a qt in astrophysics until recently but she may or may not have literally gone insane and I'm fairly sure she dropped to go into computer science.

It's not like my uni is small either. We have 25,000 undergrads and our new chancellor is a former astronaut.

>> No.6547575

this seems like something philosophy majors would do or at least all the ones I know try and justify how its just as valid if not better than every other major lol

>> No.6547581

CS because

>muh money

Enjoy being poor faggots.

>> No.6547603

If rich people need an "incentive" to do many of the important things they do, I propose we take their money and give them cookies as reward instead

>> No.6547608


Biology major.

Despite the fact that invasive ant species do upwards of $5 billion in yearly damages to US infrastructure, there is a surprisingly small amount of research being done on them.

>> No.6547621
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>> No.6547634

Chemistry was a thing at my school; we're one of the former hot spots for pharmaceutical companies.

Why not chemistry?
1. Pay is shit until you get a PhD.
2. Jobs are non-existent.
3. Field is dominated by those who don't know math
4. Do study material science or nanoparticles instead of Chemistry if you must do.
5. Arrogance is through the roof.
6. The top 2 students in my class basically work in their lab from 5PM to 1AM
7. The smart kids end up applying to med school.
8. I'm not fucking kidding you when I say pay is shit because I'd rather be a construction worker than get this stupid fucking degree.
9. Unless you're learning from a computational background, get used to hand waiving.
10. I have lab reports every 2 weeks, presentations every 2 weeks, problem sets due every week; I'd rather be an engineer right now cranking through problem sets

I would be a chemical engineer major, but that program just started at my uni, and from the words of everyone so far, it's disorganized, shitty, and not highly respected. I also can't program, which is the major reason why.

>> No.6547635
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BME, course plan looks like every other engineering major took turns chucking darts at their schedule and made those the required classes.

>C++ Programming
>Organic Chemistry I+II+III
>Signal Processing
>Circuit Analysis
>Fluid Dynamics
>Control System Theory
>Organismal Biology

>> No.6547646

All that random shit is highly valued by graduate schools/industry if you're able to eek through with a GPA higher than 3.0. One of my buddies got into a biochemistry doctorate program (faculty sponsored) because he was a BME and had done undergrad research. Same goes for medical schools.

As far as I've been told, BME is the work that people encounter daily, either as a process chemist in a pharm company, a research biologist working on cryo-em, a full time engineer at a medical device company, etc.

>> No.6547647

undergrad detected.

>> No.6547653

I'm a physics major. We have a lot of hot&intelligent women in this field, whereas other STEMs are studying the arts of man-fiddling.

>> No.6547658

Stem Majors is the best. We have plenty of hot chicks doing science with their shirt unbuttons wearing pink high heals. The best part is that they're highly competent and know what they're talking about.

>> No.6547677

Aerospace Engineering because it pays a shitton later and you get to launch metal dicks filled with rocket fuel into the sky

>> No.6547715


>> No.6548020


>> No.6548028

I'm an Asian studies major

I have a cushy 100k university job with pension. If anyone even thinks of criticizing me, I call them racist and they get banned from campus.

I never studied once in college and got a perfect GPA

>> No.6548030

I never went to college. I have a great construction manager job, make 90k, and have 0 debt

Stay pseudo-intellectual loanfags

>> No.6548032

I went to college in glorious socialist Europe, paid for from the taxation of plebs.

I now lounge around in an ivory tower playing maths games with my friends, and giving a few lectures and tutorials during term time, all for more money than you earn.

Stay mad, work fags.

>> No.6548036

Math is good, but subfields of applied math are more useful in society right now.

I see working to solve problems in computer science to have the greatest return to humanity currently.

Although modern chemistry also looks on the cusp of breakthroughs that will be important in the coming decade. Biotech as well, but that requires work from a lot of fields and isn't as easily narrowed down.

I haven't seen anything coming out of physics lately that is going to be very useful to humanity to understand. Quantum entanglement shows the most promise, but I'm skeptical of it ever having any actual relevance to anything.

