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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6502541 No.6502541 [Reply] [Original]

>watching moon/nasa related youtube videos
>hundreds upon hundreds of comments spouting "FAKE"
>ask for why they believe such things
>"oh watch this X documentary, it proves it all!"
>mon visage when all it takes is a mild amount of research to debunk the claims made in these "documentaries"
>mon visage when they will never be interested in the truth

This genuinely saddens me. Do you know of any hoax believers, /sci/? How do you respond to them? They're even worse than those Spirit Science folks.

>> No.6502546

/x/ lol

>> No.6502556


All these fucking anti gmo nuts. Some guy pointed me to a documentary that explained allergic reactions to GMOs beleiving that it explained to me that "the body can't recognize GMOs because they're not in nature" and that causes disease

>> No.6502563

be careful there, there's anti GMO and then there's anti monsanto
GMOs are fine
monsanto is basically a group of people thinking up ways to pull of unethical buisness schemes involving genetically modified crops;.

>monsanto pretty much lets their modified crops spread over nearby fields owned by farmer families in some poor country
>waits a few years
>does a "random inspection" on some crops in said fields, lo and behold some of them are monsanto copyrighted breeds
>accuse the farmers of stealing monstanto crops and demand compensation

fuck monsantox1000

>> No.6502575


Yeah i'm talking about anti-gmo. I fucking hate monsanto as much as the next guy

>> No.6502577

>monsanto pretty much lets their modified crops spread over nearby fields owned by farmer families in some poor country
>waits a few years
>does a "random inspection" on some crops in said fields, lo and behold some of them are monsanto copyrighted breeds
>accuse the farmers of stealing monstanto crops and demand compensation

Th-this can't be real, can it? Links please.

>> No.6502586


Whelp, I really hope that isn't real.

>> No.6502620


There were only a few (less than 10 for sure) documented court cases where Monsanto actually went to court over that stuff and won. They usually never go to trial with the rest. But the reaction from anti-corporatist nuts was proportional as a if Monsanto hydrates their fields with the blood of the babies of the farmers they sue. And in the cases where they win it's because it was found that the farmers were actually stealing the shit or an ignorant farm employee took a seed from a field they weren't supposed to and planted it.

>> No.6502688

>taking youtube trolls/idiots seriously

sorry, you failed 4chan. back to /b/ for another year.

>> No.6502690


What was the purpose of posting this?

All I was saying in the OP is that it's disheartening and sad to see how many people reject overwhelming evidence that man has infact landed on the Moon.

>> No.6502693

Monsanto is getting fucked in Scandinavia right now because two universities in two independent studies in Denmark and Norway have shown that glyphosphate residues are significant in their GMO round-up-ready soy feed, and that these residues cause severe gastro-intestinal problems in animals as well as deformed fetuses. The famous rat study is getting pushed back into the limelight, as well.

Monsanto aside, there are serious reasons to be very cautious with GMOs in general as well. Putting foreign proteins from a seperate kingdom into the food supply, manipulating directly with either reproductive or immune systems, and unknown epigenetic factors are all significant causes for more research and a limit on global application, especially in crops key to human consumption, like rice or corn.

>> No.6502695

Seriously? Because 90% of those people don't honestly believe that, they are just successfully trolling the shit out of you. The other 10% are so fucking self-marginal they shouldn't affect you either.

Like I said, back to /b/ until you learn.

>> No.6502696

And how many cases were settled under threat of bankruptcy through legal costs? I've heard that kind of thing is common in the US.

>> No.6502697


Well then I hope they're as few as you claim, because frankly the number of videos and commentators on Youtube who SEEM to believe and perpetuate this shit is vast.

>> No.6502701

>something said something I don't like
>they.. they're trolling! Everyone is trolling!

Unfortunately, you have a lot to learn.

>> No.6502702


>everyone is a le epic troll just like on my slash bee slash

pls leave

>> No.6502713

>honestly thinks youtube commenters are any different from /b/-fags

look, yet another /sci/ thread full of idiots

>> No.6502726

>Do you know of any hoax believers, /sci/? How do you respond to them?
My ex-girlfriend. She believes the moon landing was fake, chem trails are real, illuminati is everywhere and alien skulls have been found on Earth but hidden by the government. Also ghosts, demonic possession and witches.
She was the kindest and most honest person I knew so I did my best to ignore it but god was it difficult.

