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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 229x231, 1384881545825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6472094 No.6472094 [Reply] [Original]

>STEM fields becoming STEAM fields

How does /sci/ feel about artists becoming just as important as scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and what not?

>> No.6472096

As an artist, I can honestly say that we deploy as much critical thinking as the natural sciences, if not more.

It's about damn time.

>> No.6472098


>> No.6472100

>artists becoming just as important as scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and what not?
Do they?

>> No.6472104


>> No.6472111

STEM is about solving problems. Art solves nothing.

>> No.6472115

Art is every bit as critical thinking intensive as science is.

Art will lead the way for the STEM fields. Art has the imagination and creativity to take STEM to new heights.

>> No.6472119

After so many years in stem I think I snuffed out my creativity. I wish I could still make art. Artists are important because they can bring creativity and subjectivity to science.

>> No.6472121

It pisses me off to no end that people actually think this.

>> No.6472128

It makes no sense. I am a scientist, but I'm engaged to an artist, live with artists, and have even had my work in one of their exhibitions. I love art, but it is qualitatively different to the STEM fields. Though they are all creative (what academic field isn't?), art is subjective, and STEM fields are (more) objective.

>> No.6472130

This is a joke, right?

>> No.6472129

Artists are needed for scientific illustrations, ranging from anatomy diagrams in textbooks to conceptual artwork of what other planets are hypothesized to look like based on data scientists have give them. Stuff like that.

>> No.6472133

The A just stands for "and", it should really be STEaM.

>> No.6472134 [DELETED] 

>tfw the cultural marxists will inject "subjectivity" and "equality" into the sciences
All part of the plan hehehe

>> No.6472138

/pol/ pls go

>> No.6472140 [DELETED] 

Hand rubbing nation wrecker please leave

>> No.6472196

Unfortunately no.

Sparkfun is a hobbyists' electronics store and they've been pushing STEAM over STEM with their education campaigns.

>> No.6472212

But that isn't science, or should we include sys admins because they also play a role?

>> No.6472220
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In any case keep up the good work, these threads are pretty good entertainment.

>> No.6472246


I guess you can add art. You couldn't possible make that group more useless.

>> No.6472294

I think, and you should too, for your health, that's just trolling. No serious man can seriously think this.

>> No.6472295

Well, first, Sparkfun is not a great example. Second their mind is in the right place, it was a good deal to improve hobbyist movement, most of the things to come will be retarded.

>> No.6472296

I can agree that real artists can do that, but hipsters who act weird to appear artistic are going to become even more fucking annoying

>> No.6472300

this guy knows what's up

>> No.6472317

pls don't shit on teachers

I feel utter respect for some of them
If my Math teacher in High School wasn't so inspiring, I probably would of gone down some pleb route (like History)

Some of them deserve respect

certainly not all though

>> No.6472320

Good science teachers are built from the love of science, not from "Education" or "Pedagogy".

>> No.6472323

Here in Brazil some universities have a Carnival course. Could it be added to the list or is it something like "Applied Arts"?

>> No.6472334

if you had any critical thinking ability, you'd be able to see that it's hard to accept your statement.

>> No.6472341

I think it's fine. Maybe they should even be more important since we seem to be progressing much faster scientifically than artistically and this will probably lead to our downfall. We need art to inspire cultural and political revolution and stop us from being arseholes to every living thing including each other.

>> No.6472342

no it isn't. art isn't about rigorous logic.

philosophy has some logic, but philosophy student tend to be much worse at logic than maths students or other stem students.

art is about feelings and imprecise, wishy-washy bullshit.

Some humanities can be quite involved and rigorous, like some areas of archaeology and economics, but art itself is not critical thinking intensive.

Most arts students would not be able to solve their way out of a paper bag .

>> No.6472344

this. The best teacher I ever had, the one who inspired me to do shit and who is one of the reasons I managed to get into one of the top unis in the US, had degrees in Chemistry and Physics, not in education

>> No.6472348

Also I love how nobody in this thread has questioned the authority of the OP in claiming that people are starting ot refer to STEM as STEAM

what fanciful nonsense.

the fact remains that an engineering degree from any university has decent job prospects, but the only art degrees with good job prospects are ones from extremely high-ranking and prestigious universities.

>> No.6472351
File: 87 KB, 588x437, 1396627770492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you best be joking niggers

>> No.6472355

>the fact remains that an engineering degree from any university has decent job prospects, but the only art degrees with good job prospects are ones from extremely high-ranking and prestigious universities.
>implying that has any relevance to the thread
>philosophy student tend to be much worse at logic than maths students or other stem students.
As a math and physics graduate, I disagree. They work on argumentative logic for their entire degree; that's basically what philosophy is.

