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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6518258 No.6518258 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw got raped by Calculus 2 final that was much harder than any of our other exams

Two hours wasn't enough.

How's your finals week going?

>> No.6518263

My EE program has classes until the second last week of may....

>> No.6518266

>few minutes left to finish exam
>can't solve that problem you skipped, leave it mostly blank
>realize after walking out of the class how to solve it


>> No.6518271

The only think I'm worried about is passing fluid mechanics.

I'm so tired of school

>> No.6518292

What sort of problems did you encounter?
I think that the toughest problem on my exam was a definite integral of arctanx

>> No.6518302

Ill use this as an opportunity to practice latex

<span class="math">\int_{0}^{\sqrt 3} \, arctanx \, dx [/spoiler]

we'll see how that works out

>> No.6518303


Every goddamn time.

>> No.6518306


Each problem involved many concepts. We had an improper integral that involved partial fraction decomposition, one to find the surface area of a region between two polar equations and find its volume revolved about the x and y axes.

Another was to differentiate cos(x-pi/2) using its series representation. We also had to solve a differential equation and find the radius and interval of convergence of some function. We simply didn't have enough time.

I've done this before. You do integration by parts.

>> No.6518319

Attempting to not let DE final fuck me in the ass.
Fuck remembering all of these formulas man.
I did bretty decent so far, but fuck I flushed all of the first three exams out just to fit shit in.
Studying study guides for test on Wed good luck

>> No.6518324 [DELETED] 

use \arctan
and you don't need the first \,
also <div class="math"> looks nicer for integerals
<div class="math"> \int^{\sqrt{3}}_0 \arctan x \, \mathrm{d} x </div></div>

>> No.6518327

[.eqn] tags
<div class="math"> \int^{\sqrt{3}}_0 \arctan x \, \mathrm{d} x </div>

>> No.6518328

Just wondering, are you guys those kind of faggots who leave the exam as soon as they are done or with a lot of time left?

I always try to sit to the very end, even if I've quintuple checked everything and 100% confident and are just sitting their doing absolutely nothing or perhaps stealthily petting my cock. I can't recall how many times I realize mistakes at the very last minute or gain new insight without even looking or thinking about the exam.

>> No.6518331

Always first or second to leave.
Never double check besides to check if I answered all the questions.

>> No.6518346

20 page essay on materials I just started and coding project my team hasn't even began discussing are due for thursday. We also have to build a boat out of tape and milk cartons for friday but each carton will have a hole in it because hurr durr caps pollute.

Kill me.

>> No.6518347

Digital electronics (combinational and sequential circuits) and Differential Equations tomorrow morning and afternoon respectively. Just took my EE circuits exam today and felt bretty good overall.

I did so pathetically bad in my digital electronics class that I need around a 75% to get a C in the class and subsequently have it satisfy as a pre-req for classes I'm taking next semester.

I'm fucking scared shitless

If I don't make it brahs, I'm going to be the guy who was too stupid for engineering and switched to computer science.

>> No.6518380

I do that anyway, fix up any shitty mistakes I may have left over, no matter how well I'm doing in the course

>> No.6518381
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>look over all the material before the final
>yeah, cram that shit
>yeah, you fucking understand it now
>forget everything as soon as the test is in front of you

>> No.6518389


wait we can use \latex on this board?

>> No.6518390
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Fuck, at least you'll remember the RLC setups and shit.
I remember 2nd order shit clear as day, but 1st order was presented so sloppily I'll have to go over it, tomorrow is muh review day.
pic extremely related

>> No.6518391

how long b5 college is obsolete and neckbears learn errything and take all exams from their mom's basement? my god college was so wasteful and worthless.

>> No.6518394

yeah, read the sticky

>> No.6518395

Also, what have you been using for review?

I used:
and a few other practice exams

>> No.6518397

>tfw when I popped an adderall during my difficult test days.
>tfw I did excellent on all my finals

Why aren't you taking drugs, /sci/?

>> No.6518404

Good luck m8

My diff eq professor only really covered tank and spring problems. She's making our final really easy for us. less worried for that exam obviously. It's digital that is making me piss my pants here.

>> No.6518408

I've been using the materials she's handed to us. It's what she makes her exams on.

Her lectures are laid out with information and examples baked into a printable packet that we cover in our lecture. If we can do those problems and understand them (as well as some slightly tougher cases on the "optional" homework) the class is a cakewalk.

So, sorry. No online materials for me. I may have a look at what you have there though.


>> No.6518413

i had never seen it before haha
I went nuts and subbed <div class="math">x=tan\theta</div>
then did integration by parts on
<div class="math">int_0^{frac{\pi}{3}} \theta \cdot sec^2 \theta d \theta </div>

>> No.6518419

<div class="math"> \int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{3}} \theta \cdot sec^2 \theta \, d \theta </div>

>> No.6518420

Funny thing is out of the 11 probs involved i'm only really worried about the Tank and RLC/spring shit, and maybe the phase portrait I need to brush up on tomorrow

good luck though bro.

>> No.6518425
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>Calc 3 final last Thursday
No problem. Think I got all but one question. Anticipating an 87-90.
>C++ programming this morning
did well.
>8 page paper due Thursday for fucking history class
fuck this stupid paper and the hyperliberal bitch that runs that class
>Linear Algebra Thursday
no problem, 2 ez
>Computer architecture exam on Friday
I need a 90/130 for a B in the class and I think a 130/130 for an A. This will be somewhat of a challenge.

Solid ass semester my friends. Next semester is looking too fun.

>> No.6518428
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>Two hours wasn't enough
I hate it when profs do this.

>Hour-long test
>the fucking sperg-o deluxe prodigy kid gets to page 13

>> No.6518438

use \sec, \tan
<span class="math"> \sec^2\theta [/spoiler]

>> No.6518439
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>tfw you're the sperg-o deluxe prodigy

>> No.6518448

>hoping for a C

you already failed

>> No.6518456

without you i would never know
you are the wind beneath my wings


>> No.6518463

I want to be born in the future with virtual specialized high schools/middle schools where you don't have to take bullshit classes you never needed and work was simplified so that you could absorb it in the easiest fashioned and it was tailored to each student's learning style and skillset.
Or optionally have the information downloaded to your sub-brain.

Why couldn't I be born in 3993?

>> No.6518886

Yeah. I know :/ I wasn't on my shit for this class this semester.

I could blame it on my lecturer, indian woman who frequently messes up what she's saying, backpedals, puts down wrong information on examples etc.

But still, I didn't consistently study for this class and it's going to hurt me now.

>> No.6518905

>get into the ceng midterm
>sick as fuck
>ask to go to the bathroom
>ass says no, you have to hand in the paper first
>have to leave the paper halfway through exam
>this was a week ago and i'm still sick

why the fuck we have written midterms on ceng is beyond me

>> No.6518967

I've been working on a presentation since yesterday straight through until now that I'm supposed to give in 40 minutes. I'm not nearly done. It's worth 1/5 the class grade. I'm entirely fucked.

