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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 211 KB, 636x346, drholly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457897 No.6457897[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

qtπ math PhD on Numberphile.


>> No.6457925

>those comments
fucking youtube virgins

>> No.6457925,1 [INTERNAL] 

She's not incredibly qt but that's interesting

>> No.6458146

"Sorry you have to slog through the "she's hot" comments on this, Brady. I tend to be more reserved... but here I'm of similar mind. She's _adorable_~ :D

Smart and silly - my kind of person indeed."

Jesus Christ. She's not even that qt

>> No.6458169

What a boring video. Is it supposed to make people lose their interest in math? Who gives a fuck about pluggin numbers in a function and looking at prime divisors? Fucking useless. No applications. Math can be so beautiful and interesting, but this pure autism shit is just dull and pointless.

>> No.6458175


Sorta agree with you. I wouldn't say it's completely useless, but it got uninteresting rather quickly.

>> No.6458198

If she was instead a fat balding professor the video would have 1,475 views and 3 likes and 5 dislikes. Men are such horny losers.

>> No.6458222

>men who like the attractive opposite sex are horny losers
>this is what creationists believe

>> No.6458228

> attractive
this is where you fail.

>> No.6458235

She's fucking nasty
-1/12 out of 10

>> No.6458243
File: 33 KB, 261x358, 1339895098207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the comments

>> No.6458253

>men who like the opposite sex are horny losers
>this is what creationists believe

>> No.6458274

She's objectively a 5/10 you fucking beta permavirgins

>> No.6458277

So basically she's never doing another video again. Nice work, patriarchy.

>> No.6458281


>> No.6458282

beta permavirgin detected

>> No.6458288

not quite. I just happen to understand that different people have different tastes.

But that isn't to defend the people who have nothing better to do than leave such comments as if hoping she'll fuck them.

>> No.6458308

>That's just, like, your opinion man
I think she's a 4.

>> No.6458309

Yes, but the math talk gets her to 7/10.

>> No.6458345

That comment gave me an almighty cringe

>> No.6458357

She is lovely.

>> No.6458389

I bet her brains are huge and convoluted

>> No.6458456

A friend of mine was pursuing a doctorate in library science, and his wife had a doctorate in math. She was a raging cunt.

>> No.6458858

Is this what PhD mathematicians do? Constructing random sequences and finding prime numbers? Who the hell is paying 300k for this?

>> No.6458863

>pop-math is real math

>> No.6458902

Like if you agree: there is nothing more sexy than a woman who is better at math than you are. I major in chemistry and minor in math: I was proud to have a mathematics ass kicking today.

>> No.6458912

>I major in chemistry and minor in math: I was proud to have a mathematics ass kicking today.

I'd imagine you get mathematics ass kickings from grade school students.

>> No.6459014

Wow, /b/!

>qtπ math PhD


Wow, /sci/!

>> No.6459016
File: 41 KB, 315x475, datpopsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What a boring book. Is it supposed to make people lose their interest in math? Who gives a fuck about Fermat's Last Theorem? Fucking useless. No applications. Math can be so beautiful and interesting, but this pure autism shit is just dull and pointless.

>> No.6459083
File: 5 KB, 95x114, krieger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dayum she's cute

>> No.6459188

>Dayum she's cute
>such /sci/

Is beauty objective? Subjective then? Oops- that's philosophy. -Different board.


>> No.6459201

Beauty is objective.

>> No.6459212


>> No.6459230

Number theory and sequences are the devil's work. I feel uncomfortable hearing about sequences like this because it feels like there's something too big going on; patterns that are too fundamental to properly grasp.

>> No.6459248

I know what prime numbers are and I know how to evaluate functions at integer points but what the fuck is this good for? Where would we ever need to generate an iterated sequence and find its prime numbers? In my opinion she presents it very poorly, for she fails to motivate what she's doing.

>> No.6459305
File: 214 KB, 371x481, Krieger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holly Krieger


>> No.6459470

>I know that no three positive integers a, b, and c can satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than two but what the fuck is this good for? Where would we ever need to use this? In my opinion it's very poorly needed, for it fails to motivate me in what I'm doing; laying pipe.

Math should be practical.
Art should be beautiful.
Philosophy should have nothing to do with science.

>> No.6459541
File: 7 KB, 320x240, 1361656214320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not a qt3.14. What the fuck.

>> No.6459645

not me
I am a horny winner

>> No.6460289

I'd give my third testicle to date someone like her.

>> No.6460299

standard are pretty fucking low in science

>> No.6460317

male unhorny loser here

>> No.6460324

She is pretty wicked cute. I wish I could find someone as attractive as her.

>> No.6460329
File: 1.73 MB, 200x293, d87e43f2_mvmhbo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6460338

fucking lel'd

>> No.6460595
File: 1.24 MB, 300x149, 1355510298287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6460617

There's a philosophy board?

>> No.6460643

why would you buy that

>> No.6460654

I don't think a motivation is necessary for something like numberphile, which is mathematics purely for the sake of mathematics. I think it's really interesting. I did an independent research project on fractals while I was in high school and was very interested by the Mandelbrot set. It was fascinating to see that connection in Dr. Krieger's video.

Now I only wish I could be as pretty as she is!

>> No.6462323

See this just reinforces that a woman's only value is in her looks. Nobody cares about the content of the video. This is the battle women face everyday to be taken seriously. You don't click a Richard Dawkins video and see the comments judging whether the video sucks or not based on his sex appeal.

>> No.6462434

No this just says that men are distracted by _beautiful_ women. Numberphile has had women on before and the reactions weren't anything like this. The Numberphile audience isn't exactly used to seeing hot girls talk about math, so that factors into it too.