>> No.6472356

Is this real life?
If bait, I give you 10/10. All my rage.

>> No.6472359

I'd give you a 1/10, but since your post got such mad response I think it deserves a 6.

>> No.6472366
File: 96 KB, 517x332, 1397225143285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You right. You "deploy" that critical thinking all the time, especially when deciding whether to use the word employ or deploy.

Pic related. It's some simple math. It doesn't challenge my mind nearly as much as staring at a Picasso. It's not like any child could do that.

>> No.6472389

Sit in a high level art class sometime. I mean like 400 block shit. It's not nearly as easy as you make it out to be.

>> No.6472417

as long as those artists are going to be closer to realism painters and classical musicians than to justin beaber and all those faggot painters who keep trying to sell me their fucking black sheet of paper with randomly placed dot as ART

>> No.6472421

this is a troll, right? I mean there's no source.

>> No.6472502

Art has turned into pretentious nonsense. Pls revert back to french academics 1700s

>> No.6472532

>would of

If only your English teachers had been as inspiring.

>> No.6472536
File: 49 KB, 740x312, impostor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arts in MY STEM?

hells to the fuck no

>> No.6472655
File: 281 KB, 1190x877, implying art.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art majors

>> No.6472658

Kinda just sounds like this guy is mad he went into an art field cuz he liked to draw Tolkien dragons and couldn't into subtext.

>> No.6472682


enjoy sitting in the bread lines, filthy untermensch.

>> No.6472706

This. STEAM power ahoy!

>> No.6472714

Does anyone else get the impression that STEM majors only know what they study, and generally know fuck all about anything else?

>> No.6472721

The biggest reason I double majored was so I could have other people to talk to and be around. No one in my EE program knew or was interested in shit outside of school stuff besides videogames and Joss Whedon.

>> No.6472723

+1 we might as well add all the liberal arts degree too right?

I mean - good looking products aren't a bad thing, but rarely is the first iteration of a product thrown through a heavy design consideration. they have their place, like architects, but... doesn't make sense to put them in stem. it kinda defeats the connection of stem courses - which is science, math, and appication. art is not always an application of those things.

>> No.6472827

They aren't serious.

But that's what the people pushing STEAM are literally saying.

>> No.6472831

For the people asking for sources, these are literally the first results on google for "stem to steam"


>> No.6472834

This doesn't make much sense to me. I always saw these signs when I cut through the art building that said "add A to STEM and you get STEAM!" but I thought it was just something they told themselves, I guess I didn't realize it was a real thing.

>> No.6472839

We let math in, why not art?

>> No.6472842

Math is the gate and key to the sciences.

>> No.6472853

>imply STE aren't entirely dependent on M

>> No.6472861

I'm fucking brain dead when it comes to math/chemistry etc. but i can play the shit out of a guitar/keyboard/drum-set, it comes to me with very little effort.

What is my value to society?

>> No.6472865

maybe a while ago.
not any more.

just glorified philosophers now.

>> No.6472870
File: 78 KB, 500x639, 1396481138907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your major then

>> No.6472872

Are you trying to be artistic on purpose?
> implying STEM aren't entirely dependent on language and writing

>> No.6472877
File: 725 KB, 350x197, abandon thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel terrible about it. That's it.
Pic related.

>> No.6472883

I'm a mechanical engineering grad student.
I'm reading up on analysis to get a stronger background for mechanics.
I'm 60 theorems in and still no calculus.
I've had to create a new notebook as this one has more about analysis than mechanics....

>> No.6472886


I'm sorry

>> No.6472888

why? I have money and can study your major in my spare time.

>> No.6472890

Not to mention all the dicks you can suck ever.

>> No.6472906

EE undergrad here. I want to call bullshit on this. Unless you actually want to put in the time to memorize all the equations you'll be using even the simples differential equations are needed to derive them.

>> No.6472910

I lol'd pretty hard. I really did almost get mad, though, 8/10, good job.

>> No.6472915

I'm studying analysis as in real analysis as in I'm reading a pure math text book.

>> No.6472917

do you have problem with dicks?

>> No.6472919

I'm just not as big of a fan of dicks as engineers are.

>> No.6472921

I am fucking mad as fuck. But thank you for providing a source.

