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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6537780 No.6537780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the largest number that can be written in a 4chan post given the 2000 character limit? Digits are allowed, as are an unlimited number of exponentials (^), factorials (!), and multiplication/division/subtraction/addition, parenthesis, etc. However, non-integer symbols denoting numbers (for example, pi and e, any symbol for Graham's number, etc) are not allowed.

At first I thought it would be a repetition of 9^9^9... for all 2000 characters. Then I realized that 9^9999... would be larger. But what if the exponentiation was doubled up? 9^(9^99999999999999999)). Surely that would be larger yet. So then should it be a repetition of 9^(9^(9^(9^...)))? But then factorials could perhaps make it even larger. 9!^(9!^(9^!...)).

So what is it /sci/?

>> No.6537784


>> No.6537788

Is this correct? And if so, when I had 3 leftover characters (for each added ^(9!) there is 5 characters, but the first one has no parenthesis or exponent so I had 3 leftover characters) was I write to throw on a 9!^ at the beginning? Or should it have been after the very last 9!, i.e. 9!^(9!^...9!^(9!^9!)))))))...))))))?

>> No.6537792

Okay I figured that out, I should have put the extra three characters after the last 9!.

>> No.6537796


>> No.6537800

you could just keep inventing single symbols to denote ever larger numbers arbitrarily forever, so your question is meaningless. its like asking what is the largest number.

>> No.6537803

I specified in the OP that regular digits are allowed but pi, e, a symbol denoting Graham's number, etc are not allowed. Consider only the following are allowed:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( ) + - * / ! ^

>> No.6537812

>> No.6537813


>> No.6537815


>> No.6537818

1 + 2 + 3 + ...

>> No.6537819


>> No.6537826

up arrow allowed?

>> No.6537828

No ∞. Only symbols in >>6537803

You might be right. Would it be bigger than >>6537796? I am leaning to yes.

You win. Second biggest? Biggest that doesn't equal infinity?

No '...'

>> No.6537830

You mean ^? If so yeah, if not idk what you mean.

>> No.6537834

-1/12 isnt that large of a number

>> No.6537835

>being this retarded

>> No.6537837

ackermann "function tower"
286 terms in a post

>> No.6537848

Back in school our teacher asked us what the largest number is that we could do with only 3 figures and someone answered 13^8. I can still laugh about that.

>> No.6537864

hes speaking about up arrow notation. If you are allowing it then '9' followed by 1998 'up arrows' followed by a second '9' is the biggest number possible.

But you ruled out Grahams number so I guess you wont allow this as well.

Heres a wiki link for you:

>> No.6537869

top kek

>> No.6537873


>> No.6537891

Sorry, 1/0 is not a number

>> No.6537923



>> No.6537927

except Knuth is a raving faggot for defining <span class="math">\rm{ ↑_{Knuth}=⌃ ~ ⇈_{Knuth}=↑ }[/spoiler]

>> No.6537936


>> No.6537966


>> No.6537976


>> No.6537984 [DELETED] 

[latex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 0+} \frac{1}{x}[/latex]

or how about just

[latex]M > x \ | \ x \in \mathbb{R}[/latex]

>> No.6537988


>> No.6537999

But 1/0 might be negative infinity, so let's write -1/0 too and one of these will be the answer.

>> No.6538000

OP, why can't you let us make new notation or denote numbers with symbols? It would be more interesting to see how good /sci/ is at making notation that creates huge numbers. The only rule should be that you can't reference other posts in this thread.

>> No.6538002

⒛ is the biggest single character number

⒛⇈(1998 times)⒛ is the biggest number

>> No.6538008

If you read the thread, OP is a faggot who limited the notation you can use.

>> No.6538012

My notation is N = the largest number definable in a post

And my number is N + 1

>> No.6538014


>> No.6538015

im pretty sure that 9!!!!!!!!!.... is the solution. 7!! has already 16747 digits and i did not find a tool yet, which could even calculate 9!!

>> No.6538018


>> No.6538020

N+1 is all that is necessary to show what anon suggested won't work.

>> No.6538022

Okay, why don't we make things like that an exception? I want to see creative notation, that's all.

