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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 789 KB, 488x719, 1396142308517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6546839 No.6546839 [Reply] [Original]

Given the fact that the interval between 0 and 1 is so densely populated with transfinite numbers (infinitely unpredictably uncountable similar to pi) that it is virtually impossible to ever get from 0 to 1 if one were to take the time to count on the linear line 1, 2, 3, and so on...

What makes some think that 0.999... = 1 ?
I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6546844

>is so densely populated with transfinite numbers
No, it isn't you moron.

>> No.6546847


Go read Cantor.

>> No.6546856

> 0.999... = 1
because there is no number between them.

>> No.6546865

> transfinite
> transcendental
Learn the difference: it might save you from looking like an uneducated idiot talking out of his ass.

>> No.6546869

Do you actually know what a transfinite number is?
Do you really believe things like aleph-null lie in the interval [0,1]?

>> No.6546874


he meant transfinite though...


>he's never even read Cantor or understood set theory

/sci/ = /shit/

>> No.6546876
File: 177 KB, 1024x768, 1399241696275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Given the fact that the interval between 0 and 1 is so densely populated with transfinite numbers (infinitely unpredictably uncountable similar to pi) that it is virtually impossible to ever get from 0 to 1 if one were to take the time to count on the linear line 1, 2, 3, and so on...

Implying anyone here understands this sort of nuanced point. Have fun arguing semantics with autists OP.

>> No.6546881

There are many numbers between them. They just can't be represented as decimals.

>> No.6546886

> They seem to know what they're talking about, so I'll troll them by samefagging and pretending I'm not OP just to see what will happen.
Just go look up transfinite numbers, OP, and then don't post again until tomorrow. You've looked stupid enough for 1 day.

>> No.6546902

There are no REAL numbers between them.

>> No.6546914

Is there some kind of other number between them?
complex and quaternions don't have an order so between doesn't make sense right?

>> No.6546921

OP, quite being a samefag

Saying transfinite vs transcendental is mere semantics is like saying 1 = 2 and calling "autism" when people say, actually 1 does not equal 2.

No, it is woolly bullshit.

>> No.6546922

Well, you could try to argue that infinitesimals were between them, but yeah, there's no number between them in the end.

>> No.6546924


>transfinite vs transcendental

No one mentioned transcendental. Do you even know what transfinite means in set theory? Please refer to Cantor for an education.

>> No.6546927

>there's no number between them in the end.

What is this "end" you imagine? Do you know how infinity works, do you know what infinite repetition implies?

>> No.6546928

So tell me how a transfinite number is a member of the set [0,1]

>> No.6546934

>infinitely unpredictably uncountable similar to pi
you don't know what these words mean

>> No.6546937

>Do you even know what transfinite means in set theory?
Yes I do, and transfinite numbers are not real numbers, yet every element in [0,1] is a real number, so how is [0,1] "populated" with non real numbers like transfinite numbers.

Also, why do you think pi is a transfinite number?

>> No.6546939

>thinks pi is "uncountable"

>> No.6546946

>What is this "end" you imagine?
It means that after you investigate said arguments you reach the conclusion that it is not the case.

>> No.6546947


It's not the case that an infinite has an end.

>> No.6546953

it's an idiom not a mathematical statement.
you read his post wrong.

>> No.6546955

"in the end" is a figure of speech you 1/10 troll.

>> No.6546957

Find a real number <span class="math">k[/spoiler] such that <span class="math">0.999... < k < 1[/spoiler].
What's that? You can't?
Then 0.999... is exactly equal to 1.

If you still have doubts, just go talk to an actual math professor.

>> No.6546959

fucking constructivist

>> No.6546962

0.333... = 1/3
Multiply by 3
0.999... = 1


>> No.6546966

find a real number <span class="math">k[/spoiler] that satisfies <span class="math">0.999... < k < 1[/spoiler]. Then you can insult me all you want.

>> No.6546974

There is none of course. 0.999... = 1

But your "find" implies the only valid proof of the converse is by explicitly finding such a k.

There are other ways to prove things than by construction.

You are too retarded for /sci/, try >>>/mlp/

>> No.6546978

>But your "find" implies the only valid proof of the converse is by explicitly finding such a k.
When the hell did I imply this?

I was just giving the proof of 0.999...=1 that seems most intuitive. Autists, please, just lay the gun on the table, that's right, just calm down...

>> No.6546986

>When the hell did I imply this?
The first 3 lines of >>6546957

>whats that? you can't
>then 1 = 0.999...

Though your conclusion is correct (0.999... does equal 1) your reasoning is dumb-fuck tier.

The complaint of the idiot. You can't do math without rigor. 0.999.. = 1 is a classic example of that.

>> No.6547003

So you're saying that the fact that there is no real number <span class="math">k[/spoiler] such that <span class="math">0.999... < k < 1[/spoiler], does NOT imply that 0.999... = 1 ?

...are you trolling?

The real numbers form a complete metric space. Between any two distinct real numbers, there is an infinite number of other real numbers.
Therefore, if when given two reals <span class="math">a[/spoiler] and <span class="math">b[/spoiler] you cannot find any real numbers between them, then <span class="math">a = b[/spoiler].

>> No.6547007

>So you're saying that the fact that there is no real number k such that 0999k1, does NOT imply that 0.999... = 1 ?
Nope. I'm saying that not being able to produce such a number is not proof.

Not being able to find an odd perfect number is not proof no such number exists.

>> No.6547011

alternatively, you could also just say that the real numbers are a Hausdorff space, which is more general.

>> No.6547012

You can't write zero point 10

I win

Everybody go home

>> No.6547018

>Nope. I'm saying that not being able to produce such a number is not proof.
It is, though. The real numbers are a Hausdorff space; i.e., any two distinct real numbers have disjoint neighborhoods.
Have you even taken topology? You sound like an angry highschooler.

>Not being able to find an odd perfect number is not proof no such number exists.
Congratulations on finding a completely different problem that has absolutely nothing to do with 0.999 ≠ 1.

Just take a basic topology course, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6547019

>try to find
>you can't

You can't construct one. The computable numbers lie dense in the real numbers. It isn't a proof exactly he offered, but a sketch to one and there are easier proofs for ops problem, but I think what he says makes perfect sense.

>> No.6547025

Well it's a bit more complicated, since one could assume, that you can seperate them, but with numbers wich are not computable so you can't find any. However the computable numbers lie dense in the real numbers, so that's not a problem and the proof just works as you said.

However I think it's easier to directly proof that there is no number k with that property and not just that we are unable to find one.

>> No.6547038

>I think it's easier to directly proof that there is no number k with that property and not just that we are unable to find one.
Yes, I know. I was just trying to show OP what I think is the most intuitive way of showing that 0.999... = 1 in this post: >>6546957. I just didn't expect that it would blow up into an argument.

>> No.6547039

Sure, but I am not criticising sound proofs that 0.999. = 1. There are plenty. I am not criticising your conclusions either.

It is your logic that I am shitting on, because of how full of holes it is.

In particular am criticising your assertion that if I cannot produce an example of a number between 0.999 and 1, then the matter is proven, done, the end, and we can safely conclude that no such number exists.

>can't into analogy
If your reasoning was sound, it would form the sound basis for other proofs, I could say the fact that I cannot give you an odd perfect number is proof that none exists.

Get it now? Or is your second rate brain unable to actually think critically not just about the subject matter of mathematics, but the reasoning behind it.

>> No.6547043

No. The best way is to say, suppose you CAN find a number between them, then show it leads to a contradiction.

>> No.6547050

ok guys i've got a feeling that i'm breaking the spell right now but i absolutely love these threads. Does anybody else mainly browses /sci/ for these transfinite levels of trolls and shitposters and laughs their asses of?

I think this board consists of maybe 20 posters consistently given richer and richer variants on a couple of theme, to the point almost of perfection. I mean
>densely populated with transfinite numbers (infinitely unpredictably uncountable similar to pi)
If that's not a collective work of art then i don't know what is..

I really don't mean this sarcastic.

>> No.6547053



An entire Wikipedia article dedicated to the subject. Or, if you're one of those "WIKIPEDIA IS TEH BAD SOAUCE LOLROFLSHIT!", talk to a math professor. Or learn Calculus up to infinite series.

>> No.6547056

so have you taken topology or not?
The answer is no, obviously, so just stop trying.

>I could say the fact that I cannot give you an odd perfect number is proof that none exists.
That's different.
I was saying that if you can prove that there is NO real number <span class="math">k[/spoiler] such that <span class="math">0.999... < k < 1[/spoiler], then it follows (from the basic topological properties of the real numbers) that 0.999... and 1 are the same real number.

>The best way is to say, suppose you CAN find a number between them, then show it leads to a contradiction.
I guess this might be more intuitive, but either way it amounts to the same thing.

>> No.6547065

>so have you taken topology or not?
Yes, two courses, analytic and algebraic. I am a maths graduate. But this is irrelevant. We are arguing the reasoning, not the subject matter. We both agree on the conclusion.