I do feel that there is a very real place for artist-based engineering. Good design is more than just functionality (unfortunately) but the upshot of this won't be that intelligent, diligent artists are groomed to work on innovative products, it will be that hipster trash faggots who take pictures of piss in jars consider themselves in the same league as physicists or engineers.

Eduction is fucking done, man. It's just fucking done. Buy some Dover books and learn in your spare time, universities are fucking trash now.

>> No.6472925

Just because the US sucks doesn't mean the rest of the world does.

>> No.6472930

This is a US-based site.

>> No.6472936

Seems like a silly ploy on the part of arts majors to feel relevant.

As a former art major (turned STEM graduate) I say they should get the hell out and make their own silly little acronym if they want to feel special.

At this point all that's left out is athletics/sports, then every fucking academic field can be included and nobody will be left out, making the whole purpose of the acronym pointless in the first place.

>> No.6472946

I propose ASSFAGGOT.

Arts, Sociology, Social Justice, Female Studies, Athletics, General Studies, Geography, Operations/Management, and Teaching.

"I'm an artist, so naturally I'm deeply into ASSFAGGOT activities."

"ASSFAGGOT people are leading the way in the fight against female oppression in America"

>> No.6472953


>> No.6472958
File: 40 KB, 404x283, back-to-v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno guise...

>> No.6472959

This must be communicated to the world.

>> No.6472964

Replace teaching with theology.

>> No.6472966

Fantastic idea.

I put in Geography and Teaching because I didn't know what else to toss in.

>> No.6472975

Hospitality I guess, but that could probably fall under Management.

Also you have Sociology on there, but no Anthropology.

>> No.6472982

you stole that abbreviation from /v/, didn't you?

>> No.6472985

No, not really.

I usually hang around /tg/, /a/, and /pol/.

I rarely go to /sci/ because for the longest time, all it had were DO MY HOMEWORK, CHECKMATE ATHEISTS, and HOMEOPATHY/ASTROLOGY/BULLSHIT IS SCIENCE threads.

>> No.6473015

You mean it doesn't now?

>> No.6473019

Not to the same degree.

>> No.6473029

sounds oddly interesting. I bet it isn't; though.

>> No.6473032

>yfw people actually exist on this planet who think art is as intellectually stimulating as science

>> No.6473036

Not only that

but they're common.

>> No.6473037

Could've fooled me.

>> No.6473039

It was 100% of threads.

Now I see that there exist some threads which are not those.

Then again, I've only been looking at /sci/ for a few hours between the past two days.

>> No.6473047

It's weird. I don't usually stay with mathematics texts very long.
While studying analysis I've gone

I keep hitting roadblocks that I find completely boring in one book and interesting in another.

>> No.6473059

What the fuck are you talking about? I've never seen a fucking artist solving fluid equations.

>> No.6473064

Pfft. Artists are creative minded and develop a different skill set of critical thinking and analysis that is just as valuable, if not more, than the scientific skill set.

>> No.6473066

Ok then, say your in an isolated with no tools island and you had to chooses 5 people, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CHOOSE A FUCKING ARTIST? I would a chemist, microbiologist, geologist, civil and mechanical engineers.

>> No.6473067

A Troll among mere goblins.

>> No.6473073

Architecht, carpenter, stone mason, farmers, and maybe a doctor.

Only one science, 3 art majors. Suck it scientist, we're more practical than you are.

>> No.6473080

Those are trades, not strictly art.

>> No.6473084

Define art.

>> No.6473086

Without scientists those fields go nowhere

>> No.6473087

Its true craft is the only kind of ''art'' that is practical.

>> No.6473090

still less employable

>carpenter, stone mason
these are trades. architect too, 99% of the time.

>> No.6473092

They still beat the piss out of a clever scientist on a deserted island.

Face it you "smart" motherfuckers, on an island, you'd be as dead as one of us "dumb" artists.

>> No.6473093

Creative expression distributed through some medium such that it can be experienced by others

>> No.6473095

>must be distributed through a medium
>such that it can be experienced
Way, way too fucking limited. Are you scientists even fucking trying?

>> No.6473100

Change to Artisan and you're good

>> No.6473103

>Linguistics taking longer than a minute

Why are posting XKCD anyway?

>> No.6473106

>chemist, microbiologist, geologist, civil and mechanical engineers
>no tools
>choosing people that rely heavily on having access to high technology, difficult to obtain/make raw materials, or extremely sophisticated tools

>> No.6473107

no, it's not different
fucking idiot

>> No.6473113

>close mindedness
Typical STEM major. Don't worry, not all of us in the STEAM paradigm will be as close minded as you.

