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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6536761 No.6536761 [Reply] [Original]

Before replying to me, please be 100% honest, it would be more accurate if you're fully honest.

By the way, my question is going to be how many of you consider yourself in the bitter category, and how many consider yourself in the happy category?


Growing up, we all felt like science was cool and interesting, and as kids we didn't try to act snobby about science.

But I feel like many of us who have had tough teachers in our courses make us bitter that some people are "getting it easy" with easier teachers, or are "stupid business majors". Also, pure science majors even get bitter at engineering, because engineering is less scientific and more of a "common sense always wins" type of degree, while Engineering in general makes more money (mainly because Engineering is more focused on real world problem solving, therefore more valuable in general to companies).

In Europe I feel like the war between Engineering and pure science isn't as crazy as in the USA, but I think someday the autism behind all this hatred will go away.

Just remember you only live once (not trying to make a yolo reference). Stop stop being fat douches sitting at computer screens, and post real intelligent conversion, not condescending bullcrap.

I'm a Chemical Engineer, graduated about 1 year ago, and I can really say from my 1 year of industry experience that it's not about how smart you are, it's about how you treat other people. If you're a genius who looks down on people you'll be fired, but if you're a reasonable person willing to recognize that you don't know it all but you're willing to learn, and act with decency and professional behavior then you advance fast.

Can't wait till the age of autism is over, I think it drives us all nuts. Pisses me off that I have to attach an image to start a discussion.

>> No.6536771

>Just remember you only live once (not trying to make a yolo reference). Stop stop being fat douches sitting at computer screens, and post real intelligent conversion, not condescending bullcrap.

>Can't wait till the age of autism is over, I think it drives us all nuts. Pisses me off that I have to attach an image to start a discussion.

Let me get this straight. You come onto a semi-secluded anonymous Japanese imageboard full of fat ugly nerds and preach to them about not being autistic over the internet. Do you really take the shit that is said on 4chan as fact?

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.6536781

anyone who says in an online chat "You're a fucking retard", is the loser.

>> No.6536784

Also keep choking on corporate cock. It's two-faced company man faggots like you that I couldn't stand being around in college.

>> No.6536787

I hope to god you are not equating the /sci/ board with actual scientists or actual scientific culture/thought.

Holy shit, I think you are. I need a drink.

>> No.6536788

>I'm a Chemical Engineer, graduated about 1 year ago, and I can really say from my 1 year of industry experience that it's not about how smart you are, it's about how you treat other people. If you're a genius who looks down on people you'll be fired, but if you're a reasonable person willing to recognize that you don't know it all but you're willing to learn, and act with decency and professional behavior then you advance fast.

This is called "being a corporate ass-kisser."

I agree that you shouldn't be arrogant and conceited all the time, but for fuck's sakes, why should a true scientist ever have to consider a businessman his equal?

>> No.6536801

>why should a true scientist ever have to consider a businessman his equal?
this is evidence of the chromosome that's damaged in pure science majors, and i refuse to sink to your level to try to justify myself.

i was drunk when i wrote the original post. i hope you're right.

>> No.6536805

If you want to have an actual scientific discussion you should go to one of your organization's meetings. Like AICHE or whatever, not 4chan.

>> No.6536807

I am bitter about how money fucks science in the ass, when money is what decides what is researched and what not instead of researching for knowledge's sake.

>> No.6536812

I know I'm right because I'm one of the few actual scientists (ala defending my thesis next year) who comes to this shit-filled board. We don't give two shits about "what is conciousness" or "omg mind transfer". We barely discuss the other concepts in our field unless it's relevant to our projects, and we sure as shit never bring up other sciences. It's all just normal people cracking jokes and gossiping about our lives and drama and shit while drinking coffee in between doing experiments and meetings.

>> No.6536822

>this is called "being a corporate ass-kisser"

no, its called 'able to work in a group' which is something they have desperately been trying to teach you autistic retards since grade school.

>> No.6536828

Yes, because this is how the theory of General Relativity was formulated and Fermat's Last Theorem was proved.

>> No.6536831

So what you're saying is that a businessman is the intellectual equal of a pure scientist? You think the founder of WalMart should be considered the equal of Feynman?

Are you trolling? You're trolling, r-right?

>> No.6536835

> I'm one of the few actual scientists
>shit-filled board.
>We don't give two shits about
>"omg mind transfer".
>sure as shit never bring up other sciences
>gossiping about our lives and drama and shit

you really sound like a scientist
but wait, a true scientist, a TRUE scientist?
well call me a scottsman but how can you call yourself a true scientist when you make statements like this
>we sure as shit never bring up other sciences
Other sciences, aside from the one you have, in which makes you a scientist..
a dogmatic tool with a boring job and an unrefined personality, not a 'true scientist'

>> No.6536842

>to the unemployment line

>> No.6536843

> >to the unemployment line
like Stephen Hawking and Andrew Wiles, right?

