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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6422117 No.6422117 [Reply] [Original]

Name someone smarter then Einstein.
>protip : you can't

>> No.6422120

Issac Newton
Henry cavendish

>> No.6422121

Relatively speaking

>> No.6422122

Well I am.
Also because of Flynn effect, it is also a not so strange thing.

>> No.6422135

You're right, I can't.

Einstein is by far the greatest genius to grace this earth.

>> No.6422154

jacob barnett and that new 2 year old kid whose IQ is higher than einstein's

>> No.6422157

de Broglie

...there, that was easy.

>> No.6422158

There's no such thing as being 'smarter' than someone, since intelligence is a social construct. The only reason Einstein made contributions to science is because daddy paid for his education

>> No.6422174

>intelligence is a social construct
Is there any basis for this

>> No.6422183

Too bad OP, the oracle at Delphi already declared Socrates as the wisest being of all time.

>Einsteinfags getting BTFO

>> No.6422189


It's not too hard to understand what you are "studying", unless you are a troll, of course.

>> No.6422210


Oh look, it's this thread again. First, the definition and measurement of intelligence is left undefined by you, so you're really not off to a good start.

I could name plenty of people have contributed more to society than Einstein... I can also name plenty of people who contribute less to society, or nothing (I'm looking at you, OP).

Nobody cares about raw intelligence besides oneself and/or people who can put that intelligence to good use. "Oh I heard some random person who does something useless has the highest IQ ever!" Great, nobody cares, unless you're going to give him/her an opportunity to solve a problem that actually matters, or if he/she himself/herself is creating those opportunities (i.e. doing research in his/her spare time).

Time and time again, people post stupid IQ/intelligence bullshit. Instead of wasting your time on /sci/ with this shit, try to do something with your life.

>> No.6422215

Einstein basically solved the mysterys of the universe.
He figured out the forces that govern us, what atoms are and shit no one else could come close to understanding.

His contributions are up there with anyones.

Do not disrespect his genius.

>> No.6422214

Ludwig Wittgenstein

>> No.6422220


>> No.6422221


>what atoms are and shit no one else could come close to understanding.

Lol, learn some history of science.

But yeah, his contributions are up there, but at the top, it's pretty much impossible to compare.

Although I would like to add to my previous comment:

That I ignored the sheer amount of luck involved with having the opportunities to apply intelligence.

>> No.6422237

Einstein's IQ is only 160. There are literally millions of people smarter than him by definition.

>> No.6422241
File: 281 KB, 490x639, JohnvonNeumann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John von Neumann

>> No.6422251

I always thought riemann was p smart

>> No.6422250

I second.

>> No.6422252

von Neumann and Einstein had office pretty near each other. Einstein complained to the administration because von Neumann liked to work with German marching music blaring in his office.

>> No.6422257

This. Ludo's supposed to have had an IQ of 190.

>> No.6422261

You don't know what that number means, if you think it can be measured.

>> No.6422264
File: 15 KB, 220x330, 220px-Lubos_Motl_in_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6422293
File: 281 KB, 1110x1437, M_Faraday_Th_Phillips_oil_1842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a team effort that spans generations, you can't say one is smarter than the other, considering the ease of obtaining information today and the fact that many of the modern discoveries wouldn't have happened if not for discoveries done by the previous generation(s).

>> No.6422299

>fucked up his so called "proof" of the nonexistence of QM hidden variables
I chuckled.

>> No.6422317

off the top of my head lorentz boltzmann maxwell newton and that's without going into the mathematicians

>> No.6422330

newton, euler, riemann, gauss, neumann, planck are possible contenders

>> No.6422339 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6422348

Feynman, Paul Dirac, Fermi, Lev Landau, Witten, Andrew Wiles...

>> No.6422352

dirac is the only legit one in there


>> No.6422354
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>> No.6422360

>Still waiting for the hate to roll in.