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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6433696 No.6433696[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New cosmos streaming in here! Join us for billions upon billions of thoughts!


>> No.6433698

get in here

traps and anime pussy

>> No.6433699
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>> No.6433703

only fags like boobs

>> No.6433704

Did Neil Tyson really say that thing in the picture?

>> No.6433708
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>> No.6433711

Link to a real steam please?

>> No.6433725

>this stream
>watching a trap dildo her/himself while watching a documentary on the cosmos

thank you

>> No.6433751

Coffee is one hell of a drug.

>> No.6433759

"420 BLAZE IT"
- neil "de grass" tyson

>> No.6433766
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Cosmos is a shitty show. Why waste time watching it?

>> No.6433764
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>> No.6433771
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Neil is trying to sell weed

>> No.6433800

This. For really. Why are they trying so hard to market this to 14-year-olds?
>question authority
>he experimented with cannabis
>he was ONE OF US
This is kinda insulting.

>> No.6433805
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This os fucking much

>> No.6433813

aw shit he mentioned god again, creationists prepare to get blown the fuck out

>> No.6433814

I'm not religious, but I feel like this show is trying to shove atheism and anti-religion down everyone's throat. Can't we just have an objective science show without mentioning how bad the Church is or how wrong Christianity is?

>> No.6433820

Except you know, the new series using the most updated science as of right now

>> No.6433818
File: 29 KB, 500x280, sagancarl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went back and watched the originals. They were seriously like 100x better than this new series.

>> No.6433830


I suppose, but the originals are still like 98% accurate. That said, the originals were a real masterpiece -- a work of art. This is just another science show.

>> No.6433835

your nostalgia is showing, stop.

>> No.6433842

>shoving atheism down everyone's throat
I don't think the mention of God not being the force behind celestial motion can be considered that.

>> No.6433846

Maybe. I think more people get FOX than the science channel and most shows I see that are like this are on the science channel

>> No.6433853

I agree with him, Cosmos with Carl Sagan is a personal journey, and you feel like you're experiencing an epic, a tale of mankind and a frontier.

This Cosmos feels like a personal appeal for people to stop being fucking retarded in 2014, and accept science. NDT just isn't as loving as Sagan was.

>> No.6433860
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Is science too DEEP for you?

>> No.6433866

Maybe because you've seen stuff like this already. To some kid trying to learn this show is awesome and gets him more interested

>> No.6433885

Yes, of course he did. Why would anything you read on the internet ever be a LIE???????

>> No.6433887

>I feel like this show is trying to shove atheism and anti-religion down everyone's throat
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.6433895

Do you know what a cautionary tale is motherfucker?

>> No.6433898

I'm mutt religious either, but I see what he's talking about.
>billion-year light-show
>to music
>get your glowsticks ready

>> No.6433904

There's not all that much they needed to update from the original Cosmos. The original series was sufficiently broad and covered lots of topics. It wasn't so much about the cutting edge as it was about humanity as a whole and humanity's scientific endeavor.

>> No.6433906

>history lesson of one of the first known people to openly think that the universe is infinite and the stars arent just lights but other suns

I guess we should start ignoring history now too if it offends religion. Good idea anon! Let's just never talk about what happened if it puts religion in a bad light!

>> No.6433907

So what's /sci/'s opinion of the episode. I though it was great, best so far.

>> No.6433911

Considering how Comos also explores the history of science in the Western world, no.

I fail to see how atheism or anti-religion is apart of this.

>> No.6433912

Yeah, they must be cramming atheism and non-belief down people's throats because their recanting a historical tale about someone who was legitimately persecuted by the church. What a bunch of assholes. How dare they make me feel bad for being a christian by mentioning how backwards and fucked up the church was hundreds of years ago.

>> No.6433915

I was a bit iffy on it, really heavy on the animation segments which...fine, but it didn't feel as personal as the first Cosmos did. In fact this is actually the first episode of the new Cosmos where I thought "Meh, Sagan did it better". They're bringing up religion too much at this point to where it's becoming exhausting.

>> No.6433921

Wow what a fag. Your "christians" are just as bad as the fedoras at times.

>> No.6433923

> Newton wasted many years trying to find the date of the second coming
> Newton found a way to explain the way the universe works without having to rely on silly-Bible-commandments.

>> No.6433924

They literally just mentioned the Bible a couple times during an episode based around a period of time where that was the most important shit for pretty much everyone in Europe at the time. They didn't bring up religion at all.

>> No.6433926

>They're bringing up religion too much at this point to where it's becoming exhausting.
Well, this was the reality being faced in the scientific community in 1600s Europe.

>> No.6433929

He doesn't have a point. He's just bitching for the sake of it.

>> No.6433931

The whole problem with this show is the connection back to Sagan and the original Cosmos.

If Dr. Tyson just did his own show, in his own style, it would be fine. By calling it "Cosmos" and drawing so much from the original, it ends up being a bastardization of something that was more or less perfect in it's original form.

>> No.6433944

Do people really think this is anti-religious? All they said was "we don't need the Bible/God/Jesus/Church" to tell us the truth. I mean come on are Christians really this sensitive?

>> No.6433948

Religion has a special place in the story of Science. Most of the great names from the past had problems with the Church. You can't expect a depiction of the History without mentioning the driving force of the Catholic Enterprise.

>> No.6433949

This show is just supposed to be a modern update of the original. Nothing new (other than some of the science)

>> No.6433952

>I mean come on are Christians really this sensitive?

>> No.6433953

>are Christians really this sensitive?
Funnily enough, yes:
Their persecution complex knows no bounds, yet at the same time they find themselves perfectly justified when persecuting others. It's one of those special feats of mental gymnastics they're able to perform.