>> No.6536845

broski... you're not Wiles or Einstein. Wiles even had some people on his side to help bounce ideas off of, as well as add a bit to the shamora conjecture.

>> No.6536846

I'm not bitter, I'm a programmer :^)

>> No.6536848


how is typing with those sausage fingers?

>> No.6536851

>broski... you're not Wiles or Einstein.
But that doesn't mean I have to get an industry job and be a corporate ass-kisser.

>Wiles even had some people on his side to help bounce ideas off of, as well as add a bit to the shamora conjecture.
Did he have to deal with businessman, or kiss corporate ass at all?

>> No.6536856

>We barely discuss the other concepts in our field unless it's relevant to our projects, and we sure as shit never bring up other sciences.

Your dissertation must be a thrilling read.

>> No.6536861

Go into academia. You'll have to kiss the ass of your employers though. Trust me; no one wants some autistic hipster douche that can't communicate or kiss a little ass here and there.

>> No.6536867

Feels awesome on my overpriced mechanical keyboard

>> No.6536870

>muh 2 cases

>> No.6536874

I hate everything, i lack motivation, i don't feel like doing anything, yet i am forced to do. I am very unhappy, can't express myself because i fear someone would see me, the walls of my house are too thin, all of my tastes are different from everybody else.

Now, about science. I am extremely delusional and fucking retarded. My wish is to live forever, therefore i'm studying medicine, to solve the problems that make us die.

That's it. The thing is medicine is not about that, medicine is about memorizing crap to stay behind a desk seeing 40+ patients a day. I wanted to do science, but even that is taking my interest away. I like a bit of physiology, how the body works, all the mechanisms inside the body, but truth is i don't want to kill a bunch of animals to get (or not) knowledge that i don't know if it will be useful or not. Also, it seems you need a justification for everything, you can't research out of pure curiosity. Everything seems so geared, so mechanical, without freedom to do anything. I can't even study math because there's no math in medicine, and because my country is a shithole, there's nothing else out there to pick. Medicine is the most sciency shit out there.

>> No.6536876

> >muh 2 cases
And most other people in academia.

It's not like the only 2 choices for a scientist are "kiss corporate ass" or "starve in the streets."

>> No.6536880

>thought that the field of medicine would be like doing science
You have only yourself to blame.

>because my country is a shithole, there's nothing else out there to pick. Medicine is the most sciency shit out there.
Are you too poor to get out, or are you stuck there?

>> No.6536889

I was expecting bel air in the original post.

Dat feel.

>> No.6536892

Too poor and i don't know how different anywhere else could be.

You know, even if i didn't want to do science, i would still have chosen medicine since it's the best we can get in this shithole.

>> No.6536901

>lack motivation
>fucking retarded
>extremely delusional
>studying medicine

Son you're about in a better position than 99% of the people you know.

>> No.6536906

Where are you from?

But be the king of your anthill.

>> No.6536909

>it's not about how smart you are, it's about how you treat other people
And it's about being a corporate drone and doing the inane job you're told to do. Having good social skills and joking with the boss helps greatly too. Also you'll never use again most of what you've learned in school. And don't try to understand, only try to apply, they won't like it if you spend time trying to understand, because then they're losing productivity, and even though understanding things properly would increase productivity on the long run they don't care, they want the productivity now, they want you to apply without understanding, exactly what you have been formatted to do during all your education: become a corporate drone. Yes i mad.

>> No.6536913

El Salvador.

>> No.6536916

i am a happy person, i help others and am content with my life of poverty and squalor

sometimes i wish i took the traditional university route, but i never once even considered it growing up. the same i can say about regular employment, instead i work until i can afford to not work

perhaps i would have been happier if i got into science, but i didn't, and it is now only a mild interest

>> No.6536937

your whole post is non sequitor

Seriously, where the hell is your logic

How would the quality of my dissertation be affected by how much I talk to my co-workers about other sciences? Seriously. I want to know your thought process on this.

>> No.6537058
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>> No.6537070


>But that doesn't mean I have to get an industry job and be a corporate ass-kisser.

I assume you wear your superiority on your sleeve, then. The last person anyone wants to deal with is scitard with a god complex.

>> No.6537076


It's somewhat unfortunate. How could it possibly be any other way, though? Obtaining knowledge is resource intensive; and, unless someone is willing to throw all of their money away for science, a project with no return on investment is unsustainable.

>> No.6537080


>Implying scientists don't get on their hands and knees for grant money.

The difference is that engineers actually climb the ladder.