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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6439063 No.6439063 [Reply] [Original]

What benefit does all this space/astrophysics shit actually have upon the world?

Why in fuck do we need to know what happened during the big bang, or what happens in a black hole, or how the universe will end?
How will knowing any of that stuff allow me to make a commodity I will sell and make a profit?

While the worlds biggest geeks were arguing over how the universe was created, Facebook created virtual reality.

So again, what is your contribution? Why should anyone care about your astroshit when no profit is to be made in it?

>> No.6439076

Facebook didn't create shit. They got a bunch of advertisers to give them money, and then they found the world's biggest geeks who created virtual reality and bought VR from them. Now they'll turn VR into farmville or something.

>> No.6439077

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6439083

Facebook will eliminate poverty and save the world. If you don't agree with this, you are a filthy luddite.

>> No.6439095

How is creating shitty games for shitty people to play and waste their shitty lives on, a "contribution"?

>> No.6439097

Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.6439106

>hurr hurr i don't agree with you, so you are a troll

Get a life, really. Facebook is doing some great things. Imagine if everyone is connected to Facebook, corporations would know exactly what people want, which in turn will lead to lower prices thanks to higher efficiency in the allocation of resources and services. The end result of this: people being more prosperous.
Hating progress is a sign of fear.

>> No.6439109


Get a life, really. The Census is doing some great things. Imagine if everyone is connected to The Census, corporations would know exactly what people want, which in turn will lead to lower prices thanks to higher efficiency in the allocation of resources and services. The end result of this: people being more prosperous.
Hating progress is a sign of fear.

>> No.6439126

No, I thought it was a troll because I didn't think anyone on /sci/ would be this retarded.

Facebook is doing great things? Yeah, it's not starving children. It's not actively murdering scientists.
You know what would be better? If all the revenue that goes into Facebook were used for science and research.

We need to dissolve Facebook and seize its assets, and put all that money into actual science.
We don't need more people "connected" so that they can share their pointless drivel with each other.

>> No.6439130

Whelp when the comet comes in from the Oort cloud don't blame me, your the one that though football deserved more energy from the human race than preparing to save ourselves.

>> No.6439134
File: 11 KB, 200x199, not a screamer cubba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not coming at you live via satelite

>> No.6439161

Freeze drying
Water purification
Solar Cells
Temper foam
Improved radial tires
Scratch-resistant lenses
Invisible braces
Powdered lubricants

>> No.6439166

Exploring the universe is an endeavor which touches upon our deepest human yearning: to understand ourselves. Sure, knowing why the Big Bang happened or how the brain functions might not have a monetary value or an immediate effect upon our lives, but its greater implications are staggering and incredible. We know nothing about ourselves; we know nothing about the universe; people spend their entire lifespans devoted to gods that they hope will give them an answer and an avenue for eternal peace to stymie the torrent of questions and fears of their mind. Yet what is normalcy in the face of the universe? Yes, it is necessary to normalize our behaviors so as to make leading our lives easier. But upon contemplation the incredible uncertainty, bizareness, and singularity of human existence becomes evident; consider yourself in the canvas of the cosmos and one feels very small indeed. It staggers me; my mind, such as it is, can hardly even clear away the penumbra of this monolithic elephant in the room. These questions, this universe, are worth so much to us as a species that the fact that some people deem them not even important is a tragedy.
Btw we are hairless apes and money is pieces of paper given a value based upon a shiny metal we think is pretty and we live on a giant rock hurtling through this gigantic airless vacuum around a ball of nuclear fire

>> No.6439178

>We don't need more people "connected" so that they can share their pointless drivel with each other.

all of my yes

>> No.6439202

>Why in fuck do we need to know what happened during the big bang, or what happens in a black hole, or how the universe will end?

nigga, you just simply went full retard.

PD: astrophysics =/=astrodynamics.

>> No.6439206
File: 994 KB, 232x227, 1356609566969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What benefit does all this Electromagnetics shit actually have upon the world?

Why in fuck do we need to know what happens when move a charged object near a conductor, or what happens in a black body, or how the electromagnetic force works?
How will knowing any of that stuff allow me to make a commodity I will sell and make a profit?

While the worlds biggest geeks were arguing over what a current is, Abner Doubleday invented baseball.

So again, what is your contribution? Why should anyone care about your electroshit when no profit is to be made in it?

>> No.6439209
File: 17 KB, 210x222, asdfasfasdadsadsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking resources from other worlds and selling them to dumb people on earth like you for a profit

>> No.6439211
File: 34 KB, 503x365, 1348840852933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing my post was a parody of the OP to make a point

>> No.6439236

