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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 446 KB, 711x717, 49405393-05c3-4c5c-a664-a7ee92ebb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6544665 No.6544665 [Reply] [Original]

>Mathematics > Physics

>> No.6544669

but who are you quoting?

>> No.6544670

bullshit, constanze is in no way better than math.

>> No.6544697

I'm a physicist, but I recognize that the study of physics has largely benefited from contributions from mathematicians.

Physicists and mathematicians should not be arguing.

>> No.6545609


>> No.6545613

>Physics > Mathematics > Women Studies

>> No.6545620

Well, I got it.

>> No.6545623

>Women Studies
>Women's Studies

>> No.6546126

applied math > physics > biology > psychology > philosophy > pure math

>> No.6546129

>women's studies

you mean home economics?

>> No.6546167



>> No.6546173

I'd like to study a broad... or two, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6546175

>a broad

>> No.6546182
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>randall shits arguing which science is better
>people responding seriously to these subjective statement

>> No.6546184

>I don't know what subjective means

>> No.6546187

How do you parse XML with PHP?

>> No.6546196
File: 17 KB, 400x224, stock-footage-multi-ethnic-women-laughing-and-gossiping-on-comfortable-couch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I assume you don't know what that word means,so your argument is invalid!

>> No.6546446

Look it up on google.

>> No.6546582

>implying it's subjective which field contributes the most to human progress

>> No.6546596

low IQ pleb ape too mentally bounded for pure math detected

>> No.6546644
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>> No.6546668

applied math = physics you plebe

>> No.6546676

Math and physics > everything else

>> No.6546690

Sorry, I'm not autistic. I couldn't imagine wasting my time with sudoku puzzles all day long. And the worst thing is these people do it for free, because nobody pays for something which has no applications.

Lol no. There are alot more applications than physics.

>> No.6546695

>Sorry, I don't have a high IQ

>> No.6546710

But I do. A score >170 is considered high. What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be busy solving sudokus?

>> No.6546714


>dat dunning-kruger
Don't worry, friend. I'm sure you'll find a nice niche for yourself with that sub-190 IQ somewhere. Maybe you can be some sort of lab monkey?

>> No.6546722

I'd love to keep doing pure math, but I'm broke and need to make back the money I spent for college, so I'm taking some Statistics classes and preparing for Actuarial exams.

Doing degrees in pure math is a luxury for people who can afford it. Physics too, to some extent, though I'm pretty sure a Math degree will pay a lot more in the end than a Physics degree (especially if the math you specialize in has something to do with combinatorics and number theory).

>> No.6546727

pure math has a tendency to become applied math.

>> No.6547114

Neat thread

>> No.6547684

Number theory is a pretty useless skill from an employer's point of view.

>> No.6547754

Having sex with yourself > masturbation

>> No.6547846
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>> No.6547851

I'd fuck me

>> No.6547863


Physics student here.

Fuck I wish I chose Maths.

I have an exam today on bullshit stamp collecty stuff I was supposed to apparently rote learn.

Physics is no more than rote learning hundreds of facts and simple equations that you do no more than simple calculus with.

Mathematical physics is the shit, but to do that I need to be a mathematics student and I'm not a Yank so I can't choose maths classes

>> No.6547867

Mathematics isn't a science. It's better. Science deals with empiricism and approximation. Mathematics deals with absolute certainty.

>> No.6547868

>I'm not a Yank so I can't choose maths classes
What does it matter if you're not an Amerifag?

>> No.6547876

Other physics student here. It sounds like either your physical intuition is crap, or your teachers are crap. There is not supposed to be a lot of rote memorization, and mathematical-intuitive reasoning is supposed to fill in the gaps.

>> No.6547900

Because at this point the Americans usually chime in with

"switch majors"
"dude just take Linear Algebra 101 next semester"
"swap your math minor to a major"

and shit like our system works just like theirs

>> No.6547953
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>Mathematical physics is the shit, but to do that I need to be a mathematics student

Can confirm. The pre-req for the mathematical physics course at my university was just some general 2nd year calculus course. In the first week we got blasted by a month's worth of abstract algebra and group theory. Over half the class dropped out

>> No.6548385
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Shirley you can't be serious? Why would you need that shit for physics?

>> No.6548507
File: 18 KB, 636x460, 971756_602544603099888_1691483293_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually Physics >> Mathematics

Theoretical physicist find new forms of math in models of physics to describe the systems. Models that mathematicians want to loose their shit over cause they take forever to proof that the math is legit.

Plus physicist gave you the internet and freeware... You are welcome.

