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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 214 KB, 460x275, 1376845294116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6523902 No.6523902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/
I've got a microscope capable of 40x/100x/400x/1000x magnifications.
Theroretically,i should be able to observe bacteria and protists yet i find it very hard to detect any.Why is this so?
I view a small drop of water without any heat fixing or staining.Is this the problem?

Pic unrelated/

>> No.6523906

where did you get this drop of water?

>> No.6523912


>> No.6523933


Go outside and get a drop from a puddle, preferably one in the dirt and not on the sidewalk.

Your tap water is loaded with sterilizing agents, for all the OBVIOUS reasons.

>> No.6523936

You wont be able to see bacteria except as colonies. Protists are no problem tho. You can 'grow' your own by putting some old leaves from the ground into bottled water and waiting a few days.

>> No.6523937

will try thanks.

>> No.6523988

paramecium and vorticella are quite common, if you want to find amoeba, try to get puddles from very shady areas with no direct sunlight.

>> No.6523996

>that quote

No shit, Richard Dumbfucks.There's only 1 brain in our body but trillions of cells. Are all fedora atheists this stupid?

>> No.6523997

like a alley in the ghetto?

>> No.6524004
File: 334 KB, 618x688, 1376504848280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause that's an actual quote.

>> No.6524031

Can you get a picture through the eyepiece somehow? I'd like to see what you find

>> No.6524038

put an eyelash in it and post results please

>> No.6524039

What's the safest method of tearing out an eyelash?

>> No.6524040

just put your fingers in a pinch formation gently on your eyelashes and gently pull forward, hopefully one will come out
if not run your fingers through your hair, one will definitely come out and then use that

>> No.6524053

>Why is this so?

You need to dye/stain your samples to see anything clearly. Normally most things are mostly transparent otherwise.

The basic is "gram stain" for bacterias, and H&E for normal tissue. You can buy them and several other dyes quite cheaply online, and if you do, you need alcohol rinse and preferrably distilled water also.

And buy a box of gloves too, the dyes work excellent on tissue and are quite dark when not under a microscope, so unless you want to have mottled hands; gloves.

>> No.6524066
File: 79 KB, 643x750, follicle-mite-tails--demodex-folliculorum--80016394-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyelash mites are awesome.

Demodex pic related

>> No.6524069

structural similarities between micro and macro fauna always interests me

>> No.6524078
File: 43 KB, 615x345, spaghetti monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP posted based Carl Sagan. He can do no wrong.

>> No.6524091

You can see individual bacteria with a good scope but you need a really high quality objective (and at least a 40x, preferably higher) and a really stable scope.

I stuck some subtilis cells under a good scope on a wet mount last year and could see them all zooming around in my sample

>> No.6524154
File: 694 KB, 4000x2248, HumanHairX40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some work to do.
Anyways,i tried to take photos but they didn't come out very well.

Here's hair from my head.

>> No.6524157
File: 657 KB, 4000x2248, HumanHairX100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnification in file name

>> No.6524161
File: 905 KB, 4000x2248, HumanHairX400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will try puddle water later

>> No.6524164
File: 754 KB, 4000x2248, HumanHairX1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Particles above the strand of hair are dust.

>> No.6524207
File: 1.08 MB, 4000x3000, WaterX1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of focus because i couldn't hold the phone steady enough.

>> No.6524209
File: 865 KB, 4000x2248, WaterX1000[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6524210
File: 839 KB, 4000x2248, WaterX1000[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6524232
File: 21 KB, 372x260, ௵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am just realizing now there are people who exist that don't realize those are fake. is your IQ a negative number?

>> No.6524238

you dont need to stain shit to see protists, anon.

>> No.6524241

OP here.
Any method to grow bacterial colonies using home-made ingredients?
If that's too hard,what are cheap ways to grow bacteria?

>> No.6524244

Sticks and mud in water by a window. The messier the better. The water will soon turn a nice green. When I was in middle school one of my classrooms had an aquarium by the window with random mud and sticks in it. When we were done with our work we could put a drop of the water on a slide and go to town with a miscroscope. I had a blast, but the rest of my class was a bunch of niggers who played with their dicks until the bell rang. More microbes for me.

>> No.6524250

Final question:Is microbiology a field worth doing?
I have to choose between microbiology and genetics and can't decide which one.
Currently doing biotech.

>> No.6524253

Don't know why i typed >catalog

To clarify,i'm talking about a masters degree.

>> No.6524254

You probably think it's epickK may may to post those?
Did you seriously think that people realize they aren't actual quotes?

>> No.6524259
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>> No.6524483

I think genetics is more interesting, and I think you should make your choice based upon which one interests you more

>> No.6524509

i leled

>> No.6524513

so minus the false attribution this is actually a pretty great joke about qualia

>> No.6524572
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1227471437115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were one of those people.

Just man up to it.
We all make mistakes.

>> No.6524577

Praise to Allah for such a kind OP that delivers

It made my skin tingle a little bit, but these are awesome. Thanks OP.

For once, you're not a faggot.

>> No.6524815

Allah is a faggot, though

>> No.6524890

Cum on the dish.

I want to see your children :3

>> No.6525227

*tips petri dish*

>> No.6525238

is this a new meme?

>> No.6525411
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>> No.6525416
File: 1.81 MB, 720x480, 10052014060-3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

>> No.6525417

> shakiness
ah brings me back to middle school science class

>> No.6525465


Holy shit your hair is dirty

Clean it