>> No.6548037

Just know you got that through violence

>> No.6548039


*tips fedora*

>> No.6548042

I get the impression most of the people ITT are 18 or 19 year olds who have taken all the same classes anyway.

>> No.6548084

I'm starting a bachelors degree in Chemistry this September and I can't change my choice now.. I'm really fucked aren't I

Which country has the best chemical industry? I'm willing to move after my degree

>> No.6548087

I'm studying electrical engineering because everyone told me to do it and I'll make mad bank. So why not?

>> No.6548099

>3. Field is dominated by those who don't know math

I know little about chemistry research, but aren't people who do "quantum chemistry" essentially theoretical physicists?
What are the people who don't know math researching?

>> No.6548120

Electronic media. Yeah. I fucking love it. I was a comp sci major and while I enjoyed the problem solving I hated the environment of it. My major was a lo of fun. Graduated two years ago and I'm an engineer with a directional boring company now lol. I didn't get much out of college except drugs.

>> No.6548131

I'm thinking of majoring physics later, is it really bad or are there good physics??

>> No.6548154

Physics is a good major. Just bear in mind that the applied math nature of physics isnt nearly as obvious at the lower division level. In quantum mechanics it feels like the physics takes a backseat to the math, at least in terms of how much time you spend thinking about them. Also make sure you are aware of the nature of a career in physics, should you pursue that rather than going into industry.

I've been a bit unusually dissuaded, I think, by having a particularly math-heavy course load, which I seem to no longer have the determination to excel at. I'm expatriating to software engineering while completing the degree, as the union of the two disciplines is useful and programming satisfies the same problem solving itch with somewhat less intense math and far greater ease of pursuing projects.

>> No.6548162

Microbiology major here, but pretty much this.

>> No.6548270

How's biochem compared to chem?

>> No.6548283

Chemist think particle in a box is the end all be all of quantum mechanics.

>> No.6548308

>i cant change my choice before i start

you are so fucking stupid, i hate you so much

change your goddam choice you buffoon. you belong in computer science you stupid fucking mong

>> No.6548318 [DELETED] 
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Is anyone here into neuroscience?
Shit looks absolutely awesome and much more promising than what I'm currently studying for my undergrad, psychology (yes I know).
But my question is, given that my uni doesn't offer courses on cognitive science, what should I get my undergrad on if I want to do research on stuff like pic related or any other branch of neurosci? Is Psy ok for an undergrad or should I take math, biology, chemistry or physics right now instead?
I was going to make a thread about this but this one seems good enough to ask this, /sci/ is cluttered enough with these kinds of threads to make yet another one.

>> No.6548444


>> No.6548454
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Similar. Tech school and making almost six figures, no debt. Job can't be automated. Feels good bro. I sometimes meet EEs who are disconcertingly unfamiliar with basic electrical theory. Mostly I prefer the college kids to my fellow plebs though.

>> No.6548546

Civil Engineering.

We all need a place to live in and a working infrastructure to get things done.

The field is only good if you are interested in it.

>> No.6548596

I want to meet the engineer who made that

>> No.6548615

Stem Major here.

I was a physics major but then I went back to college at the age of 50 to get stem major. It was a life changing experience to get the major I always wanted.

>> No.6548619

CS are engineer bros.

>> No.6548652

This. I'm not sure who exactly hates CS. Most of my friends in undergrad were engineers and math majors, now in grad school it's mostly just math majors. Maybe there is no rivalry at all in the real world and it's just a /sci/ meme

>> No.6548677

Why does Biology get all the chicks?

>> No.6548752

muh animals

>> No.6548763

>Maybe there is no rivalry at all in the real world and it's just a /sci/ meme

Now you're catching on.

>> No.6548781
File: 1 KB, 138x50, rutrying2cheatmeagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me

Why there are parenthesis in problem?

Like literally what purpose do they serve to be there?