>> No.6433955

It's not that it's anti-religious, it's that you can't go a single episode without it being mentioned somewhere, like they're trying to appeal to that audience. "See, this relates to Christians because..." kind of shit, whereas Sagan didn't seem to give a fuck and just talked about science for the sake of it. It just feels like it's trying to appeal to a religious audience.

>> No.6433958

Sagan itself would probably be happy with the show. Society has changed in the last 20 years. You can't expect that the youth of our generation would just go sitting around watching an old show.

>> No.6433959
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maybe I'm just seeing it everywhere, but it seems clear to me that they're marketing to the same people who post pic related on Facebook.

>> No.6433961

Wasn't ep 2 censured in part of Murica?

>> No.6433963

I think it was just a few seconds of the first episode, where evolution happened to be mentioned. Didn't hear anything about the second episode being edited, though I did hear creationists whine that it didn't "tell both sides of the story and let people choose for themselves". I fucking hate living in this country sometimes.

>> No.6433965

Why would it be?

>> No.6433966

Considering that it's airing on Fox, which is a major network that doesn't want to lose viewership in a religious country such as America, I doubt it.

>> No.6433974

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.6433970
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>> No.6433977

Because we have something called freedom of speech over here you silly yuro.

>> No.6433976

I evolved from founding fathers

>> No.6433980

Not when it involves science and anything that may offend the Bible.

>> No.6433981

eh, I think its trying to show the average american religious-moderate that you don't need faith, and that science operates outside of it and even supersedes it

>> No.6433984

Is that what they teach you in yuroschool?

>> No.6433988

No that's what I've learned from living in this country my whole life.

>> No.6433990

Fox has been the trashiest channel on TV since the nineties, and the US is losing its religion, like that REM song.
Again, I'm not religious at all, but i see the guy's point.

>> No.6433994

fyi this is what he actually sounds like, all the shows are sped up to sound normal


>> No.6433995

You should really stop watching sensationalist news stories. You should also probably learn what actual censoring is.

>> No.6433997
File: 68 KB, 350x529, evil_carl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That moment when you realize you will never watch a Steroid Enhanced Carl Sagan fight Anti-Vaccination Movement leaders to the death

>> No.6433999

Why do so many people think science and religion are incompatible? Many of the greatest scientific minds in history were devout believers. Even Sagan admitted to being agnostic, not an atheist.

Believing that a deity created the universe is no more fantastic than believing that a finely tuned universe just popped into existence on it's own for the hell of it.

>> No.6434000

I think >>6433842 already covered it. The Newton story showed that gravity was behind the phenomenon, not necessarily a God.

>that science operates outside of it
refer to the above

>and even supersedes it
Really? If I recalled, they featured Giordano Bruno in the first episode. Where does it say that?

>the US is losing its religion
Yes, organized religion, *not* necessarily faith or spirituality. Honestly, I don't think he has a point.

>> No.6434004

>The Newton story showed that gravity was behind the phenomenon, not necessarily a God.
So, Gravity is God?

>> No.6434006

But you can't be super edgy if you admit that there might actually be an unknown force similar in nature to a deity.

>> No.6434008
File: 125 KB, 500x750, Super Sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I Buff enough for you?

>> No.6434009

I don't know your religious background and don't care to. Interpret it as you please, but I don't think it's fair to say that Cosmos is antitheistic, especially given Sagan's position..

>> No.6434013

>I don't know your religious background and don't care to.
Can I be Bicurious?

>> No.6434014

Why not?

>> No.6434015

Well you can, just that religion often "limits" what sciences does and even tries to hold it back(creationist, geocentrist, anti-stem cells)

Being a fedora myself its not so much believing in god that bothers me, is worshiping a crazy mass murdering sadomasochistic god.

>> No.6434020

>Even Sagan admitted to being agnostic, not an atheist.
Agnostic probably doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.6434021

Cosmos legally cannot be censored. Seth McFarland got unconditional creative control for Black Science Man and Mrs Sagan.

>> No.6434024

>and even supersedes it
>Really? If I recalled, they featured Giordano Bruno in the first episode. Where does it say that?
What I meant was that show is saying science, operates "outside" or religion, but when they "disagree" i.e creationism, geocentric model, science "wins"
Its doesn't negate all religious belief but it can prove part of it invalid, so it "supersedes" as I mentioned

>> No.6434027

>Cosmos legally cannot be censored
Did Congress Pass a Law saying this? Did the FCC give carte blanche to them?
Citation Por Favor

>> No.6434030

Censorship by the government is already illegal. Has been since a couple slave owners in dumb looking wigs wrote about it a few hundred years ago.

>> No.6434031
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Because Fedoras like to think that Believing in Science (actually understanding any of it is optional) frees them from all that lame-o morality and shit. And it automatically makes them smarter, too.

>> No.6434035

everyone should watch NDT interview with Bill Moyers.
see what an asshole he really is.

>> No.6434037

Then why does the FCC exist?

>> No.6434040

>Did Congress Pass a Law saying this?
Yeah, it's called the first amendment.

>> No.6434044

Well, if one is supported by research and evidence it will "win" out over another interpretation regardless if it is religious or not. I don't interpret that as a knock against religion, just how science tends to operate.

For Instance:
Say scientists "A" and "B" observe a phenomenon and form two different hypotheses. It later comes to light that A's is better supported than B's, resulting in the latter being rejected. Likewise, if another scientist C 's hypothesis is better supported than A's, A's will either be modified or rejected. If one has a religious basis, I see how it could upset some, however that's not inherently antitheistic.

>> No.6434045

>you just are atheist because you want to sin!
Don't even start

>> No.6434055

thats what I meant, its doesn't disprove off all religion, but it can prove parts of it wrong.

Its a separate entity that, lets face it is better at getting to the truth, and if science and a religious doctrine disagree over something, science over rules the doctrine.