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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6479469 No.6479469 [Reply] [Original]

Are you depressed?

Me too, what do we do?

>> No.6479471

kill ourself?

>> No.6479477

Abuse drugs

>> No.6479479

which ones?

>> No.6479481

>what do we do?


>> No.6479484
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Learn something new. Seriously. A few years back I was hugely depressed for a long time. I don't remember why but I decided to go buy an electronic keyboard (about $100) and thought myself to play piano.

That was about 3 years ago and I still play the piano today. It helped me find something to do worthwhile and made me feel better about myself when I learned new songs or techniques.

So just pick something and go for it whether it's a musical instrument, type of science or math, new language, etc. You will be glad that you did. Just make sure to stick with it.

>> No.6479486

>Learn to make mdma out of black pepper

Too bad it fucks up your brain if used too often.

>> No.6479487

Ritalin. It's what I use

>> No.6479489

i only have 40mg vyvanse

>> No.6479511

Opiates if you want to feel like everything is perfect
Heavy psychedelics if you want to try curing you depression through a cathartic existential/spiritual experience with possible ego death
Dissocitives if you want to get weird or lose you yourself and experience ego death in a hole
Stimulants if you want to cure your depression temporarily and exaserbate it during harsh comedowns and crashes
Weed if you just wanna get high and chill out.

My advice is try the psychedelic experience. It't something new you can experience that will give you a new perspective just by virtue of temporarily altering your perceptions in a way radically different from what you have experienced is sober life. Also it's something you can do without forming a habit. Shrooms or Acid is the way to go.

>> No.6479514

Cold water shower.

>> No.6479516

> Are you depressed?
> Me too, what do we do?
Seroquel XR 400 mg
Seroquel 100 mg + 100 mg PRN
Welbutrin SR 200 mg
Effexor XR 300 mg
D3 2000 iu

>> No.6479519

I take a 5-HTP supplement and it helps me a lot. Also cognitive behavioral therapy is more effective than any anti-depressant in my opinion because rather than masking the problem, it teaches you to think in ways that don't make you depressed. I also did mushrooms once and that seems to have snuffed out my depression for a while, but every now and then it comes up again. Depression is pretty common among intelligent people from what I hear.

>> No.6479520

ive done pure lsd, have a life changing experience but i'm still depressed

>> No.6479524

Can you describe the difference between your average mentality when on those drugs and when not on them?

>> No.6479525

>Depression is pretty common among intelligent people from what I hear.

That's what I've been told too and I like to think that I'm at least above average intelligence. However there is no way to tell for sure.

>> No.6479529

I've only been on them since last year.
Only one I stopped cold turkey was the Effexor.
I'd probably had been depressed if I was able to do normal things around the house like walk.

I try to explain to my psychiatrist that this is what I'm normally at and adding medications every time I have a bad day is only going to help for a day or two.

Also I can't fap or get drunk on the Effexor.

>> No.6479533

>depression is common among intelligent people

Holy shit, even if this is true don't adopt this mentality. It's so fucking conceited that it caused me physical anguish while reading it, even if that wasn't your intention it comes across that way.

>> No.6479537

Yes, but assuming you feel like they work, what actually do you notice change when on them? I mean along the lines of like, are you more motivated, have more/stronger emotions, feel happier, feel more social etc.

>> No.6479538

try shrooms then.
google "shrooms" and "depression".
possible perma, one time cure.

>> No.6479539

My only issue is not knowing where to get them..

>> No.6479541

it's just forms of soma.

haven't you read brave new world?
instead of fixing problems in your personal life, or the larger world around you, just take soma and be happy.

>> No.6479543

then you're ignorant as fuck

>> No.6479544

>not being friends with degenerate fucks

get the fuck out of here bottom-feeder

>> No.6479550
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just wow.

You truly have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?

>> No.6479548

Well the day or two of up, I get happy.
Not normally happy so it gets kinda freaky and I talk to fast and annoy people.
I guess I do actually eat when on my meds which I wasn't before, but my parents are pretty good at making sure I eat.
When I was at my worst I couldn't focus on things like books back then either.

I think I have underlying problems that can't be treated with medications.
I don't hate myself because my chemical composition, I hate myself because I hurt someone I care about.

