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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 311x536, 1396939340325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6466376 No.6466376[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look at this shit


Why has this not been mass produced yet? Is this prick really not letting out the recipe to potentially the greatest discovery in 200 years? Seriously?

>> No.6466419

I remember Lucky Severson on the Discovery program Invention mentioning this in the early 90's.

What a loss if the formula dies with the inventor.

>> No.6466428

Sounds like aerogel on acid.

>> No.6466436

sounds like they should put it onto a rocket and send it to space.

>> No.6467047

It can withstand tempatures up to 10,000 degrees.

You could literally land on the fucking sun with a coat of this shit on.

>> No.6467056 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 334x346, 1396984682977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck getting it through the corona though.

>mfw "heatproof"http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c=03AHJ_Vuv1KCMdvsvvKpvX3Zs9n68vsTEDhJ9LvvlM63WvWUrOrYw87v72MKkQdqcgt9DJdBEnq3sxhnBEElh8siYqMY5XX-NYVmi-pGPPgMeIyQGBOxgJmz6JHZkCBi-MHtTGkpWpi-Ev9ZpS8qf6ykONUkhr2we54w30VzTX24Yhqj_7iqCewUHvwTZl7P8Nahy1a8lxDAAjDjAs8nXQcMkuL5UC3sf7SYr2QdAISflr1alEm7Q_-ei-YNivI2xksRNssK3o8lJQ
>mfw thermo laws are laughing

>> No.6467059
File: 19 KB, 334x346, 1396984774113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck getting it through the corona though.

>mfw "heatproof"
>mfw thermo laws

>> No.6467062

who gives a fuck?

magnesium sparks are 3000C and they don't hurt a bit on your skin, doesn't mean you can walk around on the sun naked

heat matters, not temperature

>> No.6467064


>> No.6467068

Sorry i worded that wrong, it's only been tested with 10,000 degree tempatures.

There's no telling how high up it can with stand. Look on youtube about it.

BBC did a documentary about it.

>> No.6467077

Forgive me if I trust thermodynamics laws more than a youtube video. Wikipedia says that this stuff is "90% organic", and there's no way that many C-C and C-H bonds can absorb and dissipate energy like that. Sounds like a crackpot to me.

>> No.6467082

almost all the people hawking HHO kits (lmao what a dumb name) were demonstrated to be complete frauds scamming people

>> No.6467092

Do a little research on it then.

That's all i can say

>> No.6467108

>i read some shit on the internet, theres even a youtube video

Im pretty sceptical of this as well. Both for physical chemistry reasons, and for economic reasons.

The man would have ZERO problem retaining 51% ownership of this material, corporations would be lining up just to own 10% of the rights if this was even remotely true.

>> No.6467106

>The tests showed, among other things, that a thin piece of Starlite wouldn’t burn even when subjected to temperatures as high as 10,000°C
stopped reading here
after wolfram and wolfram carbide, the highest melting point according to wiki is at 4500 °C
first rule of science: paper or GTFO

>> No.6467117

I did, and there is nothing out there besides misinformed dailymail news articles and sensationalist articles about the creator. No scientific trials or compound analyses at all.

>> No.6467129

>The man would have ZERO problem retaining 51% ownership of this material, corporations would be lining up just to own 10% of the rights if this was even remotely true.
these are based off assumptions that this man isn't a prick, in which i think he is.

Apparently his family still has the recipe.

This is one of the only times i'd support the government running into their home, taking the recipe by force, then leaving.

>> No.6467141

What if a sun made of Starlite© crushed into a sun made of fire?

>> No.6467143

you create a sun made of ice

>> No.6467144

how about he shows his research first?
what tests did he perform, what are the physical properties of the material?
you dont even need to reveal the components or the production process, but simply saying "it works, believe me" is not enough

the coating would survive, the content will not

>> No.6467204

Here's a demonstration


>> No.6467229

thats only 1200 "C not 10000
and it looks just like aerogel which you can produce at home relatively easy. At this resolution you cant see whether it is covered in a thin film or half a centimeter layer

>> No.6467233

>based on assumptions about the man's character

are you honestly 12 or do you just believe everything you read on the internet?

corporations could give a flying fuck about your personality, long as you have the goods. world-changing material? he could be a puppy-eating baby rapist, they wouldnt give a damn.

>> No.6467246

Jesus christ, every fucking time, /sci/ is so incredibly and unshakably fucking dogmatic and sure of themselves about their most petty assumptions.
He means the man is a prick who would refuse any level of ownership less than, well, some far too near 100 number that nobody else would be happy with.
Im not that anon, by the way.