>> No.6518969


Well, at least you know how to solve it. Usually what I do is solve the problem afterwards and show it to the teacher to let him know that I did study it but botched the test. Doesn't improve your grades but your teacher thinking you are not retarded/lazy makes him a lot more willing to do you a favor if necessary.

>> No.6519088

You're going to kick yourself because that was the correct step to take.
Next just integrate by parts (let u = theta, v' = sec^2(theta)) to give:

= u*tan(u) - integral( tan(u) du )

= u*tan(u) - ( -ln| cos(u) | )

= x*arctan(x) + ln|cos(arctan(x))|

then just sub your limits in and you're done.

(Too scared to type in LaTeX, is there somewhere that I can test it before I post it?)

>> No.6519111
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>How's your finals week going?

Finals week was two weeks ago and I graduated the Saturday after.

>> No.6519140
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>Calculus 2

Looks like babby can't do integration.

>> No.6519143

Well I brought my grade up to a 70 from a 50 in Organic Chem 2. Now I have the ACS and I've heard from literally everyone it's hard as fuck. Anyone here taken it? I didn't buy their test prep book either so am I pretty much fucked since I'm garbage at Ochem?

>> No.6519144

Statistics exam in the morning. Haven't attended more than a handful of lectures nor looked at the material once.

So fucked.

>> No.6519158

Dude, written sections are mostly the theoretical parts. To not expect any sort of written question is a bit gamble-y.

Also, anyone could go into the bathroom even on my fucking finals. Why the hell were you pottyblocked??

>> No.6519169

>wake up late
>missing calculus exam
>gay TA wants my boipussy
>he gives me an A+ when I see him afternoon

>> No.6519176

>Now I have the ACS and I've heard from literally everyone it's hard as fuck. Anyone here taken it? I didn't buy their test prep book either so am I pretty much fucked since I'm garbage at Ochem?

It's not hard if you're decent at all at o-chem. You fucked up not buying the book. It's the best study guide there is, because it's written by the same people in the same format. All I did was study through the book once and I got one of the highest grades in my class. Then again I was a chemistry major and synthetic chem/spectroscopy is my favorite.

>> No.6519221

i got the problem right lol
i already had the limits for theta so i didnt go back to x

>> No.6519233

>Calctoo final tomorrow morning
To all you /sci/entists, what's one under appreciated subpart of calc 2 material that would be pretty fucking useful to know?
My trig teacher back in high school completely botched the whole trig identities segment, so I'm currently memorizing the stuff like sin(x^2)=.5(1-sin(2x)) and whatnot since it turns out that's pretty important.

>> No.6519245

oh man
I'm pretty sure thats wrong
<div class="math">\sin ^2 {x} = \frac{1-\sin 2\theta}{2} </div>

>> No.6519248

so long as <span class="math"> x = \theta [/spoiler]

>> No.6519252

Series is pretty important, although I don't think that is 'under appreciated.'

>> No.6519253

jesus christ
ignore that

<div class="math"> \sin ^2 \theta = \frac{1-\cos 2\theta}{2} </div>

>> No.6519262

fug you. Do you think I could find an older version online for free or do they change the exam drastically from year to year

>> No.6519267

Adderall is for the Asians.

>> No.6519268

Have Calc 2 exam at 630 tonight

>I have no idea how series work they make no sense

>> No.6519272

not divided by 2

>> No.6519274

You're pretty fucked then, son.
The best I can say is to at least know how to do the ratio test and the limit comparison test as those are the ones that come in the most handy a lot of times. The LCT in particular can be used in tons of situations even when it's not the "best" option.

>> No.6519275

ignore that
thought it was cos^2 not cos2

>> No.6519276

only need a 40 to pass and Im good at integrals

can have a cheat sheet so wrote out all the series tests. have enough of an idea to get partial points.
>last math class ever

>> No.6519284

What major are you that calc2 is your last math class you have to take? Bio?

>> No.6519292
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>Get two cheat sheets that I write
Well this shit will be easy but too bad it won't bump me to a A since I misses two quizzes because of stupid food poisoning.
Then I just have to finish my English essay today which I am still not motivated to do. Probably will make myself some coffee and a nice breakfast and get myself a pack of cigs then start.

>> No.6519295

I can take calc 3 and dif eq as last sci electives
Depends on how I do on this final I suppose

>> No.6519320

Well it was actually last week for me but
>waste pretty much all weekend on 4chan, get nothing done except grad school applications
>spend all day and all night monday desperately cramming for MLC actuary exam
>take it tuesday morning, fail, spend the rest of the day finishing up bullshit assignments
>start on stochastic processes take home exam wednesday, realize i didnt leave nearly enough time to study for my econ exam and spend most of the day and all night cramming again
>did OK on econ final, might get an A or A- depending on the curve
>spend next 4 hours frantically finishing stochastics final, end up showing it to the professor 3 times before turning it in, definitely got an A but i had like a 50 on homework in the class so am just hoping for a B
>friday afternoon, get an email from grad school i applied to on sunday offering me admission in addition to a scholarship covering all but 1 unit of tuition, they don't even need my final grades so as long as i didnt fail none of the last week even matters

best exam week ever

>> No.6519333
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Studying fluid mechanics.

>> No.6519342

same here. Notes are fucking worthless.

What we were taught all semester seems to bear very little relation to whats in the past papers....

>> No.6519363

Especially is the teacher is practising obfuscating on his presentations.
Pic related, random page.

I know FM is full of math, but he makes absolutely sure that we don't understand the basics intuition about it, but instead he teaches us pure math about it.
I don't like it. Abloo abloo abloo

>> No.6519365
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>pic related

>> No.6519372

I would guess the test stays approximately the same. I have a copy, but I'm not about to scan that shit for you. I can give you the list of topics as they are presented and answer questions for you if you would like.

I am available on skype but I don't want to be your personal help line. I just really enjoy o-chem.

>> No.6519378
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got back completely sodomized by a materials strength exam worth 70% of the final grade, which I spent a month preparing. it doesnt help that I could eventually solve it all given a couple hours and going at my own pace. it truly is the worst feel

>> No.6519389

Nigga this shit's much more Mass Transfer, and a whole lot less Fluid Mech.

Luckily, we had a pretty young lecturer (late 20s) so he could explain it to us like a student. From my experience, old men make for SHIT lecturers, but some are really cool. But most of them just...I feel like they're out of touch with student life. It's like they don't remember that it's not all sperg-mode understand-the-universe thing. We're fucking dumb students, and we need shit to be explained.

But you can change that, anon. Just be more active in class, and be friends with the lecturer. I take a pretty stoic approach to this, and now I swear my lecturer wants to fug. In all seriousness, if you can't learn something from your lecturer, make sure he learns a few things about their students. It'll help, for sure.

>> No.6519406

Oh, we do a lot of derivations here, like it would fucking help an engineer.
Yeah, some lecturers are so out of touch it hurts.

>> No.6519416

If you could post the topic list that would be awesome. Also how do you actually study for ochem?

Like do you group everything into the main reactions like substitution/addition etc or what? There's just so much to memorize with all the reagents and multiple pathways.

