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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 287 KB, 1712x1440, cosmos8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6400471 No.6400471 [Reply] [Original]

35 minutes

>> No.6400488
File: 299 KB, 500x375, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's not going to be a wash.

>> No.6400496

What channel

>> No.6400498

Fox. There is a live-stream up if you poke around Google for it.

>> No.6400506


>> No.6400518

Judging by the discussion in this pre-show livestream I think Sagan's original full message will be distorted.

>> No.6400525

>Watching the livestream pre show, Macfarlane mentions he wants spectacle in the show

>> No.6400533

AKA kickass visuals, relax guys it's gonna be great.

Druyan and Soter were the writers for the original Cosmos as well as the new series. It's gonna be all the wonder and sincerity of the original, with up to date information and effects.

>> No.6400536

This show was fucked from the start.

>> No.6400543

Can any kind soul drop a livestream link for a Britbong?

>> No.6400551

fourth post motherfucker

>> No.6400553

Cosmos premiers SUNDAY at 8pm, OP.
>watched that fucking dribble thinking it was a live event
20 min before I realized it was posted 4 days ago.

>> No.6400561

simply ebin ;) i Like it

>> No.6401332

this. please

>> No.6401355

Dream on, Dreamer.

>> No.6401514

Ann Druyan is a bobble-head doll. Seriously...just watch her head movements whenever she speaks.

>> No.6401525

You seem a bit slow mate? Isn't it past your bedtime.

>> No.6402502


>> No.6402514

I'm slow, incompetent and an idiot.
Is there going to be a livestream of this program? College student here with no TV.

>> No.6402520

Naggers nag-nigging along.

Acting like a nagger, thinking you're a smart nagger, pretending to be a smart nagger, spewing 20 year old shitknoledge because the current up-to-date stuff is difficult without using StarTrek wormholes.

Fucking naggers.

>> No.6402554

I don't think he was asking for the live event, but for a stream of the actual show, if someone has managed to set one up, already.

I almost feel bad watching it illegally, though. This is a program I support. I wish I could contribute to the neilsen ratings so FOX decides to keep it on the air.

>> No.6402563
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>> No.6402568

I have no comment, other than I feel incredibly sorry for you.

>> No.6402569


>> No.6402570

Anyone got a livestream?

>> No.6402572


>> No.6402573


>> No.6402576

livestream fucking where

>> No.6402577

did he already use his purple lightsaber

>> No.6402579

>Executive producer Seth McFarlene
the fuck

>> No.6402580
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>> No.6402583

Why is Neil deGrasse Tyson in Jango Fett's ship?

>> No.6402584

>black science man

>> No.6402586

>Not already knowing this

>> No.6402588

Shitty spaceship design. Sagan had a better voice, too.

>> No.6402590

For the most conservative network, fox has the most cutting edge shows.

>> No.6402599
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>> No.6402591


>> No.6402592

apparently the earth is going to turn into the death star

>> No.6402593


where the fuck is the stream

>> No.6402600

Fox Broadcasting (eg Simpsons, Family Guy, etc) is one of the more progressive channels on basic television.

Fox Cable (Fox News, etc) is one of the least.

It's really strange, that way.

>> No.6402602

West coast here. It's on FXX.

>> No.6402603

>dat Curiosity flyby clip

already like it

>> No.6402604

Well when your money maker (Macfarlane) is as liberal as it gets, you gotta make him happy.

>> No.6402605

>these inaccurate depictions

>> No.6402607

>implying you aren't an armchair physicist who doesn't know shit

>> No.6402609

It's hard to be literal when you're speaking to a world wide audience. The show isn't meant to be a fact-by-fact representation of the universe. Despite educating, it's not *meant* to educate. It's meant to inspire. Period.

>> No.6402610
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This is BALLER.

>> No.6402617

Flying through an asteroid belt? THATS SUICIDE

>> No.6402613


>> No.6402614


>> No.6402616

>what is pop science

>> No.6402624

You're cool.

>> No.6402618

Brian Cox should have hosted this.

Who agrees?

>> No.6402619

>pluto is one of them
fucking dropped

>> No.6402621

Anyone have a link to view this online? The livestreamdotcom one isn't working

>> No.6402622

>...and Pluto... is one of them


>> No.6402626

You don't have to be a physicist to know how the cosmos looks.

>> No.6402631
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No, but you have to be an incredulous, self-absorbed moron to be you.

>> No.6402629

Thought the same thing.

>> No.6402633

It's also on NGC but then again, I have satellite.

