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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6530183 No.6530183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/, /g/ here.
I want to learn a computer algebra system. Which are the better ones that respect my freedom?

>> No.6530192
File: 528 KB, 1900x3128, autism-awareness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be ready, it's coming

>> No.6530195
File: 29 KB, 136x128, maxima-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maxima seems alright

>> No.6530206

I don't get it.
Are people here passionate about their CAS of choice?

>> No.6530210

Free ones are all pretty bad unless you use them for simple shit.

If you want to use what real mathematicians use, get Maple. I see Maple at biggest math departments and it's in most of the papers.

Stay the fuck away from anything made by Wolfram.

>> No.6530211

Use mathematica, but pirate it, because steven wolfram is a dick

>> No.6530214

I was in the wrong, see >>6530213
I'm too tired for 4chan, today

>> No.6530272

>buying software

>> No.6530285
File: 12 KB, 398x307, Fucking Pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being poor
>being able to afford heavily discounted student price of software
>being able to use the best
>not being a thief
>living in a 1st world nation
>not being a degenerate

>> No.6530295

>supporting contemporary software copyrights
grats on being successfully rused by the berne convention and TPMs dipshit

>> No.6530301

Neither maple nor mathematica respect my freedom.

>> No.6530322


communist scum go back >>>/g/

>> No.6530384

>Free as in Freedom
>respect my freedom

Get the fuck out and never return.

>> No.6530397


it's exactly what OP asked for faggot

>> No.6530542

>being this retarded
Academia IS all about free as in freedom, you know, linux and all that.
Admittedly most free CAS software suck compared to non-free ones.

I'd recommend sage or maxima.

>> No.6530555

>Stay the fuck away from anything made by Wolfram.

Why? I personally found Mathematica better than Maple.
t. Math Ph.D

>> No.6530574

Nice try Stephen.

>> No.6530621

>Do things only EXACTLY AS RMS wants. Become loyal slaves for GNU/RMS. This is GNU/freedom. Doing anything else is wrong and forbidden because that won't respect your freedoms to be GNU/RMS's slaves.

It's insane how easy it has become to brainwash people into blindly believing propaganda. GPL is the very definition of unfree software yet these retards honestly believe it's freedom.

>> No.6530655
File: 35 KB, 600x450, WalterSobchak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm freer than you are.

>> No.6530684


It seems that I was too early to stop believing in my initial speculation.

See: >>6530285

>> No.6530695

Are you retarded or just don't understand the definition of it?
Either ways, you should stay away from science, >>>/g/, since you obviously miss the whole points which make it great for it.

>> No.6530697
File: 190 KB, 1000x898, Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free as in freedom

No, academia is all about freedom as in copy-center. You publish and people are free to do whatever the fuck they want to do with it; for free or for profit. If you say/write something and put it into the public domain, does anyone that DARES quote with you with proper attributions STEALING your words and RIPPING you off because their work is pay-walled or book is copyrighted and for sale? Hell no.

GPL is a club that gives free access only to people that agree to join that club and refuse outsiders the same freedoms. The same can easily be said about any authoritarian group.

>> No.6530722

So what are people doing with these programs? srs q. last time i touched maple or mathematica was as an undergrad.

>> No.6530728

Maybe you should go to an academic institution that isn't your local highschool, because you seem to have no idea what you are going about.

>> No.6530736
File: 471 KB, 1720x4985, "Freedom".png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you've never read or comprehended the GPL license.

"You're free to use it if and only if you join our group and and force other to join to use your work" is not freedom. "You're free to use it for whatever" is not restricting your rights and freedom.

Stallman deserves to be brought up for charges for blatantly misrepresenting his and other licenses and sued for slander and libel.

>> No.6530737

How are openaxiom and reduce?

>> No.6530767

So you are seriously bitching at the way it's called?
That's retarded.