>I was saying that if you can prove that there is NO real number
No, you weren't. f you had I would have agreed.

>it amounts to the same thing.
No, it doesn't.

I seriously suggest you take a proper course in how proofs work, and maybe a course in foundations too.

>> No.6547077

When did I say I was trying to do a formal proof? Show me.

In my first post, all I did was try to show something to OP in a way that I thought would be intuitive. There was absolutely no reason to treat it as a formal proof.
But then a bunch of autists got enraged for no good reason.
Is /sci/ always like this?

>> No.6547078

I think you missunderstood his argument. Trying it a few times and failing is no proof, okay, but I think what he meant was, that there is no way to construct such a number. You can, and I think that's overkill, proof that there is no way to construct a computable number k with that property and you can build a rigorous proof on that.

>> No.6547092

I think the only person who seems enraged is yourself.

As I started to attack your arguments on grounds of rigour, you defended them, bringing up topology, attacking my credentials, and all kinds of butt-hurt sophomorish shit. If you aren't claiming it as a sound proof, you should just say so instead of defending it as such.

This is pretty much what people say when they can't into rigour. Ironically, all your "muh topology" depends on the rigour you claim is autism, when it suits you.

>> No.6547095

>Is /sci/ always like this?

/sci/ is anti-intellectual.

If you want intellectual discussion go to /pol/ or /lit/

>> No.6547096

He said that proving that it is impossible to find a number k such that 0.999... < k < 1 means that they are both equal. A simple and true statement. Then you started going on about constructivism and how it is a wrong argument, but then you said:

>I'm criticising your assertion that if I cannot produce an example of a number between 0.999 and 1, then the matter is proven, done, the end, and we can safely conclude that no such number exists

This is textbook strawman, because that is not remotely what he said. You misunderstood him, and it wasn't an understandable misunderstanding either, because he specifically said that you need to PROVE that no such number exists. Admit that you're wrong and let's move on.

>> No.6547097

>As I started to attack your arguments on grounds of rigour
Why did you need to attack my arguments in the first place? I never claimed a formal proof.

>you defended them, bringing up topology
Because I thought you were completely misunderstanding what I was saying. I now understand that you were just butthurt about my lack of rigor, even though I never claimed rigor.

> >Autist
> This is pretty much what people say when they can't into rigour.
It's what people say when they don't claim to be rigorous and others attack them for not being rigorous.

>> No.6547098

The anon you are replying to is anti intellectual.

>> No.6547105

>He said that proving that it is impossible to find a number k such that 0.999... < k < 1 means that they are both equal.
No he didn't.

I would have had no problem with that.

It's what he actually said. Read the post here >>6546957

Here is the thing you are failing to understand

****Being unable to show something exists is not logically equivalent to showing it does not exist****

>he specifically said that you need to PROVE that no such number exists.
find me the post

>> No.6547108

>I never claimed a formal proof.
Then use tentative language. Not emphatic statements of certainty.

>> No.6547116

In all truth the 0.9999... just proves that 1 is infinitely far away from 0.9 and as soon as we start filtering all that space we start getting data that as far as 1 is from 0.9 that 9 is from 10 and so on and so forth

The the real question here is, is 1 a real number?

>> No.6547120

I think you misinterpreted this post: >>6546957
> Find a number k such that 0.999... < k < 1
> What's that? You can't?
> Then 0.999... is exactly equal to 1.

Obviously, the statement rests on the fact that it is impossible to find such a k.

>> No.6547125

>Then use tentative language. Not emphatic statements of certainty.
I'm not going to change the way I write just because some mathematicians get butthurt about it.

>> No.6547127

>Obviously, the statement rests on the fact that it is impossible to find such a k.
So it rests on that which it is trying to prove?

That's even worse reasoning.

>> No.6547129

Once you prove that there is no such k, there is another step required before you conclude that 0.999... = 1 (the Hausdorff property of the reals).

>> No.6547131

Your call, but you will waste less of your time and others' time if you signpost when you are interested in arguing rigorously and when you are just shooting the breeze.

No, you don't get it, rigourous mathematical argument is what I enjoy.

>> No.6547133

Okay, so it was circular reasoning with a missing, unstated step in the circle.

>> No.6547172
File: 109 KB, 1137x919, mathProof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a simple proof using geometric series:)

>> No.6547194


every proof of 0.999... = 1 will implicitly assume a rounding off of 0.999... = 1 at some point, in order to prove it. Just like the proof you posted.

For example, near the end it says 9(1/9/10) which is 9( 10/9) which is 9 * 1.11111, which is 9.99999999...

But what does this proof do? It assumes exactly what it wants to prove! And turns 9.9999... into 10, right at the last line.

Many mathematical proofs commit this sort of circular reasoning without even knowing it.

>> No.6547196
File: 192 KB, 1000x479, 1000px-Tetration_analytic_extension.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit is retarded yo. Why would you not just take the 9 out of the sum and then evaluate that geometric series? You gain nothing from all dat complexity.

>> No.6547198
File: 46 KB, 510x295, spirit bomb super saiyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6547241

I have a better idea. If it's not written down, it doesn't exist.

>> No.6547262

<span class="math">1/(1-0.999...) ?[/spoiler]

>> No.6547268

I hope this is bait. On the off-chance you are being serious:


>> No.6547289


>> No.6547310

That's the point.

>> No.6547334


There is always a phase where 10/9 = 1.111...
And then you multiply it by 9 to get 9.999...

You are just using simplified arithmetic to ignore this fact.

>> No.6547356

Okay, I'll do it extra slow for you:


The first equality is commutativity, the second one is associativity.

Those equalities always hold true in the real numbers.

>> No.6547365


hmm this is surprising

>> No.6547390


Yeah, it's surprising he is that retarded.

>> No.6547394


huh? but it's correct.

>> No.6547432

There arises the term of 9*(10/9) and he evaluates it to 9*1.111... and then to 9.999... and then rounds up to 10 by using what is to be shown instead of calculating it by:


Then he accuses the proof of circular reasoning. I mean, he decides to calculate the term using what is to be shown instead of using the commutativity and associativity of the real numbers. He missinterpretes the proof in a really strange way, so strange I'm still unsure whether it's a troll or he just didn't understand it.

>> No.6547477


i dunno what you don't get, he's right.

>> No.6547526
File: 93 KB, 600x500, 1342644367274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing about cardinality and aleph numbers
Even a greasy physics major like me knows at least the basic concepts.

>> No.6547546

That comic's explanation of why the cardinality of integers and reals is different is wrong. The same argument would hold for the rationals, but the rationals are clearly countable.

>> No.6547564

There is nothing to get, dude. He says you need to use the equality of 0.999... and 1, but it's simply not true. You can use it and he does, but there is no need to do so. I mean, of course we could use his proof and of course it would be circular, but we simply don't because we don't need to and it makes no sense to do so. I was actually surprised anyone would think that way, just because it seems to be really absurd.

>> No.6547569

>there are an infinite number of real numbers in a single integer

what does that mean?

>> No.6547639


>> No.6547663

How many reals are between 0 and 1?
There's your answer

>> No.6547690


>we don't need to use the identity to prove it

except you use it even when you think you aren't, you just aren't thinking deeply enough

>> No.6547830


OP should read Dedekind and stop trying to cum Cantor's sacred name on our faces. He obviously doesn't know jack about transcendence theory.

>> No.6547854
File: 94 KB, 960x720, math magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6547855

Third line is supposed to be
idk what happened

>> No.6547857

why are you posting grade school level "proofs" on a site for adults discussing math and science?

>> No.6547880


Isn't that exactly what he did?

>> No.6547896
File: 80 KB, 492x559, Retard-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Given the fact that the interval between 0 and 1 is so densely populated with transfinite numbers (infinitely unpredictably uncountable similar to pi)
The stupid burns. And I didn't even read the rest of his post.

>> No.6548632


People are honestly arguing whether or not the 100%, inarguable fact that 0.9999…=1 is true. Trust me, there are no "adults" here.

>> No.6548660

Troll post for troll thread.
Not sure what is wrong there

>> No.6550709


>> No.6551841
File: 141 KB, 900x555, A_Token_of_Affection_by_jameson9101322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6551964


>he hasn't read Cantor yet
>he doesn't understand what transfinite numbers are and where they exist

>> No.6551973

>caring about the quality of posts on a 0.999...≠1 thread
>not saging a 0.999...≠1 thread

>> No.6551997

>troll status achieved
>you have earned, "obviously has never taken calculus" along with your award!

leave /sci/ pseudo-intellectual faggot

>> No.6552019
File: 19 KB, 360x270, 3221126_410797_9608C1AB-C808-E27A-F54BA304B9FE636A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transfinite numbers are obviously larger than any number between 0 and 1.

>> No.6553542


high schooler detected

>> No.6553578

.999999999.... can be represented as 9/10 + 9/100 + 9/1000......

This makes it a geometric series, with r = 1/10, and since abs(r)<1, it is convergent, and the convergence of a geometric series is S=a/(1-r), a being 9/10 so its (9/10)/(1-1/10) which is (9/10)/(9/10), or just 1.