>> No.6402635
File: 40 KB, 221x228, 1390408410697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Tyson's ship look like a dildo?

>> No.6402636

is this shit going to be ruined by ad breaks?

for some reason i was hoping this would be a special-like broadcast and have no ad breaks

like what they used to do for a lot of History Channel doc specials

>> No.6402638

it doesn't, you're just cock obsessed.

>> No.6402644


Wasnt he responsible for redefining pluto as a kaiper belt object?

>> No.6402640

It's FOX. Commercials every 10 minutes.

>> No.6402641

Cosmos: A Lens-Flare Odyssey. God fucking damnit, everthing is CG. Why ruin the visuals with all this bullshit?

>> No.6402643
File: 16 KB, 435x435, 1359331803672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this is terrible, I am extremely disappointed. I don't know what's worse, the nonstop monotone talking, Seth Macfarlane or the dictator opening the show.

>> No.6402647
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>> No.6402648

I'm watching this in HD huge screen

>'How The Universe Works' has better graphics

Cosmos Fails

>> No.6402649

God Neil is a fucking bad voiceover guy. Flying around in his fucking space egg reading the first page of Babby's First Space Book. I'm actually upset already. Pull it out of the shitter quick, black science man.

>> No.6402650
File: 1.46 MB, 217x217, dpmwdlay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit dude

>> No.6402651

You do know he didn't consider it a planet, right?

>> No.6402652

oh well at least that was only 2 minutes

part of a group that recommended it, yeah. that's why it's funny

>> No.6402653

Fuck yea the commercial break was pretty short.

>> No.6402654

The only way things liek that happen is when one company sponsors the broadcast. Then you get like 2 commercials of that company.

A car company used to do it for some episodes of 24

>> No.6402659

>tfw we own Mars

>> No.6402661

light is by definition the section of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can see

>infrared light

>> No.6402662

Rouge planet shoutout. Yes.

>> No.6402664

Black science man is a shit.

Sagan is way better.

>> No.6402666


Thank you for contributing.

>> No.6402667

We are astonishingly insignificant. Everything that humans have ever done or ever will do is basically meaningless.
Great show, though.

>> No.6402668
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>> No.6402671

This is pretty bad, not as good as the original.

>> No.6402672

I didn't know what to expect from this. I thought it was going to actually use Sagan's voice. This is... nothing spectacular so far to say the least. It just looks like every other space show about nothing.

>> No.6402673

>anime shit


>> No.6402681

I hope he mentions the Fermi Paradox and the theoretical responses to it

>> No.6402675
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>> No.6402680

Y'all niggers gotta understand that this program isn't aimed at science majors. It's aimed at an audience that they KNOW is scientifically illiterate. That's the point of this show.

>> No.6402682

this one's actually funny

>> No.6402684
File: 151 KB, 650x560, Neil DeGrasse Tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"There are more galaxies in our solar system than atoms in all of the universes combined." - Neil Degrassi Jr High Freeman

>> No.6402688

this, and im lovin black science man

>> No.6402686

holy fuck i can't believe how autistic all of you are


We know, it's not the same. But it's still a pretty big fucking deal.

>> No.6402687

Far beyond the scope of this show and the attention spans of its audience.

>> No.6402689

>implying the elitist 4chan autists understand a simple concept like pop science

>> No.6402690


>> No.6402693
File: 110 KB, 200x200, 1394414574583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No surprise to see /sci/ reacting poorly to a show made to engage those who've only dabbled the tiniest of amounts into these subjects.

I'd tell you guys to stay classy but you never even got there in the first place.

>> No.6402694

People don't get the point of the show. It's not meant to educate (although it does, by effect). It's meant to inspire a new generation of humans to admire science.

25% of Americans believe the Sun revolves around the Earth. This show is just a small way to contribute to remedying that problem.

>> No.6402695

My kids keep thinking is this nova? Then I tell them it's not, then my kids change the channel because there's no cartoons anymore. I don't think this show will last long. I don't really like it either, Sagan was just better.

>> No.6402696

these seem like things he would actually say... are they real?

>> No.6402698

you thought.. it would use sagan's.. voice?

Guys, this is the first episode, it's an intro to science for the masses. The point of Cosmos is to get people interested in science, just like it probably did for you before you all became the jaded fucks that you are.

>> No.6402699
File: 34 KB, 625x416, bronson punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, here comes the anti-religion segment. RIGHT THE FUCK ON.

>> No.6402701

>I thought it was going to actually use Sagan's voice.
I... what?

