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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6405311 No.6405311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We fix this chart

>> No.6405314

Geology is god tier.

>> No.6405313

Why is archaeology shit tier?

>> No.6405315

Move law down to low tier, and physics and astronomy down to top.

>> No.6405322

why fix it if its objectively correct?

>> No.6405325

Put Economics in at least mid tier.

>> No.6405340

Although it's very very useful, you should be moving Engineering to wherever Law is placed. Engineering is now the mid-late 90s Law. There are so many fucking people with Engineering degrees now.

>> No.6405359

You wanna explain to me just why the fuck music is listed under shit tier? How is it not at least top tier?

>> No.6405370

Computer Science (because basically math)

*Chemistry (because real world applications)

Physics (sometimes it is useful)
Astronomy (never useful but neat)

everything else that isn't art

everything that is art.

>> No.6405371

>implying the humanities can't do more to reveal the mysteries of the human experience than empiricist bamboozling

>> No.6405373

All liberal arts belong in shit tier.

>> No.6405377


There is only one God Tier: CS.

CS is automating everything else and making all else largely irrelevant. It's also the only field that has superb job prospects.

>That's right: According to BLS, 62% of the growth in jobs in science-related fields will be in CS. That's more than 750,000 new jobs, and a total of more than 1,350,000 job openings. How does that compare with the number of degrees likely to be granted by U.S. institutions? In 2009, those institutions granted something like 95,000 CS degrees, including about 32,000 associate's degrees and fewer than 1600 PhDs. Over 10 years, that adds up to more than the number of new jobs that BLS expects will be added, but significantly fewer than the number of job openings.

>It's when you compare these numbers to other fields that you realize how much better prospects are likely to be in CS. Consider that in the physical sciences, for example, BLS predicts that fewer than 36,000 new jobs will be created—a 3% increase. BLS predicts 121,900 openings in all fields of physical science, at all degree levels, before 2020. According to the National Science Foundation, about 27,000 people were granted degrees in the physical sciences in 2009, at all degree levels, including associate's degrees. Multiply that by 10 and compare. You'll quickly see that supply is predicted to surpass demand.

>Finding: All indicators—all historical data, and all projections—argue that CS is the dominant factor in America's science and technology employment, and that the gap between the demand for CS talent and the supply of that talent is and will remain large.

>While there will be inevitable variations in demand for every field, the long-term prospects for employment in CS occupations in the US are exceedingly strong. All other S&T fields pale by comparison.


>> No.6405380

Obviously doesn't understand that physicists laugh at chemists for being retarded

>> No.6405385

why is everyone on this board obsessed with making money?

>> No.6405393

>make nanobots, make super materials, cure disease, make generally useful things that help all other sciences

>create mathematical models of the universe that will continued to be proved wrong until it is actually right
>never actually being right
>just making shit up and pretending you are smart

physics is basically the art of science,

>> No.6405404

why aren't yoU?

>> No.6405408

God tier: happiness.

Shit tier: people who don't realize how the world works.

>> No.6405412
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>they took the troll picture seriously

>> No.6405413


Lol. Smug sense of superiority.


Another person with a smug sense of superiority.

>> No.6405415


They're miserable, and think once they have money they'll be happy...

And believe that because they believe they are intelligent they will be rich.

>> No.6405416

>my major is better than your major circle jerk

No thanks.

>> No.6405423


le stem masterrace.

>> No.6405420

but I am not a chemist or a physicist

t. geometry novice

>> No.6405425


You obviously agree with the viewpoint, otherwise, why post it?

>> No.6405430

Economics has to be has to be Top or mid tier;
Comp Sci should be on Top tier;
Laws is Mid Tier for sure;
And Philosophy is not shit, folks.

>> No.6405432

I think it's pretty good. My only suggestion would move astronomy down to Top tier - astronomy is interesting, tough, exciting...but besides being spectacular and a fill for an existential void... it's pretty useless to humanity.

>> No.6405439

This offends me, history's placement also (though I think archaeology still beats it). I also think computer science should at least be Top Tier. For reference they put me in God Tier.

Actually, maybe charts like this are just dumb.

>> No.6405437

I have a smug sense of inferiority.
I can recognize which is more beneficial without being able to do either of them.

>> No.6405438

Simple minds are like that

>> No.6405444

>CS should be Top Tier
>Economics deserves at least being Mid Tier.
>Law Top Tier....please.
Troll chart or not I think it's pretty accurate

>> No.6405441


The fact that you think one discipline as a whole is better than another is just pathetic.

>> No.6405447

>psychology low tier

I got into a full ride masters program with a 10k a year stipend.

Low tier or not, no debts is awesome suck on that "hard science"

>> No.6405449

>ITT: We fix this chart

How about we just stop caring what other people want to do with their lives and focus on our own goals

>> No.6405454 [DELETED] 

>10k a year
oh man, this is comedy gold.
In my country, higher education is free.
Healthcare is also free.
>first world

>> No.6405452

why do you think you can not compare entire disciplines?


>> No.6405458

>inb4 thread derailed into nationalist shit flinging

>> No.6405459


He said he got a full ride plus 10k stipend.

Meaning he is getting paid 10k to go to school.

It's cheaper than free...

>> No.6405462 [DELETED] 

Americans can't fling anything; they're too fat.

>> No.6405465

>paying for uni
america everyone

>> No.6405470

I agree with everything in God Tier. Art should be it's own thing, though; novels and films interest me a lot more than fucking sociology.