>> No.6502748

>NBC news Chemtrails over California

>> No.6503074

Have you been on youtube?
Most of them are trolls. If not all of them.

>> No.6503086

at tire kingdom

getting tired repairs due to fbi operation to flatten my tire and interview me indides TIRE KONGDOMES waiting room

fbi agent #2 brings up moon landing hoax to try to entice me to to agree with him

I tell him to his face i know he and #1 fbi agent sitting at the table encouraging him are fbi agents ad that the moon was real and fake is a trap by the federal bueru to identify conspiracy theoriests

the look scared and both leave waiting room

>> No.6503524

My gf's dad. He heard I was majoring in Photonic Engineering and got excited and tried to recruit me to help him re-discover Tesla's "free energy from air". He tried to convince me with a bunch of youtube videos about MUH ENERGY COMPANIES silencing Tesla because they wanted money and it was really fucking uncomfortable.

>> No.6503533

heh, thats a special kind of funny, anon. like, that guy from A Scanner Darkly funny, the one who purifies cocaine from an aerosol can.

>> No.6503836

Those Electric Universe tools. They a surprisingly large following around the internet, it's weird. Watching them circlejerk over how they're taking down evil mainstream science is amusing.

>> No.6503854

How convenient of you not to post those studies so we can tell you why they're probably bullshit.
Go post your anti-scientific propaganda some where else, nybosse.

>> No.6503866


>reading youtube comments

I think you're pretty dumb for doing that.

>> No.6503867



>> No.6503883

>published scientific work by universities
>opinions from random anonymous dipshits with a self-admitted bias

yeah, its really amazing nobody agrees to your terms, faggot.

>> No.6503891


Not the published source, but at least its the translated pleb article. Took me all of five seconds to find it too.

>> No.6503897


And their whole premise seems to be based on thinking that lightning is the cause of impact craters and long valleys on Mars, rather than meteor bombardments for some strange reason.

>> No.6503912


>published scientific work by universities
>doesn't post them

Nice going dipshit.

>> No.6503936

It really is a shame that a lot of anti-Monsanto goes along with anti-gmo garbage.

>Anti-vaccination movement

This one is particularly bad because children of anti-vac parents have died from diseases that easily could have been prevented.

Some other things I can think of off the top of my head are
>Nibiru (Planet X) or however you spell it
>Flat Earth
>Water flouridation scares
>General belief that the government is trying to make the population more feminine (oftentimes, if I'm not mistaken, they'll point to things like promoting not smoking, eating a less meat-based diet, and not hating everyone that isn't a white Protestant as things that make one more feminine)

>> No.6503948

This raises a pretty good point, from a guy who seems to know his stuff. Basically, we didn't even have the technology to fake a moon landing at the time.

What I just don't get, is why people want to believe in a fake moon landing so badly.

>> No.6503953

I honestly used to be a bit of a crackpot pseudoscience believer (mostly antivax and anti-gmo, never moon landing or flat earth or anything like that) so I can give a bit of first-hand experience. I think I was maybe attached to knowing something that other people didn't know or maybe feeling like I really knew how the world worked while others didn't, kind of like one of those "red-pilled" kiddies.

I realize how sophomoric it all was now, however, and it is all pretty embarrassing.

>> No.6503960


I'm not entirely sure and it obviously differs from person to person, but a lot of them seem to want to appear intellectual and above the mindless sheep. And then you just have the pure crazy schizophrenics who can't help but feel sorry for.

There's one guy who clearly makes multiple Youtube accounts with names like "NASASHILLS" and "NASALIES" with pictures of the Apollo astronauts in clown costumes, and spergs out on every NASA video out there.

That said, it isn't unreasonable to think they may have faked it if you know next to nothing about it all. It's not unrealistic to expect them to fake the landings since it would make sense to want to beat the Russians and make their rocket program look like it was doing some good. Back in 1969 it would be entirely believable that there was some dodgy shit going on.

HOWEVER, now in this day and age with the MOUNTAINS of evidence it is entirely unreasonable to think they faked the Moon landings. Any argument for that position amounts to nothing more than willful disregard of the evidence.

>> No.6503966


>I think I was maybe attached to knowing something that other people didn't know or maybe feeling like I really knew how the world worked while others didn't, kind of like one of those "red-pilled" kiddies.