Is it just programming shenanigans?

>> No.6548790

>using a calculator.png

>> No.6548792

The goyim know! Shut it down!

>> No.6548804

Look I'm not using a calculator or anything. I have to solve this problem and it's pretty simple assuming all I have to do is invert the fraction.

But why are there parenthesis?

>> No.6548822

I was making a joke about using calculators - how one often adds extra parentheses just to make sure the parsing doesnt fuck up.

I dunno the context of that, but it is indeed simply unecessary.

>> No.6548839

Thanks man, really appreciate it.

Have to take some simple algebra course for my nursing degree, but I'm use to doing math on paper where you don't normally see this kind of thing.

Anyways, feel free to laugh at me.

>> No.6548978

Making money isn't everything, you greedy rectum sucking whore.

>> No.6548980

I meant our and you know that, cunt.

>> No.6548985

You're a physics major? What the fuck do you plan on doing for work?

>> No.6548991

I can't stand the term "Computer Science." CS is not science it's sudo-science.

>> No.6548996

I'm a history major and that was the greatest mistake of my life.

>> No.6549000

I see what you did there.

>> No.6549007

He probably will teach/work in something completely unrelated to his major.

I have an acquaintance who has a masters in physics, she currently teaches at a community college. She told me that out of her peers in her graduating class for physics (which she could count in two hands), one of them also teaches, while another went to the military, and another into business, another teaches high school. Physics as a major is not all that, unless you are a genius who is going to contribute to society in a unique way through physics. Not many physics majors ever get to that.

>> No.6549009

can definately confirm that at McGill

>> No.6549021


Chemical Engineer with applied math minor

>most girls in engineering in chemical engineering (still mostly ugly)
>do a bit of everything
> know more math then most engineers/other stem majors and less than physicists/mathematicians
>know some EE, CivilE, MechE, geology, petroleum engineering, chemistry, and my own field Chem E
>People think my major is super hard even if they know NOTHING about it, every person I meet asks if my major is hard
>You can work doing very man things (not sucking dicks) oil, pharmaceuticals, plastics, food.. anywhere that makes stuff

>Most of your classes are filled with neckbeards
>crushing competition from foreigners for grades
>No experience or low grades makes you unemployable

>> No.6549152

cant tell if serious, is mcgills physics program good?

>> No.6549254
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Computer science is the best major since computers do most of the science nowadays anyway.

upboat if you agree :^)

>> No.6549372

are you from reddit?

>> No.6549376

not that guy but i know this chick at my uni in the grad program that did nudergrad phys at mcgill and she's def a qt. as for mcgill i think their phys programs pretty good

>> No.6549424

just got my BS and am going to grad school next year. it's pretty much the same as far as i know.

i mean, you can get a decent average-salary job doing shit as a lab tech but you don't need a goddamn biochem degree to do western blot or PCR. the concepts are simple enough.

but if you wanna be the guy jerking off in his office on the computer all day, only coming out every so often to talk to the people you employ about shit you just thought up... then you need to get your PhD and spend a few miserable years after that proving yourself. and you also have to teach classes if you do research at a university.

i have absolutely no experience with industry jobs in biochem but the labs i toured as an undergrad said they hire "almost exclusively PhDs, with a few exceptional masters' holders".

should've just fucking done a 2 year lab tech degree. it would average out to nearly the same amount of money by the time i get an income source that isn't a measly stipend from the university for working 10 hours a day in lab.

>> No.6549434

>tfw chemistry
>tfw no jobs
>tfw never leaving uni

o god i hope someone starts giving me money for postgrad

>> No.6549497

>not even going to try
>I'll see myself out

>> No.6549521

>implying you'll ever amount to anything
enjoy being a teacher

>> No.6549737

I'm an aerospace engineering major, my major is superior because rockets and shit. Why the fuck do I have to take this gay ass CS course though dayum

>> No.6550056
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On a somewhat related note:
What major leads me closer to wallstreet/CEO 10k/day, financial mathematics or financial statistics?