>> No.6473120

>we deploy as much critical thinking as the natural sciences
Maybe with bio majors, but the same can't be said for one who studying physics or mathematics.

>> No.6473127

>not endeavoring towards both science and art

what the HECK are you guys doing

>> No.6473130

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6473142

What the heck has you so darn riled up?

>> No.6473144

Your fucking retard shit you shit fuck.

>> No.6473151

I started out in the arts as a kid, then realized how useless they are (thank you, Oscar Wilde) and now I'm meeting art and science halfway by way of industrial design. Better late than never.

>> No.6473153

u mad?

>> No.6473162

what about social and/or political "science"?

>> No.6473186

If you're not in an important major like chemical engineering, you're useless. Simple as that.

>> No.6473192

>chemical engineering
The education is alright and the work is terrible.

>> No.6473202

>needs a notebook to learn math

>> No.6473249
File: 86 KB, 612x612, constiPEYted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arkansas School for Mathematics and Sciences
>a year or two after I graduate, it's renamed the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts
>school now has a student group for bronys

Why must artfags ruin everything?

>> No.6473385

Can't take a joke?

>> No.6473420

I was just watching Cosmos. That show would be so much shittier without all the artists that work on the show. The conceptual art is actually my favorite part. I'm not saying artists are similar to scientists in any way. But I think artists can take novel approaches to teaching people about science.

>> No.6473427

>As a math and physics graduate, I disagree. They work on argumentative logic for their entire degree; that's basically what philosophy is
We STEMP now

>> No.6473438


>> No.6473446

pissed off (pic related)

Engineer here, we have engineered methods for increasing our creativity to solve problems.

Oh and guess what? We have evidence that they are effective in doing so. Does art have any hard statistical data that it can do so?

>> No.6473450
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>> No.6473455

With the rise of automation, creative fields will become of the very few left. But don't get excited, you'll still be worked like cattle, designing cosmetics for the next DotA game for less than 50k, while scientists and engineers are making six figures.

>> No.6473467
File: 729 KB, 2400x1378, watson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now who says that creativity can't be automated?

>> No.6473478

Anyone who knows how Watson works?

>> No.6473480

Ungrateful bastard. They may have an easier job/major than you do, but in absolutely no way does that make them useless.

>> No.6473481

was that picture supposed to make a point or something?

>> No.6473490

Yeah but elementary/middle school teachers, who are basically in charge of teaching their students how to be inquisitive, almost always major in education. The ones who don't usually end up becoming high school teachers instead of elementary/middle school.

>> No.6473496

People with education degrees are completely useless. The best teachers i ever had were people who worked in the field and retired.

My high school physics teacher was a physicist at the Fermi lab particle accelerator. I had a chem teacher who was a chemical engineer at 3M.

My math teacher was an education major and was retarded. Our physics and chem teachers wound up teaching use more math than our useless math teachers.

None of them knew past the math they were teaching. It was pathetic.

We need to get rid of useless education degrees. We should rely more on people from the industry.

Get journalists and authors to teach english and writing. Engineers and chemists to teach the sciences. Get veterans and museum curators to teach history and tell people what actually happened.

I would pay top dollar for my children to go to school compromised entirely of people with real industry experience in the subjects they were teaching.

>> No.6473500

So it would stand to reason that a Philosophy major would make for the best kind of Philosophy teacher, correct?

>> No.6473506

pretty much

>> No.6473536

Doesn't mean Arts needs to be lumped in with STEM for the sake of making them feel special.

>> No.6473539


being on the cutting edge of technology, I can see the abgrund. natural sciences will become relatively irrelevand and engineers aggregated in, or outsourced to toolsets. The only thing left in the industry will be designers, the interface between technology and mankind. that means that nothing will be sustainable in large quantities. beyond the arts, except perhaps mathematics, once and if its importance is realized.

But I think it's a little to soon to invest that heavily into that stage of the future. Or maybe not. We've been transitioning for a while now, and perhaps this is the first stone in the last stage.

>> No.6473540

Completely agreed.

>> No.6474791

the A stands for actuaries right? I don't see how your argument works. Though artists may be needed to illustrate ideas inside STEM fields, they're not the ones doing the critical thinking for those ideas. The fundamental level of knowledge one needs to proclaim themselves to be an artist is well below the fundamental amount of knowledge one needs to be a mathematician engineer or scientist. I'm fairly sure on average, artists are paid much lower salaries with their endeavors having minor to no practical applications other than aesthetics.