Thus .999...=1

>> No.6553758

>it is convergent

>assuming convergence in order to prove convergence

Hilarious! circular reasoning has done it again.

>assume the bible is true, well then these facts about Jesus must follow!!! Wow!

The problem with these proofs is the very idea of convergence of an infinite.

>> No.6553766

1/9 = .1111111...

.333333333... = 1/3
.333333333...*3 = .9999999...
.999999999... = 3/3
3/3 = 1
.99999999... = 1

it's that simple

>> No.6553769

"Transfinite - You can't count to it, but you can count to it!" -Fuckheaded math enthusists, Cantor

>> No.6553794

>1/9 = .1111111...
>.111111111*9 = 1
>.111111111*9 = 1

0.111111111*9 does not equal 1.
It's not even close to one.

0.111... * 9 can't be multiplied.
And even if we allow it, 0.999.... is still infinitely far away from 1.

>> No.6553805

Fractions and decimals are not interchangable, especially in proofs of math.

It's like none of you have ever even tried to get your masters or phd.

>> No.6553836

1/9 * 9 =/= 1
this is your argument?
please leave
we have enough trolls already

if you are genuinely this dumb
please type 1/9 into whatever bad calculator you rent from your high-school
then type * 9 and hit enter

compare this with the results of multiplying 9/9 by 1, or 1/3 by 3

>> No.6553886


>calculators prove things now

oh boy

>> No.6553896

> 101 posts
congratulations, you have successfully reached the troll limit.

Pls, no more posts after this one.

>> No.6554038


thanks for the bump

>> No.6554042

>densely infinitely unpredictably uncountably virtually impossibly

>> No.6554046

>1/9 * 9 isn't 1
u wot

>> No.6554053

>1/9 * 9

representing 0.999... as a fraction doesn't help your case.

We all know what it actually means and why it doesn't converge to any particular digit.

>> No.6554073

>it doesn't converge

>> No.6554077


>this infinite series that never ends
>well it ends here

>it never ends
>ok but now it ends


>> No.6554081


it never ends and it ends.
Why? Proof?

Well we need it that way!

>> No.6554423

just visit r/trollmath on reddit

>> No.6554477

An infinite series can converge. That doesn't mean it has a finite number of terms, dumbass.

>> No.6554496

I will try one last time.
Cut an item into three pieces.

.33333... + .33333... +.33333... = 1

>> No.6554526


>Can't tell if troll

>In a .999 thread


>> No.6554541
File: 107 KB, 946x608, 1383378638430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.9999 =/= 1

however this pic proves otherwise...still, if it did =1 it would be 1, not .9999

what about .99999999999999999999998 does that = .999? what about .99999999999999999999999999999997 does that = .999998?

its a vicious cycle of numbers not meaning what they literally mean.

>> No.6554556

2/10 I replied.

>> No.6554560
File: 183 KB, 717x880, backtoreddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so retarded, it hurts to read this crap.
Am I the only the only one thinks that whoever starts these threads should be banned?

>> No.6554563

in case you're not trolling

0.99999999999999999999998 is not equal to 0.999,
0.99999999999999999999999999999997 is not equal to .999998,
and 0.9999 is not equal to 1.

However, 0.999... is equal to 1.

>> No.6554859


0.999.... is an infinite series that never ends.
It is always infinitely far away from 1.

Infinity has no end you goofball. It never finishes approaching. It never terminates. It never magically becomes a whole number just because you want it.

As far as mathematicians are concerned convergence is just a short-hand and pragmatic tool for doing calculations, it has no proof and makes no logical sense.

>> No.6554866

>However, 0.999... is equal to 1.

0.999... repeating, forever, is just as far from 1 as 0.999999999997 is

Namely, they are both infinitely farm from it.

The idea of convergence is a contrivance and can't be proven.

>> No.6554920
File: 102 KB, 929x337, StreitfromWIKI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from Wiki. Best proof I've seen.

>> No.6554925


>assumes convergence to prove a convergence

nice circular reasoning there chump. come back to us when you graduate middle-school.

>> No.6554938

Explain to me how it "assumes" convergence, faggot. Protip: It doesn't

>> No.6554941

The convergence of it is already known. The proof is specifically about which value it converges to.

back to middle school

>> No.6554961

Bill nye the druggie guy

>> No.6554972

>Explain to me how it "assumes" convergence, faggot. Protip: It doesn't

prove the possibility of convergence of an infinite series.

the problem isn't this particular case of 0.999... = 1, the problem is more general than that.

>> No.6554991
File: 14 KB, 460x288, hat_1517339c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good number for today: 3.12353343423435642342342352352342342348888888888883231283126312756371274836473748236478623894623654237642375478237482364786378462378462783647823647823664156341263512693627362738917387183617668547812634781256371268589589496969672384738942378647236478263476246269

>> No.6555027


implying pi "approaches" or "converges" to some finite whole number

This is about as stupid as thinking 0.999... converges to some particular whole number.

>> No.6555071

>This is about as stupid as thinking 0.999... converges to some particular whole number.
infinite decimals are defined as the limit of a series. series are defined as the value to which their partial sums converge

>> No.6555080


>god is defined as existing

well, I guess we can just define things without proving them now.

>> No.6555088

I guess you aren't too familiar with math.

So long as you are consistent with that which is already defined, you may go ahead and define what you like.

Whether your definition is consistent, I don't know. Theology doesn't interest me.

>> No.6555089

>Whether your definition is consistent, I don't know

convergence is not a consistent or logical definition in any possible sense.

>> No.6555090

nj wetburger please go

>> No.6555093

Well, you would have to argue that with all analysis since Cauchy, Weiestrass, et al.

>> No.6555104
File: 20 KB, 676x439, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange. Shouldn't the result be 1 no matter how often it is multiplied by itself?

>> No.6555106


rekt is right

>> No.6555118
File: 21 KB, 657x576, .999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6555172

but 0.999 (not-repeating) is not equal to 0.999...(repeating)

>> No.6555180

1, 2/2. 3/3, 4/4, 1.0 1.00, 1.000, 1.0000, etc

>> No.6555195



Is only equal to 0.999... repeating, it never reaches 1. Ever.

>> No.6555198


>it never reaches 1. Ever.

because it is 1 you dummy

>> No.6555204

saying that 0.999... is not equal to 1 is like saying 3/3 is not equal to 1.

>> No.6555205


>> No.6555216
File: 975 KB, 245x245, a reaction face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>an infinite, non-ending series is a whole number

>> No.6555218

We have 1.0 and 0.9

There is a difference between them of 0.1

1.0 - 0.9 = 0.1

If we add another nine, the difference decreases

1.0 - 0.99 = 0.01

If we add another nine, the difference decreases further

1.0 - 0.999 = 0.001

If we never stop adding nines, 0.999... the difference never stops decreasing, at a fixed rate of reduction of ten times smaller per nine added.

difference = 1/10^x, with x being the amount of nines.

0.990... has an infinite number of nines, meaning the difference between 0.999...and 1 is infinitely small, which by definition, means it does't exist.

If there is no difference between two real numbers, again by definition, it means they are the same.

Which takes us to the conclusion that 0.999... equals 1.

btw, as a teacher, I love these threads, lots of opportunities to learn new ways to present the same argument. It's really helpful in making everyone understand.

It's kinda like playing tennis against a wall, you're not going to win, but you can still get something useful out of it.

>> No.6555223


1.000... is an infinite, non-ending series AND a whole number

>> No.6555243

So is 0.999...

The same whole number as it happens

>> No.6555250

K = (0.999.. + 1) / 2

# rekt

how about you learn some basic maths before you start acting smart.

>> No.6555270


>thinking 0 adds something.

The repetition of 0 is irrelevant. 0.999... requires a repetition of infinite nines, otherwise it becomes a terminal number namely 0.999999

>> No.6555274

>tfw this thread isn't against the rules

>> No.6555299


>0.999... requires a repetition of infinite nines


What is the hold-up?

>> No.6555307


an infinite series is not a whole number.

>> No.6555308


how so?

>> No.6555309


There's casual rounding, where people are usually instructed to round, there's also an incapacity for some people to fathom infinity, and there is also some people breaking the ... sound barrier.

>> No.6555939
File: 252 KB, 1423x875, SeriesFormulapFORN3z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Infinite Series converges to 1

>> No.6555956

How is a cat not the same as a dog?

>> No.6555962

>infinitely small, which by definition, means it does't exist.
That's where your argument fails. Something that is infinitely small can be treated as non-existent, by it by definition exists. You're treating an approximation as exact.

I'm glad you're not teaching my kids.

>> No.6555963

>by it by definition exists
*but by definition it still exists.

>> No.6556010

All these arguments for 0.999...=1 have been disproved on

>> No.6556104


This proof denys the existence of extraneous solutions, and that an equation can produce a value that does not actually solve the equation.