Entirely this. It's like the "le red-pilled" kids on /pol/ who think they've got Mr. Shekelstien's wild ride all figured out. It makes them feel like they have super secret knowledge, and that makes them better than everyone else.

>> No.6503972
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>a lot of them seem to want to appear intellectual and above the mindless sheep

This guy here again. I think with antivax and anti-gmo that they kind of appealed to my concern for my personal safety. Suddenly all the corporations were out to give me and, if I gave them an inch, they'd take a mile.

I really hate to say it but that explanation might have something to do with it as well.

>tfw made a fool of myself multiple times without even realizing it

>> No.6504005

>There's one guy who clearly makes multiple Youtube accounts with names like "NASASHILLS" and "NASALIES" with pictures of the Apollo astronauts in clown costumes, and spergs out on every NASA video out there.

Paranoid schizophrenia is some shit

>> No.6504012


Forgot link

>> No.6504079

I've got a friend who believes in astrology so I kind of know how that goes

>> No.6504084


>tfw entire family believes in astrology
>tfw mom believes adamantly in ghosts, demons, astrology, psychics, the whole bullshit wheel
>tfw always watching "ghost hunters" and "long island medium"



>> No.6504118

He wasn't purifying cocaine from something in an aresol can, he was using the chemicals in the aresol can to turn crack back into regular cocaine. Since A Scanner Darkly takes place in the "near future" sometime, it's possible that he was supposed to have actually known what he was doing.

>> No.6504196
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Anyway, it is explicitly stated that the researcher at Aarhus University, Martin Tang Sorensen, does not have any knowledge of glyphosate causing deformations, but of course apparently this farmer has "proven" through his "scientific research" that it definitely does. Pic related.

>> No.6504497

Guess that the stars just arent lined up quite right for you anon

>> No.6504830

Has anyone heard of this retard before?


He has almost 80'000 subscribers, and nearly 700 videos. They're all Nibiru/Comet ISON/Satan/Biblical Prophecy/Solar Flare/NASA Lies/Muh Doomsday videos. He has over the course of a few years made absurd predictions (mainly regarding ISON) and yet his subscriber drones still follow his every word.

And the worst part is his videos are monetized. So yeah he makes quite a bit of money off this shit. The bum-fuck hick accent, the profile picture of a bald eagle with american flag shopped into its face, he really knows his audience. It would be funny if he weren't fooling and scaring so many gullible people.

>> No.6504856

Most hoax and conpiracy theory believers are just plain ignorant illogical and very stupid people.

We live in an age of information and literacy that sadly enables many of those idiots to do little else except read and think and write of even stupider things than their ancestors.

However, they do serve a purpose, although poorly, and that is to remind us to never accept things at face value, to remain sceptical of sources, to be suspicious of media and govenment, and to reserve judgment until convinced by logical thinking and reliable evidence.

As to ghosts and the spirit world, I believe again that the vast majoity of believers are either willfully or ignorantly fake. But there remain essences, prtdonsl experinces, esssetnially unprovable by any scienctic criteria, that lead me to believe that there is more going on in the world around us than we might acknowledge.

Consider this: The sum of our knowledge is based upon the five senses we are certain exist. We dont know why the Universe existces, yet it has provided us with information heavy experinces that noggle the mind when you consider it arose from a seething, expanding mass of elemetary particles and energy. Consder the birds in the sky under the clouds and the evolutionary miracles that created you as the observer then ask yourself this: Is it so much to ask that if the processses that created this scene for me to observe would not be capable of creating a reality that contains things we might call "supernatural or spiritual" in our ignorance?

>> No.6504863

>hide pterodactl threads
>do not reply to pterodactl posts

>> No.6504888

People have been going against societal normalities for as long as society has existed. I'm not a psychologist, but there are always people who will go against what they know is true to be different than what is the normal.

A woman in my creative writing class thought she would be "controversial" because she wrote about idolizing Miley Cyrus, and how she forced her children to watch wrecking ball at the ages of 4 and 9.

If there are any psychologists that have a name for this phenomenon I would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.6504901

People like being given information that makes them feel smart and empowered. Being condescending towards them will just drive them further into their hole. I'm not saying it's impossible to convince these people they're wrong, just that you're going about it the entirely wrong way.

>> No.6504909


>hide bounty hunter threads
>report bounty hunter posts

>> No.6504928

>People like being given information that makes them feel smart and empowered.
... hence religion.

