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6515748 No.6515748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any sure fire way to counteract the effects of amphetamine other than taking benzos?
I'm studying for final exams, and I plan on doubling up on my medication due to the stress.
OTC sleeping pills containing Dph tend to give me restless leg symptoms which is made worse while on or coming off of my ADD medication. I have run out of my klonopin prescription early and I'm freaking out. The last time I took a test with no sleep I had to take more amphetamine and chug coffee just so I wouldn't pass out and I felt miserable for 3 days afterwards.

I can try Lunesta; I also have melatonin. I don't have access to any other prescription sleep medicine. Are there any OTC sleep formulas that contain something besides Dph that wont exacerbate RLS?

>> No.6515783


>> No.6515792


There's a reason why amphetamines and benzos are scheduled substances. There not magical pills, you just have choke it up and deal with consequences of altering the CNS system.

>> No.6515843


I was looking for a yes or no or a maybe so. I'm not asking how to go back in time.

Is taking no sleeping medicine better in this case? If it is, I can accept that. Seeing as how I WAS prescribed medicine to counteract the stimulant effects, you can understand why I thought this was an okay question to ask. I even have time to call my doctor and explain the situation. I'll make this call and will probably get a 10 day supply of some other benzo. Is all this extra information going to allow you to answer my question more easily? No, that's why I left it out.

>> No.6515942

Alcohol is marginally similar to benzos..

>> No.6515959


You can always try good old fashioned GABA.


>> No.6515967

I usually try melatonin a beer and a wank in that order

>> No.6516023


Do you think a ketamine and gaba mixture would work? For some reason I have this.

>> No.6516076

Typically taking more drugs won't help you not be on drugs anymore. There's no way to completely nullify it you can only work to deal with it. Most important things are some healthy food and a lot of water and sleep. I'd recommend some melatonin and some magnesium to relieve all that tension from the speed.

>> No.6516450

Your doctor sounds like a pill-pushing hack. I am not personally familiar with, nor can I find any documentation of, benzos being diagnosed to deal with the "come down" of amphetamines.

>> No.6516472

Take strong doses of vitamin C or anything that increases urinary acidity. Coffee does that too, in fact a lot of coffee within the first 1-2 hours of dosage probably will lower the effect.


Other than that get your drugs right you amateur. Amphetamines are pretty good at moderate doses, but the times I doubled up always lead to stress counteracting whatever effects it gave.

I'd probably back off that there klonopin first of all, sounds exactly like what I did in first year of cycling klonopins and amphetamines and it was not pretty. Anyways melatonin, minimalizing white/blue light at nite, and maximizing your sleep gains ought to fix some hormones. We had a sleep researcher on /fit/ a while back, and he gave some good advice on sleeping health.


>> No.6516488

Are you familiar with periodic limb movement disorder, and are you aware of the medications that can exacerbate the disorder?
Are you aware that klonopin is prescribed to improve this disorder? Are you aware that either temazepam or klonopin are often prescribed as a sleep aid alongside daytime treatment with Adderall? Do I need to give you my full medical background while also highlighting and punctuating every single item in my medical history to a supposed "medical physicist" who should be able to deduce the very obvious and common reasons why someone would be taking a benzo in conjunction with amphetamine?
As a layman did I really need to explain this to you; could you not have recognized what I probably meant and been able to answer my question to the same degree without me having to type all this out?

>> No.6518330

Studying earlier and sleeping earlier so you can study earlier is much more efficient than studying late and sleeping late. I've found.
Once you sleep you will forget some shit, it will be fresh in your mind and you will have control over the amount you've slept if you cram.

Always better to study earlier

>> No.6518334

Benadryl has some weird synergy as long as you don't drive btw...knowing from experience.

Also, NEVER fucking double.
You will just spaz out and sure, you might understand it for it to only be thrown out in 2 mins as your attention refocuses on some stupid shit i.e. the air when you space out.
Also headaches.

>> No.6518659
File: 25 KB, 610x396, Tetnus patient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've listened for far to long to others.
You're stressing over sleep.
Stressing over being awake with energy.
Stressing over having to manage your bodies basic animal functions and don't do it well.

I'll solve all your issues. You got ADD? That's a fucking gift you've decided to smother. Firstly recognize that. Then get angry at yourself for listening to those that taught you to sit and be quiet, focus where they tell you to, and admonish you when you naturally get bored as fuck. Then take some god damn control of your body. That teaching taught you to believe you had a basic flaw in yourself. ADD/ADHD is pure fucking quackery to explain away shit teaching methods by saying you are a shit human that can't focus. Stop taking those mind altering meds.

Get rid of your amphetamines.
Exercise to a heart racing, blood pumping, sweated through shirt climax once per day. If you still have restless leg then you need to change up your routine to add long paced cardio sessions. Drastically cut out as much sugar from your diet as you can. Do you take a multivitamin? Tell me you eat so healthy that you don't need to.. I dare you. Don't you think anyone with sleep or concentration issues would get a multivitamin prescribed before anything else? Stop listening to them.

Get rid of your sleep meds.
Your brain developed over millions of years to use the sun to determine it's sleep cycle. Fucking plants and fish even have this. It knows this by seeing the slow shift from bright as fuck to dimmer and dimmer till dark. You live in a box and don't experience this so it has no idea when to release it's serotonin. Add to that the bright screen you stare at now. The bright light you flip on to piss. The light you flip on to maneuver through your dark house. Artificially create a dawning and dusk environment if you have no windows. And use the dimmest amount of light possible for the hour before you want to sleep.

>> No.6518665

You have some rage in you son. Yeah, I'm sure all those are disorders that need pills and not just affects of your environment, cloistered and controlled.

What are you going to school for?

>> No.6518667

> You got ADD? That's a fucking gift you've decided to smother.
Not OP but fuck you too.