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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6417471 No.6417471 [Reply] [Original]

Last year my female best friend died of H1N1. I was devastated, because the day before she died, she was all good and confessed her feelings for me. I've always loved her.

During her burial, all I could think of is that I needed to take an intact DNA sample of her body. Obviously. I couldn't.

Last year I won on the Brazilian Lottery and now I'm a millionaire. Asked her parents to move her coffin to a mausoleum with pretty statues of her that I built.

Now I have the chance to get her DNA, so maybe in the future cloning her would calm my tormented soul.

Discussion about such topic is hard; and the very few medical doctors and scientists that were willing to talk about it had completely different opinions from one another, about my chances of finding intact DNA on a 1 year old corpse.

Help, me /sci/; help me, Internet.
For Science, for love.

>> No.6417502

That is some crazy as shit right here, nigga. You would need very high quality dna, like 90%+ just to begin thinking about it and even then you would be wasting your time, that's it, if this wasn't some hypothetical situation. Even if you succeed, you would have to deal with a genetically fucked up person, so you still would have to deal with the disgrace of your loved one die horribly a second time.

>> No.6417534

Unfeasible given current level of technology.
What was her build? Your only shot at getting really good DNA was if the decay hasn't gotten to the bone marrow.

Even if you were to aquire high quality DNA, the actual gestation is pretty much impossible. Artificial womb systems are in their infancy, and you won't find a woman to serve as your experiment willingly (you can see where this is going...)

You basically need to commit a serious of heinous crimes to even have a shot at this, with a very low chance of success.

If it was me who died, I wouldn't want you to do what you are contemplating OP.

>> No.6417633

>and you won't find a woman to serve as your experiment willingly (you can see where this is going...)

Someone doesn't know the womin in brazil who literally make babies just to sell to some gringo.

They're that poor and ignorant. You would only need to offer money and they would gladly accept, without much care for papers or anything. Your biggest concern would be if she gets attached to the kid, lel.

>> No.6417656

Your biggest problem isn't getting viable DNA, that's within the realm of possibility, but that the clone simply won't be her.

>> No.6417683

Those women expect an actual doctor do handle the... business...

You need to bribe a doctor as well, along with a geneticist to implant the DNA into an egg, along with a viable egg etc etc

You need to ruin yourself financially for this to work OP.

>> No.6417686

This. We are our mind, and ADN just doesn't preserve minds as we grow.

>> No.6417693

just give me the money so i can go to school without working

>> No.6417727

OP, are you a Nigerian prince by any chance?

>> No.6417871

You realize that cloning won't give here the same personality right?
She will, for all intents and purposes, be a different person

>> No.6417898

OP, you are better of spending that money getting yourself help. I don't mean to say you're ill, but someone who can help you get your life on track again would do you a lot of good. What you're trying to do is going to lead you to madness if you aren't there already.

>> No.6417923

Not really,It's pretty easy to bribe doctors in third world countries,most would be bought of for about $50,000

Expensive,but hardly ruinous

>> No.6417938

This is where taking that Ethics course in college is really, really important

Under no ethical framework is what you want to do permissible, even if it's technically feasible

Plus you don't have enough money to get it done. Unless you can bankroll some geneticists in some Subsaharan or Southeast Asian nation and pay off the politicians then I doubt you have the means to get this shit done

>> No.6417937
File: 238 KB, 1600x900, 1394332759023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might bring her form back into being, although everything that made her who she was has left our plane of existence.

>> No.6417950

Sounds cool

Keep us updated
>This is where taking that Ethics course in college is really, really important
>I used to kill children but then I took an ethics course

>> No.6418825
File: 111 KB, 692x848, life2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you said is completely right. Actually without a full DNA it isn't possible to bring it back to life. And I do realize what I have in mind is close to what some scientist are trying to do by bringing Mammoths "back to life".

Actually, I just want to keep some DNA safe, for future technology. And like some Anons pointed out. I'm on Brazil. The Law here is not something real, specially to people with money.

I'm already on the quest of making more money. Winning the lottery was a boost to speed things up, and what made me wonder if I still have time to at least store some DNA.
And sadly, yes, I don't care about ethics.

>To all of you now
I don't plan to have "her" back. Just her face. I just want to see her face grow old, marry, have children. I want her DNA back on the gene pool. If I had this money back then, I would have taken her to the best doctors in the world. Brazilians doctors had no idea how to treat H1N1; I think her death was unfair; and me winning the lottery a joke of Fate.

I'm willing to bend the rules, and challenge the world just to see her one more time. You can tell by the statues I commissioned and the fact I spent some considerable amount of money for a 3d sculptor to model her, and add her in a world with oculus rift.

Now, /sci/, what I need to know... Is it somewhere in the Deep Web where I can find people more willing to talk about it.

>> No.6418856

>I don't plan to have "her" back. Just her face. I just want to see her face grow old, marry, have children.
Dude you can do most of that just by cutting it off and drying it on your counter.

>> No.6418897

can anyone confirm is this the plot of some wacky romance novel?
I'd still read it

>> No.6420007

Instead of talking about how this is imposible, would somebody help this person get and preserve DNA? OP, in what state is her corpse?

>> No.6421540


This kind of misunderstanding of what a clone is seriously irks me every time I see it.

Let's get this straight people: a clone is NOT the same person, it is a completely new, unique individual who has an identical set of genes to another person.

Now, what kind of people that are like that do we know? Twins!
Are twins 2 copies of the same person? No.
Do twins have the same DNA? Yes.

Conclusion: Is a clone the same person as the original? No.

To be blunt, no matter what you do she will still be dead and nothing will change that fact.

>> No.6421565

OP why not just fuck the corpse?

>> No.6421571

Stop bumping this /pol/ grade shit.
This thread does not belong in /sci/.

>> No.6421595

>Brazilian Lottery
That's highly unlikely.

Anyways you could easily clone her with the right staff, machines and using a surrogate mother. None of it is going to be cheap or legal. If you're in Brazil I think you could bribe to obtain proper papers claiming she came from another parent.


>> No.6421648

You are missing the fact that person in question is a woman, so all that matters is her body.