>> No.6519435
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Topic list:
>Structure, hybridization, resonance and aromaticity
>Acids and bases
>Nucleophilic substitutions and eliminations
>Electrophilic additions
>Nucleophilic addition at carbonyl groups
>Enols and enolate ion reactions
>Electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution
>Free radical subsitutions and additions
>Oxidations and reductions
>Synthesis and analysis

Some general advice: try to answer the question before looking at the choices. It's all multiple choice, and there is usually a very intentional red herring that will be tempting to consider. As far as chunking goes, it's a qualitative class (pandering to memorizing a lot of shit), so chunking the concepts is what has worked for me. What is an electrophile, and what makes a good one? What is a base, and how can you judge the strength of it? How does a substitution reaction run its course, and what conditions are good? Stuff like that. The nitty-gritties I usually don't try to memorize. That's why I like qualitative chem in the first place, you just look at the chemical species present and make an educated guess what they will do.

Know the abbreviations for common reagents. Like LDA, what is that chemical? If you can draw it, and you know the basics of the class, you should probably be able to remember what it does in the reaction. The level of information on the test wasn't to the same standard as my standard exams--I don't know how rigorous your class was--and for the most part you just need to be able to remember most of the basics and regurgitate them efficiently.

If you want to bounce anything off me this thread will be up while I clean my apartment and drink.

>> No.6519440

I have a discrete math exam. Need a B- to pass. If I don't get that probably going to an hero.

>> No.6519442

Anything in particular you have issues with?

>> No.6519458
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>cal I in summer session I which is 5 weeks long
>cal II in summer session II which lasts 7 weeks
>just passed precal after taking 4 times
>how fucked ami right now?

>> No.6519467


LOL oh boy

>> No.6519469

Fucking precalc is easy as hell, how the fuck did you fail that many times?

>> No.6519477

late night cramming a then forgeting it the next morning, I really never learned my lesson until now

>> No.6519624


Hasn't even started for me, this week I have an exam on electromagnetism, next week I have an exam on differential vector calculus, thermodynamics, molecular structure, and the week after I have an exam on multiple variable integration.

After all that I'll finally start my finals week. Fuck my life

>> No.6519744
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that feel when discrete math final is worth 40% of my grade

im so confused

i hate it so much

>> No.6519784

Just finished my last final today that was for Calc III. I think it went decently well. I only need an 80 to stay in the Bish range. My fucking professor gives +/- at her "discretion". Whatever the fuck that means.

Like 1/3 of our class was failing though before the final and the final was definitely wayyyy harder than our exams and our exams were pretty difficult. So who knows how this will go.

Rekt my analytical chemistry final. The fucking average was a 55% and I made a 93% and then the professor decided to add 6 points to everyone's final exam grade because it was worth 45% so I made a 99% on the final.

My comparative government and politics final fucking sucked. It was 40% of our grade and we had to write two essays without anyyyyy idea of what the fuck they were going to be on and it's hard to study for this class because it's so goddamn broad.

Also rekt my play analysis final too. I only needed a 75% to make an A anyways.

Feels good being a Chemistry and Dramatic Art double major.

>> No.6519791

Awkward. I didn't mean to reply to >>6519744

I just wanted the quick reply screen to pop up.

>> No.6519824

>tfw Analysis final was pretty simple
>tfw still find a way to fuck it up
It was the easiest thing all semester by far.

>> No.6519830

Howd you fuck up then?

>> No.6519839

I did some straight up dumb shit when asked about uniform convergence. That topic always gets me.

>> No.6519862

>tfw Lehigh CSB

CSE 017 Programming and Data Structures (3)
ECO 029 Money and Banking (3)
ENGL 002 Composition and Literature II (3)
MATH 022 Calculus II (4)

I need a science elective like ecology or some shit, anyone have ideas for something fun/easy? There's a geology of war class that sounds cool as shit here.

>> No.6519870

>geology of war

What the fuck?

>> No.6519871

mining caves for bat piss I bet.

>> No.6519875

>EES 016 Geology of War 3 Credits
Introduction to Earth and Environmental Sciences through a study of the geologic underpinnings of human conflict, the geologic influences over the outcomes of great battles, and the long-term environmental impacts of war. Instructional format includes lectures, discussions, student projects, and a field trip to Gettysburg National Military Park. May be combined with EES 022 or EES 004 for 4 credits.

Sounds bretty cool over taking some physics or chem lab that will just give me more work.

>> No.6519878
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>you will never take Geology of War

>> No.6519880

>field trip to Gettysburg

That's pretty cool.

>> No.6519889
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>mfw liberal arts major and all my classes and tests are easy sailing

and whats better is that my job prospects are better than you STEMautists

>> No.6519890


whats your specific major?

>> No.6519894

Japanese studies

>> No.6519897

better than my engineering degree?
I doubt it.

>> No.6519898
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>tfw I didn't get into any colleges so I just sit here with my waiter job reading all the cool university threads filled with regret

Oh hindsight is a bitch

Probably just going to end up killing myself

>> No.6519899


I can assure you that your job prospects are infinitesimal in comparison to that of most STEM majors.

Also, I feel like I could learn everything in your major by reading a few books. Of course the same thing could be said about most if not all STEM majors -- but it would be ten times more difficult.

How exactly are your job prospects so exceptional?

>> No.6519905

Memorize muh Mclaren?

>> No.6519908

>and whats better is that my job prospects are better than you STEMautists
Says the Japanese Major

>> No.6519920

Help me out /sci/. I'm taking intro to calc now with an A+ every quarter and next year taking AP calc AB(calc 1?). Anything I should definetly know to get an advantage. Do appreciate

>> No.6519925
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>take calculus exam
>2 hours
>have just enough time to go over it once
>I've never seen half this shit before and I studied everything the profs have given us in any way 6 hours every day for the past week
>go out of it thinking I got #rekt
>I fucking passed and got a B

>doing astrophysics exam
>3 hours
>ripping through it, destroying all the subject material
>I got a 97% on the midterm when most people didn't even finish it
>oh fuck what's this feeling
>an hour in I need to take a piss
>by the second hour it's occupying half my time
>with 20 minutes to go I decided that this test can't possibly be reviewed anymore, hand it in
>run to the nearest washroom
>take a piss, oh man it feels good
>got a 95% on the exam, A+ on the class

>final exam on my non-science option for the semester
>chose it because I already knew more than entry-level stuff
>3 hours
>finish it in 40 minutes, stare around and wonder if that's it
>hand it in
>get an A in the class and a 47/50 on that exam
>I didn't even attend a lecture since the second week

>> No.6519928

i have literally never had this happen to me. do you not sleep at all the night before? i've gotten A's on 2 hours' sleep.

>> No.6519929

I feel you, OP, just got a 60 on an orgo midterm.

>> No.6519933

>pchem final on friday
>been using youtube videos and such like to finish homework assignments
>religiously study homework to get passing grades on tests

i'm going to die on this final, nothing makes any sense and i have three on the same day. the other two are thankfully electives but they still will suck some of my time for studying.