>> No.6538033

Considering the stirling approximation of factorials, I'm pretty sure >>6537784 and >>6537796 are suboptimal.

For n large enough, n! > 9!^n. And we'd be fine with having just n!!!!! > 9!^(n) to conserve the number of symbols, so the fact that just n! is already greater than 9!^n shows much stronger factorials are.

Indeed, the Stirling approx is n! ~ sqrt(2pi n) (n/e)^n. As soon as n/e > 9!, factorials grow faster.

Even something like (9!^9!) is much lower than 9!!!!!!!:
(9!^9!) is about 10^(10^6), while 9!!!!!!! is about 10^(10^(10^1000))

The guys who suggested 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... is most likely right.

>> No.6538042

unfortunately, without parentheses, 9!!!... means a multifactorial, not an iterated factorial

>> No.6538045

what is a multifactorial? anyway, i guess (9!)! still wind the 5 character competition

>> No.6538059
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Are you even trying?

>> No.6538074

Not according to OP's post, which doesn't allow multifactorials. But even then, you'd just start with a few exponentials and then you'd add the necessary parenthesis for the factorial chain, and you'd still be far above >>6537784 / >>6537796.

>> No.6538086

He later clarified we may use these symbols

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( ) + - * / ! ^

I assume that means in their conventional meaning.

>> No.6538091

He wrote "! (factorial)", not "! (factorials and multifactorials".

>> No.6538096


Look up the words later and clarified maybe.

>> No.6538104

<span class="math">\infty^\infty[/spoiler]

>> No.6538107


<span class="math"> \sum_{a=1}^{\infty} a \neq - \frac{1}{12} [/spoiler]

>> No.6538311

Interesting, I'll take a look at the article. Thanks.

I wasn't even aware of up arrows, I just didn't want someone to say something like "x=the square of Graham's number, then take x^x, etc".

Thanks for the explanation. Because of what other anon said about multifactorials it would then have to be something like ((((9!)!)!)!)!

((((9!)!)!)!)! would still work


OP here and multifactorial is fine, I just didn't know it existed. Anything that is commonly accepted as standard notation.

>> No.6538314

>I just didn't want someone to say something like "x=the square of Graham's number, then take x^x, etc".
But wouldn't that be a greater challenge if we could do things like that?

>> No.6538319

That is a different challenge entirely. If you want to try, go for it... But I can almost guarantee you won't get the largest you possibly could. With just standard notation it is reasonable.

>> No.6538322

good thing -1/12 isn't the sum of all positive integers.

>> No.6538332

Can you explain why you believe so?

>> No.6538340

I think no one's non-recursively beaten mine yet:


>> No.6538346

the largest number I can imagine is:

1. define a hyperoperation of the degree hyper-γ, where γ is a transfinite number
2. the hyperoperation is repeated ε times, where ε is also a transfinite number
3. the hyperoperation is applied to any number "k" provided that k exceeds 1

consider this:

hyper-2: 2*3 = 6
hyper-3: 2^3 = 8
hyper-4: 2^^3 = 16
hyper-5: 2^^^3 =2^^2^^2 = 65536
hyper-6: 2^^^^3 = 2^^^4 = 2^^2^^2^^2 = 2^^65536
it grows ridiculously fast.
so basically apply a hyper-γ operation to k, and repeat it ε times.

if Latex works:
<span class="math">k\Uparrow^{\gamma}\epsilon[/spoiler]

>> No.6538367

This can be even larger than Graham's number, because Graham's number is a special case of this where k = 3, ε = 3, and γ = <span class="math">g_63[/spoiler]

>> No.6538369

oops, γ = <span class="math">g_(63)[/spoiler]

>> No.6538510

No graham's number, you dumbshit.

>> No.6539782

>2^^^^3 = 2^^^4
u wot m8?
Okay you're right.

>> No.6539789
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>mfw 2^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2=4

>> No.6539815

2 is just a little bitch that won't grow the fuck up even when you up-arrow his ass like you mean it.

>> No.6539911

Any proof that 1998 Knuthian up-arrows is better than a shitload of factorials and parentheses?