>> No.6405473

God Tier: Mathematics / Physics / Engineering / Medicine

Top Tier: Statistics / Pharmacology & Toxicology / Chemistry / Astronomy / Computer Science

Mid Tier: Life Sciences / Kinesiology / Geology / Economics / Linguistics

Low Tier: Psychology / Business Studies / IT / Archaeology

Shit Tier: Everything Else

>> No.6405474
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>> No.6405476


Because the world is a complex place...

But go on, what's your metric for determining which is the most important?

Do you consider the history in doing so? Disciplines enabling other disciplines? Would the "enabled" discipline be lower on the tier, because it cannot exist without support from the other disciplines?

Is it usefulness? How do you define usefulness? Lives saved? Quality of life added by that discipline? How can you reduce it to the "accomplishments" of a single discipline?

Do you consider future implications of a discipline?

Do you weight by number of people working in a field?

Go ahead and keep on ranking everything, I'm sure it will make the world a much better place.

>> No.6405477
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>> No.6405481
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I fixed it

>> No.6405500

I enjoy masturbating. Does that mean I should get a degree in fapping?

>> No.6405514

200k starting tier: Math
I'm not gay, I just like cocks tier: Engineering
At least I didn't major in liberal arts tier: Anything else that isn't liberal arts
McDonalds tier: Liberal arts

>> No.6405515

u r god now

>> No.6405516

>200k starting

>> No.6405530

>implying money is any measure of success


>> No.6405534


If you believe that, I have some snake oil to sell you...

>> No.6405552

>History of Science and Technology
>not God Tier

>> No.6405563

Can you make a living doing it?
If yes, then god tier.

>> No.6405579

You didn't understand the image AT ALL did you?

There are many reasons to study something apart from making money from it. YOU are the shit tier.

I was very close to perusing a music degree. Was I going to make a career/living out of it? Hell no. Does that make it any less valid? Hell no.

>> No.6405599

Can you make a living with a women's studies degree?

>> No.6405607

Many, many people make a living without a degree. So yes you can. If you are interested in women's studies, do women's studies.

Basically what >>6405530 said.

>> No.6405621

>not knowing the difference between liberal arts and fine arts

>> No.6405626

Finance major here.

Obviously we are the one and only God Tier subject. That's why so many math and physics PhD's bitch out to finance.

We own your asses. All of you. And the only thing you can do about it squeal like pigs.

Squeal, little piggy! Squeeeeeal!

>> No.6405627

Fucking pig disgusting. No.

>> No.6405630

Since we're all talking about majors here if I want to do stuff like integrated circuit design and build processors and stuff what should I major in?

Right now it seems like EE is the way to go. I might throw on physics as a minor or perhaps major in it later because I know materials science is big and we will be moving away from silicon in the next couple of decades.

How far should I go? BS, MS, PhD? I am pretty poor and would like to be making money quickly and minimize my school loans.

>> No.6405639

Of course you can, porn is a huge industry.

>> No.6405652

if you want to design the logic go with EE, it will basically be programming. IF you want to make transistors out of exotic materials go with Materials science..

>> No.6405653

Let me put this in a simple way, so that you can follow:

Chemistry is applied physics.
Thus Physics >> Chemistry.

>> No.6405663

the problem is there's no metric for what we're measuring, exactly.

>> No.6405669

I feel like I'm interested in both but I don't know if I have the time/money to commit to both. I guess I'll just do EE and see if I can pick up materials science after I get my BS.

>> No.6405671

Science is applied philosophy
Thus Philosophy>>Science.

>> No.6405686

Comp Sci should be at least Top Tier, infact most of these majors are warped...

As a CS major I have to take a Philosophy OR Sociology OR Psychology course and a Chemisty or Physics course to prove my school I know how to communicate with other humans and understand how the world works, and I'm sure other majors work similar

>> No.6405742


Way too simplistic.

>> No.6405753

>Actually, maybe charts like this are just dumb
Wow, you are actually smarter than you sound. Should have been your first thought. It was mine.

>> No.6405760

Money makes things possible, believe it or not.

>> No.6405763

Because money is power.

Squeal, little piggy! Squeeeeal!

>> No.6405765

because it is inherently incorrect.

>> No.6405775 [DELETED] 
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After building my PC I realized I like having nice things. Nice things require money.

Basically having money will allow me to enjoy my hobbies more in addition to being able to afford the essentials to live comfortably obviously.

>> No.6405779
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After building my PC I realized I like having nice things. Nice things require money.

Basically having money will allow me to enjoy my hobbies more in addition to being able to afford the essentials to live comfortably obviously.

>> No.6405807

>on the science board

>> No.6405814

Because unfortunately, STEM has come to be associated with making money and thus attracts people who only show interest in the fields so they can land a high paying job. It's kind of sad, really.

The entire premise of the thread is shitflinging.

>> No.6405821

Engineering is overrated bullshit. Law is specifically designed to be bullshit. Statistics are only used as citation to support bullshit.

Archaeology and History are fucking important to understanding who we are and what the fuck we're doing here.

Astronomy and Medicine are fine where they are.

>> No.6405825

W-What about environmental science?

>> No.6405836

Is psychoendoneuroimmunology considered medicine? I'm part of the psychoendoneuroimmunological society.

>> No.6405844
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Food for thought

>> No.6405847

You dumb bastards still don't get it do ya?

It's finance or servitude. Really, it's that simple.

What part of this are you having trouble understanding?

>> No.6405848

>Engineering is overrated bullshit
you like the building you live in, with its access to electricity and water? How about cars and aeroplanes? Your computer? TV?

>> No.6405849

God Tier: Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
Top Tier: Biology, Medicine, Engineering, Computer Science
Mid Tier: Economics, Law
Low Tier: Same except Economics
Shit Tier: Same

>> No.6405860

This. Research is only half the battle. To build things that work on the basis of your research requires engineers. You would not have anything you have without both scientists and engineers.