>> No.6519940

mine too

>> No.6519945

You're fucked

>> No.6519953
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>> No.6519973

go learn a trade instead

I kind of wish I didn't go into university, though it's starting to get fun now that I have an undergraduate thesis project to look forward to.

>> No.6520011

>Take final DE exam.
>Thought I did well enough to get at least an A or B to give me an A or B for the semester.
>Check my semester grade.
>It's a C
It really hurts when that was the one I studied the most, but on the upside I was able to make it out of University Physics II with a B.

>> No.6520014

>How's your finals week going?
Been graduated for 5 years now. Working full time.

Meeting a customer deadline on a cell tower design with unique circumstances isn't as bad as my worst final exam, but it's pretty far up there.

At least I pulled a full time job most of the time I was in school, and don't have any student loan debt as a result.

>> No.6520120

>be me fucking up in Cal 2 because lazy faggot
>look over Mclarry series for literally 5 mins and memorize shit.
>Congrats! 98 on Exam
>in awe that it was that easy
I hate hindsight; when a B should've been
an A
But series is the easiest fucking part of Calc II
its literally just memorizing that shit

>> No.6520124

>each carton will have a hole in it
Come on man, at least think for one fucking second.

>> No.6520175

plastic wrap even

>> No.6520186

It's the first F I've gotten in a few years. It happens.

>> No.6520195
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I've graduated with my engineering BS from a respectable school, so I don't sweat this stuff anymore.

But I took classes where the average was an F. I was happy with a good D in those classes. America has the best university system in the world for a reason. Go hard or go home.

Calc 2 was relatively easy, but neat. Trigonometric integration blew my mind. Infinite series can get a little tricky. Maybe I'm just dumb at counting things.

>> No.6520228

>tfw there isn't enough lube in the universe to prepare me for my measure theory final

<div class="math"> \liminf \int f_n d \mu \ge \int \liminf f_n d \mu </div>

r-r-right guys?

>> No.6520233

>tfw my discrete math final is 40% of my grade, is 4 very specific and precise questions over ~300 raw pages of textbook, that's 10% of my total grade for 4 random blips that probably weren't even mentioned in class
i don't even find the concepts that hard it's just there's no way to know what random factoid he's goiing to mark down

>> No.6520240

>tfw my graduate course has 70% of grade final

I wish I had a 40% final.

>> No.6520244
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>70% of grade final
god speed man. i hope your studying!

>> No.6520245

Welcome to graduate school. I'm inhaling integrals at this point.

>> No.6520247


>> No.6520251
File: 34 KB, 326x494, 1347918171161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this is changing my whole world view. im gonna study twice as hard now, at least im not you guys. my chink professor's gonna get rekt by my knowledge.

>> No.6520252

I'd prefer this.
I hate having to go to class just to turn in some simple assignment or take the weekly quiz

>> No.6520253

>last week was "reading" week
>had full battery of classes
>tests in everything, learned up until the last day of class
>maybe two to three days to study for each final
>they're fucking me up the ass

Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.6520256

Integration by parts brochacho.

>> No.6520257

fuck you faggot, i have to pass 2 (plus 2 recovery tests, and dont even talk about courses with assignments (group works), failed assignment = insta retake the course), tests that dont affect my grade and if i fail one i have to re-take the course. And then i have to get a final test for the grade where profesors randomly rekt you because they got rekt in 1960 by some other douchebag.

>> No.6520268 [DELETED] 

>mfw half the homework questions have "refer to [example problem] for the wave equation"
>mfw i didn't buy the book
>mfw i don't even get homework to buffer my grade more than a B

bright side: 74% is a B, so let's all do this shit :^)

>> No.6520274
File: 79 KB, 250x238, 1356571127892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw half the homework questions have "refer to [example problem] for the wave equation"
>mfw i didn't buy the book
>mfw i don't even get homework to buffer my grade more than a B

bright side: 74% is a B, so let's all do this shit :^)

>> No.6520278

You seem to agree with me.
You'd rather take a test than do stupid group assignments

>> No.6520293

My Discrete Math grading system was so broken that I could literally have gotten a 0 on the final and still get an A+.

I'm done but here are how my finals went
Heat Transfer - hated the class but somehow aced the final for an A+
Solids 2 - 80% new material when he told it it would be cumulative, still got a 90 and an A but squandered my 99 test average.
Fluids - waiting to hear back, pretty sure got the 87 for an A.
Thermo 2 - long but systematic. I know I got at least an 80 because I walked out with an A.
Vibrations - Worried. Long and straightforward but I need a 97 for an A.
C - easy, still only got an 83 but that was plenty of clearance for an A.

Vibrations is the only class with the potential to pop my A- cherry.

>> No.6520299
File: 10 KB, 250x217, 1369039509822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just barely torrented microsoft word for my 500 word essay final
>tfw it's due next week

>> No.6520306
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>tfw have attendance grade due for class in 4 months first day of next semester
>tfw will never make it in time

>> No.6520347
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>got university entrance exam in a month or so
>still feel like I've learnt nothing even though I've been reading for a few months now

>> No.6520353

>tfw Calc 7 test tomorrow

Need Viagra to help me study

>> No.6520356

what country ?

>> No.6520372



Going to study Pharmacy.

>> No.6520374

all i can think of is undermining

>> No.6520397

Histology Final Tomorrow

>> No.6520514


>> No.6520515


>> No.6520517


>> No.6520519


> captcha smooth spoke

>> No.6520543

This is exactly how STEP went for me, felt like I learned nothing over the entire time I was revising it. Didn't end up getting the grades I needed, but ended up on a course more suited for me at least.

>> No.6520563

If you're such an eager beaver then look up some beginning calc videos or get a book. I would personally just wait till you're in the class to star learning it since you will have a teacher and some structure. As for things to review, trig identities and algebraic manipulation are important so be comfortable with them.

>> No.6520580

>got bronchitis last wednesday
>spent all last week dying and in agony
>had to miss my chem and calc final on monday (had a doctors note)
>got my chem final rescheduled
>math prof doesn't seem to realize that he has a fucking email
>have to go to his office and talk to him some time today to figure out what the fuck to do

My finals weeks has gone fucking awful.


>tfw 78% in cal 1
>have to get a 42% to keep a C
>have to get a 94% to get a B

Fuck this shit. Just give me a god damn C

>> No.6520627

>have to go to his office and talk to him some time today to figure out what the fuck to do
it's always a thrill for professors to have sick students come to them personally

he probably learnt his lesson and checks his email more often

>> No.6520629

My differential equations final killed me. Teacher told us exactly what to study, said that there would be 12 questions, and they would be in the order we learned them in.

7 questions, most of the questions were not what we were told to study, and they were in a random order. Why the fuck do teachers do this?

>> No.6520633

you gotta cram two days before the test, the day before you need to chill the fuck out so your brain is ready

>> No.6520635
File: 61 KB, 367x284, [breathes heavily].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geochemistry final at 11

3 hours of sleep over three days

Lord just let me die.

>> No.6520651

I had a Real Analysis exam today.

Proved The Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem like a boss.

>> No.6520652

Real Analysis I/II in three weeks, and I don't even remember Bolzano-Weierstrass. How fucked am I? Currently revising Linear Algebra then I'll be moving onto Analysis.