>> No.6550094

ITT : Virgins trying to compare size of their majors because they need to compensate for something

>> No.6550096

I am interested in majoring in aerospace engineering. So I am just wondering if you know any great universities in Europe, preferable in Scandinavia?

>> No.6550112

I'm a math/cs double major. They both help with my employment chances at the NSA.

>> No.6551012

My chemistry major is the best because I think it's cool.
My physics and math minors are the best because they help me understand my coursework and think about things differently, also they're cool too.

That's it, that's all that matters.
Quit trying to make tiers you autistic fucks. You act like people who think they're better than others because of their favorite sports team.
Prestige is for classists, put your dicks and rulers away; science is interdisciplinary now and molecular biologists can work in the same lab as computational physicists.

>> No.6551019

Money gives you Power and Freedom.

>> No.6551037

What, you can't into stealing or DIY?

>> No.6551055

I am getting a degree in nanoengineering (degree at Waterloo). It is the best major because it allows me to find the clitoris.

>> No.6551088


I'm a psych major wanting to go into neuroscience when I graduate. Take biology classes, trust me. Psychology is pretty easy, which is why I'm doing a minor in behavioral neuroscience (they introduced the major at my school when I was a junior so it was too late to switch fully).

I have no idea what that pic is, so I'm just going to give you this advice:

1. Take biology classes
2. Do chemistry as well if you can
3. DON'T loose track of your main major. I did and now that I took so much bio classes I'm going to graduate a semester later. No big deal, but still.
4. Make friends with your professors, see if they are doing research that is pertinent to your field.

Good luck anon. Neuroscientists come from all fields, psychology, biology, physics, chemistry, etc.

>> No.6551127

I bet you have sideburns

>> No.6551197

It allows you to find your penis, too.

>> No.6551244

Because girls can't into sicence but they want to prove they can. Therefore pick a humanities that looks deceptively like a science and they feel like they've really stuck it to the man

>> No.6551456

My girlfriend is environmental engineering at a private christian school. Is this a shit major?

>> No.6551491

I'm a math major. Math is the most important field because it is fun as shit.

>> No.6551504

this is the most convincing one so far. I'm not even being sarcastic.

>> No.6551506

>"a humanities that looks deceptively like a science"
Explain, please.

>> No.6551981

From reading this thread every major is shit and no jobs after you get it. I just went back to school to finish my AA and I really wanted to get into STEM but it just seems like a lot of shit. Chemistry is fun but seems like nothing comes from it. Biology is oversatured. Astronomy? lol. Enilrnmental sciences? Hahaha

Is there any STEM major that isn't shit in the long run now. I dont want to spend a ton of money for a useless degree.

>> No.6551992

>caring this much about money
just do engineering, then.

>> No.6551996

Find a program that will let you do a mix of engineering and computer science.

>> No.6552158

If you're down for a life in academia, biophysics is just as fun as chemistry

If you're want a job, computer science.

>> No.6552428

>business major
>more than 90% of you STEM faggots will ever make
Get rekt

>> No.6552429

Not a wrench or any other unpowered tools/structures
>Mech E master race
The true jack of all trades

>> No.6552433

No engineer who isn't in Civ believes Chem E is hard, they just think it is tedious memorization.

>> No.6552896

even the "best" majors are pretty shitty at a Bachelors level unless all you want to end up doing is somebody else's spreadsheets or code monkey grunt work.

For science, get at least a Masters if not a PhD and be passionate about it, damn it.

>> No.6552961

This is true

>> No.6553258

I jest really. Its just that it lacks some of the rigour of physics is all. Much love to all the biologists out there

>> No.6553336 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon.

>> No.6553343

I only have one friend. He is in communications, worships Christopher Nolan, and says that math contributes very little to the world.

