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6524395 No.6524395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My partner and I submitted our engineering final project to our professor by e-mail. He then responded within a few minutes that he found an exact replica of our coding used for our program online, but in Spanish.

The project we were assigned was to make The Snake Game using Excel VBA coding. Our teacher taught us probably 25% of the material needed to complete this task so my partner and I went online, went through a four part tutorial on how to make a Snake Game using Microsoft Visual Basic (VB).

We followed the tutorial, went through with it and submitted it. Our teacher submitted it to our Dean and we are meeting with him Tuesday. Is there any way out of this? We got a zero for the assignment which means my partner and I are most likely going to fail the class. She's kinda freaking out. Any advice sci?

>> No.6524398

redo it really quickly

>> No.6524399

I'm assuming you've explained your method to your professor?

>> No.6524400

>copying tutorial exactly
That's NOT how you're supposed to do assignments, moreso in CS.

You're supposed to learn how they did it, and try to apply it yourself. Unless there's only a single method to making fucking Snake games, then it's kinda your fault.

Just man up to your mistake.

>> No.6524401

if anything, bring proof of your claims : previous incomplete saves (they have dates), ctrl+h on your browsers, differences with the so called "replica".

>> No.6524407

That's not accidental plagiarism. You copied from tutorial code and claimed that it was your own. That is purposeful, actual plagiarism.

I've been on Academic Judiciary committees. I've seen folks being failed for less.

Here's what you should not do:

"Oh, we didn't know." So what you didn't know? Fucked if you didn't know, you signed something at the beginning of class saying you did, and it's part of the University agreement of even being here, you dumbass.

"It's because the teacher sucked." Honestly, this is probably true, but I don't want to hear it. Yes, you went and got extra help, like you should have. Absolutely the right thing to do. And I would also rather risk plagiarism than flunk an assignment for having no fucking clue what I'm doing because tenure means not caring about teaching anymore. I still don't care; you very clearly plagiarized.

"I'll never do it again, just let me off this one time." Not happening. I don't get to hear about previous cases of a particular student, so this case is held independently of any previous incident. This is good for repeat offenders, bad in your case.

What you should do: be professional, wear a suit, prepare a short statement, and be articulate. Throw as much doubt as you can on the evidence being held against you. Press your right to face your accuser; never let your accuser be in the room when you are not (this is illegal in US courts, and folks on academic judiciary like to be as fair as the courts, or at least try/pretend to be).

Stay calm. This is not the end of the world. If this is your first offense, it will be alright. After this is all over, and only after, should you do something about the quality of teaching, regarding your engineering professor.

>> No.6524412

You are so fucked. Try to find some evidence that you actually came to the same solution on your own. You will still be punished, but maybe your consequences will be slightly less harsh, as in manslaughter vs. homicide. You need to be freaking out, undergrads are lower than shit in the university's eyes.

>> No.6524420

something like this happened to some of my classmates and thanks to them I found out that (at least at our university) the plagiarizing punishment stuff is just talk, the group had to go to hearings and shit where they had to explain everything and were threatened with expulsion and everything, but in the end they just had to redo the part that was plagiarized and they got -20% for the project.

>> No.6524627

Thanks for the advice. Will definitely take it. One question though:

When you say -

>Press your right to face your accuser; never let your accuser be in the room when you are not (this is illegal in US courts, and folks on academic judiciary like to be as fair as the courts, or at least try/pretend to be).

I don't think I'm going to an Academic Judiciary court/committee. I have an appointment to see the Dean or Assistant Dean on Tuesday with my partner so I don't know if those rules still apply or if it will even be beneficial to have my accuser (teacher) in the room with us?

>> No.6524723

I've been where you are. I was reported for plagiarism on an English final paper in undergrad. I had an in-text citation but left off the citation from my biblio (teacher was a bitch, we never got along).

The dean will sit you down, assume you're guilty, and give you options. Option A, admit guilt to the plagiarism, take the punishment. Option B, fight the charge in an Academic Judiciary committee.

I suggest taking Option B. At least there you'll have a better chance of having your case heard.