>> No.6402703
File: 616 KB, 900x1413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. As a special-effects fueled, accessible to the lowest common denominator yet entertaining to people who know this, introduction to current cosmology-I'm really liking this.
But then I used to be an "Explainer" (tour-guide) at "Powers of Ten," so I'm biased.
Still, it's been a while since I've seen someone try this, this well, and I worry that current cosmology is not well known.
What you all think'n?

>> No.6402706

just ignore them and enjoy the show, it's all we can do

>> No.6402708

>implying that's a bad thing.

>> No.6402715
File: 116 KB, 600x872, 1324101929853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know? They hold a seance before filming and summon the avatar of Carl Sagan to do miscellaneous voice overs for the show.

How do you not know this already?

>> No.6402714

So was Cosmos Classic and look at the first episode of that. It was nothing like the plain ass every day episode of Nova this has been. It was extremely poetic and personal. This is like PBS with too much money to spend on special effects.

>> No.6402723


>> No.6402719

im sorry was that pope a cyborg

>> No.6402720

> that evil pope


>> No.6402724


>> No.6402725

Fuck yeah, anti-religion in this bitch.

My only complaint so far is the opening music didn't even try to re-capture the magic of the original.

>> No.6402726

The zeitgeist has changed. Start with the awe-inspiring poetic rhetoric of the original Cosmos in 2014 and your audience will switch over to Sports Center in the first ten minutes.

It's good that this show is keeping the poetics to a minimum.

>> No.6402727

and i hope it succeeds

>> No.6402728


You're a bad father.

>> No.6402729

>evil pope

>> No.6402730

Wow, this is so euphoric.

>> No.6402732

This is actually quite cool.

>> No.6402734

Me too, sciencefanbro, me too.

>> No.6402735

That's why this is being aired on FOX Sports too.

>> No.6402736

?It's good that this show is keeping the poetics to a minimum.

Then why call it Cosmos? Call it PBS but with more money or something.

>> No.6402737

lol'ing hard at the stormy red skies over the churches and shit. this is intentional

>> No.6402744

This is too heavy handed.

>> No.6402742


>> No.6402743
File: 78 KB, 625x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-fundi, there is a difference.
He's talking 'bout a scientist of the cloth, man.

>> No.6402740

> Phil LaMarr


Fucking loving this.

>> No.6402741

are you fuckers forgetting how fucking anti-established religion the Sagan Cosmos was?

>> No.6402745

Watching shows like these that are meant to 'inspire' always make me think of those "What I expected and what I got" images. Its all "wow science is so cool humans are so smart I love science wow", and then if you make it into physics its a lot less fun, at least for most people.

>> No.6402746

People like you are never going to be pleased with anything.

You're going to die unfulfilled.

>> No.6402748

Meh, I'll stick with public broadcasting and just fund that. Kids need downtime from school.

>> No.6402749

Cosmos: An Advertisement Odyssey

>> No.6402750

So Phil Lamar was a religious zealot at Oxford in his past life.

>> No.6402752

Not who you were replying to, but...



Fuck-off, jewshit.

>> No.6402755


kids today want to see space exploding in their face.

It's the reason '2001:Space Odyssey" is boring as fuck by today's standards. We've seen to many "explosions in space" movies to be able to appreciate 5 minute long wide shots of motionless planets set against classical music. It's not awe inspiring if we can't see something happening.

>> No.6402756

Me. Brian cox really channels Sagan with his presentations. You can tell Tyson is passionate as well, but he doesn't express it on their level

>> No.6402757

Agreed, but consider that it also shapes people's acceptance of the way money's spent.

>> No.6402758


>> No.6402759
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>> No.6402761
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>doesn't like this thing
>must not like anything

>> No.6402762

that's alright, and entire population of physicists would be wasted with no engineers

>> No.6402763
File: 53 KB, 720x406, shuffle_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheesesteak, cheesesteak, it's the cheesesteak shuffle HUH

>> No.6402768

Where's my Vangelis

>> No.6402766
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>> No.6402767

At this point in time, Tyson is waaaaay more recognizable than Cox is to the American public, which this is aimed at.

This has been hyped for years (?) because it's NDT. It would not have received that hype had it been Cox, at least not in America.

I love Brian, but I'm glad they went with Neil. It gets the message spread much further.

>> No.6402769

Fuck you Charlie Brown stop trying to sell me car insurance

>> No.6402770

"ADD MORE LENSFLARE!" does not make for "good science", and neither does a monotone voice-actor.