>> No.6548511

Mathematics <----> Physics

>> No.6548516

Really? Group theory deals a lot with the physical symmetries, as an example.

>> No.6548519

> Plus engineers gave you the internet and freeware... You are welcome.

>> No.6548961

>Theoretical physicist find new forms of math in models of physics to describe the systems.
>Models that mathematicians want to loose their shit over cause they take forever to proof that the math is legit.


>> No.6548974


>> No.6548976

trigonomotry > algebra > precalc > arithmetic > geometry >>>>> calculus

>> No.6548977


>> No.6548983
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Computer Science > Rest of STEM

>> No.6548989
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>tfw failed every class in high school and jumped of school after high school that

>tfw only come to this board to see nerds arguing with echother

>> No.6548993

>jumped of school after high school that
it's a wonder why you failed every class.

>> No.6549010

>kek u guys are smort

>> No.6549134

Why isn't Cumuter Science part of the STEM acronym anyhow? Is it because ti's fucking bullshit? Or is it because it's the hard science equivalent of getting an MBA or a law degree?

>> No.6549448


>> No.6549453

>Plus physicist gave you the internet and freeware
>Plus physicist gave you freeware

You invented spam you little shits

The world is better without you

>> No.6549458

Shits delicious

>> No.6549461

That's what the T part is for, you retard.

>> No.6549662

Physics > Applied Math > Biology > Theoretical CS > Chemistry > Philosophy > Pure math

>> No.6550736

Philosophy is applied logic.

>> No.6550742

The majority of philosophers does not understand logic and even those who try to use logic often know nothing deeper than IQ test tier 1st order logic. Logic is a field of math.

>> No.6550749

Math is a field of logic.

>> No.6550758

Nope. Gödel proved that logic is a strict subset of math.

>> No.6550786

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6550792

I know very well what I'm talking about. Gödel proved that there are mathematical theorems which cannot be deduced within logic Therfore logic is a subject of math but math itself in its entirety cannot be a subject of logic.

>> No.6550801
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>Gödel proved that there are mathematical theorems which cannot be deduced within logic Therfore logic is a subject of math

>> No.6550805

I'm not the other guy and I'm posting from the front page but it's clearly obvious that you don't understand Godel's incompleteness theorems.

>> No.6550807

Logic being a subject of math is a simple fact independent of Gödel. Please work on your reading comprehension and don't make yourself look more retarded than you already are.

>> No.6550808

I'm a Godelologist, and the other anon is correct

>> No.6550810

Cool assertion, pop sci kid. How about you post your dumbed down youtube version of the incompleteness theorem, so we can all have a laugh at your ignorance? Protip: My post was correct.

>> No.6550811

>Please work on your reading comprehension
Please work on your typing comprehension.

>> No.6550821

Do you want me to apologize for assuming you were at least of average intelligence? I'm so sorry I couldn't anticipate how defective you are. Thanks for letting me know. Next time I'm gonna dumb down my posts for you.

>> No.6550823

You don't even know what logic is.

>> No.6550829

I hope you are aware of the fact that "logic" in the context of math refers to formal logic and not to your reddit "if I disagree with an argument I'll call it a straw man" definition of "logic".

>> No.6550832

I've been teaching formal logic in the past. Get rekt, kid.

>> No.6550833

No it's wrong. There are other requirements. Your explanation IS the pop-sci explanation.

>> No.6550834

Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it ever so much more apidly. If cluelessness were crude oil, your scalp would be crawling with caribou. You are a thick-headed trog. I have seen skeet with more sense than you have. You are a few bricks short of a full load, a few cards short of a full deck, a few bytes short of a full core dump, and a few chromosomes short of a full genome. Worse than that, you top-post. In HTML. God created toads, houseflies, cockroaches, maggots, mosquitos, fleas, ticks,slugs, leeches, and intestinal rasites, then he lowered his standards and made you. I take it back; God didn't make you. You are Satan's spawn. You are Evil beyond comprehension, half-living in the slough of despair. You are the entropy which will claim us all. You are a green-nostriled, crossed eyed, microcephalous, hairy-livered inbred trout-defiler. You make Ebola look good. You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot. You are not ANSI compliant and your markup doesn't validate. You have a couple of address lines shorted together. You should be promoted to Engineering Manager.

>> No.6550835

There are different systems of logic that one talks about when they talk about formal logic. I suggest you return to rebbit since that's where you're obviously used to having this discussion.

>> No.6550845

>M-muh modality
Take it back to the philosophy department.

>> No.6550848

The exact details are of no importance to the point I made. Are you too autistic to pay attention to the context? My post was merely meant to correct the moron who didn't know about the relation between math and logic.

