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6532976 No.6532976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you had to summarize Chemical Engineering in a single course, what would it be?

For example, in Electrical Engineering, the quintessential EE course is a Basic Circuits class. Most other EE classes are derived from it in one way or another.

>> No.6532977


>> No.6532983

Unit Operations

>> No.6532989


>> No.6533030


>> No.6533084

EE: Analog Circuits
ChemE: Transport Processes
MechE: Thermodynamics
AeroE: Fluid Mechanics
Civil: Trigonometry

my understanding anyways

>> No.6533128


>> No.6533133


mass and energy balances

to be more realistic, it's more like
reaction kinetics/reactor design, heat transfer, mass transfer, transport phenomena, fluid mechanics, process control, separation processes, physical chemistry, chemical thermodynamics/engineering thermodynamics. and various niche fields like fuel cell research, material science research.....

>> No.6533150

AE: Compressible flow
BME: Humans are weird
CE: Statics
CHE: Kinetics
CPE: Assembly
EE: Circuits
ME: Elasticity

>> No.6533203

Is it worth swapping from my current ordinary BSc degree into ChemEng?

>> No.6533207

Do you want copious amounts of money?
then yes

>> No.6533210

I was already indecisive, but i would like to fuck around with a well paying job before i settle down and do some research.

Its so hard to decide...

>> No.6533219
File: 96 KB, 603x1232, 1282844751635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masturbation to tubes 101

>> No.6533220

Nevermind, looks like a huge pain in the ass, I would have to wait until next year, then reapply through the undergraduate avenue, and thanks to our new budget get fucked in the ass for money.

Is it possible to get a well paying industry job as a Chem major?

>> No.6533237

your mum was quintessential to my pens last night

>> No.6533239

stupid autocorrect

>> No.6533265

Bioengineering: Either physiological control systems or quantitative physiology.

>> No.6533536

Second this question

>> No.6533590

From what I hear, it's extremely difficult to get a job with a BS or even MS in Chemistry. The only jobs available, assuming you're not a Harvard grad, are minimum wage lab technician jobs, and there are hardly any of those.

My uncle has a PhD in Chemistry and he went back to school to become a Dentist because he was being paid like 30k a year as a lab assistant after years of having a PhD.

If you're going study Chemistry, you better plan of going to Medical school or Dental school. Study for a 5th year if your GPA is too low.

But Chemistry is not only useless for finding a job, it is difficult too. If you want to get into Medical school, maybe Biology would be a better choice.

>> No.6533810

Is it a good idea to get a MSc in chemistry, and then a one-year advanced master in nanotechnology ?

>> No.6533812

(I am currently finishing my BS in chemistry, lats exams in June)

>> No.6533820

Sex with men 101

>> No.6533821


Should've made dope

>> No.6533969

I received my BS in Chemistry one year ago and am now currently pursuing an online Master's in ChemE. It depends on what you want to do. I chose chemistry over chemE as an undergrad because the classes sounded more interesting to me. I loved the material in earning a BS in chem but love chemE more so far.. it's how to maximize economics and efficiencies in reactions. if you enjoy being a lab rat stick with chemistry

>> No.6533983
File: 52 KB, 780x723, muhsoap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay sex with black men and tubes, lots of tubes.

>> No.6533998

> Is it possible to get a well paying industry job as a Chem major?
both my parents have PhD's in chemistry and many years of experience.
My father has been unemployed for the past 5 years except for a couple short term consulting jobs.
My mother has been looking for a new job for the past couple years as the people make trouble for her. Something about how they don't think they need her.

My mother has had steadier jobs in the 25 years I've known her. She's been at 4 soon (hopefully) 5 different companies in that time. My father has been at 6 and has looked into going back to a university to teach.

>> No.6535545

Chemistry is shit

>> No.6535571


In biomedical research, it is possible; you could get a well-paying job in big pharma or perhaps a smaller biotech firm. What isn't possible is to secure a bench research position in industry just out of undergrad; the competition for RA/SRA jobs is fierce. Every person I know who made the jump spent at least two, probably three to five, years in academia, to gain the experience and skill set to transition.

>> No.6535581

This is only true if you don't network. I know people who got their BS and are making well above minimum wage in labs. Sure, you're going to either be working in a non-chemistry lab or be an HPLC jockey, but what did you expect?

I'm going for my PhD right now, and my advisor seems to be pretty well connected. You really have to think about what you want to do afterwards. People are in chemistry because they love it, not because it's stable. I don't even know if I want to work in chem afterward, I just love what I do right now.

Been seriously thinking about going into brewing or something afterward

I would never advise an MS in chemistry unless you want to transfer to a different PhD program

>> No.6535612

Are the jobs for BSc in Biochem? I want to work with fungus or maybe do something with wine/beer. I won't have any debt and don't really need anything more than 50k

>> No.6535718

I live in Belgium, and here with a bachelor from a university you go nowhere, you need a master's degree.

>> No.6535772
File: 18 KB, 280x352, tubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh holy shit, I didn't read the thread before posting, and I just tried to post this exact same image.

>If you had to summarize Chemical Engineering in a single course, what would it be?
Tubes 101