>> No.6402772
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Can't wait for the fundie backlash.
At least a week's worth of entertainment.


>> No.6402773

>That's why this is being aired on FOX Sports too.
Are they trying to make sure people stumble on to it, or annoy them?
I think it's a good intent, but why not just regular time slot and more hype?

>> No.6402774

This is great, can't wait to see the whole thing, the re-watch the original.

>> No.6402775

What has Neil contributed to science?

>> No.6402776

They're simulcasting it on FXX, National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo Wild and Fox Sports 2.

Really big deal, huh?

>> No.6402777

From considering this as a damn near forced way for the common man to expand how he thinks (since this is running on all of Fox's channels but Fox News), this is alright. He's not as charismatic as Sagan, but if they'd used Brian Cox people would dismiss him for being a limey.
It's on LITERALLY EVERY FOX CHANNEL. Fox, FX, Fox Sports, FXX, Fox Life, etc.

>> No.6402785

He made Pluto sad.

>> No.6402786

I'm pretty sure just being black is his only accomplishment.

>> No.6402779

Am I the only one who's watching this just for the visuals?

>> No.6402780


>> No.6402781


Being black.

>> No.6402782
File: 196 KB, 800x800, 1373240042719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He is basically a spokesperson for it

>> No.6402784


>> No.6402787


>> No.6402788

what has Carl Sagan contributed to science?

>> No.6402793

Told NASA to turn a camera around.

>> No.6402790


>> No.6402791


Being black.

>> No.6402792

>I am enlightened by my intelligence.
Great, faggots are going to have a field day with this.

>> No.6402794

This jesus symbolism is so heavy handed.

>> No.6402795

At this moment, I am euphoric not by some phony god. But by my own intelligence.

>> No.6402796

It's not airing on Fox News Channel.

>> No.6402797

> showing Bruno being burned at the stake

Now, see, if I was ten, THIS is the kind of shit that would have fascinated me. I would be all up in this show.

>> No.6402798


>> No.6402799

He's about four-fifths of a Bill Nye.

>> No.6402802


>(since this is running on all of Fox's channels but Fox News)

>> No.6402803


He's too up his own arse.

>> No.6402805

Another fucking commercial break.

>> No.6402806

>orchestra sting at showing a calendar

>> No.6402807


Interesting word choice, NDT.

>> No.6402808

show sucks so far, how long until it gets cancelled for heresy?

>> No.6402814

Why so many car commercials? Didn't that whole industry go bankrupt and need to get bailed out by the US gubbermint?

>> No.6402813

100% of fox news' viewership would melt like they were looking into the fucking ark of the covenant if they were exposed to one sentence of science in their lifetime.

>> No.6402809

>orchestra sting segue to commercial break

>> No.6402810

Thank you Bruno Mars space Jesus.

>> No.6402815

>Commercial for Noah, during Cosmos... wrong audience Fox.

>> No.6402816

is Cosmos the savior of /sci/?

>> No.6402817

The fact that Fox has to force "Black Science Man ON TELEVISION TONIGHT!" when they fumble awesome ideas like "COWBOYS... IN... SPAAAAAACE!" should tell you everything you need to know about this series, and the people presenting it.

>> No.6402818

I can't help but feel that if they'd gotten Bill Nye to host, this would have gotten ten times the ratings.

NDT is popular, but does he pass the Mom Test? That is to say, does your mom know who Neil DeGrasse Tyson is?

Which is an asinine question, but if the whole point of the show is to appeal to the lowest common denominator and enlighten/inspire...

>> No.6402819

*tips fedora

>> No.6402820


>the entirety of time

Christ, dude, re-fucking-lax.

>> No.6402822

I'd rather be watching The Walking Dead. This science shit is too preachy.

>> No.6402824

>Maury and Springer commercial

>> No.6402825

Bill Nye will doubtless be guest starring on the show.

>> No.6402826
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Or well it was till they made this new one.

>> No.6402831

I'm only watching Cosmos because HBO Go is fucking up so I can't watch True Detective.

>> No.6402832

Cosmic Calendar Time Bitches!

>> No.6402827



>> No.6402829

>Jesus is bad segment
>show trailer for Noah's Ark film after that
Nice going Fox.

>> No.6402843


Oh shit, I forgot about that. Bye 4chan. I'm not getting that spoiled.

>> No.6402833

No, it's the bleeding, burning, ulcerated and infected hemorrhoid of the entire scientific community.

>> No.6402835

Gonna need a gif of him putting on the sunglasses and getting covered in cosmic fire.