That copypasta is older than you. Come back when you're 18.

>> No.6550857

Come back when you've learned to not argue about things that you have less knowledge of than if you'd just read its wikipedia page.

>> No.6550862

Come back when you learned to post actual arguments instead of projections.

>> No.6550871

No he didn't. All contemporary math rests on its foundations and can in principle be expressed in the language of fully formal type checked syntactic proofs, and thanks to logicians this is being made a reality.

>> No.6550872

Are you saying wikipedia isn't a reliable source of education?

>> No.6550877 [DELETED] 

∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( ´∀`) < Look who's talking!
( ) \____
| | |

>> No.6550880

You too buddy.

>> No.6550883

Come on. At least try to read up on the incompleteness theorem on wikipedia. It has been mentioned ITT and it explains why you're wrong.

I posted the facts.

>> No.6550884

No, I'm saying he hasn't even learned that much.

>> No.6550887

Your facts were false.

>> No.6550888
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>I posted the facts.

>> No.6550889

Who is "he"?

>> No.6550892

Are you retarded or just pretending to be?

>> No.6550893

Facts are by definition never wrong.


>> No.6550896

> >>>/b/
Come back when you learned to post actual arguments instead of projections.

>Facts are by definition never wrong.
Then they weren't even facts!

>> No.6550897

Sorry dude but the incompleteness theorems say nothing of the sort. Do you actually even know what the incompleteness theorems formally state? Have you ever even heard of terms like "ω-complete models" and "arithmetization"? Put down the pop mathematics books and educate yourself.

>> No.6550898


You can check the facts I posted. Ask google.

>> No.6550906

>You can check the facts I posted.
I have read your posts and I found an alarmingly small number of facts.

>Ask google.
Confirmed for full retard.

>> No.6550910

Tell me how to "educate" myself. How about you link the youtube videos which taught you logic? Was it Vsauce? Or maybe Numberphile?

>> No.6550914

Are you seriously rejecting google as a method of information retrieval? This has to be b8.

>> No.6550915 [DELETED] 

you are fucking killing this board much less this thread

>> No.6550920

I was taught personally by Boolos/

>> No.6550921

I am rejecting the ideas of anyone who is still dumb enough to use Google's ``services'' despite it being shown again and again that they have negative regard for their users' privacy.

>> No.6550926

Sorry, would you rather we keep the arguments to 0.99...=?=1 and consciousness threads?

>> No.6550932

You will never get an education beyond the mental health department if all you're capable of doing is spamming cheap insults.

>> No.6550941

You think smartness over privacy is 100% correlated with smartness in all other fields?

>> No.6550942

>Logic > Mathematics > Physics ... > ... Irrelevant

>> No.6550946

I have no problem with google's privacy policy. I have nothing to hide.

>> No.6550948

No, I don't.


>> No.6550949

Logic is a strict subset of math. You should of read the thread before posting.

>> No.6550951

Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.

>> No.6550954

Math is a subset of logic. Are you twelve?

>> No.6550962

>No, I don't.
Then why do you reject others' ideas on the basis of their use of google's services?

I happen to know that Paul Cohen had a gmail account.

>> No.6550966

Logic is trivially a subset of math. The other inclusion was disproved by Gödel. Therefore logic is a strict subset of math.

>> No.6550972

>Logic is trivially a subset of math.
>The other inclusion was disproved by Godel.
Nope. Do you even know who Godel is? You certainly don't know his work.
>Therefore logic is a strict subset of math.

>> No.6550974

Well, I always felt forcing was somewhat suspect.

>> No.6550975

It won't become right even if you repeat that wrong and delusional garbage a thousand more times.

>> No.6550978

Newfag here, is /sci/ always like watching 5yr olds fight?

>> No.6550979

You've been shitposting for hours. Are you having fun doing this? Don't answer, the question was rhetorical. Keep suffering, you mentally ill person. You deserve it.

>> No.6550981

>There is only one axiomatic system

>> No.6550983

The good thing about facts is that they remain true, no matter how hard a fool on 4chan denies them.

>> No.6550986

Then why are you denying them?

>> No.6550987

Bait much ... Why does this have so many posts?

Math is a subset of logic guys, go home

>> No.6550991

We can have mature and rational discussion as well. Check out our threads about consciousness.

You didn't even bother reading the wiki article on the incompleteness theorem.

>> No.6550993

I don't.

Logic is a subset of math. The other inclusion was disproved by Gödel.

>> No.6550996
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>> No.6550997

>The two results are widely, but not universally, interpreted as showing that Hilbert's program to find a complete and consistent set of axioms for all mathematics is impossible, giving a negative answer to Hilbert's second problem.

