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6534877 No.6534877 [Reply] [Original]

So i take paroxetine (SSRI) for social anxiety. Now i have no doubt that smoking marijuana always makes it come out hardcore. But do these two drugs have interactions? The thing is sometimes i don't know if some effects are placebo or my imagination. But I cant help but feel that there is a lingering effect even after my high is gone, a loss of confidence, friendliness and overall well being. Marijuana is my favorite drug, fuck alcohol fuck tobacco. But this anxiety thing has been a fuckin thorn in my side since bloody middle school.

Plus I swear to god smoking pot makes my eyes feel like there gonna pop. Ill be sitting here high and my eyes seriously kinda sorta hurt, they feel like they are being strained. I think I might feel it even a day after smoking.

What gives? Is there a reason behind all this.

>> No.6534897

ask your psychiatrist or google.

>> No.6534925
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>> No.6534933

Discuss this with a medical professional. If you personally feel marijuana is adversely affecting you then you should stop smoking prior to having this discussion.

Marijuana can increase anxiety and paranoia and--strictly anecdotally--I can say without a doubt that the times in my life where I was smoking a substantial amount of marijuana I was less social than the times I have abstained for noticeable time periods.

>> No.6534949

The feeling in your eyes is caused by marijuana dilating the blood vessels in your eyes, pretty unharmful and this effect is actually why marijuana is used by glaucoma (sp?) sufferers.

As for the anxiety maybe try smoking by yourself? I used to get bad anxiety smoking weed but just smoked through it now i hardly get anxiety sober or high. You should be fine smoking on ssris, ive done it was normal and know other people who have done it but said they didnt get as high

>> No.6535030

definite interaction. paroxetine weakly inhibits the enzymes that metabolize cannabis, increasing its bioavailability.

"lingering effect"
"makes it come out hardcore"
try reducing your cannabis dosage.

now see this is because paroxetine WEAKLY inhibits the enzymes that metabolize cannabinoids. paroxetine STRONGLY inhibits CYP2D6. so if you take a drug metabolized by that (like the amphetamines; speed, ecstasy) you end up overdosing and possibly dying.

definitely stay away from the substrates of CYP2D6. no DXM, no opioids, and no beta blockers. taking other medicines by any chance?

>> No.6535075

I do smoke alone, or around my best friend but for the most part I like to smoke late night by my lonesome and play vidya games and stuff.

But i take nothing else.I just dont understand how I can feel so good then I "think" when I smoke pot... i just feel different ... I mean ive been lifting weights 5 times a week , eating healthy as fuck. Getting my life in order. Feel great for a week then just poop after I smoke...hate for pot to be the reason but I will give it up if need be.

I dont even smoke often...or really that much

>> No.6535374

There's no fucking way we have that many significant figures of the current human death toll.

Remake it to look scientific.

>> No.6536484

I used to be on SNRI's when I was a teenager and I smoked a lot of weed while I was on them and didn't get any bad side effects, in fact the two drugs went really well together. It would probably be different with SSRI's though since SNRI's stimulate you while SSRI's make you tired.

Just smoke sativa if you usually smoke indica or vice versa and see if it makes a difference.

>> No.6537189

>--strictly anecdotally--I can say without a doubt that the times in my life where I was smoking a substantial amount of marijuana I was less social than the times I have abstained for noticeable time periods.

Yeah I have the same anecdote.