>> No.6556314


multiplying and subtracting infinities
real neato

>> No.6556433
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OP this is just the Dichotomy paradox from Zeno's paradox

>> No.6556450

>thinking a number less than 10 represents infinity
Back to riddet with you.

>> No.6556496




>> No.6556525


The majority of /sci/ will never accept that science is a philosophy of best guesses based on assumptions and circular reasoning, sadly.

>> No.6556551

True dat.

>> No.6557404

but where discussing maths not science here, and we're not dealing with approximations we're dealing with a convergent sequence

>> No.6557406


>> No.6557435


Alright, I'll bite. Let's play the semantics game.

Aristotle called mathematics a science. And by the purest and oldest definition of the word, it is, to some degree at least, because it is some form of knowledge.

If you insist it is an art, then math is entirely subjective, and we all know that is not the case.

Definitions aside, however, there is still the matter of an infinite series of numerals in 0.999... You can play number games all you like, but it is still approximation, because at the end of the day you are saying that an endless series of numerals has an end after all, and that is simply not the case. 0.999... is certainly not infinitely large, as it is still less than 1, but it is infinitely long. What you are saying is tantamount to saying that a ray has two ends.

It doesn't.

>> No.6557442
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> transfinite numbers like pi
> unpredictably uncountable
> take the time to count
> the linear line 1, 2, 3, and so on

kill the thread, kill it with fire

anyone who posts without sage deserves cancer

>> No.6557444


>he's never read Cantor

>> No.6557449
File: 200 KB, 438x420, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2bait4me

>> No.6557624


>implying you've counted to the end of pi

>> No.6557658

This topic makes me thank that Math is not democratic.
When will we be opened a thread about the Pythagorean Theorem?

>> No.6557671


Me too, otherwise virtually everyone would believe 0.999... = 1


(captcha: services xtryone)

>> No.6557836

Maths isn't a science because the conditions for establishing a mathematical truth is different from the conditions for establishing scientific truth, I wont go into this any further because it is merely a question of semantics as you say.

As far as your second point, is concerned, you're obviously missing the point completely, so i'm gonna try and give my own proof (I'm only a first year engineering student, so excuse my lack of rigour)

Start by considering two cauchy sequences 1/10^n and 9/10^n (i'm not going to bother proving that these are cauchy sequences because it's obvious). Let S be the sum of the first sequence from 1 to infinity, it's easy to see that this equals 0.111... (again to obvious to bother with a proof) or 1/9, therefore 9S = 1. Let T be the sum of the second sequence from 1 to infinity, again we can see that T = 0.999... (also too obvious to bother with a proof), now observe that the second sequence is simply the first sequence multiplied by 9, therefore T = 9S and as we determined earlier, 9S = 1.

In simple terms, I'm saying that given 1/9 = 0.111... then 0.111... * 9 = 0.999... = 9 * 1/9 =1

Also, no one is saying that 0.999... has an end, what we're saying is that the interval between 0.999... and 1 does not exist, therefore one cannot sensibly call them distinct numbers. Essentially, 0.999... and 1 are two different representations of the same number in the same way that 1/9 and 0.111... are representations of the same number.

tl;dr go read a real analysis textbook

>> No.6557851


>no one is saying that 0.999... has an end, what we're saying is that the interval between 0.999... and 1 does not exist, therefore one cannot sensibly call them distinct numbers

What you're saying is that what I will describe (for the sake of this argument's clarity) as 0.000...1 is so vanishingly small as to be inconsequential to the point of it being more practical to ignore it entirely. I don't mind it being done because at least there's a valid reason, but for god's sake don't pretend the difference between 0.999... and 1 literally does not exist at all. That's the kind of ignorant shit that pisses me off.

>particles below the planck threshold don't exist because they have no proper dimensions herpaderp

That's what it sounds like. If you're a physicist, I'm sure you can understand what I mean.

tl;dr do what is most efficient and sensible but don't magically will numerical constructs completely out of existence because they're untidy and awkward

>> No.6557856
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u mad bro?

>> No.6557890

Obviously I'm not explaining myself well enough. Let's go back to our sequence from before. First we let the upper bound for 0.999... be 1 and the lower bound be 0.9, then the difference between the upper bound is 1/10, the first term of our sequence. Then we add 0.09 to our lower bound to get 0.99, now the difference between the lower bound and the upper bound is 1/10^2. We can generalize this by saying that for every term of the sequence 9/10^n we add to the lower bound, the difference between the two becomes 1/10^n, therefore the more terms you add to the lower bound, the smaller the difference between the upper bound and the lower bound of the sequence becomes. Therefore the difference between the lower bound and the upper bound after an infinite number of terms is zero, therefore the 0.999... and 1 must by necessity be equal, either or calculus must be fundamentally flawed, because both ideas work on the same principle.

>this is like saying that particles below the planck threshold don't exist.

No this is nothing like that. Real numbers are abstract platonic objects that can only be approximated by physical reality so the comparison is not meaningful.

>> No.6557902


>the difference between the lower bound and the upper bound after an infinite number of terms is zero

At what point does the difference magically change from 1/x to 0? That's right, it doesn't.

>if I keep making it smaller and smaller eventually there won't be anything left right guise

I suppose if you keep multiplying 1/2 by itself it will eventually become zero as well.

>we can generalise
>must by necessity be equal

No, that's not how generalisations work. As I said before, I can see it having practical applications but that doesn't mean that there literally is no difference whatsoever between 0.999... and 1. If there were, you wouldn't call them two entirely different things. It'd either be just 1, or just 0.999...

>> No.6557906


Oh, and also

>or calculus must be fundamentally flawed
>implying it is perfect and complete as is

>> No.6557916

Imbecile detected.

>> No.6557917

>'The present President of the US' and 'Barack Obama' are two entirely different names, so they can not be the same person

This is how dumb you sound now

>> No.6557920

>implying you have found an improvement to calculus

>> No.6557930


jesus h christ no

There is a clear and distinct difference between a TITLE of a POSITION, and a NAME of an INDIVIDUAL. This is how ignorant you sound now.


>what we have works fine if we make some stupid-ass assumptions and generalisations and adjustments, obviously what we have is perfect

Fuck off with your shitty nonlogic.

>> No.6557943
File: 554 KB, 295x221, 1351706340863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, you're either a troll or monumentally retarded, in any case, it seems as if summer's come early. Anyway i've beaten my head against the wall enough for tonight.

>> No.6557946

Yes I know faget, but my point was that you are perfectly fine with using two names for one thing in this case, so why would you consider 0.999... and 1 different for this reason?

>stupid-ass assumptions and generalisations and adjustments
please give an example

>> No.6558075

Both things still refer to the same person dipshit.

>> No.6558215

>for god's sake don't pretend the difference between 0.999... and 1 literally does not exist at all. That's the kind of ignorant shit that pisses me off.

they don't get it bro, they are too dense

>> No.6558226

Using the logic that 1/10^n is zero.
multiplying 0.9 by itself results in smaller numbers each time, reaching zero at infinity
multiplying 0.99 by itself results in smaller numbers each time, reaching zero at infinity
multiplying 0.999 by itself results in smaller numbers each time, reaching zero at infinity
multiplying 0.999... by itself results in smaller numbers each time, reaching zero at infinity
multiplying 1 by 1 by itself results in 1,regardless of number of multiplications.

>> No.6558292

You silly man, did you even look into the definition of a limit? It's all very clearly defined, but you just sound like someone who is only used to straight lines and rambles on about how a circle never can exist, because it is nowhere straight.

Please point at an error in a reasoning that uses limits in the way they are defined.

>> No.6558699

> find a whole number between 1 and 2
>you can't, therefore 1==2

>> No.6558719

Whole numbers are different from real numbers.

>> No.6558995




Wrong. One refers to a bureaucratic position, not the individual holding it. The other refers to an individual, not the bureaucratic position held by them. You're comparing apples to oranges. When you say Obama 'is' the president, that's shorthand for 'Obama holds the position of president'. And I'M the dipshit? Riiiiight...

>please give an example


You gave it yourself.


I know, but goddamn, if no one ever corrects them they will propogate their flawed logic. Call it thought eugenics, but ignorance and stupidity is one of the worst blights on the planet and one of the most dangerous threats to humankind we have ever faced. Thanks for the support, though.

>> No.6559100


No. 0.0....1 must have an integer number of 0s before the 1, because you can't have 'an infinite number of 0s, THEN a 1'. Yhis means your 0.999...has an integer number of 9s and is not an infinite sequence of 9s, which it was supposed to represent.

>> No.6559113


>what is ℕ
>what is aleph-null


>> No.6559116


In 10 years time, who will be considered 'The present President of the US'?

>> No.6559121


All you actually prove is that there are no integers between 1 and 2, and that therefore 1 and 2 are consecutive numbers. Which they are.

>> No.6559135


Doesn't aleph-null apply to finite strings, which 0.999... is not?

>> No.6559139


"Mathematicians use N or \mathbb{N} (an N in blackboard bold, displayed as ℕ in Unicode) to refer to the set of all natural numbers. This set is countably infinite: it is infinite but countable by definition. This is also expressed by saying that the cardinal number of the set is aleph-null (\aleph_0)."