>> No.6504931

Some of them are mislead, some of them are schizotypal. Either way, there's no point trying to convert them over to your side.

>> No.6504953

What the fuck are chemtrails?

>> No.6504956

some bullshit about how the trails planes leave in the sky are toxic or something

alex jones shit

>> No.6504981

One of my old friends from high school might be.

He has this knack for making things sound incredible. He would bring up some bit of news, embellish it a bit in his characteristic way JUST enough for you to go, "no, no way. That's ridiculous." And then at some point I would come across the news or whatever for myself and realize that it was right after all.

Then at one point he brought up chemtrails.

>> No.6504987

It's worse than just toxic, the government puts chemicals in the trails so it affects entire cities (testing of chemicals / tranquillizers to keep people calm / sterilizing for population control / etc.)

>> No.6504993

It genuinely saddens me, too.

I'm a tinfoil (not literally), and I think this works against the idea of conspiracy theories. It mostly discredits them (not that there aren't some fucking stupid theories, but it discredits any that could have premise in truth).

>> No.6504998

We should sort people. Those believing moon landings were hoaxes go down one path that ends in certain death everyone else gets to live. Trust me we would be better off without those people anyhow.

>> No.6505120

Yeah, that's because they threatened to bankrupt these small farms with legal fees so they get a nice fat compensation our of court.

Monsanto has unethical practices and is actively harming the progress we're making with GMO by trying to lock things down with patents and giving GMO extremely bad press.

>> No.6505137
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nobodys trolling there all true ignorant bubblefarts, except for the trolls.

>> No.6505141
File: 37 KB, 538x313, moon_landing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't argue with this.

>> No.6505215

>If there are any psychologists that have a name for this phenomenon I would greatly appreciate it.

Christ, I remember there being a term for a condition that a lot of kids go through where they do everything the opposite of what authority or society tells them to for no other purpose than to be different (not because they have different tastes or are under unfair authority or something like that) but I can't remember what it is now.

>> No.6505222


the situation you're reffering to is not the sob story you and leftists try and paint it as.

"The court record shows, however, that it was not just a few seeds from a passing truck, but that Mr Schmeiser was growing a crop of 95–98% pure Roundup Ready plants, a commercial level of purity far higher than one would expect from inadvertent or accidental presence. The judge could not account for how a few wayward seeds or pollen grains could come to dominate hundreds of acres without Mr Schmeiser’s active participation, saying ‘...none of the suggested sources could reasonably explain the concentration or extent of Roundup Ready canola of a commercial quality evident from the results of tests on Schmeiser’s crop’" – in other words, the original presence of Monsanto seed on his land in 1997 was indeed inadvertent, but the crop in 1998 was entirely purposeful.

He knew what he was doing was illegal.

>> No.6505252

>that burn was so harsh I think you deorbited
did... did I miss the joke?

>> No.6505819


Apparently NASA doesn't have any more great accomplishments.

Apparently sending heaps of craft to every planet in the Solar System, well as most of their moons is no accomplishment. Or mapping and researching vast quantities of the cosmos via massive orbiting observatories. Or studying the Sun in-depth over long periods of time.

Apparently "accomplishment = putting men somewhere."

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see men on the Moon again, or Mars, or any other place, but people often overlook the multiple space age accomplishments of the recent years.

>> No.6505827

guys what happened to the archive? i can't find it

>> No.6505829



>> No.6505864


Some of my pagan friends believe in spirits, astral travel, and things of that nature. I find it very interesting, so I go to their meditations.

>> No.6505881

Flat Earth

I thought people stopped believing this in like 1700?

>> No.6505965

People believed in it after the moon landing

>> No.6506005

>"Flat Earth
>"I thought people stopped believing this in like 1700?"

> being this naïve...

>> No.6506090

It's Ridley from Metroid you autist.

>> No.6506108

wtf? Did you read that? That's not even close to what you mentioned. It says that the case specifically WAS NOT about seeds accidentally contaminating his crops.

This guy started growing patented GMO crops, not just a few that blew onto his field, but 99% of his crops was GMO, and he didn't pay for it. That's blatant patent infringement. Monsanto was in the right.