>> No.6405862

Engineers. Don't make me laugh. Finance is where it's at.

You dweebs will be building "cool stuff" and I'll be making all the money off of it.

I'll think about you crying and jerking it alone while I'm doing lines of blow off a hooker's ass.

>> No.6405865

>oh look, another teenager that thinks he's funny

>> No.6405868

Nope. Just someone who cares about your future well being. You've got brains. You better wake up and use 'em.

It's finance or servitude. That's the way the world works.

>> No.6405869

“Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was.”

>> No.6405879
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>> No.6405881

That's good money.

But it's not real money.

>> No.6405887

>nuclear engineer

haha, great choice. Finance anon bitches how we're all subservient to him and his kind but if the all the nuclear engineers walk off the job all his money isn't going to help him when his city is flooded with radiation because they let all the coolant boil off in the reactor causing an explosion that scattered radioactive debris everywhere.

>> No.6405890

Sure. Electricians could say the same thing. Hell, even plumbers could make our lives miserable if they all decided to say fuck it.

But they won't. They haven't yet. Why? Because they need that money. Were the dealer, baby. And you keep coming to get your fix.

>> No.6405896

I would never major in business or finance because your life devolves to where your only goal is the pursuit of money. I've seen some people get to the point where it seems like the only reason they exist is to make more money. They never spend it, they just hoard it and dedicate their entire lives to making more.

What good is money if you never spend it and enjoy yourself? I feel like when you dedicate your life to pursuing money you lose a better life you could have had and you tend to objectify people and lose your soul too.

While having money does help and I can say I would love to earn a high 5-6 figure salary I would never want to be a billionaire or pursue billions. That kind of money changes people.

>> No.6405905
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>> No.6405904

I hope that makes you feel better when we fuck you out of your 401K.

>> No.6405920

There's that soulless thing. Too many people like you have lost their humanity in the pursuit of wealth and now you just take pleasure in ruining other people's lives. You should really get out of finance before it's too late, assuming it isn't already too late.

>> No.6405921
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>> No.6405936

normally I would be against the Foreign Language in the waste of life tier... but the tech is coming that we won't to learn foreign languages anymore.

>> No.6405940

>Pure Math, Cool but mostly useless
Have fun not advancing any other field past where they currently are. Hate to find useful identities that can be used to take engineering/science/applied maths to the next step

>> No.6405953

>not god almighty tier
Foreign language you should study if you have an actual interest in a given language as well as the associated culture. Of course you can study a language you enjoy studying without interest in its culture, but interest in the culture does help.
>Studying things for any reason other than passion for the subject matter

>> No.6405957

The number of jobs available is not the only thing to consider when placing degrees. You wouldn't have computers getting faster just by programming alone.

You need physicists to discover how to make electrons move more smoothly through wires/chips/everything.

You need mathematicians because they make all the formulas everyone else uses to get their jobs done (this is by no means an insult to mathematicians).

You need engineers to figure out how to make all those chips so tiny and dissipate all the heat elegantly.

Basically you can't do everything just because there a shit ton of CS asshats that think that programming is the end all be all of computers.

>> No.6405976

These jobs suck. I have two friends that work as "Nuclear Engineers" and it's totally a dead end job. They're just technicians that will be doing the same thing in 30 years as they are today. It' leads NOWHERE

>> No.6405988

get this nerd shit off /jp/

>> No.6406003

>Father is a pretty successful political organizer
>Know he got his Master's in Labor Studies
>Ask him what hi Bachelor's was in
>tfw shattered reality about philosophy degrees being useless

Man, he's insanely well-to-do now, it's all about what you do with the degree

>> No.6406014

>all nuclear engineers work at power reactors
>all nuclear engineers have the same job

>> No.6406033

Where is anthropology? Surely my BA in cultural anthropology wasn't a waste of time, was it? Universities are all chomping at the bit for more anthropology teachers, right? I don't have any papers yet, will that hurt my chances? Guys, tell me I didn't piss away 90k.

>> No.6406035

But for $50 an hour it's not all bad.

>> No.6406041


>> No.6406065
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Everyone in this thread is trying to state opinions based on socially perpetuated fallacies.
(ie. difficulty=value, average income= value, etc.) field doesn't matter as long as you make a difference to the world or it makes you happy to do it. Whether your major was shit or god tier comes down to how you use it.

>> No.6406070

but you cannot make the claim that african studies makes a greater difference to the world than engineering or medicine

>> No.6406072

Alright then, you shit it away.

>> No.6406078
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depends on what you do with it. Someone with a major in african american studies who then does fucking nothing with it is a shit tier person. If they were to use what they learned to help research solutions to the racial struggles that we face in the modern day then they're doing something useful. Now engineering and medicine majors take a significant amount of work to get to begin with, so it's far more likely that someone with one of these majors will put it to use and take initiative both in the world and their lives. It's not they're better majors, they just attract a higher amount of better people.

>> No.6406085

I'm a math major and given my interests, the only way to make the degree worth anything other than a ticket to grad school is by taking courses in computer science that I absolutely hate (FUCK "languages" like Java and C++ and FUCK shitty, bloated IDEs and FUCK the user experience) or taking courses in statistics that are painfully boring to me. So yeah.

>> No.6406090

no, they literally do more to directly help more people in a more significant way. There's pretty much no way that you could take the knowledge learned from studying african culture and put it to better use to the world than the knowledge you acquire by studying engineering or medicine.

