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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 400x300, finaljeopardy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6531902 No.6531902 [Reply] [Original]

And now, we move onto Final Jeopardy, and here is your question.

30 seconds, players. Good luck.

>> No.6531904


>> No.6531905

24*12 = 288


I'll take Get Out for 9000

>> No.6531912
File: 78 KB, 485x428, agentsmithlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll take Get Out for 9000

>> No.6531915

That divisor symbol is ambiguous. Most people agree however that you treat it exactly like a fractional divisor, so the answer is 2. 288 is also acceptable though because the question is purposely ambiguous. That won't stop autists from arguing about this for days though and getting this thread to 200 replies.

>> No.6531916

>"It is the only correct solution to this math problem"
what are we supposed to "solve" for?

>> No.6531940

Solve this faggots.

Let R(n) denote the maximal possible number of different regions obtained by cutting the plane with n straight lines. Give a formula (possibly recursive, but preferably explicit) for R(n) and justify it by an appropriate inductive argument.

>> No.6531953


>> No.6531954

When order of operations are otherwise not separated by parentheses, you read it left to right.

So this is precisely what >>6531905 said:

48 * (1/2) * (9+3) = 24*12 = 288

But nobody actually uses the divisor symbol anyway for this exact reason.

>> No.6531959
File: 29 KB, 396x400, 1337770360483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6531967 [DELETED] 

But that's right, you fucking nigger.

>> No.6531979 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for racism :^^^)

>> No.6531980 [DELETED] 


>> No.6532010


Typical amerishit system.

>> No.6532015

t actually more like P-E-MD-AS

>> No.6532018

Everybody knows it's BOMA

Brackets, Order, Multiplication, Addition

>> No.6532023

wrong fagget 5-(3+2)=0

>> No.6532026

Aren't you supposed to answer in the form of a question on this show?

For a prime example of ambiguous notation, look at superscripts. The usual example is <span class="math">\sin^2(x)[/spoiler] versus <span class="math">\sin^{-1}(x)[/spoiler], and you could probably drag contravariant components into this somehow.

>> No.6532045


[ ] 4
[ ] 2

>> No.6532051
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Order of operations motherfucker. You do 9+3 first, then times it by 2, then divide.

>> No.6532054


Wait a minute... so you're telling me the Order of Opetations is just a human invention created to avoid confusion when writing out math problems like this?

>> No.6532056
File: 60 KB, 600x611, 1327605167133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw junior high level of math in this thread
do you even know what wff means?
this fucking board

>> No.6532072

Oh I get the reference.

>> No.6532092
File: 50 KB, 720x540, BvT0XfG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6532095
File: 192 KB, 441x373, 118392506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the girl calculator is bad at math

>> No.6532096

= 48/2(12)
= 48/2 * 12
= 24 * 12
= 288

You can't assume 2(9 + 3) is the denominator of the operator. When a fraction is written as
<span class="math">\frac{a}{b}[/spoiler]
It is implied as (a)/(b)

>> No.6532099

Not enough information. The obelus is ambiguous.

>> No.6532101

The answer is 2

>> No.6532103

Enough information not.
Do we have parens or no?

>> No.6532113


>> No.6532314



>> No.6532332

fucking saved

>> No.6532337

48/2(9+3) - parenthesis
48/2(12) - division
24(12) - multiplication

48/(2(9+3)) - parenthesis
48/(2(12)) - parenthesis
48/(24) - division

>> No.6532343

>its not a well known convention

Fucking this. The first place i heard about pemdas was on 4chan, who the fuck comes up with this retarded shit?

The way i learned it was 'order of operations' and it was taught in full sentences, not by some retarded fucking acronym.

Its 288 by the way

>> No.6532344


>> No.6532353

---------- =

--------- =



but wolframalpha says 288 but wolframalpha also provides many wrong answers

>> No.6532354
File: 270 KB, 1280x960, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sources tell me it's 288.

>> No.6532383


I admire your dedication

>> No.6532488

Why is 2(9+3) in the denominator?

>> No.6534015


When I was taking calc 2, the professor used the superscript notation for arcsin (or arccos, etc.) on the first exam, but when I was giving my solution I always wrote out the word. On the rest of the exams he wrote out the words instead of using superscript notation. I like to think that I showed him the light.

>> No.6534084

>operator overloading, google it

dont be a sheep the answer is 2

>> No.6534086

you must admit that takes some dedication

>> No.6534172

top kek

>> No.6534210


>> No.6534598

The other side of an equals sign. You see any variables?

>> No.6534607


The answer is clearly "TypeError: number is not a function."