Monsanto's evil-ness is overstated. They're a giant biotech corporation and you can point to economic imperialism, judicial bullying, the ethics of having corporations essentially control food production and patenting seeds, but it is simply NOT true that:
1) GMOs are bad for your health in any way
2) That they have sued people for having their seeds blow onto their fields.
I'd rate them as about as evil as pharmaceutical companies. Big, profit driven and controlling something that is essential to life - but not needlessly, cartoon supervillain evil.

>> No.6506110


Ridley heavily resembles a pterodactyl you autist.

>> No.6506118

Not me. I'm long Monsanto. Good luck.

>> No.6506125


It's a reference to burning on re-entry

>> No.6506128

I met a real-life holocaust denier once. It was like meeting a martian. They made about as much sense as one.

>> No.6506133


There must be some sort of ironic distance between the author and the statement since he worked for NASA so he must be privy to their successes.

>> No.6506144
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I met one also once when I was in the Army. One of my guys told me that so-and-so didn't believe in the holocaust. I was like "no shit? wtf?" and he said "word, sergeant, he's got like all kinds of evidence." This was before the penetration of the internet, and I was already getting crusty. First and only holocaust denier I met in person. I didn't take him seriously because my superior rank enabled to me look down upon him.

But this one time, after internet penetration (lel), I was talking about that video where buzz lightyear punches that young prick, and my boss spoke up and said that the moon landing was fake. He said that all of these Russian engineers he knew explained to him that the radiation outside of the Van Halen belt is too harsh and that no man could survive it in any craft. So I went with his view for a while and quit believing in the moon landing. Now I do believe in the moon landing, but it doesn't affect anything in any of my thoughts or actions. I'm not an astronomer, rocketeer, or space-man at all. I work in electricity. I don't know why so many people take up so many gauntlets in fields that are foreign to them and their knowledge/experience.

Oh well.

Oh yeah, and we have a family friend that wakes up every morning and googles "obama antichrist rapture," good luck convincing her of anything.

>> No.6506591


>Oh yeah, and we have a family friend that wakes up every morning and googles "obama antichrist rapture," good luck convincing her of anything.

Every morning?

But w-why?

>> No.6507128

My guess is that you have to surround yourself with nonsense to believe something like that

>> No.6507264

Because she needs the latest updates on Obama's rapture.

Does she think Mexicans are going to invade the borders with their heathen black magic or something?

>> No.6507286

The earth is hollow, man was never put on the moon, obama is the antichrist, and the egyptians are poof that humanity was aided by aliens.


>> No.6507287


Anti monsanto guy here. I dont mind gmo's I just hate corruption.

Back on topic about the moon landings I just show them this.


>> No.6507427

>1) GMOs are bad for your health in any way

GMOs "can" be bad for health though. If GMOs are using pesticide resistant traits then dump said pesticide on them in huge amounts it would increase the toxicity of the plant.

lucky GMOs are more then that and would allow untold possibilities in the future.

>> No.6508118

The moon landing hoax narrative is one big argument from ignorance. The conspiracy types focus almost exclusively on Apollo 11, while ignoring the Gemini program (which developed many of the procedures used on Apollo) and every other Apollo flight.

>> No.6508314

>trying to make the population more feminine
Is this really such a bad thing?

>> No.6508363
File: 5 KB, 294x172, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Country just announced that to be able to keep selling homeopathic medicines the producers need to prove scientifically that they work or either they will be arrested for scam

People are making a huge rant because:
>Muh evil pharmaceutic corporations!
>This is not a scientific method so you can't ask for scientific proof, this is oppression!
>They work! It may be just a placebo but that's enough to cure you!

The worst part is that this comes from the general public not the retards that try to sell them.

>> No.6508371

I had a fat, idiot roommate freshman year of college who didn't claim they were faked, but he nonetheless tried arguing that they could be fake.

His argument was that because there was no air on the Moon the flag wouldn't have swung back and forth after it was planted. I shit you not. He thought angular momentum "didn't work" in a vacuum.

I met another dude, not an idiot, who was a recovering Moon hoaxer. I mentioned that Moon hoaxers were nuts and he argued that he believed the Moon landings happened but that there was also convincing evidence against them. I disagreed and he admitted to being a Moon hoaxer in the past. There wasn't much else to say after that so the conversation came to abrupt and awkward end.

>> No.6508374

If you want some true rage go to any Long Island Medium videos on Youtube and watch the vast number of retards defending the cunt. Usually morons on the internet don't' get to me, but this legitimately makes me platinum mad.