>> No.6406107
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a doctor can certainly heal/save a number of patients before he dies, and an engineer can do any number of things between inventing life saving technologies and building bridges. But you can't deny that someone who is helping the world take steps toward being a place filled with less segregation and inequality based on something as trivial as race isn't contributing to the world at a scale that's notable and admirable. It's less personal than the others but I wouldn't say less significant, assuming the person does everything with their major that they can, and aren't just assholes who wanted a major that was easy and let them place themselves on a moral highground

>> No.6406125

instant access to clean drinking water > racial integration
Global systems of communication > reduction of institutionalized racism
access to life-saving medical procedures and medication > affirmative action programs

>> No.6406144

you say while writing on an image board for Japanese cartoons

>> No.6406147


>> No.6406152

>muh utilitarianism
things can be great for their own sake

>> No.6406155
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God Tier:

Top Tier:
-Computer Science
-Pharmacology & Toxicology

Mid Tier:
-Life Sciences

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:
-X Studies
-Political Science
-Everything else
-Information Technology

>> No.6406165

MLK>Steve Wozniak

>> No.6406171
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Physics is still God tier. It is not just about muh space and quantum mechanics
It has applications is basically all technology we have today


You're probably one of those people who can't even code and are in CS just for the money. Have fun being a shitty code monkey while people who can appreciate math and physics advance CS more than you ever will

there are people who are just in for the money and have no real appreciation for science and the fields they study

I mean, it is not something bad, we all want to have some financial stability and enjoy a good life, however, I get annoyed when people intermediately display their money whoring personality


Good for you


biology is not top tier

enjoy your shit life/troll

>> No.6406182


That depends on what parts of the culture you are utlizing. If you are studying numeral systems particularly in binary, Ifa divination could be applied to good use. For architecture study the nubian vaults are nice for non-timber/metal compounds. Then for medical study it's been found that several plants traditional healers use can help with high blood pressure and neurosis.

>> No.6406195

Niel Armstrong > MLK
Mr. Bean > Malcolm X

>> No.6406205

I think there should be a Crime Against Humanity Tier for Women Studies and Gender Studies.

>> No.6406206

God: ElectricalEng, ComputerEng, Math, Physics, ChemEng, PetrolEng

Top: Mech/Aero/Bio Eng, Computer Sci, Chemistry, Material Science

Mid: CivilEng, EnvironEng, Finance, Statistics, Analytical Philosophy

Low: Accounting, Law, Economics, Literature, Medicine, Architecture, Linguistics, Continental Philosophy

Bad: Biology, Psychology, Sociology, PolySci, CogSci, Communications, Geography

>> No.6406211



tiers defined as ability for a person within that tier to adopt the studies of tiers below without any trouble

that is my categorization of university studies

>> No.6406213

nuke engr?

>> No.6406221

I don't understand the appeal of working with cyclotrons and/or uranium reactors

>> No.6406235

nukes study so much other stuff beyond reactor design. I know nukes in grad school exclusively studying two phased choked flow. They study thermal hydraulics, radiation detection and biological safety, materials science and radiation induced changes in materials, plasma interfaces and plasma switching in electrical circuits, etc. It really isn't just monitoring reactor safety and particle accelerators

>> No.6406282

/sci/ I got a job at a startup making six-figure a year (straight outta college). The company makes the next generation of go fast database and it's super legit, founders are co-founders of facebook and nigga Ashton Kutcher is a funder.

/sci/ did I do good?

>> No.6406600

Why isn't Education up there?

As in getting schooled to school others? Pretty overlooked imo.

>> No.6406605


Who the hell made that shit. Even if you assume that science>humanities, why is Pharmacology below Chemistry? Pharmacology is a specialized chemistry.

>> No.6406611

Neuroscience should be god tier

>> No.6406613


>> No.6406619


You know, neuroscience has a lot of different branches of study, right?

Computational neuroscience is vastly different from cellular neuroscience, for example. Researching for neuroimaging techniques is also different. Neuroscience can get pretty diverse and interdisciplinary depending on what avenue of research you're into.

>> No.6406621

you mean below shit tier?

>> No.6406638

I didn't think that we were getting into specifics.

Ok, then cognitive neuroscience.


Fell 4 it

>> No.6406644

>cognitive neuroscience

There are more misinterpreted fMRI studies than there are correctly interpreted ones... This is due to its high level of limitations.

EEGs are also pretty weak, but alright when coupled with fMRI studies (event-related or block designs).

>> No.6406682

You are right my friend. Speculation kills science and there's a lot of room for it in cognitive neuroscience. But honestly if I wanted to rely on a purer proof I would study physics.

I think of each field as a study of an ultimate question, and a scientist as someone adding their piece to the puzzle.

Cognitive neuroscience intrigues me because of the question it's trying to answer - which is, "what is consciousness."

>> No.6406687

>I think of each field as a study of an ultimate question, and a scientist as someone adding their piece to the puzzle.

I was actually taught this is an incorrect assumption underlying research protocols.

In reality, research scientists are encouraged to operationalize their hypotheses as a way to avoid unwarranted speculation that is tangent to rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis. Science is not about answering "ultimate question", but rather, it's about providing workable models we can use to make predictions. It is not about making metaphysical conjectures on the basis of empirical data, that is always advancing.

>> No.6406709

God Tier: Maths, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing
Top Tier: Physics, Astronomy, MechEng, EE, CE, Playing Classical Instruments (this shit is harder than Maths)
Mid Tier: Medicine, Economics, CS, Statistics, Law
Low Tier: Biology
Shit Tier: Everything else

>> No.6406716

Analytic Philosophy in God Tier.

>> No.6406728

God Tier: Financial Mathematics.

