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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6535426 No.6535426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ here

I'm curious if any humans currently exist living on this planet who are doing Albert Einstein tier work.

Seems we are lacking of a super genius to take us the next level in science.

enlighten me high IQ master races of /sci/

>> No.6535427
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Anyone on this planet living that humans will be talking about in 100 years for his science?

>> No.6535429

>I'm curious if any humans currently exist living on this planet who are doing Albert Einstein tier work.
Lots of people do Einstein-tier work. There's plenty of theories floating around championed by various parties that stand in need of verification and falsification. Even GR had to wait some time before being really tested.

The difference is that modern culture doesn't glorify science like it did during Einstein's time.

>> No.6535433

>/pol/ here
Why would you admit to this?

And yes, plenty of people are working on things as important as what Einstein worked on.

>> No.6535434

give me some names?

I wanna read about their work.

>> No.6535444

It's harder for Einstein-tier people to be recognized as such. The frontiers of science have moved so far now that even a genius can usually only make specialized contributions.

>> No.6535447

Will we achieve immortality in our life time? Or is the real question will we be allowed to have access to it?

>> No.6535448

>The frontiers of science have moved so far now that even a genius can usually only make specialized contributions.


Though there are still occasional geniuses with a profound understanding of entire fields


For example has a pretty comprehensive mathematical physics and mathematics knowledge. You'd be hard pressed to find someone better

>> No.6535449

Not sure if serious

>> No.6535450

I'm doing some pretty important work OP

>> No.6535454

Are you published?

>> No.6535464
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>/pol/ here

>> No.6535470
File: 44 KB, 521x687, checkmate bookfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/got/ here

What does it take for a creative young physicist to get his theories heard?

>> No.6535476
File: 165 KB, 2048x1536, jacob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Albert Einstein tier work

Why would a real genius descend to such a low level?

>> No.6535479

publish and make sense
/x/ need not to apply.

>> No.6535482

>/x/ need not to apply.
But it's aliens, I'm telling you dude

>> No.6535484
File: 12 KB, 260x195, hobo_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear aliens installed equipment into my anus
>Also I have this alien infinity energy generator hidden in my usual sleeping place
>Totally legit science guys, where is my monies.

>> No.6535496

It's too bad that theorists get all the fame when experimenters, ie real scientists, do all the work to find the correct theories.

>> No.6535522
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>> No.6535525
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>/pol/ here

>> No.6535529

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a good start :3

>> No.6535532

>I'm curious if any humans currently exist living on this planet who are doing Albert Einstein tier work.

there are many plagiarists alive.