>> No.6524773

>Throw as much doubt as you can on the evidence being held against you. Press your right to face your accuser; never let your accuser be in the room when you are not (this is illegal in US courts, and folks on academic judiciary like to be as fair as the courts, or at least try/pretend to be).

No, this is horrible advice. Be as meek and apologetic as possible. They have a huge amount of leeway in what happens to you, and how much they like you is going to be the difference between being kicked out and being slapped on the wrist. Explain why your code matches this spanish code- it's not a coincidence per say, but it's not hardcore plagiarism. You both used the same tutorial. You didn't realize that using that tutorial constituted plagiarism. If it's a first time offense, then you'll probably get off with a warning and a grade related punishment like failing the assignment. What ever you do don't lie, or "try to cast doubt" on the evidence they have.

>> No.6524823

What happens if I am found guilty when taking Option B? Would the punishment be worse then if I just did Option A? And if so, why wouldn't I just take option A?

>> No.6524829

Thanks for the advice. And what do you mean by cash doubt by the evidence they have? Like that it's not legitimate?

>> No.6524830

>Excel VBA

Yeah right. Reported for being underage

>> No.6524894

depends. I was found guilty and had to repeat the course, but both the charge and the first english course were removed from my record, so it's as if it never happened. I had to write an apology letter and a "what I learned" letter and submit them to the dean, but that's all. No real damage done.

I suppose it can vary based on who is on the academic committee and how you present your case.

>> No.6524898

>That's not accidental plagiarism. You copied from tutorial code and claimed that it was your own. That is purposeful, actual plagiarism.
This, holy shit OP. I'm dying over here.

>> No.6524903

shit I'd much rather that then fail the fucking course. I'm most likely not sticking towards the major anyways so idk...

>> No.6524905

Happy I could make your day a bit more pleasant :^ )

>> No.6524921

This is definitely plagiarism. At my school this was pretty bad for our CS department. My algorithms class the TAs were falling behind in grading when they finally caught up 45% of the class was caught cheating. Pure copy paste, the packed classroom of 500 students emptied in about 2 weeks. It so bad and rampant that the department took poll on how to punish, normally expulsion would be on the table. But they lucked out and were only dropped.

There's a worse case though, in my operating systems class a few groups were caught cheating. One group said the stupidest thing. 1 member admitted that he copied code to get the project to work. The other 3 said they were innocent because the 1st guy was doing all the work. Guy who admitted he copied some code, got a max of 20% on that project, others were dropped and sent to committee.

Anyway my recommendation, if your code is verbatim, you need to admit. Defend yourself, explain that you fully understand how the code works, but you have to admit.

If it's not verbatim, and the code is small, then you might have a chance to explain it way, but I don't recommend this. If you get caught lying, it could be worse.

>> No.6524934

I didn't just copy and paste it then hand it in. I went through the tutorial. It's the same code as the guy in the tutorial expalined because if you changed it, it wouldnt work. It's about 150 lines or so of code. Maybe less. I'm not sure but I know how it all works.

>> No.6524951

>This is definitely plagiarism. At my school this was pretty bad for our CS department. My algorithms class the TAs were falling behind in grading when they finally caught up 45% of the class was caught cheating. Pure copy paste, the packed classroom of 500 students emptied in about 2 weeks. It so bad and rampant that the department took poll on how to punish, normally expulsion would be on the table. But they lucked out and were only dropped.

That's just fucking insane.

>> No.6524976

how fucking hard is it to come up with novel problems, god damn education is so terrible anymore

>> No.6524985

Lol, say the professor plagiarized the assignment from the tutorial site.

>> No.6524988

Just be 100% honest about what you did. Take a laptop and go through the tutorial.

Show exactly how you 'developed' the app.

If the class rules forbade any external help you are fucked, but I see some wiggle room in that you did not cut and paste a block of code and you just leveraged an external resource.

Say that's what you did, and why you did it and explain how you logically did not see that as breaking the rules.