>> No.6551001

>The other inclusion was disproved by Gödel.
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

>> No.6551004

Great job. You proved to us that you know how to copypaste. We're all proud of you. Next step: Try to understand the sentence you copypasted.

>> No.6551006

>Logic is a subset of math. The other inclusion was disproved by Gödel.
Can you link me to his proof of this? Or some article discussing the proof, even?

>> No.6551010

Nope, it is right.

>> No.6551015

>I don't.
Nice denial you got going there.

>> No.6551016

Haha, good one.

>> No.6551017

Look up the "incompleteness theorem".

I didn't deny anything.

>> No.6551021

I know about the incompleteness theorem, but how does that suggest that logic is a subset of math?

>> No.6551022

I understand the incompleteness theorem and its proof. It is not directly relevant to this discussion.

>> No.6551024

Just because you can't find a complete and consistent set of axioms for all mathematics doesn't mean different axiomatic systems can't in essence describe all of mathematics.

>> No.6551025

If you don't see how it's relevant to the discussion, then obviously you didn't fully understand it.

>> No.6551027

This is the funniest post you've made yet.

>> No.6551033

What if you just put all of those systems together then?

>> No.6551034

... On that enlightening note, i encourage everyone to recognize that this anon won't be convinced by anything and this argument is pointless. I recommend we let this thread - and the retardation contained within - die a peaceful death. By stopping posting.


>> No.6551036

Enjoy your le happy contradiction.

>> No.6551041

Sage is not a downvote.

>> No.6551048

It's culturally regarded on 4chan as a way of showing disapproval though. On another note, now that we can't see sages it's impossible to see polite sages such as off-topic post and the like, which is really annoying.

>> No.6551053

There is no such thing as a "polite sage". Announcing your sage is always an insult. Don't do it, faggot.

>> No.6551058


>> No.6551063


>> No.6551067

You are wrong. Logic is still a strict subset of mathematics as proved with the Incompleteness Theorem.

>> No.6551071

That is most definitely not what the incompleteness theorem says.

>> No.6551074

It's an obvious corollary of the incompleteness theorem.

>> No.6551076

Prove it.

>> No.6551080

What part of the word "obvious" did you not understand?

>> No.6551081

Prove that it is obvious.

>> No.6551082

What part of ``no, it isn't'' don't you understand?

>> No.6551083

No, you are wrong. Your mere assertion proves nothing.

>> No.6551089

The proof is left as an exercise to the reader.

The part where you failed to provide an argument.

Nope, I am right. Your mere assertion disproves nothing.

>> No.6551094

Shifting the burden of proof is the lowest troll tactic.

>> No.6551098
File: 58 KB, 835x349, dennett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shifting the burden of proof is a valid method of winning a debate in philosophy. Ask Daniel Dennett (pic related).

>> No.6551105

The burden of proof is retarded/childish. Both parties have a responsibility.

Daniel Dennett is awesome though.

>> No.6551109

Math professors are shifting the burden of proof every day by assigning proofs as homeworks to their students.

>> No.6551115

>Both parties have a responsibility.
Prove it.

>Daniel Dennett is awesome though.
I agree. His argumentative method of "Here are your arguments. I can't refute them and I don't have arguments on my own, but I won the debate." is amazing and universally applicable on 4chan.

>> No.6551118

>Prove it.
Let's do it together. :^)

>> No.6551122

>Your mere assertion disproves nothing.
I didn't realize my "different axiomatic systems does not equal a complete and consistent set of axioms" was a mere assertion.

>> No.6551130

>ignoratio elenchi

>> No.6551133



>> No.6551134

Your troll shit is not anyone's homework.

>> No.6551139

The same thing has been said to Riemann and now they are all failing to prove his hypothesis.

>> No.6551143

The incompleteness theorems say nothing about math being a subset of logic or logic being a subset of math.

>> No.6551145

Logic being a subset of math is a trivial fact. Math not being a subset of logic is a trivial corollary of the incompleteness theorem. Please use your brain.

>> No.6551154

>Logic being a subset of math is a trivial fact.
Haha, no. What the hell?

>Math not being a subset of logic is a trivial corollary of the incompleteness theorem.
Haha, no. What the hell?

If they're so trivial, why don't you prove them?

>> No.6551195

I think I finally understand what this guy's been horribly trying to communicate.

Logic systems are axiomatic systems. So you can study them as a subset of mathematics (which deals with axiomatic systems). However it's more complex than that because part of the definition of axiomatic systems require a logic system (as well as a language). So if you do things strictly from this viewpoint it becomes kind of like one of those snake eating its own tail kind of things. At some point you've got to just assume a meta-logic and meta-language and stuff upon which everything is founded. So that dude is right about logic being a subset of math but by the same reasoning math is also a subset of logic.

