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6465300 No.6465300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

n^0 = 1


>> No.6465306

because n^0 * n = n^1 = n*1

>> No.6465312



>> No.6465326

Do you even logic? to go from n^2 --> n^1 you divide by n, thus you divide n^1 by n to get n^0

(n^1)/(n)=n^0 --> n/n=n^0 --> 1=n^0

>> No.6465333

Think of this way,
n^4 = 1*n*n*n*n
n^3 = 1*n*n*n
n^2 = 1*n*n
n^1 = 1*n
n^0 = 1
n^-1 = 1*(1/n)

There are other ways of looking at it though, it's mostly defined this way because it is convenient.

>> No.6465334

The only one answer:

n ^ 0 = (n ^ 1) * (n ^ -1) = n / n = 1

>> No.6465345

It's quite simple anon. You see n^x is a group homomorphism from (Z,+) to (R, *) and as a morphism it maps the additive identity 0 to the multiplicative identity 1.

>> No.6465356

No, that's the wrong order. You define n^x, then you explore its properties. Being a group homomorphism is not part of the definition of x^n, so you cant state that without proof.

>> No.6465360

because a/a=n^a/n^a=n^0=1

>> No.6465372

You can see x^n as a product of x's indexed by a set of n elements.
When n = 0, it's a product indexed by an empty set, hence the neutral element of multiplication, 1

>> No.6465378
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because we make math, and we can say whatever the fuck we want, who is going to stop us?

>> No.6465397

what about 0^0???

>> No.6465398

sometimes it's undefined, other times (particularly in algebra) it's defined as 1 (as a^b is defined as the number of functions from {1,2,....,a} to {1,2,....,b] and the number of functions from {} to {} is 1)

>> No.6465492

Ahh, don't you just love pretentious people who spew out incoherent terms to try to confuse people and are wrong about it?

>> No.6465505

>what is a joke

>> No.6465553

Strictly speaking you can 'define' an equivalent and pointlessly obtuse definition for n^x for integer x by the homomorphism between the groups, that equals n at x=1, 1/n at x = -1. The identity mapping to the identity is a consequence but I think the whole joke is that this group theory version is hardly 'quite simple'/needless obfuscation/basically pointless.

>> No.6466649

Because powers are subtracted when you divide by a power of the same base. For example:
>x^5 divided by x^3 is x^2, (because 5-3=2)

Therefore, to get a power of zero, you would do:
>x^5 divided by x^5 is x^0, (as 5-5=0)

Any non-zero number divided by itself is 1, so for all values of x in x^0, it is equal to 1.

>> No.6466697


>> No.6466717

In n^(1/x) x tends to infinity, meaning the term (1/x) becomes closer to 0 in turn giving you n^0

n^(1/4) = 4th root of n
n^(1/16) = 16th root of n
n^(1/inf) = inf'th root of n

As you can imagine, the xth root of n for a very large of x will end up close to 1, regardless of how small or large n is. As x approaches infinity, the x'th root of n will become 1.

>> No.6466904


Just no.
n^0=1 (commonly) because we defined it to be so.
There are reasons to define it as 1, and it is compatible with other operations, but it's not the answer to the question, just nice effects of the definition.

>> No.6466971


>we make math


>> No.6467081

>just nice effects of the definition.
You're an idiot.

>> No.6467103

assuming: n^(x+y) = (n^x)*(n^y)
(like (5^2)*(5^3)=5^(2+3)=5^5)

so: n^x = n^(x+0) = (n^x)*(n^0)
therefore n^0 = 1

>> No.6467123


2^3 = 8
2^2 = 4

2^2 = (2^3)/2


2^1 = (2^2)/2 = 4/2 = 2

And the last step:

2^0 = (2^1)/2 = 2/2 = 1

And yes, you can pick any number to get the same answer.


2^(-1) = (2^0)/2 = 1/2
2^(-2) = (2^(-1))/2 = 1/2/2 = 1/4
And you can go on forever.

This proof is IMO the most simple yet the most effective one to the famous n^0=1

>> No.6467166

so when we do exponents it is base 1? top kek m8

>> No.6467338

0^0=1 and 0^n=0

>> No.6467347

I am mathematician. And yes, it is defined so that is has nice properties, like
It is not all that intuitive, since 0^n = 0 for all n!=0.

It makes the most sense to define it like this.

AND after all, in modern analysis it is often the case that at least 0^0 is left undefined.

So, before calling someone an idiot, use your brain or if not able, at least use google.

>> No.6467353

It was meant to say " like, for example 0! = 1.

>> No.6467508

2^5 = 32
2^4 = 16
2^3 = 8
2^2 = 4
2^1 = 2
2^0 = 1
2^-1 = 0.5
2^-2 = 0.25
2^-3 = 0.125

Do you see the pattern? It's divide by 2 everytime

>> No.6469415

you're dumb. stop trying to look smart you fckin undergrad

>> No.6469460

It's not 1 when looked at through complex numbers.

>> No.6469469

Op, its because x^n-1 is equal to (x^n)/x
so x^n-1 for n=1 is x/x which is 1

>> No.6469482

a=1*a for all numbers a, by definition of 1.
a^b = 1*a^b = 1(*a*a*a*...*a) with b (*a)'s.
n^0 = 1*n^0 = 1() with zero (*n)'s = 1.

0^0=1*0^0=1() with zero zeroes = 1.

>> No.6470533
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n^0 = (n^1/n^1) = 1.

>> No.6470538

nice shitbump

>> No.6470540
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I don't swing that way gay boy.

>> No.6470561

interdasting...now why is 0!=1?
1!=1 so 1=0 <=> you all lost.

>> No.6470587

People like you who don't understand that the definition of n^0 to 1 is not the reason n^0=1 lack a key quality required to achieve anything meaningful in mathematics. Incidentally, if you cannot guess what that quality is, it's also because you're lacking it and it proves my point.

>> No.6470590

"Every function is injective" -- Retarded Anon

>> No.6470970

>you lack some unspecified intangible property and if you don't guess what it is you have proved my point
dis gotta be baitn

>> No.6471809

because n!=(n+1)!/(n+1)