>> No.6467269

Are you retarded? Can you not comprehend what i'm (OP) saying ?

I'm trying to get across that he doesn't want to give up the recipe, no matte rwhat he's been offered, which in-turn makes him a prick. He doesn't want other people to know the recipe, and potentially revolutionize the world, because he doesn't want to give the fucking recipe. Jesus fucking christ, it's like your comprehension skills are that of a fucking frog.

Fuck, you piss me off. I'm sure you still don't understand what i'm trying to say.

>> No.6467281

He doesn't want to give the recipe because it produces shit. He is too ashamed to publish it now that everybody thinks it's mithril

>> No.6467284

with my 20 years experience as hairdresser i was able to find a cure for cancer, but i dont want to give it to anyone

>> No.6467292

It would be a pretty easy fraud, too, if the show producers thought the story could be enhanced with a bit of showmanship.

>> No.6467327

not only do you express your ideas poorly, but you are also a collosal faggot and a loser. especially if you believe this fucking startlite starbrite bullshit for even one half a second.

eat a giant dick, kid. oh, and buy an e-cat while you're at it.

>> No.6467368

He expressed his ideas perfectly clearly, you are truly a socially inept retard if you couldnt understand the original implication.
That or an arrogant fuck who will automatically assume the worst possible interpretation of something they hear.

>> No.6467369

seems plausible

>> No.6468849

thank you sir.

You'd think /sci/ would have intelligent, rational people. But then you remember /b/ is just a click away.

>> No.6469538

why do you make efforts for grammar if your grammar is not complete

>> No.6471292
File: 447 KB, 720x528, 3a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're missing the point.
I too could invent a zero-point teleportation device an decide not to tell you about it, nor show you tangible proof of it's existence. What possible reason do you have to believe me without a shred of evidence? Do you just wanna believe in it 'cause it's convenient? Dont be such gullible pleb bro.

>> No.6471296

>video proof
> no evidence

>> No.6471306

dammit not you too
videos arent good enough, we need proper scientific papers with confirmation from multiple sources of its authenticity. As far as i care the video could have been an april fools joke.
Even if it is legit, maybe it has some degenerative proccess that makes it useless after a few months. If it was real, you can bet the military would have already gotten the information out of this guy, by force if necessary. Dont be so naive.

>> No.6471310

>Former Chief Scientific Adviser to the Ministry of Defence Sir Ronald Mason noted "Maurice sometimes speaks scientific cobblers, but this is really the most remarkable material".[2]
[2] ^ The Guardian, "Soundbites", 12 Apr 1993

It was tested and observed by people with money.

He is dead now.

>> No.6471322

ok, you've convinced me
"Ward allowed various organisations such as the Atomic Weapons Establishment and ICI to conduct tests on samples, but did not permit them to retain samples for fear of reverse engineering."
bs ofc they retained some of it, they'd be stupid not to. Given this info, the material is probably in use, at least not to public knowledge.
>inb4 conspiracyfag
i said probably, not definatly

>> No.6471338

I don't think he ever mailed out samples.

The moral of this story is, paranoia gets you nothing when you're trying to make money.

>> No.6471381 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 306x37, 1397171893860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci/, anyone has idea how to solve this?
Solution is: x = 1/4042110

>> No.6471389 [DELETED] 


Now get out.

IOW, do it yourself.

>> No.6471394

meant to post it as a thread.
I think another hour and a half isn't going to help me much.

>> No.6471411

Here's the deal. If this stuff is able to vent heat quickly enough to keep the egg under it cool, then it should theoretically be letting off heat at virtually the same rate as it's intaking heat. Assuming that it is distributing that heat equally throughout the entire Starlite layer, then the Starlite itself should be glowing hot - the exact temperature of the stuff could vary, but we can safely say that it would be at least 7500degC on the surface. At 7500degC, the egg should be glowing white hot (assuming that the radiation it's emitting is visible), raising the temperature of the room to fatal levels within minutes (if it's infrared), or killing everyone in the area (if it's UV or xrays).

Now, the torch used in that video is NOT a blowtorch, and it's not burning at 10000degC. It's probably closer to 1000degC, which would still mean that the egg should be a uniform orange or red if it's distributing heat like the creator claims. Instead, it looks cindery and black, indicating that the Starlite is decomposing under the heat. Obviously, the video is bullshit.

