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6407494 No.6407494 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys take STEM notes on your computers or pen/paper?

I run into so many god damn problems from being a messy writer with undeveloped handwriting, but someone who can type with 185 wpm.

When I try to take paper notes in my maths, phys classes, I often have to write so fast or feel obliged to write some things down faster than I can understand or even think about them. At the end of a lecture, i barely learn anything and going back through notes is hell because i cant read my own writing. Going slow gives me readable notes, but I miss a lot of things. Typing devoids me of diagrams, formulas etc and i often dont have a laptop plug spot. (Take too many courses to have it always charged).

What you do? Also, do you keep sample problems in your class book or do them on scrap paper? i absolutely hate flipping through hundreds of half-page messy practice problems to find my shit

What do you guys do?

>> No.6407500

>implying everything isn't in some book

>> No.6407502
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>taking notes

>> No.6407639

I type my notes in LaTeX on my laptop and keep a small notebook for important diagrams. If we are working out of a text I will often just reference the diagram in the LaTeX notes.

>> No.6407671


Paper. Even having a laptop out messes with my focus.

>going back through notes is hell because i cant read my own writing
Then you need to improve your writing.

>> No.6407694

Review section before class
Take sloppy notes
Copy notes over to organized study guide

anything less is lazy pleb tier

>> No.6407697


I take a laptop to all of my lectures and type everything in the lecture. I then go home and rewrite and consolidate the content into dot points so I can refer back to them when revising for an assignment or exam.

>> No.6407698

Just learn LaTeX.

>> No.6407991

What would you suggest then? Just spend the lecture doing nothing? Some of the stuff the lecturer says will usually end up in the exam.

>> No.6407999

>not taking notes

yeah I remember being a freshman

>> No.6408003

Just buy a fucking Galaxy Note 10.1 and take all the fucking notes you need you fucking aspie.

>> No.6408014

Doesn't matter if you're messy. If your course is somewhat graphical in nature, then using a computer is just not viable.

You can try and argue it with all the fancy programs we have nowadays, but unless you're a pro at one of them, nothing is faster than a sketch using your hand.

>> No.6408054

Also learn the functions so that when your professor writes a super long summation regularly, you can just call it as a function and take 15 seconds to relax and think about masturbation

>> No.6408541