>> No.6474879
File: 34 KB, 316x600, Portrait_of_Charles_IX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the GOOD scientists, mathematicians, engineers, artists, musicians are GOOD are what they do and have CREATIVE MINDS

the problem with you fuccbois is you think that you think memorizing equations from your physics textbook and memorizing the first 15 decimals of pi makes you intelligent

>> No.6474910

Are you kidding? A degree in Education is a negative predictor of teaching ability.

This field is so ridiculously incompetent that training in it makes people worse at doing the task they're studying.

Faculties of Education taking general credit for education in society is like religions taking credit for ethical behavior in society.

>> No.6475457


Please tell me them.

>> No.6475461

They're a big lobby and there are bound to be a lot of them on /sci/ be prepared to be enraged.

You're just a guy making an arguement (that happens to be true). They on the other hand are fighting for their livelihoods. If teaching goes the way of the dinosaur (online education is far better if not as good as tutoring by PhDs) they're screwed. Thus, they'll be vicious.

>> No.6475469

I dislike this opinion very much.

On a unrelated note, Education majors are not supposed to become teachers, though it's a common misunderstanding. It's like putting a philosopher of science to do lab work. That's not things are meant to be.

>> No.6475477
File: 42 KB, 242x251, guaranteed_replies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>file name related

>> No.6475484

Enlighten all of us here on what the purpose of an education degree is then. What is the utilitarian purpose of an education degree if its not to become an educator?

Because if it isn't then 95%+ of all education majors are doing it for the wrong reasons.

>> No.6475514

>It's like putting a philosopher of science to do lab work. That's not things are meant to be.

A person has no business philosophizing about science if they aren't a scientist. What frame of reference do they have if they have no practical skills or experience with the scientific method?

Are you one of those ivory tower types who thinks university should be about growing as a person, writing academic papers with no real world impact, and learning just so you can jack off about how large your brain is?

If you are, you are everything wrong with the college system.

>> No.6475520

>A person has no business philosophizing about science if they aren't a scientist.
I agree with this.

>ivory tower types who thinks university should be about growing as a person, writing academic papers with no real world impact, and learning
What? Who cares if you go to college solely to learn? What the fuck is wrong with that?

I'm not the guy you're responding to, but still. Explain your argument.

>> No.6475522

>physicists shouldn't tell engineers what they can and can't do if they don't do engineering
this is what you sound like

>> No.6475532

>tfw I enjoy science, philosophy and poetry equally

I don't see why fine arts and humanities need research institution though.

>> No.6475531

Most people don't have billionaire parents or spouses. This means they have to work for a living and the seemingly small difference in salary between 50k for a teacher and 250k for a high level engineer are significant.

Therefore encouraging people without billionaire spouses/parents to go into these less lucrative fields can majorly fuck up their lives.

>> No.6475539

>physicists shouldn't tell engineers what they can and can't do if they don't do engineering

how retarded are you. that is a true statement. An electrical engineer cannot tell a civil engineer how to build a bridge. In the united states its actually illegal and you will lose your license. A physicist cannot tell a mechanical engineer how to make an engine safe. Again that is also illegal and will get you fired.

Do you even think before you post?

I don't have problems with individuals specifically going to college just to learn. But people who think everyone should go only to learn and "become a more rounded individual" instead of going to learn to make a living are retarded. When only nobles got an education sure, go to learn. Once higher education became for normal people, its time to shift the paradigm away from the elite class looking down on people going for practical reasons, and make it more about creating people who will be proficient in their fields in real world applications.

>> No.6475541

>its time to shift the paradigm away from the elite class looking down on people going for practical reasons, and make it more about creating people who will be proficient in their fields in real world applications.

This exactly.

Im going to be a civil engineer. How does making me take humanities classes make me a better engineer? How does it let me build safer structures? The only argument i have heard for this is:

>it makes you a better person

Sorry folks, i dont want to be a better person; I want to be a better engineer. The entire concept of "gen eds" is insulting. General education ended in high school. I don't need more of it in college. That old world mode of thinking is what is keeping gen eds around.

>> No.6475544

Academia cannot be reformed from within.

Online education seems to be pretty good. Hell, one of the reasons computer science seems to have been such a great field/ driving the technology sector is because you could completely bypass the education establishment (dropping out of college) and do well in it.

How this can be done for other fields, I have no idea. Medicine, Law, etc. are probably doomed. A lot of other fields like say accounting, or electrical engineering will probably require a change in employer's behavior.