>> No.6553356

Quantum Chemists, nearly everyone I've met in my department all got their bachelors, masters, or doctorates in physics. It essentially is the study of QM in non-relativistic conditions. Being they have their degrees in physics and not in chemistry shows the weakness of the chemistry degree. Quantum Chemists and Computational Chemists however make up a small fraction of the entire chemistry department, such that they receive a fraction of the funding.

The work of quantum chemist have made a footprint in all of chemistry however. I couldn't imagine a chemistry today without H-NMR.

>> No.6553365
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>> No.6553368

Political science.

Pros: get to be a scientist AND philosopher at the same time.

>> No.6554583

Dunno about CEO, but there's plenty of phd's in math and physics working on wallstreet.

Between the two you put down, I think both are about the same and it mostly depends on what you want to end up doing, and how you complement your education with certifications (financial risk management exam, actuary exams, etc).

If you want to be a quant, you better be as good as you can at probability and statistics, linear algebra, data analysis, modeling/simulation, programming (mostly C++), finance (duh), and at least decent at calculus.

I have a friend doing an MS in mathematical finance, says the probability/statistics stuff can get pretty advanced, but the calculus is not too out there if you're coming from a STEM background in a good school.

>> No.6554601

I shouldn't have laughed to that.

>> No.6554610

>Political science.
>get to be a scientist AND philosopher at the same time.
pretending to be both while actually being neither

>> No.6554630

Master's in Avionics
Pros: I get to be a radio amateur

>> No.6554646

>phd's in math and physics working on wallstreet.

>> No.6554694

Wat, probability and statistics uses tons of calculus.

>> No.6554697
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BME reporting in, obviously my majors the most important because .. eternal life enginereed by my ass bitches

>> No.6554701

bitch i fuck bitches every fucking day

>> No.6554711

Linguistic anthropology

It's fun and can get you a job


It's fun and can get you a job

> both aren't fun for everyone though obviously

>> No.6554719

> Medfag
> PhD in cardiovascular epidemiology
> I get to do all the fun statistics and still I'm not a gay STEM neckbeard like you guys
> Ha!

>> No.6554721

So you're a physics major.

>> No.6554723
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>Linguistic anthropology
>It's fun and can get you a job

u wot m8?

>> No.6554724
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pssh, close but im a BME

>> No.6554742
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finance+math dual major here
world wouldn't work without me
>imb4 putting jews out of business

>> No.6554750

finance is obvious
supply and demand
monkey could do it

>> No.6554765
File: 102 KB, 756x553, 1397945410935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont you do it faggot and live the dream

>> No.6554773

Halp /sci/

Finished my bachelor in chemistry.
I have to do a master (belgium here), what to do:
stay in chemistry
go for material science

>> No.6554775

hey im a jew so i take offense to that faggotry
i dont wanna do it because i wanna enjoy my job and do crazy fucking awesome shit bc thats BME

>> No.6554788

oy vey
JIDF is here heuheuheuheue
im joking about the jew things plz dont kill me

>> No.6554820

>taking posts about jews seriously

>> No.6554844

Computer Science Major. Working on my MS in Statistics

>> No.6554926
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ChemE is best because if you choose wisely then half of your undergrad projects could essentially be brewing alcoholic beverages and no one would question you. My department has an award winning beer brewing club.

Also as >>6547360>MUH PIPES pointed piping design is a major part of the course and mastering piping is oddly satisfactory.

>> No.6554928

>go for material science

>> No.6554933
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>> No.6554966
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Mathematics. Because it is the hardest when you think about it.

>> No.6555004
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Well, i don't know how it is in MUH 'RICA, but here we have this "science and technology" bachelor degree. We have math (calculus I,II,III - linear algebra - probability and statistics - etc), physics (I,II,III, quantum physics and some other stuff), computation and chemistry (nothing special about those).

It's a 3 years course, then you get your diplom. After that, you choose some engineer (2 years) or something else like math or physics (1 year) and get another diplom.

I'm doing science and technology because i still have no fucking idea what i want, and i'm good with numbers (at least i think so).