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_number#Notation

>> No.6559141

Hu Chunhua?

>> No.6559144


The problem with 0.999... = 1 is that the ellipsis means you're not specifying any particular number.

>> No.6559691

>The problem with 0.333... is that you're specifying any number

In general you're reasoning sounds like
>Look I understand i can have a set of 2 integers, and of 3 integers, and of any finite number, but you can't magically go to a set with infinite elements like N, right guise?
>I never understood limits

>> No.6559692

NOT specifying (dammit)

>> No.6559763

on the off chance that you're not just a troll, I recommend reading Spivak's Calculus. If you can get through it and still hold your moronic beliefs, then at least you might be informed enough to try and provide a more coherent refutation of the past 200 years of mathematical thought than the OP.

>> No.6559809


My 'moronic beliefs', as you so quaintly put it, are merely that infinitely small != nonexistent. Not that 0.999... = 1 is invalid in mathematical equations. I'll read the book, though.

>> No.6559846

Except that on the real numbers, the number "infinitely small" DOES NOT EXIST.
That's like saying a 1/3 is an integer number, it isn't, that number does not exist on the integers.

>> No.6559886

You also claimed the standard way of doing calculus was flawed, you however failed to give examples of such.

>> No.6559895


But you and I both know that fractions and decimals are not integers, you even said so yourself just now... so why even bring this up? There's not even a bijection between the reals and the integers - the former is an uncountable set, the latter is a countable set.

So what does "there is no 'infinitely small' token" have to do with this discussion? You're basically saying "Apples are not yellow, that's like saying bananas are red" when you're trying to convince me that pears are fluorescent blue.

>> No.6559901

I'm saying that the number you are referring to doesn't exist.

>> No.6559905



I said you're assuming that calculus is perfect. I also said that you're generalising by saying that the difference between the two values is so small that it is literally, LITERALLY nonexistent. It isn't.

I can't immediately prove that calculus is flawed. What I *can* do is tell you that a set of infinite tokens is not *literally* the exact same thing as the sum of those tokens. The set itself is a thing in and of itself, separate and independent of the tokens. Otherwise there would be no such thing as a null set.

>> No.6559937

Well if you can't give me any reason to doubt the validity of calculus, I think the only reasonable thing to do is to accept it.

One of the theorems is: if the difference between two real numbers is smaller than every positive real number, then these two must be equal.

And that's all there is to it. If you claim this is not the case, I really want to see where the proof of this theorem breaks.

>> No.6559962

If you choose to work with hyperreals (reals + sum infinite and infinitesimal numbers), still 0.999... = 1.

Okay, maybe not in all constructions of hyperreals, I haven't read nonstandard analysis, but professor who spent 90's doing nonstandard analysis and lectured my intro real analysis mentioned it during one lecture.

>> No.6559967


By this logic 0 = 1 because the sum of the tokens in a null set equals 0. That is incorrect because sets themselves have separate values from the sum of the tokens they contain. QED.

It may certainly be true that 0.999... = 1 in practise and application due to generalisations or special cases. It is certainly *not* true that they are *actually* equal. There is a definable difference between the two values.

>> No.6559973

That does not even make sense. No-one talks about sum of tokens in sets in calculus, it is something you invented, and you have not defined it in this thread, so we cannot speak about it.

Please tell me what this difference is.

>> No.6559977


>something you invented

Do you even set theory.

>> No.6560029

if there is a finite definable difference then maybe you could tell us what it is, or give an expression or it, go ahead and try.

Also your 'proof' by contradiction is monumentally flawed. First of all, you've failed to define what you're tokens actually are. If they're real numbers, then the proof is false because there is a finite interval between the two values, similar reasoning holds for the integers and other such sets.

Secondly, your claim that the sum of tokens in a null set is meaningless. How can you possibly define addition in the null set, there are no elements for an addition operator to operate on, moreover, even if you could define 'addition' in the null set, the sum of all the 'tokens'(elements) in the set cannot be zero because zero is not contained in the null set.

Lastly, how exactly do you define a value for a set? What, for example, is the value of N or {1,6,23,2}. Moreover, how exactly does 1 and zero come into your proof? It seems to me that you must be assuming that the null set is equivalent to zero (it's not) and that 1 comes into it because the cardinality of the set is 1, also illogical.


>> No.6560045


>the sum of all the 'tokens'(elements) in the set cannot be zero because zero is not contained in the null set
>legitimately being this ignorant

You're looking at it wrong. It's not that '0' is in the set. It's that there are zero TOKENS in the set. The null set is, by definition, empty. EMPTY As in CONTAINING ZERO TOKENS. Yet it still exists as a set, a thing. A. As in ONE.

I'm too tired to deal with the rest of your half-educated shitposting, assuming you're the same guy who's been giving me all this bollocks from the beginning. I'm going to bed to get some much-needed rest. I'll be back to address your questions tomorrow.

>> No.6560047

We're not generalising, we're simply observing that there is no finite real number besides zero which is the difference between 0.999... and 1.

Also, since i'm fairly sure at this point that you're a philosopher(or philosophy student more likely), I can't help but wonder how exactly you plan to resolve Zeno's paradox without analytic continuity.

>> No.6560075

What does this even have to with set theory, we're talking about 1 as in the axiomatically defined multiplicative identity in R, not the cardinality of the null set, they're two different things, so how about you stop trying to shift the goal posts just because you obviously don't know the first thing about real analysis.

You're looking at it wrong. It's not that '0' is in the set. It's that there are zero TOKENS in the set. The null set is, by definition, empty. EMPTY As in CONTAINING ZERO TOKENS. Yet it still exists as a set, a thing. A. As in ONE.

I'm well aware of this, obviously you've confused sums and cardinalties

>> No.6560082

>An empty bag can never contain zero things, because it's A bag, A as in one.

This is how dumb you sound

>> No.6560995


>definable difference

The definable difference is that one is 0.999... and the other is 1. You are using two separate numerical constructs, they are different types. By definition they are two separate things and have two separate values.


Whether there is a finite real number besides zero between the two is incidental. There is still a definable difference between the two, and they are not the same thing. Even if it's some sort of imaginary or irrational number, there is a value difference between 0.999... and 1.

>Zeno's paradox

Which one, and what does that have to do with this? (And yes, I have studied philosophy for over a decade.)


>axiomatically defined
>claiming 0.999... is objectively equal to 1

Every natural number is a set, genius. How am I confusing sums and cardinalities.


what the fuck are you on about

>> No.6561041

ITT: People who don't understand how infinity works/ Trolls

>> No.6561047


>It's kinda like playing tennis against a wall, you're not going to win, but you can still get something useful out of it.

>> No.6561065

i finally figured out your particular method of trolling. you're deliberately confusing the natural number 1 with the real number 1

>> No.6561079

ITT people forget geometric series exist and argue the same shit they have been arguing for years.

>> No.6561136


convergence is an unproveable concept

>> No.6561143
File: 88 KB, 926x672, troll-babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>accusing people of trolling when they are the one deliberately ignoring logic and reason

>> No.6561179

>>6561143 here. I am actually discussing this with a maths major at the moment, and they are on the fence about it.

They blame the alcohol.

>> No.6561263

>two separate numerical constructs
By that logic, couldn't one say that 3/2 is not equal to 1.5, or more appropriately, that 1/3 is not equal to 0.333...(this effectively equivalent to saying that 0.999.. = 1). Maybe in whatever area of philosophy you deal with those things aren't considered equal and that's fine, but in REAL ANALYSIS, that is the analysis of the real numbers 2/3 and 0.333... are equivalent and so are 0.99... and 1.

>There is still a definable difference, even if it can be rigorously proven that there isn't one

>Even it's some sort of imaginary or irrational number
>Imaginary numbers in R
Why has no one given you a fields medal yet?

>Which Zeno paradox
The one that gets introduced in most uni level calculus texts. The intuitive idea is that if you take a runner covering a certain distance, you observe that he covers half the distance over a given time interval, then you observe that he covers half of that distance in another time interval(the time interval doesn't matter as long as it's finite) and so on so that the distance between the runner and the finish line after n such steps is 1/2^n. Therefore, the runner cannot reach the finish line in a finite number of steps. Despite this, the runner can reach the finish line in a finite time interval because the distance becomes zero(the runner reaches the finish line) after an infinite number of steps. Essentially the same reasoning applies to our problem except that in our case we look at 1/10^n as the difference between the sum 9/10 + 9/100 +... + 9/10^n and one.

>Every natural number is a set.
I'm well aware of that, it doesn't change the fact that your 'proof' by contradiction takes far too many liberties with logic to be taken seriously.

Think of it this way, the bag contains Nothing.

>> No.6561268

How i think of it is:
1/9 = 0.11111 for eternity
9 * 1/9 = 0.99999 for eternity

But 9/9 simplifies to 1

>> No.6561290 [DELETED] 


only honest post on /sci/ ^

>> No.6561293

>But 9/9 simplifies to 1

as long as you guys admit its just a convenient short-hand rounding thing....

it doesn't actually simplify to 1 if we are being strict intellectuals.

