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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6527548 No.6527548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does that double hat mean? I've never seen it before.

>> No.6527562

I should have figured this was too advanced for /sci/

>> No.6527567

Seriously, OP?

Are you done high school?

>> No.6527569

For physics/chem, it's "per mass squared".

For maths, I believe it's a coefficient used in regression data.

>> No.6527604

what's with people writing on windows? What happened to paper and pencil???

>> No.6527640

I hate people like you. Just answer his damn question you if you're so smart you fucking dick.

>> No.6527643

That's a pretty high horse you're on there, faggot. What happened to encouraging learning rather than being a complete wanker about knowing something someone else doesn't?

>> No.6527645

Why is he writing backwards?

>> No.6527646

Your newness is showing.
Please go and stay go.

>> No.6527648


>> No.6527650

I've been here for years, fuck you.
He doesn't have to rule, but discouraging learning is not fun for anyone. Plus, as a biologist I'm also kinda curious.

>> No.6527653

Please tell me you are not one of the faggots who go into obvious highschool homework threads and fucking posts the solutions.

>> No.6527658

No, but when I'm in the mood it's hardly a bad thing to give them a nudge in the right direction. The real faggots are the elitists like you who think anyone without the exact same knowledge as you is a retard. Ignorance isn't a crime, but discouraging learning should be. Besides, mathematical convention is hardly something you can learn intuitively.

>> No.6527667

This x1000

>> No.6527668

Ooh! Me! Me!
I am!
I'm one of those guys.

>> No.6527670

I liked A Beautiful Mind, good movie.

>> No.6527675

He is sociopath. Sociopath. Elite means noble.

>> No.6527685
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>> No.6527687

Too bad the people who made it had no idea what Nash equilibrium actually was.

>> No.6527691

Fucking autism on this board, it gets a bit ridiculous sometimes

>> No.6527705

what would you say defines an autist? is it possible someone's an autist but has good social skills which took him alot of skill to learn tho/didn't come naturally?

>> No.6527708


He's writing on a window because this allows us to place the camera in a vantage point allowing us to see his brooding face as he's putting his amazing mind to use,
he writes backwards because the makers of the movies realized that those to simple to realize this wont have to be puzzled about why the letters are the wrong way,
while those perceptive enough to notice would quickly deduce the person depicted is so smart that he just does it for the added challenge.

>> No.6527711

The hat usually means the furrier transform so the double hat must be the furriest transform.

>> No.6527712

Windows = free white board

Backwards so the people outside can read.

>> No.6527731

>Everyone mocking OP for not knowing what the notation means
>No one even bothered by the fact that he a double circumflex a double "hat"

>> No.6527878
File: 18 KB, 300x483, cutey98500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something like a Hasse-Weil zeta function, the exponent of t something like...the degree of the points in the ...variety R?
Like in


N counts something geometric and so it's just a function.
I've also not seen the double hat before.

>> No.6527905

You are in the right territory for sure.
R is not a variety but a number field with integral basis $$\{x_1,\dots, x_n \}$$ and Z(R,t) is definitely a zeta function, over the number field. Hats are probably just to make it more MATH or maybe it's deligne-fourier transform?

>> No.6527912
File: 80 KB, 822x411, cuteycomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which isn't an involution? :P

>> No.6527932

>integers are contained in rationals
>writing this down

Confirmed for babby mathematician.

>> No.6527933

your assholery is showing

>but i'm allowed to be an asshole, muh 4chan!

>> No.6527935

Are you aware that hat and circumflex are synonymous

>> No.6527967

Implying hes not writing it the right way and they just reversed the video.

>> No.6527980

I wonder how it feels to be studying at Oxford and knowing that Newton, Einstein, Archimedes and a thousand other genius' and scholars have already written great works on all the windows long before you were alive. I would be too intimidated myself to follow in their footsteps and mark over the same surfaces. Rather I would gaze at the windows in bereft incredulity and awe.

>> No.6528000

Are you aware that calling it a hat sounds fucking stupid?

>> No.6528053

I like how this was a question-thread and out of 30 replies only 1 actually attempted to answer OP. /sci/ in a nutshell.

>> No.6528073