>> No.6406739

God tier: consciousness, 0.999
Top tier: free will, religion, -1/12
Mid tier: school advice, homework
Low tier: tier threads
Shit tier: science and math threads

>> No.6406745

Science is applied philosophy as birds are applied ornithology.

>> No.6406750
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>shit tier


>> No.6406767

You know what? This is a pretty accurate analogy actually.

>> No.6406776

Using those fields.
God TIer: Mathematic / Physics / Engineering
Top Tier: Statistics / Pharmacology & Toxicology / Chemistry / Medicine / Computer Science
Mid Tier: Life Sciences / Kinesiology / Geology / Astronomy / Information Technology
Low Tier: Psychology / Economics / Law
Shit Tier: Music / Womens Studies / History / English / Classics / Philosophy / Political Science / Archaeology / Everything Else Not Lister / Business Studies

>> No.6406779

Oh wait, I forgot to move Archaeology to Mid Tier

>> No.6406782

Life sciences has to be expanded. Academic medical fields such as Virology are life sciences, and its the Virologists who figure out how Viruses tick, which leads to cures and vaccines. To be more specific Microbiology should be top tier.

>> No.6406788


I'm doing psychology all I've done so far is fucking neuroscience, psychophysics and statistics

Makes me wonder how they teach it in america compared to where I am

>> No.6406799
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>> No.6406810

i never understood why physics and astronomy are separated. astronomy is not just looking at stars, its the experimental part of astrophysics (includes electronics for telescopes, high energy physics, gravitational phyiscs and particle physics).
Are there even Universities/Countries where you study Astronomy but not Physics ?

>> No.6406813

What I don't get is why people that don't study STEM related stuff even post in this thread to tell /sci/ a STEM board that this list is wrong. There is nothing wrong with this list.

>> No.6406838

Because we are smart enough to realise college IS for making money, and making money will significantly improve our lives, as well as let us fund time and equipment for personal scientific research.

Furthermore; your job has to contribute to society.

>> No.6406837

>God Tier
A job that makes you happy

>Shit Tier
A job that you hate


>> No.6406841

>ITT: We fix this chart
>148 posts and 15 image replies later

>Veterinary Medicine - ultra god tier

oh /sci/

>> No.6406842

I think I never read more bollocks in a post about college before.

>> No.6406843

>Many, many people make a living without a degree.
So why weigh yourself down with a £9000/$140000 loan for studying women's studies? That will not make you money, and a job that does not require a college degree will probably take 60 years to pay off.

If you are interested in women's studies, then go research them yourself, go create a society to study it together with, but don't go college for that. College is not meant for that shit.

>> No.6406852

>£9000/$140000 loan for studying women's studies
>having to pay for college
See, there is your problem.

>> No.6406859
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Because, unfortunately, knowledge by itself doesn't get you the comforts of our time in a capitalistic society.
I would prefer to study pure math rather than some mixed CS crap needed in some laboratory for some statistical analysis or some shit, but unless I make it into academia I won't be able to sustain a decent lifestyle, and even in that case, it might be quite a busy job.
Furthermore, I can learn pure stuff in my free time, even if it takes some more effort than doing it in academia.

>> No.6406861

>wah wah, my hippie dreams have been crushed

The only reason you are going to college to study medieval literature is because you were taught from birth to go college, but you don't have interest in anything that will truly improve society so you take this half-assed degree to feel like you've achieved something important with the college degree and/or it has as much value as a STEM degree.

As I said earlier on and will say to >>6406078

If you want to study something not STEM related that's fine, but you're better off studying it at home, with buddies, with your own resources than paying and dedicated 4 years to a college degree that will weigh you down for the rest of your life without paying off.

>> No.6406864

>better off studying veterinary medicine at home
u wot

>> No.6406868



and where is the math or science

Who gives a shit if philosophy majors have pored over their literature over the last 4 years of college but couldn't compute an integral to save their life

>> No.6406869
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Truly /sci/ is the greatest board on 4chan.

>> No.6406874

Wait... do you mean there are actually Universities that offer a Women's Studies degree in Europe? Where?
Even though the level of Universities here in Italy keeps lowering, we've not yet reached the point to let Women's Studies in educational buildings (as far as I know)

>> No.6406875
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Gee, who could have possibly thought that people that write a lot and debate a lot are good at it?!
I conjecture that people who study mathematics are good at mathematics.

>> No.6406877

Improving society has nothing to do with getting your degree, if anything that is a bonus.
If you are going to college for any other reason than for studying something you like, you are already doing it wrong.

>> No.6406878
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>> No.6406880

I have no idea about that.
My point was that if you don't have to pay for college, the whole point of college -> debt, therefore you have to go to college to make money falls apart.

>> No.6406887
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Your job- all jobs- are there to contribute to society. Financially or physically. That's how human civilisation survived and developed for all of it's existence. Yeah, you can do something that only you personally enjoy, but not only will that likely have a low pay due to low demand due to irrelevance to others, but that in general is a selfish point of view.

Jobs are there for building and continuing society. High profession, skilled jobs known as the STEM bracket contribute to society the most but require the most intensive training. This is why college was created. Young men could pay to be educated into the STEM bracket and then pay off their investment by having a high-demand, high-contribution job. Any other institution was attended by rich people who could afford to take a degree in music and art for their enjoyment. Then everyone started going college because it became magical and gave everyone superpowers. So colleges began offering promising-looking, but devoid, degrees like women's studies or ship painting.

>If you are going to college for any other reason than for studying something you like, you are already doing it wrong.
see pic

>> No.6406889
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Someone needs to develop your computers too

>> No.6406892
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>> No.6406894

>computing integrals

>> No.6406896

Why don't you check with the feminist stronghold of Europe?