>> No.6561328


This. This has been exactly my point all along.

>> No.6561331


>Imaginary numbers in R

Alright, wise guy. What is 5/0? Or any n divided by 0 such that n ∈ ℕ ?

Where's my medal.

>> No.6561342

You don't even know what's the definition of field

>Keep insisting that 0.999... is different from 1

I think I smell engineers...

>> No.6561343

You are proving that you don't even know the definition of Field. Chapeu.

>Keep insisting that 0.999... is different from 1

I think I smell engineers...

>> No.6561368


>> No.6561469
File: 56 KB, 642x388, numberbetween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that there is no finite real number besides zero which is the difference between 0.999... and 1.

>> No.6561488

What I love about this discussion is that the one and only argument is: this thing has two different descriptions, so it cannot be the same thing.

Please elaborate on your definition of infinite series, I am really interested.

Do you also believe that 1+2 and 2+1 are not the same number, if we are *strict* intellectuals?

>> No.6561539
File: 911 B, 192x52, 0.999....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a matter of order, not type. Besides which, it's like a two-sided coin that is infinitely thin. The coin still exists between the sides.


"All such interpretations of "0.999..." are infinitely close to 1. Ian Stewart characterizes this interpretation as an "entirely reasonable" way to rigorously justify the intuition that "there's a little bit missing" from 1 in 0.999....[51] Along with Katz & Katz, Robert Ely also questions the assumption that students' ideas about 0.999... < 1 are erroneous intuitions about the real numbers, interpreting them rather as nonstandard intuitions that could be valuable in the learning of calculus.[52][53] Jose Benardete in his book Infinity: An essay in metaphysics argues that some natural pre-mathematical intuitions cannot be expressed if one is limited to an overly restrictive number system:"

>> No.6561556

Yeah you can do such things in non-standard analysis, but the point is that people here are claiming there is a contradiction in standard calculus, a claim for which noone provided evidence.

>> No.6561570

Question to everyone who thinks 0.999...=/=1
What do you need to add to 0.999... to get 1?

>> No.6561575


>> No.6561583

Transcendental is correct, for a quick background a transcendental number is a non algebraic number. If you have never worked with them before a good example is e or pi.

Its any number that cannot be represented using algebraic conventions. And as OP suggests, there are far more transcendental numbers than algebraic numbers.

Then why havent I seen them? Well your probably not dealing with that echelon of mathematics yet. This only comes into play in the more advanced mathematics, so its completely understandable to not be aware of their existence.

Also note that while .999 REPEATING is equal to 1, . 999999999999997, is definitely not equal to one, and may be a transcendental number.

>> No.6561586

Numberphile fucks around with the sums of infinite series, hes a dipshit.

>> No.6561591

>What is the Riemann Zeta Function?

>> No.6561593

>this rational number may be a transcendental number
top kek

>> No.6561604

What are you talking about?
.999999999999997 is obviously not algebraic,
just like 1+1=/=2 and .999...=/=1

>> No.6561605

>not recognizing epin sci trelling

>> No.6561610

> rational number
You say that but I dont think you really know what it means.. This is a real number..
thanks anon, good to see some people are on top of their shit

>> No.6561612

>that fucker got me.

>> No.6561620

.999999999999997 = 999999999999997/100000000000000

>> No.6561636

"No, you're stupid, there can only be one unique way to write a number"
~49.999...% of this thread

>> No.6561667


The point here is that the calcheads are claiming they're the same value and same number. We're saying that they aren't because there is a nonzero value separating the two. Clearly the nonzero value is 1/10^H.

>> No.6561684

Yeah, but H is as non-existent in the standard real numbers as 1/2 in the integers, so this value between the two is zero, so they are equal. If you cannot see why H doesn't exist I think you should read a book about analysis.

>> No.6561734
File: 759 B, 111x67, qed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


H ∈ R ≈ 1/2 ∈ a

H ∈ R

1/2 ∈ a

If you cannot see why it does exist I think you should read a book about logic.

>> No.6561737


Z, not a... not sure how that happened

>> No.6561768

I quit. Nobody here has any idea of what is and what isn't allowed in standard calculus. You just *don't* have infinitely small things in the real numbers. It's just as wrong as talking about the largest prime number in N.

I now see why philosophy is such a messed up discipline. Nobody has any idea what they are talking about, you change definitions while you're talking about it or you just don't talk about them at all.

>> No.6561825


Hey, you're the one who said "H is as non-existent in the standard real numbers as 1/2 in the integers", or H ∈ R ≈ 1/2 ∈ Z, and if 9/9 isn't a fraction then I don't know what is. It's the only way your silly 1/9 = 0.111... then 0.111... * 9 = 0.999... = 9 * 1/9 =1 proof works. So you've proved that it's a generalisation with your own logic. 0.999... = 1 only in practical application.

You should look into philosophy, you might actually learn something.

>> No.6563087

he doesn't realize when you divide 1/9 the remainder is 1/10^n for each 1's position in 0.1111.... so 1/9 > 0.111... because 0.111... represent an incomplete division process(which is approximated by a limit, which is the upper bound and not the result(something all these retards conveniently forget at every opportunity ))

>> No.6563088


It's like arguing with a rock, isn't it? Except of course that the rock doesn't argue back.

>> No.6563128

10x-x = 9x
10*0.999... - 0.999... = ?

>> No.6563141

But it doesn't, you retard. Numbers don't represent incomplete processes. Please do not pretend you understand anything about analysis because you finished babby set theory.

Let me explain it for the last time:
infinite series (like 0.9999...) have a value because we DEFINED it to have a value. So the only value it has is the value that we get when we apply the definition. If you apply this definition you will see that the partial sums of the infinite series 0.999... (0.9, 0.99, 0.999, ...) are arbitrarily close to 1. So it IS 1. This is not a subject of discussion (muh infinitesimals). You have to take another definition, another number system or you are forced to accept this.

>imcomplete process hurr durr
is simply not relevant here.

The result IS the upper bound in this case.

>I don't know the definition of a series.
Please go read a good book on calc.

>> No.6563170
File: 5 KB, 482x120, how-do-I-semantics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>arbitrarily close

It's literally only one or the other. Even by definition, they're only the same because you say they are, and that is purely subjective. Please go read a good book on logic.

>> No.6563171
File: 62 KB, 300x260, 1386889914394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread

>> No.6563188

An infinite series is just a symbol. It has no value until we define such a value. You talk like .999... already is a value an sich, but that notion is wrong.

We already have defined finite addition in R and if we want to talk about an *infinite* addition, we have to define it. That's how the game works.
The partial sums (.9, .99, .999, ...) are arbitrarily close to 1, and therefore, and only because of this, we defined the infinite series to be 1.

Let me give an example: Suppose I want to use the word flarp. Flarp doesn't mean anything, until I give a definition for it. If I define flarp to be a table, it IS a table. It is not 'for practical reasons only' a table. It is not 'if we are strictly intellectual' different from a table. It just IS the same. Flarp is not a flair or a flap because the name is similar. It is also not different from a table because it has a different name. It just is a table.

This has nothing to do with logic, it's just that you fail to understand that .999... is defined to be something, and not something that follows from only finite addition.

tl;dr the infinite series is a meaningless symbol until I define a method of finding a value for it.

>captcha: ilogyst pardonable

>> No.6563196

On a scale of 1 to 10, what is four times 3 and why?

>> No.6563202


>ITT: Kids playing with infinity..

Yes there is:

1 - 0.9 = 0.1
1 - 0.99 = 0.01
1 - 0.999 = 0.001
1 - 0.9999 = 0.0001

So the number you are looking for is:

For every decimal place you add I can also add one and there's still a number between them.

In other words:

If you got the half-bounded interval "[0, 1[", then
1 the supremum (but not the maximum).

>> No.6563204

π, because the question's irrational

>> No.6563206

In some cases, you would be correct. If I have numbers arbitrarily large, but that doesn't mean I have infinity.
However, in the case of real numbers, this is true. The reason is that real numbers are defined as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences of rationals. Because the sequences (0.9, 0.99, 0.999...) and (1,1,1,...) converge to the same limit, they represent the same number.

>> No.6563207

>I define 0.999... to be 1 therefore proving conclusively that 0.999...=1

>> No.6563212

bot converges to the same limit.
Doesn't mean they're equal at any step.

>> No.6563265

there cannot be a number x such that x/0 = y, this would imply that there is a product x*y = 0 for x and y != 0. This contradicts the axioms of the real numbers and is therefore undefined.

>> No.6563285

(1/n)=(1/(2*n)) as n increases to infinity
or even more ridiculous
(1/n)=(1/(n^n^n^n)) as n increases to infinity
since both sides (like 0.999... and 1.0) have the same limit they're both equal.

>> No.6563297

No but they are in the same equivalence class and therefore defined to be equal in R

Congratulations, you have grasped the basic idea of a definition.