Not that bad, i think it's cool. Maybe i'm doing math when i finish it.

sry about my english btw.

>> No.6556238

I am a computer science major. My field is the most important because this very image board was created using the techniques computer scientists made possible.

>> No.6556242

computer science because 50% of the other shit will be automated soon, computer science is what will be used to create the automation

>> No.6556245

computer science, let's see a mathematician create glorious 4chan.

>> No.6556295

Pretty sure /sci/ knows what a Bachelor's/Master's degree is anon.
Also what is "science and technology"? I know "Bachelor of Science/Technology" as a degree, but how you explained it it sounds as if it's an actual course of studies.

>> No.6556334

Genetic & Molecular Biology

Because we will literally deliver the next evolutionary trait to mankind.

>> No.6556342

I am a womyn's studies major. Womyn's studies is the most important field because the patriarchical chauvinistic dominance and the subordination of womon by the savage peniled variety of humans within acadaemia, government, and civilian life must not be allowed to persist.

>> No.6556347
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Tomorrow i'll send my application for a Molecular Biotechnology Masters course. Gonna be one hell of a wait.

>> No.6556349

Astrobiology major here.

My degree is best because I basically look up at the sky and think about aliens

>> No.6556353
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Congratulations. What was your undergraduate major and where exactly are you applying if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6556359

Studied Biology.
Applying at the TUM here in Germany.
I did send a bunch of other applications aswell because i can't really say i'm confident concerning that application.

>> No.6556399

Physics master race reporting in.
If you don't study physics you can't be elitist.
I think that about covers it.

>> No.6556438


>> No.6556440

M.Sc. in Nanotech, working on my Ph.D.

Always knew /sci/ was full of undergrads...

>> No.6556454

I resent people like you. The average standard does not rise just because you did

>> No.6556463


I find that sociology is the most important because without it there would be anarchy and that would be bad because then nobody would be able to build roads and then would be unable to go to work. Without anybody going to work, they would not earn any money and would be unable to buy things in shops like shampoo and toothpaste. Without such essential items, everyone would have very bad hygiene.

That is why I study sociology.

>> No.6556499

Trade school 90k/year starting

Kill people burn shit fuck school

>> No.6556502

I am a chemistry major. While there are applications of physics in chemistry, it is not applied physics. Just by looking around, we cannot find one thing that is not made of atoms. Without chemistry, we wouldn't be able to feed our already oversized population. We wouldn't have many things we take for granted everyday such as any materials made of plastic (or any polymers for that matter), life saving drugs, and current research in renewable/alternative energy sources could not be we're they are today.

Honestly, I agree. Mathematics, physics, Chemistry, and engineering complement each other. We'd be severely limited by the loss of any of those fields.

>> No.6556505

>All these wage slaves

Don't go to college, kids. Might as well chase your actual dreams. Nobody grows up wanting to be an Engineer.

>> No.6556526

Yes they do, until they find out what it means.

>> No.6556530

I did, but only because I had the vague idea that it was related to building things and that they made a lot of money.

My plans never changed and I'm starting college in a couple of months.

>> No.6556562

what if i get my college paid for?
whats your job anon?
please enlighten ass faggot

>> No.6556580

Hello I want to work as a quant at a hedgefund? I'm going to case western so it's good but not mit or cmu. I should major in cs right? Also what should I be doing before school starts studying algorithms or working on my coding ability?

>> No.6556581


i like it

its free (europe) and i already know enough programming to make living so w/e

>> No.6556621

>when you make a discovery in mathematics, it can help all fields of STEM
How often do people make a discovery in maths?

>> No.6556652

My field is biochemistry, this is important because this will o e day lead me to a medicine career where I can help all you intellectual individuals stay alive so you can keep making threads such as this one. It's not fun being the janaitor of the human world but by golly someone has to do it.

>> No.6556672
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You clearly aren't an English major, as it should read
>that OUR college majors are the best.