>> No.6406905

Oh btw, the Swedish title of this degree is "Gender science"

>> No.6406907
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>Department of Ethnology, Comparative Religion and Gender Studies
My eyes!

>> No.6406908

Yes, that's basically it.

>> No.6406911

Jobs are there for whatever reason their employers need employees.

Jobs are not degrees, degrees offer a standardized, organized way of getting knowledge in certain area, and proving that you do have that knowledge.
That can be used for getting a job and "contribute to society" or for bettering the level of your arguments in anonymous forums (ie sitting on your ass).

It's good to be a bit selfish on other things besides how much you get, that includes how you acquire knowledge.

>> No.6406928

>learn math and logic
>Learn programming
>feed computer information
>Make it learn all the shit in the chart and more

Now that is truly god tier, you get the best of everything and while people struggle for scraps.

And you guys know, as things are getting more automated every passing day, someone will have to do the job...Get into computers and never be useless, that's what i think.

>> No.6406936

civilization advances through people 'contributing to society' with their jobs the same way evolution changes creatures by genes "doing their evolutionary purpose."

>> No.6406940
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>> No.6406950

Divine Trinity: Philosophy - Pure Math - Theology.

Everything else is waste of life.
>GTFO IT-work-peons

>> No.6406964
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>> No.6406972


Yeah, like knowing all the excuses about how people believe santa will sure make him real and you enlightened.

>> No.6407006

Yeah, like...
>shit tier
next one

>> No.6407123
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>> No.6407135

the idea that the university is a training ground for the workforce is a new one unfounded in the ethos of the people that brought the university together. The people that higher education EXISTS FOR are the ones that spend their lives devoted to scholarship and study, and care about furthering the academics, not the degree (see the philosophy and humanities majors you're quick to jump on, also many physicists)

Universities provide some utility to society, and its reasonable to posit that that should be their niche in civilization, but never pretend that is their cause in existing

>> No.6407136

linguistics is applied
psychology is applied
neuroscience is applied
biology is applied
chemistry is applied
physics is applied
mathematics is applied
formal logic is applied
philosophy is applied
linguistics is applied...

>> No.6407141

thank you for being the first person to distinguish between analytic and continental philosophy. Its like placing abstract mathematics and civil engineering on the same plane.

>> No.6407143

Man, fuck you. Stamp collecting is a calming activity, quite like meditating one could say. There is quite nothing to brighten ur day more than finding that final piece of stamp ur fucking collection has been needing u assturd.

>> No.6407167

>that guy who thinks physics is harder than maths

>> No.6407193

>Mid Tier: Theology

>> No.6407200

God tier: Pure math
Top tier: Theoretical Physics

Shit tier: Everything else.

>> No.6407218
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I think Information Technology is becoming extinct. I believe Information-Processing Technology is on the rise, and belongs in a tier above Low. I haven't read any debate about where IT belongs, so fuck you guys. IT is important. How else would your computers and devices get fixed or developed?

>> No.6407226

theology doesn't mean you're a creationist

>> No.6407233

That's not what I meant.

>> No.6407239
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>> No.6407256

New rule: You may only rank those disciplines to which you have personally devoted a reasonable amount of time

>> No.6407513

>Statistics are only used as citation to support bullshit.
statistics is what validates scientific findings

>> No.6407525

>implying you aren't outsourcing your own job
>implying you aren't going to be replaced by cheap indians
>implying computers will be able to automate research in any field for the next few hundred years

>> No.6407540

so Masturbation would always be top tier

>> No.6407546

Biology Godslayer tier

>> No.6407559

I used to think English was shit tier until I did some thinking of how it could be made useful. See, all of the god tier studies deserve their spot, but someone needs to be able to convey what they know to the masses, not just the students interested in it. Think about it; all of the great science popularizers have been able to eloquently and simply state complex theories so that every day people can understand them. Reading the work of Richard Feynman, Lawrence Krauss, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson and so on is only interesting because they have the natural linguistic perspicacity and love for science to move us the way they do. English, or any other language study, should be taken as a secondary means to an end after finishing a science degree.

>> No.6407566

Astronomy is useless now, I suppose, since it's been overshadowed by more interesting applicable sciences like astrophysics, but it is still needed to teach astrophysics. It's also historically important because it's a method our ancestors used to understand the seasons and ultimately led to you having this discussion.

>> No.6407592

Before, not everyone went to college, so getting any degree was sufficient to prove that you had intelligence, but now since everybody goes to college, you have to do STEM to stand out. Also not all STEM is employable, engineering and computer science are with just a bachelors, everything else requires grad school.

This is why I chose chemical engineering (to work in oil industry) over physics/math (enjoy these more). Also what I noticed is that math/physics people tend to be beyond autistic than any engineers. I saw my math T.A applying to engineering companies in hopes of getting an entry level engineering job, but I doubt he probably won't because his autism prevents him from communication properly.

>> No.6407602

butthurt mud-scroungers are the best

>> No.6407606

If you're going to say psychology is shit tier atleast break it up

>I/O psych Top tier

>clinical and everything else shit tier

>> No.6407611

>understand nothing, come up with multiple bogus mechanisms to explain shit, scrounge off physics for working models

>understand fundamental workings of universe, throw scraps of knowledge to the alchemists when feeling benevolent

>> No.6407613

>sometimes it is useful
like when you want to understand how shit works?

>> No.6407620
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>> No.6407631

distinguish which types of philosophy, and law most definately deserves its spot. (pre-law, no)

>> No.6407825

Okay, Can't fucking tell if you're a troll, so good job for making me reply.

"sometimes it is useful"? How fucking retarded are you.