>ITT: philosophy students raping definitions.

As you ought to know, the Least Upper Bound property holds in R:
Every set S in R that as an upper bound has a least upper bound.

Suppose we have infinitesimals. We look at the positive infinitesimals. (I take as definition a number h>0 such that for all natural numbers n we have h < 1/n).
Look at the set K of positive infinitesimals, which is not empty. It is obvious that 1 is an upper bound of K. So K has a least upper bound, say c. So h =< c for all positive infinitesimals h. We assumed there were infinitesimals, so there is an h such that 0< h=<c, so 0<c. So c<2c, and 2c cannot be infinitesimal, it is larger than an upper bound of K.

If 2c is not infinitesimal, there must be an n such that 2c >= 1/n. But then c/2 >= 1/4n. So there don't exist infinitesimals larger than c/2, because those numbers are larger than or equal to a number of the form 1/m for natural m. So c/2 is also an upper bound of K, but is is strictly smaller than c itself. But c was already the least upper bound. Contradiction. Our only assumption about K was that it was not empty. Therefore K must be empty, there are not positive infinitesimals, 0.0(...)1 is not a number, and .999... and 1 are equal.

>inb4 I reject the Least Upper Bound property
In that case we are not even talking about real numbers anymore.

>inb4 I don't understand this proof.
Please take a solid Analysis course.

>> No.6563311


>just a symbol
>no value until we define such a value

So you're saying that math is a human construct, and does not exist independently in nature?

Let's go with your word problem regarding 'flarp'. We already have a defined name/label for a table. It's 'table'. A 'flarp', then, is not a table, but rather an arbitrary name you decided to give a table. One is not perfectly divisible by three, nor by nine. Not in the reals. We make do with the clearly imperfect system we have of understanding things and groups of things by allowing for this infinitesimally small margin of error - "0.999... = 1", even though it isn't perfectly equal. See >>6563207


I've honestly never understood the problem of 'undefined error' for x/0 = y. If we consider that any n for n != 0, and 0 - n = -n and 0 - (-n) = n, then it follows that 0 = R. This allows for dividing by zero with no issues, does it not? Further, it allows for 0.999... != 1. What is the problem with defining 0 as R, exactly? Because as I see it, accepting a system where dividing by a number results in (undefined) is not optimal. There is obviously a flaw in such a system, especially if it causes crashes and malfunctions in certain systems when attempted. Better to rehash the system in such a way that everything actually works properly, even if it makes some people uncomfortable because you're changing things.

Change isn't bad. What's bad is clinging to outdated, imperfect modes and models based solely on the fact that "well, it's worked well enough for us so far, it must be correct".

Did you know that it hasn't even been a full century since the scientific community finally agreed that the universe consisted of more than the Milky Way? And yet here we are, still arguing about how infallible calculus is and falling back on arbitrary approximations to make one equation work, while completely excluding the possibility of another because "we don't like getting (undefined) or infinity for an answer".

>> No.6563345

No I'm saying that our symbols do not have a meaning independent of the reader.

>A 'flarp', then, is not a table, but rather an arbitrary name you decided to give a table.
A 'table' is also an arbitrary name you gave to a flarp.

>One is not perfectly divisible by three, nor by nine. Not in the reals.
You cannot be serious. Do you have any idea how mathematics works? It is almost by definition that we can invert 3 in the reals. The only reason we cannot present it in a finite number of decimals is because we usually use base 10, and 3 doesn't divide 10. Or do you think 1 is perfectly divisible by 2 because we can represent it with 0.5?

>I've honestly never understood the problem of 'undefined error' for x/0 = y.
This is because you never understood algebra in the first place. If we define x/0 the real numbers will go down faster than the Titanic.

Suppose we follow your unholy idea of defining such a value: suppose x/0 = y for certain x and y. Then x = y*0, because that is how we want division to work in the reals. But hey, we also *defined* 0 to be the element such that z*0 = 0 = 0*z for all z. So x=y*0 = 0. So if we tried to define x/0 for any x != 0 we reached a contradiction.

0/0 is also undefined, because suppose it is defined. Because 1*0 = 0 we have 0/0 = 1, because that is how division works, and 0/0 was defined so there is no reason why we cannot do this. But also 2*0 = 0, so 0/0 = 2. But wait, now we have 1 = 0/0 = 2. Contradiction.

As you probably see, wannabe Gauss, your idea leads to contradiction in no time. It is not that we are afraid of change, it is that any attempt to define x/0 leads to contradictions and total failure. Go on, define values for x/0. Your system will break.

>> No.6563357


>flarp nonsense

Why the hell would you arbitrarily name something that has already been named? It's redundant and pointless.

>we can invert 3
>3 doesn't divide 10

I'm the one who can't be serious?

>x/0 stuff

1 = 0/0, and 2 = 0/0, but 1 != 2. This wouldn't be a contradiction since 0 literally would be defined as equalling every and any other real number. It would essentially be a variable. How difficult of a concept is that to grasp?

It's like you're all children, I swear.

>> No.6563360

>since 0 literally would be defined as equalling every and any other real number
I feel a bit ashamed I fell for this. Good troll 7/10

>> No.6563389


I appreciate the compliment, but how is it trolling? 0 is equal to the sum of literally any positive fraction, decimal, or integer and its negative counterpart (the reals). Any positive or negative fraction, decimal, or integer (the reals) divided by or multiplied by 0 equals 0. It follows that 0 = R.

>> No.6563558


this is brilliant.

>> No.6563637

>In mathematics, the repeating decimal 0.999... (sometimes written with more or fewer 9s before the final ellipsis, or as 0.9, 0.(9), or 0.9 with dot over the 9) denotes a real number that can be shown to be the number one. In other words, the symbols "0.999..." and "1" represent the same number. Proofs of this equality have been formulated with varying degrees of mathematical rigor, taking into account preferred development of the real numbers, background assumptions, historical context, and target audience.

>> No.6563661

So if according to you, 0.999..=1, then
1.1999.. = 1.2 ?
From where i come from = means EQUAL or SAME.
I dont see 0.999.. being same to 1. You nerds need to get back to reality.

>> No.6564329

Yes 1.19999... = 1.2

>> No.6564349

Not this shit again
Didn't any of y'all take calc 2

>> No.6564355

1/9 = .111… (9)(0.111...) = .999...

>> No.6564362


Thank you for repeating what every other calculus-worshipping troll has already regurgitated eleventy billion times. That really helps clear things up. /sarcasm

>> No.6564378

>Begin with a general Geometric Series with first term a, common ratio r, and n terms
<span class="math">S_n=a+ar+ar^2+ar^3+....ar^{n-2}+ar^{n-1}[/spoiler]

>Multiply the series by r
<span class="math">r S_n=ar+ar^2+ar^3+ar^4+...ar^{n-1}+ar^n[/spoiler]

>Subtract the second equation from the first: Note that the first and second series both have the exact same terms, except for the first term of the first series and the last term of the second series.
<span class="math">S_n-rS_n=a-ar^n[/spoiler]

>Factor both sides and solve for S_n
<span class="math">S_n=\frac{a(1-r^n)}{1-r} [/spoiler]

>Apply formula to infinite Geometric Series by taking the limit as n approaches infinity. For notation, drop the “n” subscript on S_n
<span class="math">S=lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{a(1-r^n)}{1-r} [/spoiler]

>The limit depends only on the r^n term. Restricting |r|<1, the limit resolves to
<span class="math">lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} r^n=0 [/spoiler]

>The formula then simplifies to
<span class="math">S=\frac{a}{1-r}[/spoiler]

>Noting that
<span class="math">.999...=.9+.09+.009+...[/spoiler]

>We see that .999... is an infinite geometric series where a=.9 and r=.1. Our formula then tells us that
<span class="math">.999...=\frac{.9}{1-.1}=\frac{.9}{.9}=1[/spoiler]


>> No.6564384

>implying that a proof does not prove things

>> No.6564391


You are wrong form your very first equation. The formula you give for the summation is finite (it stops at the n-1 term).

Therefore, it does not apply to 0.999... which has no final term.

>> No.6564394

>The formula you give for the summation is finite (it stops at the n-1 term).
And then he takes the formal limit as n approaches infinity. Literally high-school level math.

come back after you've finished middle school.

>> No.6564397


>Didn't bother to read far enough to see where I took a limit to apply this series to an infinite series.

Nice reading comprehension.

>> No.6564403


The limit of a summation and a summation itself are not the same thing.

Just as you can only speak of the limit as x approaches 1/x instead of the value at 1/x, you cannot talk about the limit as n approaches infinity versus the value when n is infinity.

>> No.6564404

Jesus, is this thread really still at the top?

>> No.6564406

>The limit of a summation and a summation itself are not the same thing.
Wrong. For an infinite sum, they ARE the same thing.

>limit as x approaches 1/x
...what? I hope that's a typo.

>> No.6564409

because there is no number between .999... and 1.