Also, this material would have to be capable of emitting thermal radiation in a single direction (i.e. not inwards), which would be ridiculous.

>> No.6471417


thermal conduction does not work that way.

>> No.6471418

Would you prefer I used the term "emit"? The heat energy going into the Starlite, according to the creator, is not going into combining the chemical bonds of the Starlite itself with the oxygen in the air, so the majority of it must be emitted as radiation, even if it is contained to some degree within the bonds of the atoms in the compound.

>> No.6471420
File: 43 KB, 400x300, weakestlink-robinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Reflect" is the word you are looking for.

You are the weakest link.


>> No.6471426

You realize that reflection is a very fast combo of absorption and emission, right? And Starlite is obviously not a good mirror, because it visibly undergoes extreme changes in the video.

>> No.6471481

What changes? I only saw a carbon accumulation from the burning gas.

>> No.6471488

Have you ever witnessed carbon accumulation like that from a live bunsen burner?

>> No.6471495

Those are not ethanol torches.

>> No.6471591
File: 108 KB, 344x278, 1396494570336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bunsen burners burning ethanol

Bunsen burners run on propane or methane, usually. And the majority of carbon oxidized during the process is made into CO2, with a very, very small portion becoming complex carbon compounds like PAHs. There's no carbon buildup - if there is, your burner is burning too cool, and it's still not enough to form the black stuff shown in the video.

>> No.6471624


..."This reduced mixing produces an incomplete reaction, producing a cooler but brighter yellow which is often called the "safety flame" or "luminous flame". The yellow flame is luminous due to small soot particles in the flame which are heated to incandescence. The yellow flame is considered "dirty" because it leaves a layer of carbon on whatever it is heating. "

>> No.6471712

I doubt the torches were using Bunsen burner quality nozzles. A $30 dollar nozzle on a $5 dollar tank of gas? I doubt it.

>> No.6471745

Is there a reason why it would only emit one type of radiation? Couldn't it be like those really fancy fans that make very little noise because the windblades are designed in such a way that the sound comes out in tons of different frequencies (smooth frequency spectrum/no tonal peaks)?

>> No.6471782

The person you're replying to can't understand how cheap nozzles produce soot.

You shouldn't expect much from his answer, if he gives one.

>Couldn't it be like those really fancy fans that make very little noise
Could you explain again what your question is? I don't see how a fan applies to a compound mixture. For that matter, I don't see how radiation applies since the mixture never gets hot.

>> No.6471785

>This is one of the only times i'd support the government running into their home, taking the recipe by force, then leaving.
That's exactly what happened. The military confiscated the recipe.

>> No.6471842

Obviously it's not complete combustion, but the amount of soot is nowhere near enough to produce the black shit all over the egg, and anyone who has ever actually used a bunsen burner should know that. Not even a campfire produces that much that quickly.

No, it could emit any number of wavelengths of radiation. But it's highly unlikely that it's going to emit anything besides infrared and visible light. You could certainly test that though, and you could model the emission profile if you knew the heat of the flame and the composition of the Starlite (according to the creator, it's mostly C-C and C-H bonds, which have distinct emission traits).
Fine, there are a few millimol of carbon residue buildup. The soot buildup is made up of things like PAHs, which I mentioned.
>I don't see how radiation applies since the mixture never gets hot.
The Starlite has to be emitting ~100% of the incoming energy as radiation if it's not getting hot. The energy has to go somewhere.

>> No.6471905

>The Starlite has to be emitting ~100% of the incoming energy as radiation


Do you think it is kinetic energy or light spectrum energy that it is emitting when it doesn't absorb the heat?

>> No.6471908

>but the amount of soot is nowhere near enough to produce the black shit all over the egg

You have been spoiled on too much lab equipment. Those flames in the video were obviously yellow.

>> No.6471973



<div class="math">Fire*Starlite = Ice</div>

<div class="math">Fire=Ice*Starlite^{-1}</div>

<div class="math">Fire*Ice^{-1}=Starlite^{-1}</div>

I think you just solved the problem of the century son

>> No.6471986

What a dick.

>> No.6472016
File: 1.22 MB, 477x252, markiemark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this different from any other ablative thermal barrier?

>> No.6472061

The lack of shit falling apart because of fire.

>> No.6472088
File: 2.59 MB, 3008x2000, Stardust capsule after reentry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falling apart?

>> No.6472187

Did you see anywhere that says it is ablative?

That's right. You're making shit up.