>> No.6479555

All I know is I'm not some armchair mystic who things cow shit tainted mushrooms fix mental illness. Get back to >>>x and go meditate and balance your chakras and shit you fucking hippy

>> No.6479558
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>> No.6479566

Depression and intelligence are known to be linked. :(
138 IQ reporting in. Depressed as all hell.

>> No.6479567

0/10 better response should be crafted. Opinion discarded. Fall harder for b8 next time m8. Nit even op

>> No.6479569

>accurate measure of intelligence

Top kek

>> No.6479572



SUUUUCKER..................... ;_;

>> No.6479578

>Depression is pretty common among intelligent people from what I hear.

I think it's more accurate to say putting a lot of energy into thinking can cause depression. All that thinking deplete brain chemicals and causes an imbalance. A truly smart person would have a more efficient brain so they can do more with less mental/chemical fatigue.

So if you're depressed because you spend a lot of time thinking you're not smart. You just have an inefficient brain and you are less smarterer than durrr.....

>> No.6479591

Ketamine has also shown be provide extremely rapid and long lasting improvements for major depression. Like improvements with in an hour that last for a week or more.

>> No.6479592

>personal opinion without providing scientific fact
go fuck yourself

>> No.6479593

or just take antidepressants

>> No.6479594
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All you fags need to do is a couple push ups once in a while and your prissy depressed attitudes will dissolve like your precious suns made of ice hitting suns made of fire. Go fucking rage and be a man anon's, punch a hole in something.

>> No.6479597

Do you mean small doses, or do you have to K-hole yourself?

>> No.6479598



kill yourself

>> No.6479600

>fitness = happiness
you've never been to /fit/ have you?

>> No.6479603

I'm doing sports every day and I'm still depressed. Checkm8, faggot.

>> No.6479604

Small doses. It's being researched for clinical usage and large doses can cause serious side effects.

>> No.6479607

not him but exercise is fucking HUGE for personal motivation and self confidence. obviously results vary but...
>not getting a runner's high

>> No.6479611

you're just a faggot m8

>> No.6479613


"Natural" anti depressants:

- dopamine
- endorphins
- adrenaline

"Unnatural" anti depressants:


>> No.6479616

more info plz

>> No.6479619

Doing sports does not mean 15 minutes of Wii tennis you triple neckbeard pedo. You obviously hate yourself so why not go warm up some cheese curds anon?

>> No.6479624

its called getting off your ass and doing something

>> No.6479630

Confirmed for self loathing fagime. Sorry you will never be Goku anon :(

>> No.6479633
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Why do I feel like Ogre just discovered how to use the internet and went to the one place he knew he could pick on some nerds?

>> No.6479641

wow such help
many thanks


>> No.6479657

You may have some sort of inferiority complex I dont know, its worth looking into.

>> No.6479663

>You be projecting. I dont know, its worth looking into.

>> No.6479664
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You haven't given up feels yet anon? >/x

>> No.6479668

Get some goddamn help.
Depression isn't just "feeling sad," it's like cancer. Don't assume you can just brush it off or something.

>> No.6479672 [DELETED] 

Depression doesn't exist. It's a pathetic excuse for being a lazy fuckwit who doesn't get shit done. When my ex-boyfriend claimed to have "depression", I instantly dropped him. Why would I waste my time with a loser when I can have any alpha man I want?

>> No.6479675

I see these threads a lot. Some depressed teen posts on /SCI thats he's (sniff sniff) depressed.. and expects a intelligent discussion to somehow ensue? Lel.. you invited the /fitfags in dont be upset when they do what they do.. spout fitfag bullshit.

>> No.6479678
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please ignore the troll

>> No.6479690
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Dude im shuuuper depreshed what do sci?

>> No.6479700

>Are you depressed?
>Me too, what do we do?
This is like saying "I have AIDS, /sci/, wat do?"
1. We can't help you. Most people here don't even want to help.
2. Get professional help.

Saged, because why the hell are you on /sci/?

>> No.6479702

ll no you didn't ... i don't know where else to go

>> No.6479707

>alpha male

I actually wanted to believe that what you're saying is true, but you lost me there.

>> No.6479710
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>> No.6479717

The post you cited is quite obviously b8 bro. Dont be so nieve.

>> No.6479721

>spelling "naïve" as nieve
gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6479735 [DELETED] 

U sym 2 b kunfyused az 2 wat b8 is m8.

