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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6456548 No.6456548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Engineers and Future Engineers of /sci/, Assemble!

Let's get a dedicated thread happening, discussing education, employment, experiences and general engineering related topics.

>> No.6456566

Hook-up threads go on /soc/, engineer social discussions go on /lgbt/

>> No.6456576
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>tfw using full debian in an embedded system
>the company has built an FPGA on board
>accessing hardware in linux userspace
god damn it I get so hard about how awesome electronics are now

>> No.6456727
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Australian citizen, thinker, has an idea that to save the world while turning a profit simultaneously stimulating growth and providing quality employment isn't a impossible feat of engineering.

I know too good to believe your probably thinking who does this plebe think he is?.

>> No.6456736

Future chemical engineer here on the biomolecular track. What can I expect in terms of employment?

>> No.6456797

>Being a shit-tier Engineer

Accountant here


Six figures if I decide to do taxes on the side

Stay pleb assholes

>> No.6458586


Cool e-stats bro, But accountants are a diamond dozen.

Isn't it a community college course now?

>> No.6458610

BS ME here.
Trying to decide what to do for masters.
Applied Mechanics (or Systems and Controls) for ME or Control systems for EE

>> No.6458611


You know what I fucking hate? Dime a dozen faggot careers.

>Real Estate Agents (fuck these assholes)

You guys are not fucking special. OH WOW you're an accountant and you barely make it over 6 figures, nobody fucking cares. You brag about being an accountant like it's as prestigious as being a doctor or something. Get the fuck out of here with that gay bullshit.

>> No.6458618

Do computer programmers count?
I'm trying to become a self-made internet entrepreneur...
Hey, we're all STEM :)

>> No.6459202


Oh look, another enginerd bashing other majors. You're just a little salty because ultimately your job relies on us - who have the potential to make hand over first more than you.

>> No.6459209

What's the appeal of glory holes? I just don't get it.

>> No.6459244

>I'm trying to become a self-made internet entrepreneur...

I'm tearing up from laugh.

>> No.6459258

This is stupid

Separate the disciplines, the ChemE, MechE, AeroE fields etc. are very different from each other and will have very different experiences and advice.

Plus I don't want to hang out with the Civil plebs

>> No.6459262

What do aerospace engineers do on the day to day? I'm a mechanical engineering student thinking about going into the aerospace industry

>> No.6459270

Any encouragement for a failing mechanical engineering student? I'm really considering a change in course but I want to give my best try...

>> No.6459275

Year? If less than 3 switch, most people that fail the intro courses end up spending 6-8 years to finish their degree only to be unemployed when they graduate.

>> No.6459294

>ITT, assholes who lord their career choices over one another while dismissing all others as insignificant/unimportant

You are horrible people.

>> No.6459298

>You are horrible people.
Tell us something we don't know, fag.

>> No.6459301

News just in, im not trying to save the world here pal, just making more money than you and living a comfy life at the same time

>> No.6460238
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>be br
>police arrests 5 potheads in a federal uni
>uni is confirmed for a place full of potheads and where theft and even rape go unnoticed because "MUH OPRESSION FROM TEH POLICE!!!ELEVEN!!!"
>potheads get mad
>flip 2 federal police cars
>shock troops kick butts
>they invade the rectory and plaster pro-weed shit all over the place
>remove the flag and get charged with "Crime against the Brazilian nation"
>police openly saying they want to rek shit and end with the crimes and drugs in the uni but "muh autarky and uh opresion!!elven" hold them out
>everyone wants to rek potheads
>rector has brain cancer and can't chew a gum and walk forward at the same time
>based STEM students go on a counter protests make the rector promise to get a police base in there, fly the flag, allow the media to accompany them and invade the invaded rectory and don't leave until we clean the place
So why aren't you a engineer yet /sci/?
>muh math dime in a dozen making 120000000000k$/s

>> No.6461950

>Isn't it a community college course now?

Engineering is too.

Nearly everything is.

Doesn't matter, I went to Yale.