>> No.6520655
File: 68 KB, 403x403, 1389390533103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look for past Exam Papers
>"The University has decided to only release the three most recent past exams papers"
>no solutions

Part of the reason why University is harder than A-levels is just because you have so few damn resources. For A-levels, we had about 12 past exam papers WITH solutions. With, (lets say) 8 questions on each paper, that is almost 100 questions you can get through, tailor-made to your course, during revision period.

For the upcoming Nanophysics exam at university, the total amount of questions (with solutions, fortunately) made available to us is probably less than 30.

>> No.6520656

Too hard to get...

>> No.6520662

Dont make a hoe out of yourself. Especially not a gay one.

>> No.6520666
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Up to five at my university, and I think Analysis has solutions somewhere too. Still failed the first exam though.

>> No.6520667

The Comp Sci department at my Uni does that too. It. Fucking. Sucks. But at the same time I can see why they do it. To sort the men from the boys.

>> No.6520669

Same, the Mathematics department provide a lot more past papers than the Computer Science department at my university.

>> No.6520696

Hello fellow WarwickFag.

>> No.6520699
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>David Wood reply dialog box on desktop
Sorry man I am shit and failed STEP so on DM, didn't take David Wood's module (forgot which one it was).

Glad I did Abstract Algebra though.

>> No.6520710

I could slap my cock against my keyboard and write 500 words.

>> No.6520980


As a ghetto fix it's always worth just integrating the taylor series and see if you get a useful result

>> No.6521105
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whelp, im back

pretty sure i failed my discrete math final. studied for ~12 hours and no luck

top lel, fuck the world. i hope a miracle happens and i get at least a c

>> No.6521139

>Need to get 65% to secure a B
>I got this shit no problem
>Study for 2 days
>Get test
>Forget everything
>Final grade is a C
Why though?

>> No.6521165

Series are the easiest part of calc 2

>> No.6521171

>tfw my teacher wanted us to prove the ABC conjecture in 1 hour.
>tfw probably failed my class

>> No.6521172

u are gonna get raped so hard

>> No.6521176

I disagree

>> No.6521188

Polar coordinates is the easiest part.

>> No.6521201

All you gotta do it limits and shit and your friend hospitality guy's there to help along the way.

>> No.6521205

>tfw having a breakthrough on the last problem you need to do
Feels good mang

>> No.6521208

Since we have a quarter system mine aren't for another 5 weeks. Will have 4 finals: Intro to environmental eng (they make civil take it), fluids, statics, and accounting (taking as an elective).

>> No.6521324

Anyone have any good review material for the ACS general chemistry exam? Have it next week.

>> No.6521326

>Fucking easy ass calc 2

Suck my dick OP


>> No.6521332

My DE class only went over 1, 2, 6, and 10 (mainly just 2x2 though). Maybe 11, no idea what it means. A bit of 8 too.

Feels good to be quarter system.

>> No.6521336

>Also, anyone could go into the bathroom even on my fucking finals
What kind of pay4degree ``university'' did you go to?

>> No.6521343

Feel when my combinatorics class is 20% HW, 20% midterm, and 60% final.

He needs us to fucking calculate everything out without a calculator too, like big factorials and shit.

>> No.6521347

First semester, second semester, or cumulative? I've seen last year's and the year before's versions of the semester 1 and cumulative tests, so I've got a decent general idea of what to study.

>> No.6521353

Second semester

I'm doing the practice questions from an ACS guide I found online but they seem way too easy and it's not really much of a "guide" just a bunch of questions with answers but no solution

>> No.6521359

Not everyone wants to go into gay porn.

If you can't breeze through past exams when you have as much time and all the textbooks you want, you should just give up on studying for the final.

Shit, my university doesn't provide anything. If you're lucky, the professor will prepare something or you'll be able to find a past exam on google.

>> No.6521365


Never taken the second semester one, my gen chem 2 class just took the cumulative version (which I actually hear is easier). You shouldn't be too alarmed by easy questions, personally the ACS finals were the easiest tests I had in both semesters. I'm in Orgo II now, taking the ACS cumulative Orgo final tomorrow, and that trend has held up. They're mostly very vanilla questions, very textbook. If you have any questions, throw them up, maybe I can answer a few.

>> No.6521415

Thanks for the offer. I'm really just looking for something that's more a guide/review of the material on the exam that I can go over first before doing the rest of the questions.

The ACS questions are particularly hard, just very different than the ones I got on my regular class tests and it's kind of throwing me off.

>> No.6521417

meant to say aren't particularly hard*

>> No.6521471

Had Advanced Biochemistry (Cancer Neurosystems etc.)
Three 5 page essays in two hours...It was rather intense

Have Biochemical pathology soon,I'm scared as fuck

>> No.6521595
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yeah, you're fucked. it was hard as shit. Go ahead and just get some lube ready

>> No.6521617
File: 39 KB, 550x368, 6a00d83451b84f69e20168e99205bf970c-550wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying you could rek a chink in math.....
they will drop your ass with some analysis and probably fuck you over....dont trust them man....

>> No.6521647

This is my first semester. You don't actually need to attend classes the first semester, just some lab shit. I never attended lectures because I don't have a car and the zone is really dangerous, but I did study a lot. Passed all first exams, but that shit was way tougher than I expected. We have free education in my country but everyone says the level is just ridiculously high, 43 out of the 88 guys doing biochemistry can't have enough score to even reach finals after that test (You need an average of 80% between both exams to have that right). Scared shitless and I think I will have to disguise myself as a bum and start attending classes.

>> No.6521717
File: 1.07 MB, 213x210, 1393003173277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just took a Calculus I final that was 70% of our grade.
>tfw im only in high school
>tfw it took 4 hours

>> No.6521755

Nah, chinks go for the engineering/bio/etc majors they can cheat on. There are significant less of them in theoretical math courses.

>> No.6521772

Today was ochem and separation processes. Tomorrow is differential equations, the day after is reactor design.

Kill me.

>> No.6521785


I find it hilarious when people think they can ace exams with minimal revision like they did in high school.

I don't care how smart you are, you can even skip lectures, but there's no way you pass hard exams (non freshman college courses) without a little bit of hard graft.

>> No.6521786

Man, Calc 2 was really quite interesting, but fuck my teacher was so fickle with grading. I aced Calc 1, but Calc 2 I will be lucky if I end with a C.

I assumed the final was going to be mostly intergration, but my professor had a ton of polar coordinate nonsense and finding volumes revolved around lines. I hate this shit so much, but integration was fun.

>> No.6521796


Physics major? Are there any classes you had trouble with? Any tips?

>> No.6521798

Not him, but I'm pretty sure that's an engineering major. I think mechanical.
Those classes look very similar to mine.

Physics majors don't seem to get to see that much classical mechanics.

>> No.6521803
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As a physics major I was very sad when I learned there was no fluid dynamics in our degree. Instead all I got were 4 semesters of tensors for quantum mechanics.