>> No.6479732

This thread lacks motivation.

>> No.6479741


Because you have some sort of superiority complex towards people that actually exercise.

>> No.6479748

I like your theory. I'm super happy at the start of the day and damn near suicidal by the end of it, must be depleting all my brain chemicals.

>> No.6479764

Bad resistance span.

>> No.6479788

Say what??

>> No.6479812

Adderall man.
If you can control yourself and not let yourself get addicted to it it will get you places.
>brain's flowing with dopamine
>no matter how miserable the task your doing your perfectly adamant doing it, might even enjoy it
>allows you to study as much as you desire
>makes you feel like a million bucks
>people usually like you better
Only problem is you can't let it take you over otherwise you'll go through a period of thinking life is valueless (your probably right). if you can get past that phase your in the clear

>> No.6479813

I'm trying this already and it's not working.

>> No.6479815

You can grow them rather easily, and it's /sci/ related, sort of. Mushroom spores which do not actually contain psilocybin are legal to sell and buy and there are several web sites that do so.

>> No.6479848

No correlation is not inversely correlated

>> No.6480068

Buy some fried aush chicken. and go back to /g/.

>> No.6480700

i actually take 40mg vyvanse but it feels like it dosnt do anything anymore

>> No.6480985

take magnesium supplements they help slow down the tolerance build up. Also take a break from it for a week and you'll feel them again

>> No.6481022

Believe in yourself OP

also get a girlfriend

>> No.6481026

Why the fuck do you recommend him a girlfriend? If he can't even care for himself, he certainly can't care for another human being.

>> No.6481037

Take as much Alcohol, Benzos and Opiates as it takes.

>> No.6481042

Why would his girlfriend need him to take care of her?

>> No.6481070

This is the worst attempt at humor I have ever witnessed.

>> No.6481079

Serotonin actually has a negative effect on higher brain functioning so depression and intelligence are often comorbid conditions.

LSD cured me though after every class of antidepressants failed. There appears to be some science behind psychedelics being extremely helpful in treating depression.

>> No.6481082

Why would you want a relationship with a sad sack of shit who doesn't care about you? What are you? Mentally ill?

Btw FYI: as a woman I cannot be "sexist'. By definitoin sexism is a crime only committed by men.

>> No.6481085

It wasn't an attempt at humor. Why would a girlfriend need some suicidal kid to take care of her?

>> No.6481088

double sexist

>> No.6481171
File: 27 KB, 398x394, 1397574475948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw low IQ

>> No.6481178


>> No.6481181

>Thinking intelligence is accurately measured in a linear scale.
Truly low IQ

>> No.6481187

>doesn't know what "linear" means

>> No.6481224

>Thinks he "knows" what "linear" means.
Autism is truly a terrible diseases.

>> No.6481237

No I am fairly jolly, would be fun to go traveling at some point.

>> No.6481245


>> No.6481265
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only /sci/ would try to glamourize depression

>> No.6481349

try mushrooms

>> No.6481395


Your above average and really nothing special IQ score (mine's 142, and that's nothing special either) is in no way relevant to this discussion. I realise in a state of depression people like to cling on to whatever semblance of self-esteem and sense of worth they have left, but what you're doing is just cheating yourself.

Anyway, I know several depressed people. Only two of them ever recovered. One, after 10 years. The other, myself, after some 2 years over 1 of which was spent doing absolutely nothing and wasting all my savings plus quite a bit of debt until then.

How did I fix it? Great psychiatrist, lots of introspection, proper medication, a failed relationship that made me angry enough, hard-working attitude before the depression giving me the scholarship enabling me to get a job even after doing nothing for 1 year, and generally being lucky enough to land an immensely interesting, well paid job with great people and career opportunity.

At the end of the day though, I understand the depression isn't gone. For me it's like alcoholism or something. I now know exactly why I don't give a fuck, and no matter how I try to hide it, or run from it, or pretend it's not there.. it really is. Life is quite damn pointless and the things that would give it purpose are completely beyond my own control. So I suppose it's just a matter of time before it'll hit again.

