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6438670 No.6438670 [Reply] [Original]

Have I stunted my intellectual growth by smoking weed every day for 5 years (16-21)?

>> No.6438691


>> No.6438690
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>> No.6438695

intellectual? Nah,
but in terms of intelligence, or learning new things, yes

>> No.6438694

Sagan gives me hope

>> No.6438697

don't post rhetorical questions on /sci/.

yes, you have.

>> No.6438701

why do you say that?

>> No.6438699

It depends, you probably never had any to begin with after the age of 16.

>> No.6438702


>> No.6438705

>Everyone on /sci/ was a genius from birth

>> No.6438711
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>> No.6438710


its possible

one known effect of smoking cannabis is it temporarily reduces (competitive inhibitor) of acetylcholine neurotransmitter which is often associated with creation of new memories.

also you might have fucked with your dopamine reward system (nucleus accumbens), and normal fear/anxiety system (Amygdala).... cont.

>> No.6438715


going off of the Amygdala

OP do you currently have any issues with anxiety? panic attacks from strangers? Nightmares?

>> No.6438716

How the hell do all these people manage to get access to weed in school?

>> No.6438718

When I first gave up I had anxiety attacks but they have since subsided

>> No.6438721

Weed is fucking everywhere

>> No.6438723

this is especially prevalent in teenage use that continues for years,
you may have heard about the statistical increase in schizophrenia in teens using cannabis. likely it just brings out a preexisting condition, but newer research suggests that heavy chronic cannabis use can lead to anxiety panic problems

>> No.6438729

I'm mainly worried about problems with memory, does anyone have any ideas on how I could test this

>> No.6438728

>newer research suggests that heavy chronic cannabis use can lead to anxiety panic problems
Links, other sources?

>> No.6438731


thats good, but still indicates pretty heavy use...
yeah your short term memory and working memory probably arent the best, there are things you can do to improve them, but no easy quick fix.
it took you 5 years to get here, it will take you 5 years to get back what you lost.

>> No.6438738

Yeah, so in your opinion, no permanent damage?

>> No.6438748

How do you know where here is? in relation to my intellect.
And do you reckon memory and intelligence are linked?

>> No.6438750


dude plenty of research out there, google some key words in that sentence.

make sure you have the fundamentals down, consistant sleep schedule, daily workout, and balanced diet (no crazy vegetatian/atkins/caveman diet) workout your mind.
'DoubleNBack' is great for your working memory, its hard though and barely a 'game' more of a workout

>> No.6438756


your brain in pretty plastic, especially at such a young age,
but still its like obesity... if your fat now, and you dont do anything about it the problem is only going to increase over time.

>> No.6438760

I've given up! On the road to recovery (if that's possible)

>> No.6438757

If I dropped out of college while eating mushrooms, smoking weed and drinking, while being generally unhealthy, and getting sometimes delusional and often dehydrated, how much irreversible brain damage have i caused?

>> No.6438762

the fact that you have stopped smoking is great, but without constant effort on your part any gain back in 'intellegence' will be to subtle to notice.

>> No.6438768



>> No.6438772


>> No.6438775

Well I think all these responses are rather facile, what are we defining as intelligence? And what proof do any of you have that weed damages the things that we are associating with intelligence

>> No.6438781
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once your have the fundamentals of your life down there are further options that you can take to perhaps improve further with supplementation, (b12, creatine, and low piracetam doses)

but its kinda like Maslows Heiarchy of Needs... you need to take care of all of the fundamentals first then you can move forwards in improvement.

pic related

>> No.6438786

Sorry, I think you may be chatting shit

>> No.6438788

Okay well, I try to drink plenty of water, limit things that are heavy on the liver/kidneys.. except i do still drink, so don't pretend like i'm perfect. but i try to eat less packaged food and eat more vegetables and fruits. and i lift now.

will my mental health improve? what else should i do

>> No.6438797

because OP doesnt look like hes looking for research, I was going off of 'layman' intellegence, related mostly to short term and working memory

not spearman's general intelegence quotient

the research is out there on cannabis' negative effects on short term and working memory
>let me google that for you

also I dont hold the belief that acute cannabis use in the adult brain has long lasting negative conseuquences.

>> No.6438799


I skipped yellow.