>> No.6475551

Music composition requires much more critical thinking than art and even has a lot of creativity involved to boot.

>> No.6475634

when scientific inquiry first began, it was seen as an artistic pursuit, the understanding of the nature of life. it was a combination of the study of physics, philosophy and humanity, which is pretty fucking artistic

>> No.6475675

And then people started to form an actual set of rules about how to rigorously investigate the natural world. Now it's science, not art.

>> No.6475697

>Once higher education became for normal people, its time to shift the paradigm away from the elite class looking down on people going for practical reasons
Ok, sure. I think that both "pure" and "applied" science are important for intellectual and scientific progress.

>make it more about creating people who will be proficient in their fields in real world applications.
Nope. It should be balanced between "pure and theoretical" science and "applied to the real world" science.

>> No.6475700

Dude, that's an elitist perspective. Some people actually want to you know, have kids and a family a nice house and a place to eat.

Currently, working at Stanford/Columbia/Harvard (i.e. places with incredibly expensive real estate) as a theoretical physicist or astrobiologist will not let you do those things unless your last name is Rothschild.

>> No.6475702

>Nope. It should be balanced between "pure and theoretical" science and "applied to the real world" science.

That's obvious. Learning the whys behind physics will make you better in real world applications. It gives you a deeper understanding. Same with mathematics.

Im talking about making an engineer take psychology classes or making an english major take chemistry. Its a waste of my time and a waste of my money.

>> No.6475712

Well, that's why I said there should be a balance. Not everyone should be a theoretical physicist, and not everyone should be an engineer. It should be 50-50.

>> No.6475716

>Im talking about making an engineer take psychology classes or making an english major take chemistry. Its a waste of my time and a waste of my money.
Well, the point of doing this is to make sure that the average citizen has a basic familiarity with a wide range of intellectual fields.
Why shouldn't scientists know some basics of literature, and why shouldn't english majors know some basics of science and math?

>> No.6475717

There's not enough money in theoretial physics to make it 50-50.

>> No.6475718

>There's not enough money in theoretial physics to make it 50-50.
And therein lies the problem.

I'm talking about what would be the ideal situation, which is obviously not easy to obtain.

>> No.6475719

Because that's what high school is for. Lots of engineers already know basic english/ have been exposed to all that already. They're there to get their degree so they can make money and not starve.

I know this is hard for you to grasp Phd. Rothschild, but that's just the way it is.

>> No.6475721

im this guy


You missed the entire point of my post. I don't care if you are going to be a theoretical physicist, journalist, engineer, author, or a basket weaver. Im saying that your education shouldn't have extra fluff.

It should help you become the best basket weaver you can. Taking subjects that don't help you become a better basket weaver are a waste of time and money.

>Why shouldn't scientists know some basics of literature, and why shouldn't english majors know some basics of science and math?

If you read any of the other responses you would already know. That is highschool's job. Everyone in highschool has english classes, chemistry, math, art, physics.

And i already said Im not going to college to become a better person. how does reading greek mythology help me in anyway if im not a literature major?

>> No.6475724

>im this guy: >>6475712
No, you're fucking not. I'm that guy. Don't pretend to be me, asshole.

>> No.6475726

when i said im this guy i was refering to this post

dumb ass

>> No.6475727

>That is highschool's job. Everyone in highschool has english classes, chemistry, math, art, physics.
And I would be fine with this, if high school actually did a good job of teaching people this. But it just isn't enough.

All I'm saying is, scientists should know the basics of things like Marxism vs. capitalism, and english majors should know the basics of Newtonian mechanics, or at least the epistemological principles of science.
It's about being intellectually well-rounded.

>> No.6475728


You see two quoted posts, one person says he is one of the quotes but you assume he is talking about your post instead of the other post you already know is not yours.


How many times do people need to say this. You don't go to college to become well rounded. You go so you can earn a living. How dense can you be?

>> No.6475731

Okay, now I don't know if you're a Rothschild or the head of a Sociology department. Maybe both?

Either way, again they're trying to make money. I know the Sociology departments need funding and it helps to force undergrad engineers to take their classes. But the engineers/accountants/etc. don't want to spend unnecessary time and energy on these pursuits just so you can brainwash them how you like.

>> No.6475733

>You go so you can earn a living. How dense can you be?

Yes, and I already explained that this is not what it SHOULD be for. How dense can you be?

Please respond to my argument that citizens should be intellectually well-rounded in order for a society to function, instead of making ad-hominem attacks.

