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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6515356 No.6515356[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there some pop science book about the currently most important problems in science?

I want to know what the big mysteries of contemporary science are, but I'm only a layman.

Pic is by Kitaj.

>> No.6516359

I can't refer you to any specific books but most of the "big name" research topics are listed on this Wikipedia page. Layman's explanations of all of it are more than available.


>> No.6516377

Some of the biggest unsolved problems (2 per field):
P versus NP
Riemann Hypothesis

Mass Gap (this is kind of math though so I'll put in a third one for physics)
Entropy and the arrow of time (this has numerous questions associated)
Does a GUT exist?

Origin of life
Biological ageing

Room temperature superconductors? (Kind of physics so I'll add another for chemistry)
Protein folding problem
Mpemba effect explanation

>> No.6516433

>Mpemba effect explanation

Important how?
Plus, many possible causes have been identified, I think it's mainly a matter of how much each contributes to the total effect.

>> No.6516437

Yeah, ok, probably not one of the most important chem problems. Any suggestions for a replacement?

>> No.6516458

idk, not a chemist
Maybe abiogenesis? Sort of biochem/geology though.
Quantum chem is an active field, and I know some chemists who work on photovoltaics