>> No.6438811

I skipped giving credence to that post

>> No.6438807
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Me too

>> No.6438816


mental exercises, games, learn something novel , read, learn a new language, experience life....

what I linked to here...>>6438781
maybe applied to the last 20%,
and you shouldnt drink while taking these supplements

>> No.6438820

it begs the question what is intelligence and does it improve, I've read about the heritability of IQ, but IQ is only one measure of intelligence.

>> No.6438828

> Esteem
Pretty sure I have a Narcissus complex because of Maslow.

>> No.6438826

Okay mate. But these sound like things to happiness, not an ICU for a damaged brain

>> No.6438830

I have a narcissistic personality anyway

>> No.6438842

OP here, I think I'll be fine

>> No.6438849

thanks for help, advice, and arrogant statements.

>> No.6438855


its all related... all these things are occuring at the same time, nothing happens in a vacuum in your mind.

learning something new strengthens neurological connections and can lead to myelination of neurons.

theres some pretty cool research on elderly learning a new language, and what it does to things like Brain Derived Neutrphic Factor

>> No.6438859

But you notice it right?
Does that feed back into your complex?
"Look I'm so great I can see that I'm not actually that great; I just think I am."

>> No.6438875

I think there are too many generalisations in this thread.

>> No.6438900

it's not something that I have much control over. Like I find it incredibly hard to give a shit about anything other than myself, and I have to catch myself from wanting to talk about how great I am. and insults really bother me and i analyze everything says too much. It's not fun, I actually wish I could get rid of it

>> No.6438905

I've been trying to learn Russian and I read literary fiction. I've also gone back to school and am taking continuing math courses (Differential Equations right now) that are hard for me

So I guess I'm on the right track, I just need to not drink.

>> No.6438946

I dont understand you guys, smoking weed make me more creative and stimulate my imagination like crazy. I think of crazy fucken things i think i wouldnt be able to think without weed. It makes me more intelligent. Fuck it lol stop thinking that its bad FUCKEN GOVERNEMENTS LIARS WHEN ARE YOU GONNA STOP LISTENNING TO THEM..........all they want is profit. Money dominate the world. And governements wouldve so much trouble taxing on weed since everyone could make grow in their backyards. CANT MAKE MONEY LETS ILLEGALIZE IT...
Its a plant , a tropical flower plant. I dont understand why it should be " Illegal " A PLANT ? HELLO? IS IT ILLEGAL TO GROW LIFE ? ... Sorry if you like to send people to dead at wars and kill tons of people and IM VERY SORRY TO TRY TO MAKE LIFE HAPPENS. SORRY GOVERNEMENT SORRY.

yes im mad as fuck lol. No way it should be illegal. And its not, In my mind i am the anti cancerous cell of the earth, trying to make life happens and the humanity(especially white race and im white) is the cancer of the earth.If there was enough anti cancerous cell we could beat the cancer but the cancer has grown too much, probably uncurable. Enough said, lets all grow weed and make life happen cuz life is beautiful and even more it is a MIRACLE

one more word, governements legalize alchool, and you can overdose on alchool, you can pass out and vomit and drown in ur vomit. BUT NO PROBLEM IT IS FINE ITS LEGAL :) and i didnt talk about all the car accidents...

While its impossible to overdose on weed why should it be illegal.

Been smoking for 10 years now im 22 and i feel more awaken than never.

A citation that a will never forget : " Sure you can trust your governement, ask an indian ".

Peace out and plz make love and life happen on earth we lack of this :) Love you all. Have a nice day.

>> No.6438952

this has to be copypasta

>> No.6438957

Either a genius troll or a spectacular retard.

>> No.6438955

What is Intellect?
What is Intelligence?

One in the same?

>> No.6438962

I have no idea. depends on how you define them

>> No.6438964


>> No.6438977

Thx for calling me a genius troll, ill just take the genius part thx. You have to analyze the situation and think twice. and its not copy pasta wtf lol you just cant believe my way of thinking wtf .... I wish there was tons of more people like me on earth. Would be so more peaceful and love everywhere. Im sure there are but not in a good enough number to make a change :'(

>> No.6438989

Oh yes i forgot, weed is medicinal, governements allow people that are near death to have some, SO ? IS it ILLEGAL ? or IS IT MEDICINAL ? ....... Think twice my friends.

They dont allow people to drink alchool when they near of death wtf it would kill them even faster LOLL LOLLL ahhh humanity....

>> No.6439030

Definitely, would not recommend for studying, you are probably slightly more creative when high though if that helps.

>> No.6439068

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

Thats the citation that make me think that way.

Citation of Buddha.