>> No.6475736

Ok, my bad.

Next time, put the post that is "yours" next to your statement that it is yours,
instead of doing this:

>>someone else's post
This is my post.
>>my post

>> No.6475738

And we already explained WAYYYY back here that argument comes from a position of elitism and is how college worked back when only rich people went back in this post


College should not be high school 2.0

Don't ruin college because high school isn't doing its job. Fix high school. Fix what is broken, don't break something else instead. Your definition of what's well rounded is arbitrary.

And ill call you a dense, mouth breathing, retard all i want because i can and it's true

>> No.6475741

I still want to know if he's a Rothschild (or otherwise was born with a networth over 50 million) or chair of a Sociology department.

Anyways, you're wrong. College is broken and beyond repair. It shouldn't be fixed. Instead Online Accredidation (with some testing/auditing and work experience) should take it's place.

Unfortunately, I don't see how to get this working for fields such as Medicine and Law as the accrediation process is totally fucked up and dominated by Champagne Socialists/ people who don't want others to enter the profession in the first place.

>> No.6475740

>Don't ruin college because high school isn't doing its job. Fix high school.
Ok, that makes sense.

You still haven't explained why having not well-rounded people in a society is better than having more well-rounded people.

>And ill call you a dense, mouth breathing, retard all i want because i can and it's true
good rebuttal bro

>> No.6475743

Why do I get the feeling "well-rounded" means "indoctrinated in Marxism"?

>> No.6475746

>You still haven't explained why having not well-rounded people in a society is better than having more well-rounded people.

Because the phrase well rounded doesn't mean anything. Define what well rounded means and then i may considered telling you my answer. But the gist of it is, knowing greek myths does not make me a better person, listening to poems does not make me a better person, knowing the history of ancient japan does not make me a better person.

Ill tell you what does enable me to be "better". Providing for people i care about. Not worrying if i can pay rent. Knowing ill be able to afford food. Not having to work manual labor and ruin my body. All of your bull shit well roundedness doesn't help me with any of that.


>> No.6475753

>Define "well-rounded"
For fuck's sake: well-rounded means that people have a basic familiarity with a wide range of intellectual subjects.

This is better for intellectual discourse, and it makes people better citizens, who then make better decisions for the society.

The only society in which being well-rounded doesn't matter is a totalitarian, Marxist state.

People like you are the reason we don't have more Feynmans and Einsteins, because all you want is to extract as much from your education as you can for your own personal satisfaction, instead of actually contributing.
If you're going to act like a child, then I'm done, good night. Maybe you will change your mind later.

>> No.6475754


>> No.6475759

How can there be an Einstein if they're worried about food and shelter?

I only actually see people who are already very rich being able to pursue fields like poetry, lit, theoretical physics, etc.

>> No.6475765

confirmed for being a rich faggot who had everything handed to them. Maybe if you didn't have mommy and daddy's money you would actually need to go to school so you could afford to live like 80% of the rest of the population. Hell most of them can't even afford to go let alone afford to become "well rounded".

This isn't your perfect fantasy land where people have the luxury to go to school for the hell of it. This is the world where if you don't eat you die. You don't have a place to stay you freeze. You can talk about your fantasy land where we are concerned about informed citezens and well roundedness all you want. But most of us don't live in that world.

>> No.6475766
File: 35 KB, 528x355, lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Mechanical Engineering major, and I have no beef with art or artists. I wouldn't say they're less important. Sure, there's shitty "art" that does nothing to convey beauty, but there's also shitty engineering that does nothing to save lives, improve quality of life, or advance knowledge. I don't think STEM will become STEAM, though, not because art is unimportant, but because the STEM moniker reflects a group of fields of study with far greater economic potential than art does. STEM will continue to be important because it makes money. Art doesn't in the same way; at least not as reliably, and people care about money. For most, far more than they should, but it is what it is.

Good on you, Artbros. I wish you all the best, but I don't think your field will ever be classified with the STEM group.

>> No.6475771

Dude, it's more like 99.9% of the population. I'm from the top 1% myself and even I (and most 1%ers) have to make our own living.

The top 1% is defined as having a networth of more than 8 million.

Now for a family to support this and be this disconnected you'd need to be able to completely support yourself and all your children for certain.

I estimate that that would require a networth around $50 million. Which is more like the top 0.1%

However, the other option is this person works for a sociology department and so their livelihood directly depends on getting students to take sociology classes.

>> No.6475775

so neil degrasse tyson must be starving in the streets right?