>> No.6524989

>Accidental Plagiarism
>engineering final project
>went through a four part tutorial on how to make a Snake Game using Microsoft Visual Basic (VB)
You literally looked up on the internet where somebody else had done the same thing, copied the code verbatim into your homework, and submitted it without giving a reference.

What part of that plagiarism is accidental?

>> No.6524998

lol reminds me of the coding project we had in first year where 60-70 people got caught for plagiarising because they would loook at the code of the completed project off a friend and rather than write the code again in their style/knowledge, they just copied and edited a few lines

serves you right no empathy here

>> No.6525004

False. Did not do that. Please do not put words in my mouth. Thank you for contributing though :-)

>> No.6525012

why do people still participate in troll threads

at least 0.999...=1 is funny

>> No.6525032

Nah you definitely got to admit then. Usually a first offense isn't so bad. Just chill, own up to it and be professional. There's no excuse that would work.

Issue is that the TAs were 6 weeks behind on grading due to a death. So 1 guy having to read 500 proofs a week all 3~6 pages long was impossible. Then more TA's and the Professor came in to grade. That's when shit hit the fan. If the professor called a few students out the first couple of weeks, I'm sure no one else would have cheated. But nobody was getting caught and we were already coming up on our second test.

There really wasn't much variety in the homework semester to semester, the Professor wrote the book, most of the questions dealt the halting problem, Turing machines and languages in general. Since the book is used nation wide, it was easy to find answers to every problem she wrote.

Easy cheating, with no sign of repercussion, and idiots not learning to at least paraphrase resulted in mass cheating.

>> No.6525035

this sounds possible actually lol

>> No.6525039

No matter what code you're doing, there is always different ways of doing it and different styles of writing code. You clearly don't know how to code fundamentally because you only understand how this particular code works, not how to write it yourself

>> No.6525042

I doubt it. The teacher made a program that randomized our names, gave us random groups and a random project to do. While some kids got bullshit easy projects like make "Rock, Paper, Scissor shoot" my random partner and I got fucking "Snake"

>> No.6525056

>asserting it's not an easy bullshit project

>> No.6525067

>teacher made a program that randomized our names, gave us random groups and a random project to do. While some kids got bullshit easy projects like make "Rock, Paper, Scissor shoot" my random partner and I got fucking "Snake"

Man, don't even. Operating Systems. I had to write an operating system. Broken up into 6 projects in 14 weeks (plus 3 exams). Each successive project required a fully functioning previous project. Pure C and some assembly, in a school that mostly taught Java.

Snake is not hard.

>> No.6525070


>> No.6525095

I think OP is saying they're not a CS major though. What I don't understand is why anyone would ever fucking want to code anything especially Snake in fucking VBA on Excel. I mean seriously what the fucking fuck?!

>> No.6525099

>Our final project in a college level class was to write something in BASIC

Man universities have really gone to shit

>> No.6525108
File: 11 KB, 125x114, 338-squidward-doesnt-care.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to help me do it? Using only VBA Excel? Ok thought so.

>> No.6525111

We had no choice. We supposed to learn how to use VBA on Excel. I hate it.

>> No.6525113

why are you posting with your name on an anonymous image board

>> No.6525119

Yea, what's up with that. Stop trying to mess us up bro.

>> No.6525126

Document all sources you used. Walk them through the steps you performed. Show them how to perfectly replicate your code independent of this supposed plagiarism

Walk into the meeting not with pleading nervousness, but firm explanations and answers to their questions

>> No.6525133

Make it entirely out of PEEKs and POKEs

>> No.6525139

VBS can't even do PEEKs and POKEs like real BASIC could, it's really really awful and no one should fucking be forced to learn it. It's worse than fucking Cobal and Java combined. Shit will melt your brain.

>> No.6525143 [DELETED] 
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You really ought to stop trolling, or buy a dictionary.

>> No.6525144

/sci/ is sfw

>> No.6525149

That's totally safe. No viruses or even nudity.