Im born in a family where its christianism. Nobody tried to make me a budhism i read about it and after analyze and observation you know that its the only true " religion " i wouldnt even call it a religion dont even know why its callled like that. Its like, how to live in peace with nature. How beautiful is that!

Only bad part of weed is the short term memory loss for studying so i would not recommend it... But everything is better with moderation (EVEN SEX and its what we are made for)(too much sex and your penis will hurt man its not cool). If you smoke once a day, and after all your study, you should be fine i believe. Ok ok i have to leave this thread or i wont stop posting LOL... So bye and do your own observations and analyze and thats it.

>> No.6439279

I've been smoking weed for the past three years. from 18 till 21. I guess the major side effects are that you are slow of mind/action so you won't be very productive. Having said this, I have studied many times under influence which keeps me some kind of focused on the subject for that long. Even made one exam after smoking a little bit of weed, still passed it.

When I was 18 I was an insecure guy, although intelligent I wasn't very social. I guess smoking made me more social somehow because you get mind fucked about your problems.

I think weed is great but exaggerating is never good, and yes I guess it will have (some) impact. Reading some science articles they link it with motoral functions crashes, depression, anxiety etc. Of the population of smokers from Australia who smoke ten years or so 72 percent thinks it has done more good then harm.

>> No.6441102

I have been smoking pretty regularly for anxiety for almost 9 years. My memory was never that good to begin with, but I retain facts from the subjects I study. It works better than klonopin, I form memories better than when on klonopin, I can continue doing work while stoned that I can't do while on klonopin. I got honors in undergrad (3.9) and am so far getting all A's in my PhD program. Everyone is different, and know your limits, but I study a lot of math in my free time/when high to make sure I don't lose my edge. I definitely feel slightly stunted, but not as much as if I was paralyzed by anxiety all the time. Hell, it helped me stay sane enough to continue sustaining a pretty healthy relationship too.

tl;dr - probably. but keep up with mental exercises and don't let it fuck up your study habits and you will be fine.

>> No.6441170

I don't trust weed these days op. That recent popularity and prevalence. And I will certainly not tea it again until it's my own homegrown. Anyone who grows it in pvc is producing pvcweed. Anyone who grew it in their radon basement could be producing leadweed. Hash made with butane contains that neurotoxin. All of these bottled brand name nutrient formulas I do not trust. I find all the new strains we've made too uninteresting among the marvel of the high itself. As if I've only purest Sativa and Indica is the only way I'd care to grow it. Not wasting my time driving out to buy someone's ak47 rpk conversion grown in the blood of niggas. This action repeated may stunt intellectually. Enjoy your custom consciousness.

>> No.6441180

>all these people who started smoking at a young age
It seems like a lot of stoners start young, most likely because the black market is an anarchy, that is there are no laws or regulations, so you can buy and sell to anyone at any price. The worst part of this is that dealers actually PREFER to sell to CHILDREN because whilst adults aren't actually interested unless they can get it for 10 a gram, children can be sold marijuana at around 20 a gram, my sister was buying it at 25 a gram.

This is a problem.

Alcohol is different though, if you sell alcohol to children or give children alcohol, you an expect fines up to 1000 dollars. Because of this, children seldom have alcohol unless they're stealing it from their parents, in which case their parents are either irresponsible (that's their deal) or will be knowledgable that they have alcohol missing, meaning a parent can restrict alcohol from their children.

Unlike alcohol, parents cannot restrict marijuana from their children.

Want to stop these preteen and teen stoners? Legalise marijuana.

>> No.6441186
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Probably. You desensitized your brain to the endocannabinoids your body produces. Basically you fucked up a somewhat essential method by which your cells send signals to each other.

You've damaged your brain.

That said I still think that consenting adults should be able to legally use recreational drugs. It's your body, your life to fuck up. And you certainly fucked yours up.

>> No.6441219

>Unlike alcohol, parents cannot restrict marijuana from their children.
>parents can restrict alcohol from their children


>> No.6441230

Did you really think your parents didn't know when you were stealing alcohol? They have a round about guess about how much they've actually drunk, and they're pretty cluey when they had 6 beers yesterday and 5 beers today. Your parents were just too uncaring and distant to actually give you a talk.

Now marijuana, it shits me when my mates steal weed from me, I think any parent would notice that their marijuana jar is now half as full as it should be and even a figuratively absent parent would tell their child to cut that shit out, because that's their weed.

The best way to keep marijuana from kids is to legalise it.