>> No.6481406

cheer up

>> No.6481445

The more you think about depression, the more you're depressed. The more you think about nice things, the more you think that you are important, that you are better than others in some regards then the less you are depressed. It's not about believing that you are important or better than others, it's about thinking about it. The more you think about it, the more your brain physically creates neural pathways or some shit and you end up believing it. It sounds like spiritual bullshit but it really works. Who gives a fuck whether you are better than others or not (actually 'better' is subjective), what matters is that you believe that you are better, and the more you think about it the more you believe it. And then you feel better.

What helps also is being outside under the sun. When your skin receives sunlight your body generates vitamin D or something, and this helps making you feel better too. Then there is physical exercise, if you spend too much time being a couch potato you start feeling horrible, exercise for a bit like running, cycling or swimming and you will feel much better afterwards.

A bunch of tips that have greatly helped for me. It can help too to understand what is the source of your depression. Usually it's because you have trouble with social interactions. Well just accept you're not like others. I'm 24, never had a girlfriend. This used to depress me, not anymore. I have suffered so much because of girls that love is just not worth it for me anymore, I will not suffer that much ever again in the hope of finding love. Sex is still a really nice thing though, so go see escorts. Usually they are much sexier than any girl you would live with otherwise, and you can fuck the one you want when you want, you don't have to fuck the same 6/10 girl for 20 years. You may think escorts are more expensive, but on the long run it is your wife that would end up being much more expensive (shopping, restaurant, jewelry, kids, divorce, ...)

>> No.6481463
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>the only thing I've ever been reasonably good at is math
>time to apply for graduate schools (should've applied a year ago but Im doing a masters for no fucking reason)
>no motivation
>I starting to think there is no meaning in pursuing maths
Getting a 9-5 job is not an option, why the fuck would I work like that if I don't even have a family to support and got no real hobbies to spend the earned money on.

fug :<

>> No.6481996
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>Are you depressed?

>Me too, what do we do?

Will yourself to be happy.

>> No.6482017

I really think depression is STRONGLY linked to socializing, and the best thing to fight it ever coming on is to build lasting friendships, a wide variety of acquaintences with similar interests, and a source for sex and love (be it one night stands or a wife)

Shitty for the different introverted types, but through persistence you can figure it out.

>> No.6482051

I get distorted thoughts when it comes to social interactions. My mind twists things I said or things they said into knives that torture me the rest of the week until I meet my friends again and repeat the process.

>> No.6482151


st johns wort
holy basil

>> No.6482155


let go of ego

>> No.6482193


>rest of the week

holy shit, you need to be socializing on the daily.

>> No.6482195

I don't want to scare away these few remaining friends.

>> No.6482213


Idk, I don't really have the answers for you, I take for granted that I have a lot of people i know so i can always be socializing.

If you go to school though start signing up for clubs and stuff, just chill with the people and work on whatever you guys need to work on. Hook up with people for study sessions even if you don't need the help. People will love to have you around if you're good at the stuff.

I guess i'm saying the key is to make new friends even though it sounds hard, but it's a long term investment that pays off greatly in the end.

>> No.6482216

I'm out of school and all my friends have moved back home.
I'm not originally from the area so I don't have any high school friends.
I plan on going back to grad school next fall so I guess I can look forward to doing that again.

>> No.6482221

Oh I forgot to mention I lost the remaining college friends with my ex breaking up with me and the ensuing chaos that followed.
I put too much into that relationship and when it was gone I didn't have much left.

>> No.6482236


Yeah dude putting all your eggs into one basket is one of the worst things you can do

Listen all i'm gonna be able to tell you is you've just got to spend your time working on yourself. Pursue some dream you had, and start going to the gym. As you improve yourself your confidence and charisma grows naturally and people are more drawn to you. They're not drawn to the guy who somehow manages to lose all his friends because some girl broke up with him. Just wake up every day, tell yourself you're gonna do your best, and go out there. I know it sounds corny but it's true, and happiness will follow.

>> No.6482240


I lost my friends because I wasn't allowed to go to where we hung out (my campus), because a restraining order. She got a restraining order because doctor's duty to warn. I told my doctor because I'm crazy.

/end pity party for me.

I really do just need to man up and go rock climbing more often. Gonna text a friend to make plans right now.

>> No.6483678


>> No.6483692


>> No.6483748

I find that learning about Math and Physics occasionally helps

>> No.6484188

This. Keep yourself distracted and you might end up with something worthwhile in the end