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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6432694 No.6432694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>google cosmos air time
>first result to come up on google search
I laughed way harder than I should have.
This is just pathetic.

>> No.6432741

>people thinking faith and science are mutually exclusive when they're completely different things
>people blurring science with faith and tying their well being to it
this is the real problem

>> No.6432947
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>someone mentions anything criticizing a theory
Every fucking thread

>> No.6432958


>> No.6432966

i was criticizing the creationists, but i guess atheists can kind of fall into a similar trap from the opposite end

>> No.6432969
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>someone says something remotely secular
>fundies pop out of thin are with knee jerk reaction of dumping images of fat neckbeards in hats
Every fucking thread

>> No.6432973

Taking any part of science as absolute and eternal truth is completely wrong and ascientific. Dogmas as a religious thing. Go study some more you positivist fedora wearer.

>> No.6433989

This is possibly the least intelligent post I've read all month. Good job.

>> No.6434010

>mutually exclusive when they're completely different things
This is confusing wording. I mean I know what you're trying to say and I don't disagree with you, but the wording seems contradictory.

That said, even though the two are different things at the fundamental level, they both have offered alternative explanations for the same things. Things that at one point could only be explained by religion can now also be explained by science. The ever expanding scope of scientific achievement creates a dilemma where religious believers are forced to either fight science, narrow their religious scope, or try to reconcile both belief systems in a non-standard ad-hoc way that varies from person to person. Until religious bodies begin standardizing what the scope of religion is in a world with science I don't think we can expect the two to amicably coexist.

I mean sure, one is based on the scientific method and the other is based on faith, but when faith is shaken by scientific achievements there is a conflict that is inappropriate to downplay.

>> No.6434012

Daily reminder that the only reason Cosmos can piss off creationists so much and get away with it is Seth McFarland negotiated unconditional creative control for Neil Tyson and Ann Druyan.

Black Science Man could go on the air and piss on a crucifix before jacking it while yelling "oh Dawkins" until he cums on Jesus and there's nothing the suits could do about it.

All because Seth basically owns Fox.

>> No.6434017
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>Black Science Man could go on the air and piss on a crucifix before jacking it while yelling "oh Dawkins" until he cums on Jesus and there's nothing the suits could do about it.
I don't know why I laughed as hard as I did but it hurts to breathe now thanks to you.

>> No.6434033

They actually are mutually exclusive. One is a dogma based on the will of some jew and the other is the seeking of truth, the study of reality. You can say whatever you want about spirits and shit, but if you don't bring proof about it, it will never be science.

>> No.6434048

there's a simple way to adapt to it, and it can be summed up in a statement
>god will never act in a way that leave direct evidence of his existence or involvement, so faith acts completely independent of science.
problems arise when people try to blend the two
>theists claiming things are evidence of god's involvement
>atheists claiming faith fundamentally warps and precludes your acceptance of science

oversimplification, but that's the sparknotes of what's wrong

>> No.6434085
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>believe in something loosely akin to guided evolution, origin of life itself was divine, deity adjusted the environment to encourage changes rather than changing life directly when necessary to lead to humanity, otherwise ran on simple chance and adaption
>mfw idiots who take Genesis literally will always get more attention

>> No.6434100

>People imposing on other people what God is
That's the most distracting thing.

>> No.6434123

I'm glad my religious professor isn't a fundie. Most christians I grew up around were extreme fundies so I grew a distaste for Christianity. He makes me have hope for the religion as a whole.

>> No.6434131
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>> No.6434137

What a constructive and insightful post.

>> No.6434141

<implying you didn't laugh when this came up

>> No.6434142


Do you not like epic memes?

>> No.6434147

catholics or protestants?
most catholics i know are reasonable, the protestants are bible thumpers

>> No.6434148

I didn't actually. In fact, I found it rather obnoxious and idiotic.


>> No.6434166

Good try, man.

>> No.6434191

I don't give a fuck about you faggots arguing about religion, but is Cosmos at least an interesting watch? I'm undergrad meche, in case having any particular background helps with the viewing experience.

>> No.6434198

>Divine intervention when natural explanations suffice

Why the redundancy?

Not to say what you believe isn't true, since it isn't decidable by science, but it does make for redundant metaphysical baggage.

>> No.6434214

>pop sci suitable for children

You don't need any background. It's also very likely there's nothing said in this series you wouldn't already know or heard of, so your mileage may vary. I get a kick out of its scientistic propaganda and the ensuing conservatard reactions but that's just me.

>> No.6434211

I've really enjoyed it so far. Its kinda made for the people who know nothing about science but the visuals are grand.

>> No.6434223

Alright, thanks.

>> No.6434245

To echo what he said, it's more about flair than substance, but the flair is good and what substance is there is nice.

Don't go into it expecting to learn anything. Go into it expecting pleasant, science-themed entertainment.

>> No.6434451

You sound like a /pol/ version of me when I was five.

>> No.6434455

Science does not seek truth. Truth is immutable (Sounds like a dogma doesn't it?). Science seeks well.. God knows what. You could say it seeks to make better abstractions and mostly use math as a tool/language. When you say scientists seek truth you are being an euphoric idiot.

>> No.6434467
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>creationists want more airtime for religion on science series

>> No.6434480

>fundies bitched when Sagan´s original cosmos aired.
>fundies bitch again when Science Nigger whipes the floor with them.

This follows my pattern of expectation.
Who gives a shit, Cosmos is already filmed, produced, done and done.
If they want more airtime they better start getting their cameras ready.

>> No.6434483

This is all the fault of the American protestants and their insistence on a literal reading of the Bible.

Catholics have no such problem.

>> No.6434495


This. Catholics have long since accepted Evolution and Big Bang theory as likely explanations of our universe. They just believe that God was the catalyst, it's the American retard creationists that are the problem.

>> No.6434500
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>mfw i believe in both science and God
>mfw i believe God created us using evolution
>mfw i believe Human are evil and science or religion are geed or at least natural

>> No.6434502

>i believe in [...] science
stopped reading there
ur an idiot

>> No.6434507

Care to Explain ?

>> No.6434517

>Hurr durr science is absolute and only truth.
That's what he said. Just ignore the fedora underages

>> No.6434525

Tyson is too weak to be the narrator. It's a struggle to listen to his voice, whereas with Sagan it's so unique and YOOMANS.



>> No.6434524

Evidence. Science seeks evidence.

>> No.6434526

I think he was just pointing out that one isn't a belief system.

>> No.6434563

Personally, I could have enjoyed a good female speaker just as well.

Especially one with big boobs.

>> No.6434576

Thats not the issue

The issue is scientific theories are backed up by facts and evidence and are falsifiable

The same cant be said of religious hypothesis, hence why no religious hypothesis in cosmos

>> No.6434584
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Carl Sagans voice is godlike

If you know what asmr is, I wish this fucker wouldve been alive long enough to find out

>> No.6434592

>The nature and classification of the ASMR phenomenon is controversial. Tom Stafford, a professor at the University of Sheffield, says, "It might well be a real thing, but it's inherently difficult to research."[1]
Ok m8

>> No.6434601


As in I want him to voice some of that shit and give me the delicious tingles.

In all seriousness though, to my knowledge asmr is in the same boat that synesthesia was back before it was verified as an occuring phenomenon. Give it time, itll be discovered eventually

>> No.6434739

>>god will never act in a way that leave direct evidence of his existence or involvement, so faith acts completely independent of science.
Which god(s)?