>> No.6521824

Chem - Probably pretty tough. We covered a lot of material and for someone with no background it's been tough. Struggling with stuff like quantum mechanics and molecular bonding orbitals alot.

Linear Algebra - easy as fuck, requires no studying. Got 99% on the midterm without studying too

Functional Programming - no idea, might be pretty hard. Tough to study for though because they'll explain some bizarre data structure that no one really uses on the test and make you write code for it

Liberal studies bullshit should be easy too, of course.

>> No.6521845
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>not raping your finals from mouth to ass
what are you? some kind of faggit?

>> No.6521886

>electromagnetism exam on Friday
>professor never taught us to deduce formulas

I'm utterly fucked

>thermodynamics exam on Monday next week
>Differential vector calculus Friday that week, then integration the week after
>Molecular Structure next Wednesday

And I've yet to start finals. Jesus christ

I'm actually only worried about Physics II. Fuck electromasochism, seriously fuck it

>> No.6521890

Do intergration by parts.
You will get (1/x^2+1)xdx for your second integral. You just do a U-substitution from there.

>> No.6521897

>calc 2

>> No.6521899


>> No.6521900
File: 37 KB, 600x600, glory of glories praise be unto the Staedtler Mars Micro mechanical pencil (peace be upon it).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never taught us how to deduce formulas
Logical leaps, a bit of experimentation, and knowing when to integrate, what to integrate, and the range of integrations.

Seriously, I learned more about integral, multivariable, and differential calculus in my first-year EM physics class than I did in three semesters of calculus. That was fun.

>> No.6521908

>Differential Equations/Linear Algebra
>Spend two weeks preparing for exam
>Blank and forget how to solve VDEs. And how to handle defective matrices. And how to solve Cauchy-Euler DEs. And how to reduce systems to single equations.

Yeah, I might not pass this class..

>> No.6521909


Nah that's easy. I expect to ace it along with Gen Chem II

>> No.6521910

Hahaha collegefags, enjoy your stress and 30k debt!

>> No.6521915


I figured as much, but I have to cover all of static electromagnetism in like a day

Come to think about it, I can just memorize a good chunk of the formulas and deduce some of the easier ones like Gauss law. The only part that will really fuck me over is circuits

>> No.6521940

I'm that guy and >>6521798 is right with mechanical. It seems loads more in line with whatever physics kids learn than most other engineering majors.

>> No.6521973

just destroyed a three hour Fourier analysis final

DOne for the semester.

Drinks must be consumed!

>> No.6521986

um have fun in the ever expanding field of waiting tables. Us collegefags need to eat somewhere

>> No.6521988


>> No.6522314
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>> tfw having oralexamination
>> tfw teacher doesn't give me full time
>> mfw the bitch assumes I can't answer the questions that she didn't ask.
>> mfw I only got E

>> No.6522321

Gotta love that feeling when so many people fail a first year epidemiology subject because they made it that stupidly hard; they announced it had become a third year subject.

>> No.6522328

Mine was worth 28% of my grade. The final was surprisingly easy, at least I think it was I may have just failed it and I'm unaware.

>> No.6522353

My Theology exam was like 1000 times harder than what I was expecting. totally wasnt prepared for the question they gave. Think I might've failed.

>> No.6522369

In our university you may also go to the bathroom. But only one person is allowed to go at once, they thourougly check you for electronic devices and one dude follows you to the bathroom door.

>> No.6522378
File: 33 KB, 338x429, 1312446154599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i graduated 2.5 years ago and i still enjoy reading textbooks and pretending to study for exams

>> No.6522390

I always try to double check my work, but when I start looking over it I think "i know what it says, I wrote this" and just kinda zone out. Then I think fuck it, and hand it in.

I often leave silly mistakes that shouldn't have happened.

>> No.6522395

Are you actually getting a bullshit degree or is this the thing in USA where they force you to do pointless classes even if they have nothing to do with your education?

>> No.6522396

>tfw finals are two Wednesdays from now
>tfw ODE and Prob/Stats
>tfw probably going to ace ODE
>tfw probably going to pass Prob after scaling

>> No.6522397

Theology is my major. And it's not a bullshit degree, it's literally the only God tier degree in existence.

>> No.6522399

>literally the only God tier degree in existence.

I chortled.

What're your plans for post-grad?

>> No.6522400
File: 87 KB, 240x251, 1302984326492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably going to pass Prob

>> No.6522402

should have practiced more you fucking dork.

>> No.6522405

I dont know what to do post grad. PHD maybe. I already have an idea for my Thesis.

>> No.6522410

Where and what Theology did you study?

>> No.6522471

Actually the taylor series doesn't converge towards the answer very well

>> No.6522549

OP here

I passed Calculus 2 with an A. Fuck yeah. Now on to Calc 3. What should I expect? I've heard it's more interesting and easier than Calc 2.

>> No.6522552

>Implying most of /sci/ aren't on full academic scholarships

>> No.6522582

You should expect to read your fucking course descriptions instead of treating /sci/ like your personal faggot blog.

>> No.6523121

I was worried about Diff Eq for the longest time. I failed the first two tests spectacularly, and got a mediocre grade on the third one. The final grade is weighted like two test grades, and also replaces the lowest test grade. I think I got about an 80 with partial credit, which is around what I needed to not have to retake the class.
All my other finals were really easy though.

>> No.6523131

I never did 5 - 9 or those bonuses, the rest of those were on my final two days ago.

>> No.6523141

If you had that much difficulty in precal, you will probably not be able to pick up calc 1 in 5 weeks. You should practically live in the tutoring department this summer.

>> No.6523158
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God tier........theology.....is that a pun? You dumbfuck, getting a degree in theology....people don't get degrees in atheism do they? Why should there be degrees studying various religions? It seems really pointless to me. You can argue with another person till you are blue in the face, but in the end, every conversation will end as: "that is just what I believe." You should switch majors to something you can use while you are still in college

>> No.6523162

>God tier
do you not get the joke?

>> No.6523214

yes, the joke is someone spending thousands of dollars to read the Bible and say, "welp, God did it."

>> No.6523220


>> No.6523304


>tfw taking communications final
>tfw don't know anything on it

At least in Calculus 2 shit looks familiar. You might as well have given me a book in Japanese and said translate it.

>> No.6523341
File: 56 KB, 231x208, laughing meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know Japanese

>> No.6523346

2 is probably the hardest conceptually, 3 is actually fun if you enjoy integrals. It's been forever since 1 and 2, but from what I remember, 3 is much closer to 1.

>> No.6523347

>wasting your time learning a language you will only use to watch animu and "read" mango

>> No.6523372

In fairness that's a good use

>> No.6523379

I have to code two different projects for next week, not even began one, and have barely done something in the other and I also have a programming final that week. Cool

>> No.6523447

Beginner Algebra - A
Intro to Religion - A
Intro to Anthropology - A
Eng. Comp 1 - A

Stay pleb faggots

>> No.6523462

Nope, because the test doesnt count to your final note you can have a 10/10 test or a barely passable test and its the same at the end of the day, and most of the topics in the tests dont enter in the final.