Also because 1/9=.111...
9/9=1 as well

>> No.6564428


The limit of a finite sum as the number of terms approaches infinity is the same as an infinite sum. In fact, ALL infinite sums are finite sums where the limit is taken, we just write the upper bound of summation as infinity as a notational short hand. The proper expression for an infinite sum is

<span class="math">lim_{n\rightarrow \inf} \sum_{i=i_0}^n a_i[/spoiler]

>> No.6564429


>show me a number between 0.999.... and 1

there are infinite 9's between it and 1.

Why do people think infinity ends somewhere?

>> No.6564441

There are not infinite 9's between them, there are infinite 0's between them

>> No.6564448


>mind blown

>> No.6564449


there are infinite 9's by definition.

0.999... is just as far away from 1 as 0.999

namely, infinitely far away from 1.

>> No.6564451




Even if you think a number like .000...1 exists (Under the real number system, it doesn't), surely you'd agree that .000999.... is a larger number than .000...1 would be?

>> No.6564468


>notational short hand

You guys keep doing this - spouting your nonsense about how calculus is infallible and definitive, and then saying things like "generalise" and "approximate" and "notational short hand". It's like you don't even know what the fuck you're saying. You just spew the same contradictory shit over and over and never listen to what you're actually saying.

Tell you what. Why don't you actually READ the entire thread instead of just replying to a single post and thinking you're clever. Save us all the time and trouble of a rehash.

>> No.6564546


You're retarded, the difference between them is not infinity, nor is it an infinitesimally small amount, it is 0. That's why 0.999... Is 1

>> No.6564623


Well, I was responding to the guy arguing that the proof I posted was invalid. Was I supposed to talk to someone else while I did that?

My point to him also was not me espousing some calculus cock sucking bull shit either. When you right "infinity" on top of a sum to indicate an infinite summation, that IS a notational short hand. The true way of expressing that is to write it as a summation to some arbitrary n and take the limit as n approaches infinity. It gets repetitive as fuck to write that every time you want to write an infinite sum, so we drop the limit bit and just write infinity, with the understanding that it is in fact a limit. Since the person I was responding to made the claim that taking the limit as the number of terms in a sum approaches infinity is different from an actual infinite sum, I feel my response was rather appropriate.

Since you seem to think yourself the king of this thread though, please instruct me which post I should look at more closely? Cause it seemed to me like all of these posts were the typical



>you can't find a number between .999.... and 1 so they're the same!

and I had thought posting and discussing the actual proof of the equality would be a good direction for the thread, but apparently I was wrong!

>> No.6564635

>That's why 0.999... Is 1

0.999... is 0.999...
1 is 1

0.999... doesn't end and doesn't reach any thing, it's always infinitely far away from 1. Separated by an infinite amount of 9's.

It's like an asymptote, and 1 is a point it never, ever touches. So how can it "be" 1?

>> No.6564646


I'm literally 95% of the replies arguing that 0.999... != 1, if that answers your question. I legitimately can't tell who's arguing what anymore, after three hundred-odd posts it's all become one hazy blur of "muh calculus" and "lol infinity". I'm just arguing simple logic and 3 does not divide 10 (also the bit about 0 = R).

Sorry for snapping at you if you weren't arguing for 0.999... = 1. What with all the repetition, the shit is literally so thick in here that I can't see past my nose anymore.

>> No.6564654

if you know of any flaws in the major theorems of calculus and real analysis then please don't hesitate to enlighten us.

>> No.6564660


Literally everything I have to say is in this thread, friend. All you need to do is read.

>> No.6564672

0.999... never reaches 1 in the same way 1,2,3,4... never reaches some definite end.

There is no end to an infinity. Converge is a conspiracy theory.

>> No.6564730

> and I had thought posting and discussing the actual proof of the equality would be a good direction for the thread, but apparently I was wrong!

>and I had thought posting and discussing the actual proof of the equality would be a good direction for the thread, but apparently I was wrong!

refer to >>6564378

when i say flaw, i mean a rigorously examined counter-example that can be derived from the axioms for the real numbers.

It seems to me that you're main line of reasoning rests some mistaken assumptions about how the real numbers are defined. The reals are defined as an ordered field that satisfy the least upper bound property. Consider the following case: It is known that there is no positive rational number x such that x^2 = 2, however, the rationals are split up into two sets, the set of x such that x^2 < 2 which we will call A, and the set of x such that x^2 > 2. Clearly A and B are both infinite, that is, for every x, there is a y that is larger/smaller than x such that y is closer to being the square root of two than x is. Therefore we can establish that the number z such that z^2 = 2 is both the least upper bound of A and the greatest lower bound of B. This is more or less how the real numbers are defined, 0.999... and 1 are defined in the same way, specifically 1 and 0.999... are both least upper bounds for the set of rationals r such that r = 9/10^n, 0.999.. is simply a decimal expansion of one. I am of course aware that the above demonstration does not really account for the existence of the transcendental numbers, but it's only an intuitive outline of Dedekind's method for constructing the reals, not the full proof. Moreover the essence of >>6563297 is that if we assumed that there was an x such that 0.999... + x = 1, but it was infinitely small, it would lead to a contradiction of the axioms for the real numbers, therefore such an x cannot exist in the real numbers.

>> No.6565109


Well, we're back to where we started then. I am in fact arguing that 1=.999.... just I'm not using (correct, but not proof) arguments like 3/3=.999.... and asking for a number between .999.... and 1.

>> No.6565151


There is a definable nonzero difference between the two. I don't know how to explain it any more clearly. 1/3 and 1/9 don't translate perfectly, and

>what is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recurring_decimal#Every_repeating_or_terminating_decimal_is_a_rational_number
>what is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recurring_decimal#A_shortcut
>what is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recurring_decimal#Repeating_decimals_as_an_infinite_series
>what is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approximation

Every single argument I have heard has stated that the equation of 0.999... and 1 is arbitrary and/or an approximation. Ergo,

0.999... != 1
0.999... ≃ 1

>> No.6565195


No, there is NOT a definable nonzero difference between the two. In alternative number systems like the hyper-reals, you can get a difference between them, but in the real number system, there is no difference.

And again, I never argued based on the 3(1/3) argument, I gave the proof based on geometric series in >>6564378

>> No.6565515

Do you understand the least upper bound property?

Can you point out a flaw in >>6563297 ?

>> No.6565587

Whenever I begin to lose the motivation to study for my real analysis exam coming up, I read this thread.

>> No.6566420


Why is it so hard to accept that 0.999... = 1 is only an applied definition. If it is untrue in even a single mathematical approach, then it is untrue. Approximations and arbitrary subjective definitions are not ontological truths.

>> No.6566432

Is it really so hard to understand, if we permit 0.999... != 1, it leads to a contradiction, therefore there cannot be a number such that 1-0.999...!= 0.

>If it is untrue in even a single mathematical approach, then it is untrue.

Again no, if we're dealing with the real numbers (which we are), and such an approach shows that 0.999...= 1, then that approach cannot be valid because it leads to a contradiction in the axioms of the real numbers. This is the essence of what we're saying, the real numbers are defined in terms of a certain number of axioms, if a number violates one of those axioms, then it is not part of the real numbers, trying to say it is is like saying that 1.5 is in N. As >>6563297 has pointed out, infinitely small numbers cannot be defined in the reals therefore there cannot be a difference between 0.999.. 1, it really is that simple, it has nothing to do with approximations or anything like that, it is a simple question of deriving results from axioms.

>> No.6566451


>deriving results from axioms
>not taking into account axioms are assumptions in the first place

"The real numbers include all the rational numbers"

Literally the second sentence. See >>6565151

Every repeating or terminating decimal is a rational. Every rational is in the reals. Therefore both 0.999... and 1 are rationals, and as individual rationals cannot equal each other. Otherwise the nonzero value difference between the two, or the poorly represented "0.000...1", is zero, as you say, which means there is zero distance between any and all decimal values in N, which in turn means that 0 = [1,2,3,...] and you have broken it far more than I have. So your maths are wrong.

>> No.6566480

First of all, all of mathematics is built from axioms, all of it. That's how we define number systems, we define axioms and build a system of numbers that all obey these axioms, this is how mathematics works.

>Both 0.999.. and 1 are rationals, and individual rationals cannot equal each other

You haven't proven that they are individual rationals, they have different representations but they are
PROVABLY(see>>6564378,>>6563297 and >>6557836) the same number, in exactly the same way that 1/3 and 0.333... are the same number.

>if 0.999.. = 1, then every rational number must be equal (for some reason...) therefore 0 = N

Give up. You're embarrassing yourself, you're obviously just not cut out for maths, this is just totally incoherent reasoning.

>> No.6566493


It's perfectly coherent. If there is zero distance between 0.999... and 1, then every digit of 0.999... is zero distance from every other, and thus 1=2,2=3,3=4,...

Put simply, if 0.999... = 1, then 0.999...8 = 0.999..., 0.999...7 = 0.999...8, etc. Therefore all numbers are the same because there is zero distance between them. This applies to the reals since every repeating or terminating decimal is a real.