>> No.6551255

You're talking out of your ass. Taking the middle ground to sound intelligent may have worked for your hs debate team, but there's no need to do it here while you're anonymous.

>> No.6551273

No, I'm just not ignoring the relationship between a logic that's an axiomatic system and a meta-logic upon which it's founded.

>> No.6552107

Why would I prove something trivial? Your lack of intelligence is not my problem.

>> No.6552116


>> No.6552159

nice ad hominem
Your argument is always independent of the arguing parties.

>> No.6552167

Damn straight. My argument is right, irregardless of whether you understand it or not.

>> No.6552173

>My argument is right
then you should just post it and be done with it instead of insulting that guy

>> No.6552191

I did. Learn to read.

>> No.6552283

Hahaha! Oh, wow.

>> No.6552333

>I have no idea what cryptanalysis is.

>> No.6552335


>> No.6552443 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 356x306, 1396109362481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guud wan!!!!!!!!!! Laffed so hadr!

>> No.6552593

Maths is a logical system.

Hence, maths is a subset of logic.

What's so hard to understand?

>> No.6552597


Any physicist can be an engineer

Not all engineers can be physicists

Physicists 1
Engineers 0

>> No.6552602

Logic is an axiomatic system.

Hence, logic is a subset of math.

What's so hard to understand?

>> No.6552603

Anything > Biology

>> No.6552609

Math is not a logical system. Contrary to pseudo-intellectual freshmen beliefs there is more to math than fully logical proofs.

>> No.6552610


Totally incorrect. Axiomatic systems are a subset of logical systems.

>> No.6552619

That doesn't imply that logical systems are not also axiomatic systems. The two are not mutually exclusive. Truth is that both are correct.

>> No.6552626

> Anything > Biology
Absolutely wrong. Counterexample: Geology < Biology

>> No.6552630

Math is not an axiomatic system.

>> No.6552641

>fully logical proofs
That's all that matters in math.

>> No.6552651

Is this what freshmen actually believe?

>> No.6552717

It's what anyone who actually cares about math believes.

>> No.6552724

>but who are you quoting?
I fucking hate it when people do this. It's implying green text. Get it together man.

>> No.6552869

Doing your freshman homework doesn't mean you "actually care about math". Protip: There is a lot more to math than proofs.

>> No.6552995

I did Chemistry because I enjoyed it more than Physics or Mathematics, why do people get so upset about what others do? It takes all kinds of people to make society function

>> No.6553031

Go find someone else to do your intro to algebra/analysis homework and help you cheat on exams. I'm not a freshman and I don't have any homework.

Your "muh morals, muh intuition, muh style, muh intuition, muh social activity" tripe has no place in math. Math is about proof and conjecture only. That's objective and independent of human emotional responses.

>> No.6553044

People with your attitude usually drop out before getting their BSc degree. You are too autistic - even for math.

>> No.6553049


>> No.6553060

I posted what math is about and how mathematicians, including the leading ones who have far beyond a measly undergrad degree to prove themselves, go about their day. Stay deceived.

>> No.6553064

You posted what you mistakenly believe mathematicians do. How about you leave your fantasy world and take a look at reality?

>> No.6553067


You do realize many great mathematicians romanticize mathematics. Intuition is also a huge part of mathematics, in that, it gives you direction (even it may be a wrong one at first).

Math is about exploration, discovery and those two things are deeply linked to human emotions.

>> No.6553093
File: 18 KB, 250x250, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art > Science

>> No.6553097

Pro tip
People of any profession will romanticize what they do

>> No.6553101

I only shared the truth. Keep up this butthurt though. How about you re-read your comment but instead address it to yourself as it should be addressed?

Nope. Proof is independent of emotions and fairytales. Intuition is meaningless when dealing with mathematical facts and conjecture is based on rational inquiry, not some eroticized "exploration". Emotionally weighing one piece of math over another is intellectually wrong and only makes a rotted mathematician, purely limited in the landscape and astray in his irrelevant feelings.

>> No.6553118

As a human bean you cannot escape emotions.

>> No.6553119

Tell that to the people making millions working for the NSA

>> No.6553127

Beans don't have any intelligence so this is understandable.

>> No.6553129

They don't do it with number theory.

>> No.6553158

math and physics benefit greatly from each others' input.
It's a great synergy, and we should unite for the greater good of knowledge. And to make fun of economists.

>> No.6553161

What's wrong with economics? Is babby too dumb for statistics?