>> No.6475778

Nope but he makes his money through entertainment, not academia.

>> No.6476608

wait what?

Why would someone get an education degree and not be a teacher? Why get an education degree then? I know others have asked but it seems you haven't answered this question.

>> No.6477206

Things education majors are supposed to learn: psychology of learning, sociology of education and philosophy of education.

The purpose is Education degrees is to create people whose single purpose is to think how education and leaning works, not to do that work themselves. They're not meant to be teachers, but rather headmasters. Either that or get a tenured position and publish a couple of papers per year until they die.

>A person has no business philosophizing about science if they aren't a scientist
What you're saying is: engineers have no business projecting cars if they didn't assemble one.

While it is true that by being detached from their subject, academics will always have to deal with some informational loss, that isn't a really problem, as we're talking about different skillsets. Engineers are not technicians, and they're not supposed to do the same work.

But if you want to be pissed about the actual theories, feel free to do so! Popper gets plenty of flak from actual scientists and philosophy of education is pretty much a field for intellectual warfare.

>> No.6478630

I actually consider Educating an actual skill.
Or are you going to shit on every professor and teacher that actually attempt to make their material digestible?

>> No.6478651

i don't have anything against artists but it makes no sense to group them with scientists, mathematicians etc.

art is pretty much the polar opposite of STEM

>> No.6478660

Why would you choose the engineer?

>> No.6478661


This, how many jobless science phds/masters students are there. Replace public school teachers with people who actually know the shit.

>> No.6478668

>Well, the point of doing this is to make sure that the average citizen has a basic familiarity with a wide range of intellectual fields.
Isn't that why highschool exist?
The fuck do I have to take spanish once more?

>> No.6478705

STEM = objective

arts = subjective

makes no sense to classify them together

>> No.6478829

Art isn't subjective. That's a common misconception perpetuated by philosofags. Aesthetics is very well amenable to the scientific method. We can objectively research what makes art aesthetic.

>> No.6478840

You will get far in life if you drop meaningless intensifiers like "objective".

>> No.6478844

I don't need your advice. I already got far in life.

>> No.6479329


I always wondered about how someone can study the impacts of science on society, but have no actual idea what science is. At my university, there is a whole department of "technology and society". I'm not doubting the intent of this field, but I'm pretty sure the people in here don't know about newtons laws of gravitation, any calculus, the laws of thermodynamics...etc.

>> No.6479336

I would agree to this if you made all those fucking art majors take calculus 1 or general chemistry or basic intro mechanics. Make them do our fucking easiest fucking courses, no more "rocks for jocks", "scopes for dopes", "physics for non stem majors" courses.

As it is, STEM majors have to do all their bullshit, but rarely do they have to learn even the basics of any of our fields.

>> No.6479342

Basically what I was about to say except for the mechanical engineering part

>> No.6479359

screams cashgrab by arts departments tbh

>> No.6479390

It's not a matter of "just as important". The importances of the aesthetic and the practical arts are orthogonal and incomparable.

There are good reasons to lump science, technology, engineering, and math together, and they don't apply to including art among them.

>> No.6479459

>On a deserted island.
>Not wanting someone knowledgeable about fungi and which mushrooms are poisoned.
Seems smart.

>> No.6480231

>Good on you, Artbros. I wish you all the best, but I don't think your field will ever be classified with the STEM group.

But this thread is all about that. And it is happening.
Just look at

>> No.6480281

but imagination is the most important part of science anonymous. You see something that you cant explain, you think up a possible explanation with your imagination, then you test your idea.

>> No.6480343

I don't care anymore. After STE got added the whole thing kind of lost its point. Anyone else think we mathfags should secede.

>> No.6480403

Having an innate and intuitive, personal and discovered sense of lighting not only within a piece of art itself, but also how the color is going to be interpreted by the viewers eye, especially considering where the piece of art is going to be displayed-and how, is an extremely complicated process.

That's just a nutshell overview of lighting. Not to say anything about actual subject matter being painted.

>> No.6480406


>> No.6480454

Well we already let the code monkeys in CS who can't do a simple fizz buzz into STEM.
Why not let the artist in too? I see no real difference in scientific ability

>> No.6480461

>Art isn't subjective
it absolutely is. what is the purpose of art?

>> No.6480462

fuck this makes me mad

stupid artfags wanting to feel relevant

>> No.6480537

>Why must artfags ruin everything?

This is a really good question. Why do school try to cram as many types of subjects as possible, instead of specializing their faculties in either Humanities or STEM?