>> No.6525179

Hey OP. 4th year CS student here. I had a similar incident except I was 100% innocent. The code I made (about 2000 lines), about 300 of those lines were the EXACT same on a website posted online. The variables were different but the content was the same, same spacing too which in CS doesn't mean much. I had to fight that fucked for weeks. Basically you need to march in there and be mad at them. You have to be aggressive and stand up for yourself. Who cares if you made the code or not, be aggressive. What was the assignment worth? If it is low, where is your motive? Argue motive, argue that your grades are high, you're a good student, etc. YOU are PAYING for this education, YOU should FIGHT it. Fuck the Dean and the professors, hell, prank call their house over anonymous Skype for months but first, argue it. Show lack of motive, show that you know it and really, argue that what you did was so similar to another code but really, how many ways can we fry the fucking egg? Fucking professors plagiarize all the time, argue that bullshit if you've seen it. God speed. Btw, after my fighting for weeks, they gave me a 0 on the assignment. BIG DEAL, it was only worth 5% and they thought I cheated.. fuck them. I egged and prank called the professors house for months after that. I think he quit teaching.

>> No.6525187

Jesus Christ dude.

So.. did you plagiarize?

>> No.6525193

Nope. I didn't. 2000 lines and 200 were exact. Fucking ruined me though because I'd tell people like family and I didn't know if they believed me or not. After all that mess I went through, to get 0, I should have just plagiarized. Spent hours and hours on that 5% assignment..

>> No.6525201

Post your code here, OP!
I'll re-write it for you

>> No.6525217

Yeah. I'm totally going to feel comfortable looking at that at work.

>> No.6525244

That sound pretty difficul to try and implement with excel, but there's a ton of creative approaches you can take I found after taking a vba course this semester too

In one of the things I worked on I was able to simulate a rubiks cube in 2d/3d

>> No.6525247


if you wanna check it out

>> No.6525251

If it was WTFPL or something they can't do shit. Know your lefts OP. Don't claim originality, claim ownership.

>> No.6525253

What exactly happens when you have been caught plagiarizing, I never really knew.

Do you just fail the course? Get kicked out of uni? If you're kicked out is is temporary or permanent? Will other universities take you if you have plagiarized in the past or is there some kind of sex offender list for plagiarizers that pretty much condemns them to a life of "would you like fries with that?"

>> No.6525264

Get a 0 in the assignment, get a F in the course due to academic penalty which will show up on transcript, get suspended or expelled. It all depends. Fuck the concept of plagiarizsm though, fuck professors and deans. God damn morons. HURR THE WORD IS THE SAME!! They plagiarize the most, fucking hypocrite fucks.

>> No.6525269

Well first thing I would suggest is not to copy anything in the future. Next, I have a question. Friend of mine is pretty obviously a cheater but no one has ever caught on. He finally got caught. He "works together" with friends on all his homework/projects. He's in the honors college and everything. Will he get kicked out?

>> No.6525272

Yeah, he is fucked. Should move to Thailand.

>> No.6525285

Einstein "accidentally" plagiarized a lot.

It didn't seem to hurt his reputation or career.

>> No.6525322

Please explain, this sounds interesting.

Also, if I use Euclid's proof that the square root of two is irrational in an assignment, do I have to cite the Elements?
tbh, I had no idea "plagiarism" existed in intro CS courses, or if it was technically even possible. Then again, I'm a loner who mostly works alone.

>> No.6525410

>asking for help after you've been busted for getting help on the assignment
good job bro

>> No.6525424

are you retarded? a lot of engineers use that. ive used it a lot while studying and im using it now at work also.

>> No.6525425

>I had an in-text citation but left off the citation from my biblio

Holy fuck you got jewed. That's more like a typo than actual plagiarism.

>> No.6525433


Yes. You also have to cite Archimedes if you state the formula for the area of a circle.

>> No.6525443

I'm not that guy but I've also never written a legit mathematics paper. Is there a guide/text/pdf/whatever somewhere that talks about what to cite and how?

>> No.6525657

There is actually: The Chicago Manual of Style.


>> No.6525661

There's a quick guide on citations as well.