>> No.6530785

I've used MAGMA, GAP and matlab (hue hue hue) too

>> No.6530791

so can someone explain to me how steve balmer's embarassing "the gpl is a virus" rant has turned into a meme on 4chan in 2014

>> No.6530823

We've recently managed to recruit, somehow, a Windows C++ programmer. Maybe two or three of them, even. I don't know what he/they could possibly find of interest on /sci/, but there you have it.

>> No.6530838


Academia favors the copy-center instead of restrictive copy-left licenses. Everything RMS and GNU-tards have told you is a lie, deal with it.

>> No.6530844

Academia is deprecated.

>> No.6530847

Who said anything about windows or C++?

>> No.6530849

>>>/g/nu/idiots are that way

Your IT/CS degree doesn't qualify you to belong here

>> No.6530850

Don't sweat it.

>> No.6530854

Don't you have some IP to jerk off to?

>> No.6530855

>Your IT/CS degree doesn't qualify you to belong here
The only qualification for being here is a browser and a net connection that isn't banned.

>> No.6530859
File: 202 KB, 1070x898, 1394497172818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what plebs actually think

>> No.6530867

I actually have a PhD in physics. It is still true that the only qualification for being on 4chan is not being banned.

>> No.6530902

It's not a meme.
DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS etc, however is a meme and it will remain that way as long as Ballmer is an employee of Microsoft.

>> No.6530930

I'm guessing Molecular Biochem is like Top Tier or God Tier, seeing as though it's a cross of Chem, Life Sciences, and Physics?

>> No.6530946

How do I get Maxima to simplify mod((4*n+1)^2,8) to 1?

>> No.6530985

SymPy is the only popular actively developed CAS with a truly free license.


>> No.6531807

>medicine in god tier
fuck off

>> No.6532132

I could coax it to give the answer if I entered the expression termwise, and replaced n with floor(n) since otherwise it thinks that n is a real number and it will return remainder+fractional part for a real number.

Though I could get it to reduce each term, the sum of terms were beyond it to reduce, which is a funny restriction. In fact I gave it the arithmetic expression omitting the constant 1 and it could reduce it. But it couldn't reduce the whole expression. So this works, if you remove the constant:

p : 4*floor(n) + 1;
expand(mod(p*p-1, 8));


>> No.6532236

>replaced n with floor(n) since otherwise it thinks that n is a real number
I think it is possible to write declare(n, integer) to tell Maxima that n is integer. I don't know if the simplifier uses that information.

>> No.6532239

maxima is utter shit. get maple.

>> No.6532240
File: 245 KB, 1068x898, 1390680514776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you happy now?

>> No.6532244

reduce does the simplification without any coaxing. Maybe pari/gp too since it is supposed to be used for number theory.

>> No.6532245

Declare does help to replace floor(n), but it still chokes on having a constant term for some reason. I am very surprised that it can't auto-reduce expressions when each subterm is reducible:
mod(a+b, n) = mod(mod(a, n)+mod(b, n), n)

>> No.6532252

Maybe it needs some special command.
For example if you declare(n, integer) and try to simplify exp(%i*2*%pi*n) it only seems to work with trigrat.

>> No.6532256

I'd love to so I could work through A=B by Zeilberger. Where's the free version? I couldn't find it at their site<span class="math">![/spoiler]

>> No.6532282

No, IT isn't in at least top tier. I don't think your puny little mind can even fathom how high the job outlook is right now.

>> No.6532287

>top tier

>> No.6532289

It was more or less fine as it was, except medicine (and pharmacology etc) should have been moved to low tier. I cannot fathom how anyone thinks medicine is better than psychology. If anything psychology should be higher, at least they can in principle have more reasonably-sized samples, but I won't argue the point, they're within a standard deviation of shit either way.

>> No.6532299

I thought this was being ranked on practicality and job outlook, I guess that would explain why astronomy is in god tier

>> No.6532739
File: 8 KB, 609x213, mathematica-simplify.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathematica needs to be told as well. Maybe Maxima can use an option for the simplifier procedure as well.

>> No.6532923

I see it now.

p : 4*n + 1;
modulus : 8;

gives 1