>> No.6539935


This seems most likely.

>> No.6540543

It's an intuitive result that can be derived from studying graph behavior.

Gamma(x) vs. x^x
Gamma(Gamma(x)) vs. x^^x
Gamma(Gamma(Gamma(x))) vs. x^^^x

For x = 4:
Gamma(4) = 6 < 4^4 = 256
Gamma(Gamma(4)) = 120 < 4^^4 = a number with 8.07*10^153 digits
Gamma(Gamma(Gamma(4)) = 5.57*10^196 < 4^^^4 = 4^^4^^4^^(the number with 8.07*10^153 digits)

Without a doubt, up-arrows defeat a shitload of factorials.

>> No.6540548

Should've been Gamma(x+1), but yeah, the point is hyperoperations grow much much much fucking faster than composite factorials.

<span class="math">\Gamma^n (x+1)< x\uparrow^n x[/spoiler] for x>1 basically

>> No.6540765

Obviously 1 followed by 1999 zeros.

>> No.6540769

You people.

Suppose a largest number that can be typed with the 2k character limit. Define that number to be x. Then x + 1 > x. Contradiction. Therefore, no such number exists.

>> No.6540815

It's like you didn't even read the whole post.

>> No.6540820

Let BB(n) be the maximum number of 1s finally on the tape, among all halting 2-symbol n-state Turing machines, when started on a blank tape.


should dwarfs anything in this thread.

>> No.6540832


> trollface.jpeg

>> No.6540839

Why is noone iterating functions (same notation as exponentiation) instead of just nesting them

>> No.6540869

Okay, I hadn't thought about this at all, but that's honestly pretty sweet. Nice job, 2.

>> No.6540870

>your post
>take out 99
>put in 9!

>> No.6540991

never seen anyone so excited about the number 9 before

>> No.6541136


>> No.6541266

More interesting is the question, what is the biggest number (if there is one) to have Kolmogorov complexity under 2000 symbols if we fix some turing-complete language.

>> No.6542022 [DELETED] 

Think about it this way. 9!=9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1. 9^9=9*9*9*9*9*9*9*9*9.

362880! ((9!)!) is well below 362880^362880 (9!^9!).
9^9^9=9^387420489 which is of course going to be many orders of magnitude bigger than the previous. And it continues...

Or it's easier to see with 3s...


3^^3=3^3^3=3^27=~7,625,597,485,000. Way bigger than 36.

>> No.6542025 [DELETED] 


>> No.6542029 [DELETED] 

*3^3=27. Point stands.

>> No.6542031

Think about it this way. 9!=9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1. 9^9=9*9*9*9*9*9*9*9*9.

362880! ((9!)!) is well below 362880^362880 (9!^9!).
9^9^9=9^387420489 which is of course going to be many orders of magnitude bigger than the previous. And it continues...

Or it's easier to see with 3s...


3^^3=3^3^3=3^27=~7,625,597,485,000. Way bigger than 720.

>> No.6542032
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>> No.6542077

almost certainly 9 with as many ! as can fit after it

>> No.6543852

let f(0) be (1/0),f(1) =(1/0)^(1/0),f(2) =(1/0)^(1/0)^(1/0)
let g(0) be f(1/0),g(1)=f(1/0)^f(1/0),g(2) =f(1/0)^f(1/0)^f(1/0)
let h(0) be g(1/0),h(1)=g(1/0)^g(1/0),h(2)=g(1/0)^g(1/0)^g(1/0)
repeat the process until you fill 2000 chars, take the last function and replace x(n) to x(1/0)

>> No.6545257

the largest number in x characters isn't well defined lel

>> No.6545730


>> No.6547449



>> No.6547829

>posts disallowed answer
>doesn't even make shit sense
>then /threads own post
You are the scum that we should boil slowly over your familie's heads, forcing you to watch as they are seared by your dripping flesh.
You piece of crap.

>> No.6547844

Well looking at the numbers here, none of them close to up arrow notation, 9<span class="math"> \uparrow \uparrow [/spoiler]9 is larger than every thing else not including similar notions.

is smaller than 9<span class="math"> \uparrow \uparrow [/spoiler]9