>> No.6525707

Isn't this stuff geared at like normal English papers though? About citations my questions were more about how to cite theorems (do you just cite the statement and not give a proof? what if the terminology in the source material for the theorem differs a little bit from the terminology you're using?, etc..) and does every single theorem you use require a citation?

I tried looking through this section
but anywhere I click requires I log into the university of chicago website.

>> No.6525758

He's trolling you. Nobody cites Archimedes for the area of the circle. Math writing is much looser with the citations when it comes to "classic" works, i.e. work that is settled and known to everyone. You cite current work that you are building upon and other work of relevance by others in the field.

>> No.6525760

where do you live m8, africa?
all serious engineers that studied in reputed universities learned how to use real languages, not this MS limited shit.

Actually Windows is totally excluded from academic learning, unix and derivates are mandatory. I guess you really studied in africa m8

>> No.6525763

I'm pretty sure you don't have to cite "common knowledge"

>> No.6525767

>excel VBA

I laughed.

Plagiarists in programming are the lowest of the low. Filthy scum all over the place taking code, changing variables and getting away with it.

You deserve what you get. You could try and argue that the problem itself was easily accessible (it's the professors job to make sure he is designing relatively novel problems) but you still deserve to be fucked.

>> No.6525783

If the the assignment clearly stated that you must cite all sources and you didn't cite the tutorial, you're screwed. If you copy/pasted from the tutorial (i.e. any comments, etc... are identical) you're screwed.

Otherwise I would simply claim you researched the assignment on the internet - give the source - and you completed the assignment with your partner. If you can explain the logic behind all of the coding and prove via course material that your professor did not prepare you for the assignment thus additional research was required, your prof. wouldn't have much of a case.

>> No.6525818

>copying code
>not obsfucating and reworking it as you go
It's like you went and shot yourself before running a footrace.

First port of call when doing graded work.

>> No.6526124

200 were exact, or 300 were exact? You changed your story. Sounds fishy to me.

Also, this is the very least way that you will get fucked over in the next 50 or so years. Wait until you go to buy a car and get gouged for a bullshit $5k, or better yet, a house and lose $100k.

And then there's divorce, which with that attitude you will either never get close to experiencing, or else you will experience many times. Your ex doesn't want to get a job even though she's perfectly capable of working? Fuck you, you still have to pay her half your income. But at least you can egg her house and make prank calls. Until, of course, she gets a restraining order against you.

>> No.6526146

I sure did. Like I said, the teacher was a bitch who used her podium as a pulpit. We talked about some very controversial issues in class discussions, and it always felt like if we didn't agree with her, we were wrong.

When I repeated the course I had a woman who had taught high school English for 20 years and college English for 8. In that class we discussed just as controversial issues, but I can't tell you her personal opinion on a single topic we discussed. She facilitated OUR discussion, not forced us to have hers.

I loved that second teacher, she was absolutely amazing. I fought with the first all semester long and wound up with a bullshit plagiarism charge over, you said it, a typo. (Thankfully I think the judiciary committee agreed, which is why it was expunged from my record)

>> No.6526150
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This reminds me of a story..

>In highschool
>Taking a Visual Basics course even though I know C++ because I'm autistic like that
>Beginning of the year everyone is spaced out in their own cliques
>Computer geek wannabees in the front, idiots who don't know what they signed up for in the back and random chinks scattered everywhere in between
>Me and this South Korean share a table in the middle of the room
>By the middle of the year its obvious we are the best programmers
>Last week of classes roll around
>suddenly everyone is sitting close and around us
>people desperately try to be nice to me and constantly ask for help on their code
>one in particular starts blatantly asking me to give him my code
>Tell him no but I would be fine to tutor him after school
>Reluctantly agrees
>Next class I go to the bathroom only to come back to him copying my code from my screen
>Somehow surprised when I caught him as if he thought I was never coming back
>Tell him its ok and, because its finals, he can copy my code for this last big project he has
>Thanks me and hands over his email address for me to send him the code
>Fill my code with well hidden comments like 'property of anon or 'I didn't write this code -OtherAnon
>Dumbass never notices, thanks me for the code
>Fails the class
>Tells me the teacher someone found out that he had copied my code but didn't reveal how

Moral of the story: you are fucked

>> No.6526161


Spanish people write their code in English?