>> No.6461956

He thinks Engineering isn't a diamond dozen career

Holy shit

You're literally doing bitch work for 60k/year and you'll never get laid in college working with sweaty fat Autistic neckbeards your whole life

Being a Doctor isn't even presitigous anymore; most Doctors are broke

>> No.6461988

Same here. I'm thinking about doing propulsion.

>> No.6461990

All I'm getting out of this is.

>Government took over an autonomous university.
>People are plebs for propaganda.

>> No.6462039

I don't know, students committing treason is pretty bad

>> No.6462042


>> No.6462045

any nuclear engineers? Just curious what they do on a daily basis at least in power plants

>> No.6462050


I'm thinking about pursing a career in Mathematics and Statistics? How will I fare out compared to an engineer?

>> No.6462052


Sorry about that first question mark.

>> No.6462103

>treason in a corrupted state

>> No.6462551

>Autarky is free to become a crime den
>not relevant
You should stop being 15

>> No.6462575

>classical lefttard/pothead
>5 potheads being arrested and police fighting back=nazist facist capitalist oppressive coup took over the unviersity

>> No.6462582


in a corrupt state you have a patriotic duty to break its laws and fight its servants

>> No.6462586

>this kind of people are allowed to live and spread their stupidity
You are worse than south "separatists"

>> No.6462618

be mechanical engineering master race
just graduated

>> No.6462622

I'll apply this year for a mech eng course. Electrical is my second option. I picked those for they are the more "general" ones. I like everything from egg painting to nuclear chemsitry

>> No.6462648


Uh, engineering is a diamond dozen career. Just look at the number of engineers coming out of China and India. Enjoy being outsourced and the downward pressure on your wages.

>> No.6462662

Only in america. Here they are fighting over people in the middle of their courses

>> No.6462672


It's a doggy dog world, and nobody is immune to outsourcing or insourcing. So long as you do well in your academics and get your internships, you'll never have to worry about Raj or Wang.

>> No.6462673
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>implying I needed to major in engineering to not get laid

>> No.6462684

>for all intensive purposes
for all intensive purposes
>for all intensive purposes
for all intensive purposes
> all intensive purposes
for all intensive purposes
> all intensive purposes
for all intensive purposes

>> No.6462691

doggy dog world too

>> No.6462761

*for all intents and purposes

>> No.6462769

Is this your first day here?

>> No.6463026

I'm sorry, the requirement for success is the souls of a billion kittens.

Anyone can buy a career in China.

This entire thread had nothing to do with anything creative on any level.

>I'm on 4chan alright.

>> No.6463303
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I really want to work at space x but live in Ilinois i Have shit grades currently in high school (18)
i dont know all that much about engineering i know a bit of cad and I know a lot on how rocket engines work I just don't necessarily know the math to /sci/ id be a dumb ass, but im guessing you dont have to be that much of an autist to be a propulsion Engi so idk what to do I really want to work on Space Xs new Raptor engines and MCT so badly

>> No.6463312

how is egg painting engineering?

>> No.6463318

I'm an engineering automation engineer, I'm automating away your employment prospects!

>> No.6463326

I'm just interested in a very broad spectrum of subjects.
>tfw that universal man thing is forgotten
>tfw specialists for everything

>> No.6463328

>do computer programmers count

>> No.6463358

What kind of paid work could a second year Mec. Eng. student look into to get some experience /connections? I'm a poorfag and can't afford to take an unpaid internship.

>> No.6463536
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I need help choosing /sci/entists

Should I only do a Professional Physics degree and go into kickass research or get a Physics/Engineering duel degree and have an increased chance of getting a great job with good pay?

>> No.6463556

Do phys/engineering, if you really really like what you learn then you can always do a physics phd and proceed to research.
>i think

>> No.6463579

I know im gonna major in mechanical and minor in aerospace becuase i want to be aplicable to everything really but i still want to follow my dream of working on massive monster rockets

>> No.6464887

please don't spread the cancer that is generals to /sci/