>> No.6508435

>the population more feminine
>Is this really such a bad thing
... for a woman-hater, yes.

>> No.6508491

>For everything that requires work, yes.

Fixed for truth.

>> No.6508559

>Do you know of any hoax believers, /sci/?

Yes, the entire conservative Republican party thinks the earth is 6000 years old and all creatures were put here as part of an intelligent design.

>> No.6508561


*tips assorted headwear*

>> No.6508568

How is that headwear-tip worthy? It's sadly a verifiable fact.

>> No.6508577


Nah I'm just havin' a giggle, you're sadly right.

>> No.6508589

Hell, they could find something to do for free for a placebo affect.

"This table can cure all of my illnesses if I rub the top! It isn't a scientific method but I know it works!"

>> No.6508601

>>>the entire conservative Republican party thinks the earth is 6000 years old
>a verifiable fact
If you had said, "some member of", it would be a verifiable fact.

Given what you actually said, it's a verifiable fact that you have lost dozens of fedoras in your neckbeard.

>> No.6508603


>A 2012 Gallup survey reports that 46% of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years, a statistic which has remained essentially the same since 1982


>> No.6508613

Not particularly since a lot of folks pushing that stuff's idea of feminine is not being HNNG MACHO I EAT BEEF JERKY FOR EVERY MEAL AND DRIVE A FORD F-350 AND WOT EVERYWHERE JUST SO I CAN USE MORE GAS!

>> No.6508618

>the ENTIRE conservative Republican party
>46% of Americans
You honestly think there are no Young Earth Creationist Democrats, and no Republicans who believe in evolution? Fedoras popping out the neckbeard all over the place.

Anyway, who the fuck answers phone polls these days? Lonely old senile people.

>> No.6508622

>being this hyper literal

>> No.6508625

You've got a point in that it's really difficult to have an unbiased phone or internet poll since there are people who think it's funny to submit stupid answers, either because they don't realize how this kills the poll or because they think it's funny to mess it up.

>> No.6508629


Pollsters are not morons. They normalize responses to demographics. Notice how election polling is highly accurate (and they know exactly HOW accurate, e.g. actual results fall within 95% confidence range 95% of the time).

>> No.6508648

I know a dude who thinks everything is illuminati

although he may have some good points that are few and far between the nigga thinks EVERYTHING is a conspiracy against the people

>> No.6508671

My mum is an anti gmo nut job and I went along to a talk by seralini the guy who did the shit rat study and this Denmark guy. So little science and so much fucking fear mongering. Seralini was not too bad but during the questions at the end he got fucking rektd by two of the university profesors. But this Danish farmer was terrible he flicked through some charts and then there was a 5 minute slideshow with deformed pigs and I kid you not between two slides an image of a deformed baby flashed up for a second I still regret not asking about it at the end.

>> No.6508674

Just always remember guys if you think science/govt./health officials can do no wrong we used to lead our petrol and for many a year nobody respectable thought anything of that fact.

>> No.6508689

Somewhat relevant

>> No.6508695


What does that have to do with conspiracies?

>> No.6508698

he means to imply that all conspiracies are true, we just don't know it yet.

>> No.6508718
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>>This is not a scientific method so you can't ask for scientific proof,

>> No.6508719

Oh, but good on your country, though.

I wish they'd pass something like that here.

>> No.6508740

I guess you could take it as an "I'm not defending anti-GMO and anti-vaccine folk but I can see why they'd be concerned; we've fucked up pretty horrifically in the past"

>> No.6508743

And while it is like 95+% likely that they're wrong on those issues I for one am glad that some people care enough about them to demand such stringent testing of things that are deployed on a near population-wide scale. It may not happen otherwise or some shit.

>> No.6509095

That is not the worst, somebody actually told me the following when we were arguing about the matter:
>They have not cured cancer but they have extended the lives of patiens, I don't know why I have to fry myself with chemotherapy or other shit when there are other equally if not better options and all of them with scientific evidence (Obsiously the nigger never told were to find them or who made them).
>Not everythings needs scientific proof anyways, this kind of thinking is killing the individual thought because only scientist are allowed to say what we should consider true.

Now prepare for the following
>You can not even sicentifically prove that life exist, because there is no language on earth with a correct concept of life.