And to answer, I'm a Chemical Engineering major. You don't have to believe me that my major's the most important, but I'll enjoying that sports car while you struggle to find a clerical position with your Anthro or Poli Sci degree.

oh and we make beer

>> No.6556728

Don't worry. Your post is sufficient evidence that you're never gonna get the job.

>> No.6556738
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Why are there no doctors on /sci/?

>> No.6556741

>frequenting a science forum
>resenting the people who can actually answer your questions

lol what a butthurt faggot

>> No.6556755
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Material science because
interdisciplinarity, and SO MUCH FIELDS.

>> No.6556987


>> No.6556989

The ultimate cock sucker has revealed himself

>> No.6557012

Hahaha medicine because I'll make mad cash, bitches will be all upon this, mad credz from all of society, I'll be a real doctor, everything I will accomplish will benefit others.
Nah just kidding I just like scrubs.

>> No.6557035

What are /sci/'s thoughts on electronics engineers?

>> No.6557052


god damned faggots. JK MS EE student.

>> No.6557069

>Hahaha medicine because I'll make mad cash, bitches will be all upon this, mad credz from all of society, I'll be a real doctor, everything I will accomplish will benefit others.

>> No.6557079
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Mechanical engineers get to build racecars. QED.

>> No.6557173

We'd be ok without the chemist.
The physicist would be happy to get rid of the dead weight only capable of rote memorization

>> No.6557200

"Wherever we look the work of the chemist has raised the productive capacity of the nation and increased the level of our civilization."
>Civ V

>> No.6557219

I like you.

>> No.6557251

I'm a Microbiologist
I make up petri dishes and masturbate in the faculty bathroom
For free at that

>> No.6557253

more like gayED

>> No.6557256


>> No.6557275
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>ctrl-f history
>only mention of history in the whole thread

God damn, I love science, but we gots to know where we come from and how things got this way niggas

>> No.6557288

Take it to >>>/lit/ , faggot

>> No.6557292
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history is a hobby.

>> No.6557298

Wasn't aware that history wasn't a college major. Hope you are happy with that physics degree that let you unable to understand the OP's text.

>> No.6557332

I don't know why though

What can you do with a stats degree?

>> No.6557454

Nothing. I'm sorry, anon

>> No.6557478


>Psychology major

It's just glorified toilet paper. It's easy though and my GPA is really high, along side all the science courses I am taking. Hopefully I get into medical school.

Also any of you who are going STEM (excluding medicine) for the money are making a huge, huge, huge mistake. The markets are over saturated and most people who major in biology, physics, or chemistry who think they will go on to do something great like find a cure for some serious virus/medical condition or achieve a viable source of fuel for interstellar travel actually end up unemployed, becoming teachers or tutoring kids via craigslist. Just make sure that you love what you are studying.

>> No.6557496

Yep. Gotta agree

>> No.6557531

neuroscientist =/= brain surgeon

>> No.6557620

Marry me pls ~<:3

>> No.6557621

I did neuro. It's nothing special. Didn't like the research because I didn't see application possibilities. Also, I've seen a bunch of students fall into the hocus pocus end of research after University. "Sound waves" that will treat mental conditions, yada yada. There's many different subfields in neuro. The new age stuff everyone has a hard one for is the one to be most wary of. It's a new area of research and can't draw on a history of pubs, so you are left without the level of context in which to interpret results you would get in other more established fields. Not a bad thing, but you also have a bunch of people from other disciplines, and there's poor communication between them. It's like mixing a bunch of computer scientists, physicists, physiologists, and neuroscientists, and they just don't know how to review each other's papers.

This is unless you work in a more established subfield, like the properties of channel signaling, which is more physics. There's also the pharmacologists/med guys that are more interested in finding blockers and agonists/antagonists, but they are more biochem oriented.

Then there's the "biopsych" people that try to meld psychology with neuroscience. These are basically part of the first camp, the new guys. Total mess.

>> No.6557918

Knock off a zero and you'll be about right.