Look at the shit you're surrounded by. Even your motherfucking CHAIR took Physics to make, faggot.

Get out.

>> No.6407949

>geology and math


>> No.6407973

First time I see /sci/ not shittalking biology/medicine/chem, it is because shit like history and economics are in the same picture?

>> No.6407992

Psychology should be at least Low or Mid tier according to that rating. Behavior psychology can be very useful for example.

>> No.6408056

They think STEM is the gateway to the 0.01%. In reality is the gateway to middle middle class. The people making 80K and above in STEM are elite universities kids.

>> No.6408393

>not realising there is good and bad in every discipline

>> No.6408395


>be linguistics major
>cool but mostly useless

Sounds about right. I'm happy where I am. I'm into neuroscience too though.

>> No.6408401

why is there a "god" tier on sci?

>> No.6408416

This is why.

>> No.6408465

While we talk about majors, is a BS.c in CS good enough to have a job in Asia, or do I need masters and specialize?

>> No.6408768

a 30K job

>> No.6408832

Are Electrical engineering and computer engineering similar? Some universities in Canada have an electrical & computer engineering mixed together.

>> No.6408850

>Indian engineers
Fuck no... no company wants them They're fucking terrible.

>> No.6408887
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What's wrong with art?

>mfw here is full of retards like Sheldon.

>> No.6408893

2deep4u- I mean them

>> No.6408902


typical science fag.

>> No.6408910
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Let there be no more confusion. This is the one true list of the godliest sciences.

>> No.6408916

Typical fuckboi

>> No.6408924
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Some of these are questionable, but Kinesiology and Life Sciences should have been affirmative action tier from that start. Hell, my auto-correct doesn't even recognize Kinesiology as a word.

>> No.6409170

> physicists laugh at chemists for being retarded
Do people outside of 4chan and undergraduates really have this childish mentality?
Is there really a rivalry between different areas? Don't all of them contribute to progress in their own way?
Haven't there been important discoveries on physics while studying chemestry and viceversa?
I'm not a sicentist or studying anything related so I really don't know.

>> No.6409185

>top tier
might as well be economics bruh

>> No.6409225

business is top if not god tier. When applied by the right person.

>> No.6409288

lol lel le wolf of wallstreet

>> No.6409315

everything is more important than "biology"
christ, specialize in something

>> No.6409318


it's just /sci/

who are mostly science fans or undergrad wannabes, not actual scientists

>> No.6409333

Chemistry's axioms are physical, not mathematical. Therefore, chemists don't really know what they're doing.

>> No.6409339

Money is just a point system a way of keeping score you know?

>> No.6409351

Most wielders and sheet metal workers make more then that.

>> No.6409364

>I've seen some people get to the point where it seems like the only reason they exist is to make more money. They never spend it, they just hoard it and dedicate their entire lives to making more.

More often, they spend it on status symbol bullshit they don't particularly like and have no time to enjoy if they did.

Source: miserable relatives who work in finance

>> No.6409377

Check out Sweden.

>> No.6409382

Because they cheated their way through college.

>> No.6409384
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>> No.6409428
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>> No.6409702 [DELETED] 

>Waiter butthurt about where he ended up careerwise.

>> No.6409720

Did your mom tell you to say this when kids at school made fun of your intelligence? By your logic everyone should get a degree in collecting welfare im sure anyone would enjoy that.

>> No.6409722

Good Job. Now get a job with that highschool diploma of yours.

>> No.6409730 [DELETED] 

Good Job. Now get a job with that highschool diploma of yours.

>> No.6409738

You've forgotten the entire field of Biology and Biochemistry. These are supposed to be the jobs of our generation and those of the next 30 years. How can you be so closed minded? If you went back in time 50 years ago, at least 30 percent of the jobs we have now wouldn't have been fathomable at that time. How can you all be so daft?

>> No.6409740

Welcome to /sci/- pissing contests about people's career choices

>> No.6409746
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All we are is a bunch of evolved perpetual chemcial reactions that have arisen as a result of the laws of physics of this universe. We are debating aggresively on such trivial matters such as what temporary life path is more prestigious/respectable.

All regilion and politics aside, lets look at the BIG PICTURE.The ULTIMATE BIOLOGICAL GOAL of humanity is SUSTAINABLILITY.

THUS, I propose that we organize the degrees/majors by how much they contribute to the sustainabliltiy of the human race.

>> No.6409808
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Agreed. We are like cells in a human body. Each specialized for a specific and almost insignficant task but essential to the sustainabliltiy of the greater whole body. Now humanity has evolved in to what is called scoiety with a greater purpose. WE are the cells and we must set aside our differences and work together as a whole.

Also, I think only a person who masters all these subjects together and applies them effciiently to society is the only one that can truly be called "god tier".

TL;DR: Music and Philosophy are SHIT TIER

>> No.6409840

>only earth's moon is shown

>> No.6409846

Why is mathematics god tier? Who the fuck porsues a mathematics major? Maths is a tool for physics to use, not something you should porsue as a career.
Get a real job.
Mathematics = shit tier

>> No.6409851

sad troll is sad

>> No.6409849
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>/sci/ is STILL getting trolled by this chart

>> No.6409854


>> No.6409856

>thinking numbers and theorems is a real job
The real world is calling you out
Mathemathics should be on the same degree as arts

>> No.6409870


Bro take that back. You need math and math is important. If i have 6 quarters and take two away what do you have? Yea you see how important it is asshole.

>> No.6409901

Because that's what a math major teaches you

>> No.6409938

Mainly just different 4th year courses

>> No.6410725

What's wrong with philosophy, English and history?