>> No.6523492
File: 492 KB, 360x288, Bear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calc I Final: 100%
>Gen Bio II Final: 97%
>Gen Chem II Final: 100%
>tfw you keep your perfect GPA

>> No.6523495

I'm at an American university that's top 5 for public schools.

I've NEVER in my classes had any kind of resources like that provided to me. What the fuck. I have NEVERRR had a professor provide old exams for us to use. What the hell. This actually pisses me off. I probably could have made higher grades in multiple classes if I had access to that kind of stuff. Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.6523516
File: 12 KB, 175x178, 1393103279620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you wake up thinking you have a test that day for some class in highschool and you didnt study for it

>> No.6523518

Not learning german/french/russian and fapping to the papers from the good ol' days

>> No.6523521
File: 13 KB, 429x410, 1382125111693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6523524

>tfw u still a plep freshman
>tfw everyone gets A's in those pleb clasess
>tfw i dont have a face

>> No.6523531
File: 38 KB, 320x320, 1382145379001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got this class and the way the teacher does things is that every test has more than 100% worth of points and asks questions over all the material we've covered. Like instead of only testing you over things he thinks are important, he tries to ask so many questions that you literally don't have time to finish the test. That way you can at least answer the questions to the material that you remember. So it's really great because if you can score 90 points out of 160 you make an A, and then he curves the grade, so to make and A you actually only need to score 85 points, a C is 60 points. So the entire grading scale should, in theory, be in your favor, but For some reason everyone struggles in the class. Like more than half the people dropped before the refund deadline, and the remaining people struggle to make a C.

I don't get it, I had a really relaxed pace in that class. Easiest A in my life.

>> No.6523532

you should seirously consider a career in something other than sciences

>> No.6523535

What class?

>> No.6523545

It's called Chemistry for Engineers. For some reason they decided to shove 3 semesters worth of general chemistry into one class, instead of allowing you to simply take 3 chemistry classes.

>> No.6523555
File: 704 KB, 320x240, 1360361236035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have dream where I'm taking the final for EM Theory II
>before the test starts prof tells us that now is the time to go to the washroom
>go out of the exam room and do so
>come back
>door closed and locked
>freak out and bang on the door
>TA lets me in
>test on the verge of starting
>freaking out
>none of the math is working out because this is a dream and math doesn't ever work in dreams
>do my best anyways
>dream me thinks it's easy
>prof tells us to stick around for 3 hours if we want so we can learn the results of the final immediately
>wait around, talk to friends about the exam, they all thought it was ball-busting
>3 hours quickly pass in dream, prof starts handing out the exam results
>I haven't got mine yet, but the friend next to me does
>his grade is an H, 4/30 correct
>"Wait, an H? Does that grade even exist?"
>start freaking out some more
>prof about to give me the exam results but dream ends
>I wake up in a cold sweat and have to tell myself that the real exam was 3 weeks ago and I probably did well
>final grades for the class still not up

>> No.6523557
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>liberal arts subjects
>middle school maths

>> No.6523558

tfw hardwork pays off
tfw when finals was over a week ago
tfw pre-reading diff geom textbook in the afternoon while drinking coffee and smoking weed, boy i sure love summer

>> No.6523562
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>> No.6523564

Well shit. I gotta start somewhere and want all this gen ed and pre req stuff out of the way

Summer(6 weeks)
Public Speaking
Intermediate Algebra
Understanding Visual Arts
General Psychology

>> No.6523580
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I had a great astrophysics class with a professor that later gave me a summer research opportunity about two years ago. It was in a comfy dark classroom and he enjoyed the subject material, so it was exceedingly relaxing to listen to his lectures, and easy to absorb information. He posted all his lecture notes online later on, and gave us assignments and labs that were representative of the exam questions. He often made you do outside research (read: check a textbook) in those assignments, required intuitive leaps of logic (that he hinted at strongly), and always made you think about the results. If you were calculating the light curves, velocity curves, and orbital mechanics of a given star system, he'd ask you to come to conclusions based on your calculations, such as your preliminary opinion on the habitability of the planet, or possible explanations of the system's quirks.

Great class, great material, great professor, easy to learn, fun to learn, and required mathematical, logical, and imaginative skills. I had a fantastic time and for me it was an easy A.

Of course, the class average was a C-, half of the class dropped out by final exam time, and a few people found it so difficult that they changed majors entirely. I never quite understood that.

>> No.6523606

So how the fuck are you failing prob but ODE is a breeze?

>> No.6523610

Cool, but don't let your professor rape you with trip ints and muh theorems

>> No.6523612

Half the class dropped my anthropology class. Crazy amount of work for an intro gen ed class. Ended with an A. Success. First year professors are always a gamble

>> No.6523624

Finals are next week.. essays due at the end of the week and I have a technical report due tomorrow.

PDEs test is gonna blow. It's open to computational software (i.e. mathematica) so I bet it's going to be pretty hard.

Then there will be the quantum test which will suck massive dick.

There's also an intermediate probability one which will be ok I hope.

Good luck anons.

>> No.6523627

im mirin. which book? I just ordered Kreyszig's diffgeo (a dover book) on a whim and have it at home.

>> No.6523633

reapply next semester, it is summer after all. Alternate route to consider: go to a community college for 2 years (it's cheap and highly unlikely you wont get in) and then transfer to a state school. You're still young I presume. You should have the energy.

>> No.6523635


what school do you go to? it must be piss easy.

>> No.6523639

i hate this feel

>> No.6523641

i have one of those next week. halp

>> No.6523657

Prob professor is from Serbia, and her accent / mannerisms are hard to follow, and the text is nowhere near the best. I've had to supplement with two different textbooks and it still has barely been enough, I've only gotten B's on the past two exams because of massive scaling.

>> No.6523684

Isn't number 11 the Laplace transform of a derac delta function?

>> No.6523700

My diff EQ class was a lot easier than that. We only covered


We only had 3 tests and our final

first test was first order equations

Second test was second order, we did homogeneous and nonhomogeneous with undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, and annihilators

Third test was about laplace transforms, unit step functions, and heaviside

We just took the third test this morning. My final is tuesday. So if that is at the same level class as me then i am fucked later on. A lot of feel like he doesn't even grade our exams. He teaches a linear algebra class as well and he hasn't graded or returned a single exam he has given.

This is my lest semester at a community college. Next semester im headed off to Missouri S&T. It has a reputation of being difficult. So more than likely i will be behind when i show up.

>> No.6523909

>I have NEVERRR had a professor provide old exams for us to use.
Now that's lame, probably like half my professors give either old or practice exams.

>> No.6523918
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I got an 87 in orbital mechanics, class average was 57. This was just for the midterm we took last week.

That was the only class I was scared for, I guess I'm fine for now, well, until the final on Tuesday. I need at least an 80 on the final to get a B, or just straight out fail to pass with a C.

>> No.6523923

Being anything less than trilingual

haha what do you like synthesize semen or something

>go to a community college for 2 years (it's cheap and highly unlikely you wont get in)
Wait, there are community colleges that reject people?