>> No.6509248

>mfw they shoot lasers at the moon all the time and they get reflected back to us by the parabolic reflector people put up there

>mfw no one has been to moon

>> No.6510011

Not defending moon landing deniers here but..

>yfw you realise it's easier to put a reflector on the moon than it is to put people on the moon
>don't even have to put it anywhere very specific, just somewhere that's visible from Earth.

>> No.6510033

NDT makes a valid point about moon hoaxers.

If we faked the moon landing once, why haven't we done it again? Or done it with Mars? It seems like something that we should have done.

>> No.6510049

>implying they actually shoot lasers at the moon
>implying they aren't just making up some random numbers

>> No.6510245

>go to /pol/
holy shit lel are these guys serious

>> No.6511323


>still believing in the holohoax

>> No.6511337
File: 284 KB, 936x943, apollo-14_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit made of tinfoil and cardboard, does it look like it could make it to the moon? Of course not, anyone could make this in his garage.
The United States were way behind the Soviet Union in the space race, so they decided to do what they do best, film making.

>> No.6511382
File: 701 KB, 1798x717, lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at this shit made of tinfoil and cardboard
>The United States were way behind the Soviet Union
The U.S. was far ahead in flight hours by the end of Gemini program.

>> No.6511501

I haven't noticed any comments on 9/11 conspiracies. What's /sci/'s stance? I know little more than a few "inconsistencies" I hear from others
>The building fell too quickly as if deliberately demolished
>Some European news channel reported on the second building falling before the fact
>The steel shouldn't have melted at the jet fuel's combustion temperature

>> No.6511510

My mother has taken to believing the theory that the planes were "holograms" and the explosions were bombs because the way they slide into the plane seems too smooth or something. I've given up on trying to convince her otherwise.

>> No.6511551

Man this shit freaks me out. I met this chick while she was visiting family, got her number, added her on fb and got nudes from her. Slowly, she started to just text or message me random things, some aggressive, then instantly super nice and I thought she was just being funny. Over time, I wouldn't hear from her and then randomly I would get some weird pics of herself or texts that seemed to come from a different person.

She told me she's a schizo one day and now we hardly talk but I feel as though she could just show up at my house (using my name) and go nuts even though she's across the country.

>> No.6511561

Aerospace engi here op,
I feel ya op
I sometimes cannnot understand why people are so stupid on this planet it baffles me
i take comfort though knowing my man BA fucked up Sibrel the hoaxer in the face

>> No.6511563

Head one board over to /pol/ and you'll find a shit ton of people believing in bullshit like a faked moon landing, or that the joos are responsible for everything wrong in the world.

What's truly sad is that these people obviously just can't handle the fact that the world is a random, disorganized place filled with irrational people making irrational decisions, and thus have to construct some fantasy wherein a bigbad is holding them down.

>> No.6511570

it was designed to be that way, its an a zero atmosphereic enviroment, dont have to deal with that much stress

Nice job being a troll OP

>> No.6511668



Check out the comments by this guy "Earth One." I keep finding them all over Youtube on videos like this. It has to be some of the most absurd schizo shit I've ever seen. Not even trying to make light of it, I find it sad.

>> No.6511742


From my understanding, the molten steel that people like to point to was actually molten aluminum from office equipment.

>> No.6512772

My best bud in my undergrad was totally convinced that electrogravitics worked. TL;DR, you could manipulate gravity with electrostatics.

>> No.6512805

I knew one CS student who believed in "the electric universe" which is basically a hand wavy, halfbaked attempt at explaining the entire universe in terms of plasma and electro magnetism. The only problem is that none of the people who started it know much about plasma or astronomy (electrical engineers) and so it's all nonsense. It contains no modeling or mathematical theory, it's made up as they go along.

They believe cave paintings as accurate descriptions of events, yes the Earth was once a moon of Saturn according to these lunatics. They have no physical model of anything, there model describes absolutely nothing about the universe and is contradicted in many ways but they fundamentally believe they are right and the rest of the world is stupid/evil/incompetent.

Crank science, my it's fun. I have tried having a discussion about it but they reach a point where they can't respond to your criticism but insist that more knowledgeable nutcases know, they don't.

>> No.6513249


The best part is all their sources seem to direct me to a website that looks like it's from the stone age, featuring insane conspiracy fueled rantings against "mainstream science!"