>> No.6402837

Gurenn Lagann is much more inspiring and scientific than this

>> No.6402838

it's unironically cool.

my mom knows -- she called to ask if I was going to watch this.

>> No.6402840

Go away.

>> No.6402841
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>> No.6402854

Huge fan of the original, and was really looking forward to this. Unfortunately, it just makes me sad.

>> No.6402847

>january 10
>officially the day God made the light

>> No.6402849

He never said it was a planet.

I thought it was a little sad.

>> No.6402851

>big bang depicted as a literal explosion

I'm done.

>> No.6402856


>> No.6402857

>MFW tried to get my mom to watch the original Cosmos, but she wouldn't because Sagan is one letter off from Satan.

>MFW she saw an ad on TV for the new Cosmos in which it mentioned the big bang and she considered writing an angry letter.

>> No.6402864

Star stufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

>> No.6402859

Stop stealing from Sagan, goddammit.

>> No.6402860


If this was some else's show, NDT would be snidely mocking it on Twitter.

>> No.6402861

>star stuff


>> No.6402863

>star stuff
>a long time
oh dear god

>> No.6402865
File: 848 KB, 300x300, 1386212504137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are star stuff

>> No.6402866

You're shitting me. I refuse to believe someone can think like that.

>> No.6402867

>Star stuff
"Hey remember when that guy said that thing?"

>> No.6402868
File: 126 KB, 293x280, 1320985218527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot face.

>> No.6402869

>rapidly expanding plasma
>not an explosion
thank you, we all needed more semantics around here.

>> No.6402870


>> No.6402873

Shitty star stuff, Sagan said it better.

>> No.6402879

iktfb. i remember mentioning something about human evolution to my mom once, and she used the "i ain't no monkey" line

>> No.6402875

Not shitting. My mother is a very kind person, but also utterly simple-minded.

>> No.6402877

>the origin of life is a mystery

Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.6402878



>> No.6402888

Well that's a damn shame, my friend. What happened to make her that way?

>> No.6402881

It's infinitely better people turn on their TV and see black science guy than wind tunnel hair man et. al

>> No.6402882


>> No.6402883


>> No.6402884
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>> No.6402889

>star stuff

but i wanted to be space dust

>> No.6402890

How could a flower bloom in December?



>> No.6402891

>first flower bloomed on december 28th

aw, cute


>> No.6402894

Tyson forgot to say that Freedom was born on July 4th

>> No.6402895


>> No.6402896

Wasn't digging the whole cosmic calendar metaphor, but now I see the point. Cute.

>> No.6402900

>Asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
>Kicks up dust about chest high for a second

Where's your fucking special effects from earlier? That could have been cool. YOU HAD ONE JOB!

>> No.6402897


>> No.6402898


>> No.6402899

okay that little monologue about us occupying only the last 14 seconds "all those people, all those kings, etc." was pretty good and delivered well.

he did Sagan justice on that point.

>> No.6402901

OMG this is horrible!


>> No.6402902

Oh god that would just make the whole thing for me. All this autist butthurt has been getting me off enough as it is.

>> No.6402906

So who is the audience for this show? I really don't know.

>> No.6402903

> NDT shrinks to 1/10000000 in size
> NDT has shrinking powers
> Cosmos being bombarded with Captain America trailers

Holy shit


Cosmos is an elaborate Marvel tease

NDT is going to become an Avenger

>> No.6402904

The writers felt the need to put in some comedy.

>> No.6402905

What happened on 9/11

>> No.6402915

NDT is Ant Man

>> No.6402907

fuck you newton is god

>> No.6402908

Feels a bit like they're rushing it, they have 12 more episodes right?

I hope Tyson does flat-world and 4-10 dimension descriptions in a later episode.

>> No.6402910
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>> No.6402911


>> No.6402913

We're watching it

>> No.6402914

It was supposed to be humorous

>> No.6402916

People who want to buy the 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee

>> No.6402919

Slack-jawed yokels

>> No.6402917

There's only one set of footprints.

Is that the part where Neil DeGrasse Tyson was carried by Jesus?

>> No.6402918

Wasn't Sagan his mentor? That might be it..

>> No.6402920

>our ancestors were philosophers almost instantly when they became bipedal

>> No.6402922
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>> No.6402924

>we invented astronomy



>> No.6402925

But that impact was so much cooler. It split the atmosphere in it's wake, you could see straight into space behind it. It genuinely could have been the coolest part of the show and they throw it out.

Small complaint i know but they just spent so much on ALL the other special effects I was expecting... something.