>> No.6524779

Calc 2, I felt, was the easiest calc. But that's probably only because I had a great professor for it.
Anyway, my finals week consisted of destroying a gen-ed test (placed on Monday, I assume, just so that I could have a nice start); freaking out for 30 minutes on my quantum test, but eventually answering the questions; taking a complex analysis test that was really just the right amount of difficult; then finally freaking out about my thermo and stat mechanics test and honestly having no idea how I did on it afterwards. Then I finished with a night of heavy drinking and woke up to A's for days.

>> No.6524845

Yes indeed. I also make sure to compliment something about his looks everyday, and sometimes I bring him coffee.

>> No.6524947

Welp I'm pretty sure I just bombed my electromagnetism test. Fuck everything, they can't expect me to memorize every single formula or even have enough time to deduce all formulas for each problem and then apply them

>> No.6524952

Do you cradle the balls?

You might be thinking that the fact of doing it is what matters, after all, it's what bothers you about it, but what matters to him is going to be how well you do it. If you don't do a good job, you're going to feel bad about yourself, he's going to be more annoyed with you than anything, and you're not going to get anything like you wanted.

For god's sake, keep your teeth off it.

>> No.6525081
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i got a c+

my chink professor got BTFO

gpa is still 3.5 and my scholarship is secure

>> No.6525097

You'll beg for this assfuxking again if you ever take Calc III, they never use lube

>> No.6525128

Mind asking where you go to school anon?

Sounds like my engineering chem course this semester.

>> No.6525153


this happens at my school, we have to combine 2 classes in 1 for a lot of general science classes to speed up the curriculum.

It also makes it a bitch to transfer into engineering because people from outside would need to take chem 1 and chem 2 to be used as credit to out chem 1.5

>> No.6525186

A in lasers A+ is a some math class that I never showed up to.

C+ in python. fml. 80% avg on assignments, free 10% for showing up to every class and lab. 75% on midterm. Pretty confident on Final, but I got a mother fucking C+

>> No.6525192

5 6 and 9. Not sure what those are

Rest isn't that bad

>> No.6525206

Definitely ain't physics
thermo>stat mech>Solid state
computational physics
astro classes
theo phys1>2
general relativity
mech1>2 (1st year class)
then a bunch of math

>> No.6525208

look at this stupidfag thinking that school is all expensive and shit.
6 years of school still no debt 3 years to go, already have the money for it. 4 years paid for by a sponser cause I da smartest

>> No.6525215

Kind of unrelated, but I've been doing horribly on uni lately. Started out great, but I am completely demotivated. I stopped attending classes, can't even study for more than 10 minutes. Tried to get my shit together only to succumb to crippling test-fear. What's happening to me? Have any of you dealt with this kind of shit?

>> No.6525222

To be fair, those are difficult very in-depth situations...

Except Cauchy-euler. That shits ez pz

>> No.6525225

Holy shit, this. I can't into proofs and strong induction. I mean, fuck, this shit can be so vague, yet so specific at random times.

>> No.6525228

Plebs. REAL engineers have to take English and Human Relations.

It sucks. I hate the real world.

>> No.6525229

World civ > A
Geography > A
Astronomy > A
Trigonometery > C

Really kind of concerned for calculus next semester. For those who have taken it, is it as bad as everyone makes it out to be? Is it possible to get a B? I had a horrible college trig professor, but I believe I can do it.

>> No.6525230

What causes confusion for you?

>> No.6525232

the difficulty of taking calculus for the first time is based holistically on what kind of teacher you get

have you signed up for classes yet? http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/

use this too look up the teachers. find the calc teacher which seems the most reasonable.

>> No.6525233

>Really kind of concerned for calculus next semester. For those who have taken it, is it as bad as everyone makes it out to be? Is it possible to get a B? I had a horrible college trig professor, but I believe I can do it.

Calculus 1 isn't too hard as long as you use all of your resources. Always do the assigned homework and look up YouTube videos whenever you need clarification. Even if you understand something but are unsure, getting a different perspective can be really helpful.

Make sure your algebra skills are top notch. You'll need them in order to not make careless mistakes. You don't have to worry about using too much trig, however make sure you know the identities and how to manipulate them; you'll be doing a lot of this in Calculus 2.

Try to understand what the proofs are saying if you can. Being able to manipulate the symbols comes second to comprehension.

>> No.6525241

>the difficulty of taking calculus for the first time is based holistically on what kind of teacher you get

What he said. I took it for the first time in university about 2 years after taking Pre-Calc/Trig.

Thankfully I had a grad student that wasn't too far removed from this side of teaching.

Make sure to go to office hours often, also. If you don't understand something ask if you can work it out on the board while the professor watches you. If you have any fundamental misconceptions they'll easily correct them.

>> No.6525242

High schoolers aren't allowed on 4chan.


>> No.6525246

Piss off. Anyone who wants to learn is welcome here.

>> No.6525248

I'd advise that you don't admit your age here.

>> No.6525252

The reason discrete math is hard is because the ``proofs'' really handwave everything important.

>I can't into proofs

>and strong induction
Mega retard.

>> No.6525254
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I'm an Army veteran and this was my first semester of college and I did pretty mediocre.

I really need to learn how to properly study.

>> No.6525257

I keep hearing that people don't know how to study, but what the fuck?

Just do the homework early, go to office hours, and spend the weekend before tests cramming.

>> No.6525258


I'm 19 and studying at the local UNI, I just had to complete a trig credit before I begin my biology program and calculus. Quit being a presumptuous cunt.

>> No.6525259

I coasted through high school and never really mastered studying.

Maybe there's tutors next semester who can give me tips.

>> No.6525267

Mathematical methods - A
Differential equations 2 - A
Chemical Engineering kinetics/reaction engineering - B+
Process dynamics and control - B+
Chemical engineering project development - A-
Separation Processes - C-

>> No.6525270


where are there trig professors?
America please your killing me

>> No.6525273

Since when do university have courses on "Geography"?

>> No.6525274

You don't need to master studying, you just need to do the homework and not be a stupid.

What's there to master? You're right, they should offer courses on this: "Reading books 101", "Office hours: how to find the right room number", "How to not forget to refill your mechanical pencil", "Honors notetaking",

>> No.6525275
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>> No.6525276
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Pro tip. If you're not active when you're studying, you're not studying correctly. Meaning:
If you're not doing a practice test
Not doing Practice problems
Not working on a project that's related
Not doing flash cards
You're probably not studying correctly. I find the single best method is to pretend like you have to teach the shit you're learning. It's carried me to a 4.0 for the past four or so semesters.

>> No.6525278

Is everyone here as big a faggot as you?

>> No.6525279

Thanks, I appreciate the advice.

>> No.6525281
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No problem. If you want some more solid tips on learning look up stuff written by Cal Newport and Scott Young. While they both tend to be a bit over zealous in their methods (Cal Newport is borderline religious when it comes to deep thought, and Scott Young assumes you can pick things up at first glance) the underlying methods they use are solid. As someone who also used to a shit at studying, you'll get there.

>> No.6525282

number 10 is 9 lol this class isn't that hard.

>> No.6525302


>> No.6526276
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I won't let this thread die until I'm done with finals