It's not like:

int elTaco = 5;
boolean gusta = false;


>> No.6526162

I was thinking the same thing...

>> No.6526181

You think OP submitted something like this?

si (i <size) {
cambiar de
caso 1:
escriba "Hola";
por defecto:
escriba "no, gracias";
) de otra manera (
escriba "sí, gracias"

What a fucking retard.

>> No.6526198


English second language here:

Well fuck yes, of course I code in English.

msvc++ doesn't compile this:

hel hoved(hel argt, kar** argv){

std::streng minStreng "hello world";
std::kud minStreng;


so while I'm writing everything else in English

int main(int argc, char** argv){

std::string minStreng "hello world";
std::cout minStreng;


I might as well also write myString instead of minStreng

>> No.6526210

>serious engineers, real languages, not MS

Right, right, meanwhile after I got my engineering job I've been wrangling more excel macros in VBS than I've done any other coding but good job pretending you know what engineering is about.

>> No.6526216

this is true at my engineering job too.

>> No.6526218

I blame the users, honestly.

I get so much data in shitty formated excel sheets and I have never had enough downtime to learn proper regex. It's sad all around.

>> No.6526686

Someone needs to do the dirty job, eh ?

>> No.6527295

preach it

>> No.6527309

Don't take this lightly, you better spend the next few weeks reading all about the rules of the course, your uni and the assignment.

Try to find a clause that the tutorial you used is not under some copyright. Also see if you can get in touch with the author and see if he can write you a statement.

Remember to fight this as hard as you possibly can, if you fail, your future academic career is completely fucked.

>> No.6527311

I use functional languages in embedded systems because fuckin' who is going to tell me otherwise?

>be a programmer
>get stuck programming in some godawful language like C++ because muh industry standards

>be an engineer
>work at a small company so you're the only engineer
>do whatever you want
it's awesome

>> No.6527395

Do you have any time stamped logs of you progressively completing the assignment?

That's the best evidence you can give. Good luck.

>> No.6528008

Do you have any knowledge on Microsoft Visual Basic? That's what I used for it. The coding is almost the same as one would do in Excel VBA except for probably a few exception.

>> No.6528041

It says the link you put didn't work

So you're saying I should claim I own the code I made? Care to explain?

I don't think the Dean is going to compare me towards Einstein though...

Thanks for the shit contribution. I'll try

It doesn't say we had to cite anything...I didn't copy and paste a video tutorial, that's not even possible.

Not even going to read that.

>> No.6528220

>We followed the tutorial, went through with it and submitted it.
I don't you understand what it means to learn.

>> No.6528250

>well hidden comments like 'property of anon'

fascinating story, bro. please enlighten us as to how you hide comments in an open text file..

>> No.6528279

i think he meant he just put them around the code and the guy was dumbass enough to copypaste it without proofreading.

My roommate was working on some code, i discretely commented /*hitler was right*/ in his code randomly, a few days later i told him about it and was like wtf.

I can imagine if he turned that in and the grader saw it

>> No.6528296
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lol. cholera on you but...

In our "Software Engineering Methods and Tools" CS class, which is really Ruby of Fails according to EdX and Michael Hartl, we were supposed to make group projects of any kind. A Facebook thing was the default project if you didn't care, and some faggots did everything according to Mike Hartl's tutorial VERBATIM and gave a group presentation in front of the whole class with "by Michael Hartl" right on their fucking example pages. The professor noticed and siad "what's that?" and it was funny to watch them Bullshit her about their lack of original coding the whole way through.

>> No.6528325

>The project we were assigned was to make The Snake Game using Excel VBA coding... my partner and I went online, went through a four part tutorial on how to make a Snake Game using Microsoft Visual Basic (VB). We followed the tutorial, went through with it and submitted it.
Sounds like he's right.

>> No.6529178

Apparently neither do you.