>> No.6410759

same here.

every elective class I have chosen was either anatomy, neuroscience or a biopsych course as well as heavy statistics, research methods and psychophysics for core components of the subject.

>> No.6410777

Math and Physics are tied for eternal GOAT and God/Jesus tier.

>> No.6410789

The only real God-Tier is Math, Comp Sci, and Physics

>> No.6410826
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>> No.6410833

>Math, Comp Sci, and Physics
If by CS you mean actual Computer Science and not just it's subfield of programming then I agree. These are the only ture majors that explore concepts and patterns in formal logic all other majors are basically applications of these fields.

>> No.6410837

comp sci and physics are just applied math
only math is god tier

>> No.6410864

>comp sci and physics are just applied math
only math is god tier

Actually real computer science deals with analyzing patterns in data structures and modeling/ creating alogrithms. Thus it is more of a branch of mathematics than a applied math field.

Saying that computer science is not a part of math is like saying topology is not a form of math since its mostly explained in set theory instead of numbers and equations.

>> No.6410869

thanks for the hint!

>> No.6410882

>throw scraps of knowledge to the alchemists when feeling benevolent

my sides

>> No.6410891

I disagree. Considering only a biological goal we wouldn't need to consider science at all. Of course, science can contribute, but it is really necessary?

As far as mankind is concerned social, religious, political etc. points of view are unavoidable, even if you don't consider them as academically relevant. And looking at this complex pile you need not to wonder why scientific thinking evolves and becomes dominant.

Therefore, abstracting all other stuff than biology mean abstracting IMO the setting which is necessary for science.

>> No.6410920

What a circle jerk /sci/ is.

Only because mathematics, physics and chemistry build the foundation of most other things, it doesn't mean that they're better or more useful.
Most of you are trying to list the degree you're pursuing higher just for your ego.

I've seen and read so much bullshit in this thread.. Ranking medicine low or mid is ridiculous.

There's a reason most people who study the "god tier" stuff are socially inept and barely able to keep a conversation going, especially with the other gender. I pity those guys, but at least they're starting with 300k/a.

Just check statistics to see which professions people value the most. It's slightly different to your autist-list.

>> No.6410950

>Implying what human value is what is what matters. Live you little life, and enjoy the limited timespan you have on this planet. Knowing that you will never have contributed to society. You are merely a leech in the system.

>> No.6410961
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While I concede to you point that we shouldn't focus only on the biological goal, you must surely understand that the majority of our "complex world problems" (ie; climate change, oil depletion, overpopulation, war) arise as a direct result of scientific principles.

For instance, war is an inevitable result of the combined nature of human psychology and the depletion of scarce resources required to suit an overpopulating planet. Essentially all these problems are a result of nature is trying to reach equilibrium that we as humans DONT WANT. But I digress.

Again agree that biology (or as you said "Science in general") may not have the answer. But I'm sure you can see that the majority of world problems arise due to the "conflict theory" based overpopulated society we humans adopted where the goal is pretty much every man for himself EXCEPT mutual cooperation at certain times when it proves to be more efficient (ie; Corporations, Political parties, Nations).Thus in order to reach this ultimate goal we must set aside our differences and become a society that operates on the principles of functionalism (as I said, like insignificant cells working together in a human body to reach the greater goal more complex goal incomprehensible to any one cell).

In order to reach this ultimate goal (no one really knows what it is), we must first tackle the biggest obstacle which incorporates every problem humanity faces into one (like Maslow's hierarchy of needs humanity must first complete the first obstacle in order to reach the ultimate goal). . This ultimate goal for now is clearly SUSTAINABILITY. We do what we can with what we KNOW WORKS to ensure the success of humanity. Thank you for taking the time read it by the way.

>TL; DR: You missed out...

>> No.6410969

/g/ hates windows

>> No.6411189

Good point.
Sucks that this thread will only last a small time and will it along with your post will be erased forever.

>> No.6411294

I'm also a linguistics major.

>> No.6411300

I wasn't thinking about engineering related areas, like oil extraction of geothermal energy. I'm thinking of stuff like understanding plate tectonics. Cool, but mostly useless.

>> No.6411344


This is the fairest list conceivable:

God Tier:

Top Tier:
Computer Science

Middle Tier:

Low Tier:
Political Science

Shit Tier:

>> No.6411385

God tier would be the last careers to be automated by AI

>> No.6411407
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>fairest list
>medicine in god tier
pick one

>> No.6411449

I'm Linguistics and Math, what are you guys interested in? What areas of Linguistics do you like/dislike?

>> No.6411454

Nice one. I really appreciated the read. Nevertheless, we will probably diverge.

Paragraph 1: I agree.

Paragraph 2: I agree.

Paragraph 3: Considering P2 this seems to keep it short impossible. We would have to re-engineer man, but this is not an exit. Science is IMO not an exit, but a mean of retardation and deception of our nature which is in this complex world setting fatal.

Paragraph 4: IMO, and I know it is fucking displaced here in /sci/, Bible covered all relevant problems which we aren't able to resolve. Life is lived by individuals and what we call free mind, even if there is nothing such as a free mind, will divide us. It will. As I said, you need to re-engineer man, but I don't think it is worth it. We would fuck it up, even if the intentions would be noble, we would fuck it up big time.

That's my opinion.

>> No.6411463

is there anything in lingu that covers prepositions?

>> No.6411473

In what way? Syntax I guess. There are languages without prepositions though.

>> No.6411487
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>> No.6411489

erm... I will give you an example. there are languages you can use prepositions to express a possessive property, so I'd think considering semantics, or?

But what I'm interested in is there any sub-sub-branch in lingu analyzing prepositions

>> No.6411491

There's nothing wrong with the chart, though.