>> No.6557956


Holy shit op, its so obvious your samefagging

>> No.6558077

>are college majors
Are you a fucking pirate?

>> No.6558080

It's fun, I recommend it.

No mad cash in my country though.

>> No.6558085

Whats the deal with mechatronic engineering? Is that a good thing to get into?

>> No.6558203

i bet you are an unergrad...sophomore

protip: your going to end up doing a mechanical engineers job

>> No.6558263



>> No.6558272

No, I'm majoring in it and it sucks.

>> No.6558275


what dont you like?

>> No.6558365

Electrical engineering major.

Uhhhhhh...... You like gadgets, right?

>> No.6558454

I don't know what I want to do
I want money and I don't want to be stuck as a wage slave or a professor making 60k mid career, but I also want to do something interesting, a promising industry with a lot of funding and ongoing projects, I'm not in only for dosh

I like concrete stuff, directly applicable principles that can actually be used for producing something useful, so doing stuff like financial mathematics or whatever is out of the question

Since I'm so unsure, should I get into some broad major like Biology, Chemistry or Chemical Engineering?
Also there are loads of subjects that derive from biology and mix up with chem and physics, like BME or microbio or biochem or whatever, could you guys give me insight on which ones are actually valuable and versatile?

Also if anyone's majoring in one of the aforementioned, I'd really appreciate if you could tell me if it's interesting and basically what you do and currently work on, perhaps that would help me choose.

>> No.6559587

protip: every STEM field excluding chemical engineering and computer science are worthless

>> No.6559737

You're doing the lord's work, and I hope I can help this cause someday, too.

>> No.6559776

arts student detected

>> No.6559777

Stats degrees are in ridiculously high demand, at least in Australia. Yet nobody seems to be majoring in statistics. God only knows why. You'll be fine anon

>> No.6559784

Electrical Engineer, I ain't in it for the money though, unlike every single person I have met in EE so far. I am surprised how little they know about computers.

The future needs hardware man and I like hardware. EE is fun for the most part.

>> No.6559788

Bump for this

>> No.6559830

That's funny, I actually switched out of a physics degree to pursue math - felt like physics was a bit too out there and I didn't want to do grad school. Like another anon said, money = power and freedom

>> No.6559839

>The future needs hardware men
Not as much as you would like. Microprocessors are replacing dedicated hardware in many applications.

>> No.6559842

>God only knows why.
The subject destroys one's soul. I had to do 1 stats course for my maths major and it was extremely thoroughly unenjoyable. I thought I was going to fail even after doing the exam but then did very well somehow too.

>> No.6559921

Pretty good.

Only they'd want to study medicine.

>> No.6559929

But some people enjoy statistics and hate math, why generalize?
I had to take 2 statistics courses for my degree and one math course and much preferred the former.

>> No.6559931

why are biologists so fucking stupid

>> No.6559939

Are you referring to doctors too?

>> No.6559944

I am a biologist and I don't consider myself stupid, but you probably only know biologists from the USA, and everyone there are stupid from what I hear.

>> No.6559972

I can take CS electives or graduate courses as undergrad electives. I do have to take microprocessor related courses for my EE degree though.

>> No.6559988

I don't think he said he wanted to help them

>> No.6560001

Being able to write effecient C code as a hardware engineer is very important these days. Lets you get into firmware or embedded systems ( IOT startups are particularily interesting to me) . Being able to use sensors and ADCs/DACS in conjuction with a processor is the perfect skillset of the applied hardware engineer these days.

>> No.6560187


>> No.6561110

>> "We convince people that are college majors are the best"
>> "are college majors"
>> "are"

The word is "our". How has nobody brought that up yet? Math majors don't know how to grammar.

>> No.6561146

Spelling and grammar are different.

>> No.6561204

spelling is red squiggly line
grammar is green squiggly line.
"are" vs "our" is a blue squiggly line, so it's neither

>> No.6561216

It has been brought up several times, are you incapable of using ctrl+f?