>> No.6402926

Appeasing the masses

>> No.6402927


>> No.6402928
File: 160 KB, 529x380, le rooodot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6402929

>Buddha, 6 seconds ago
>Jesus, 5 seconds ago
checkmate roundeyes

>> No.6402932

I doubt Lucy was much of a philosopher.

>> No.6402933

dude, thanks for the laugh

>> No.6402934


>> No.6402943


As if systematic attempts to further knowledge hasn't been around since the beginning of the humans.

>> No.6402935

> eulogizing Sagan

Here come the feels.

>> No.6402936

>Using Sagan Voice clips
Hey NDT, stop riding Sagan's corpse and be yourself

>> No.6402937


>> No.6402938

>rapidly expanding plasma
It was 400,000 years before atoms could form to produce light.

Yes, calling it "plasma" is, in fact, also VERY incorrect.

>> No.6402941

easily the best part of the show

damn ;_;

>> No.6402942


>> No.6402948

Was it rape? This kinda sounds like a rape revelation.

>> No.6402949

the scientific method proper, you dunce

>> No.6402950

Lucky motherfucker
>That bro tier relatonship

>> No.6402951

The feels are spreading all among us...

>> No.6402952

Does this story end with NDT admitting he was sexually abused by Carl Sagan?

>> No.6402946

I'm gonna fuckin' lose it guys

>> No.6402947


>> No.6402955

I know man.

>> No.6402956

>used to stay at sagans house when he was a kid

>> No.6402957

this ending

>> No.6402965
File: 50 KB, 600x400, F4hSObT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bretty gud

>> No.6402958



Aristotle didn't do shit.

>> No.6402959

Is that fucking Mario Galaxy music?

>> No.6402960

Oh my god that is literally the theme from Contact! I teared up a little, really.

>> No.6402961


>> No.6402962

>Riding Sagan's coat tails.
Goddamn, stop. can't wait for it to crash and burn.

>> No.6402964

>you will never spend time with your science related hero

>> No.6402966


Best ending ever. 10/10 would watch again. I just didn't get to see the title of the book. ; ~ ;

>> No.6402967

>Natural Selection
can't wait for the christian shitstorm

>> No.6402970

I almost feel like Fox told him to tone down his enthusiasm in this first episode. I'm hoping he'll be more animated in the next ep.

>> No.6402971

h-hey little boy want to see my lab
yeah hold on I got something for you in my desk
that storm sure is blowing out there maybe you should spend the night with me

>> No.6402973

What? He was his student and had a huge impact on him, why wouldn't he bring it up?

>> No.6402975

That was great, it went by so quickly, can't wait for next episode!

>> No.6402976

>produced by Seth McFarlane

Explains everything.

>> No.6402977

>dat leaf

>> No.6402980
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>> No.6402981
File: 98 KB, 400x410, 1392462010530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since the Bill Nye debate I've been obsessed with this stuff, I loved this whole episode.

I've even gone as far as to think about doing it as a job...but that might be too risky, like trying to become a writer.

>> No.6402982

>Didn't know this
Where the fuck have you been?

>> No.6402983

Well, it had me crying a bit in pure euphoria, but ehh, even though it was good, I still don't think it can truly match the original Cosmos. But I don't think Neil is trying to surpass it. He just wants to reboot it and get people back into science.

>> No.6402989


Also, why isn't this airing on PBS?

>> No.6402990
File: 4 KB, 210x229, 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else notice this?
It made up for everything.

>> No.6402991
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>> No.6402994

Yeah, Sagan loved weed.

He wrote a book about weed with a pseudonym. "Mr. X" or something.

>> No.6402996

He wasnt actually his student. He just invited him to Cornell which Tyson didnt even pick.

>> No.6402997

It isn't good enough to be on it, it's really bad.

>> No.6402998

Cast off your doubts, fear has no place here. You want to do this? Go forward and never stop moving forward

>> No.6402999

Shit show. Wasn't in awe. Felt like Tyson was talking to a bunch of kindergarteners and I was a parent in the back watching him talk.

>> No.6403000


1st guess: munee

2nd guess: Seth knows people @ Fox

>> No.6403001

Don't feel sad! You're here with us watching as great new science related show. You can BECOME your own hero!

Don't believe in heroes who believe in you. Believe in you, who believes in you.

>> No.6403002

That's exactly how it works. You are the parent. Proles are the kindergarteners.

>> No.6403003

I don't get this cosmic calendar stuff.

> A day is as 1000 years to God.
> 6000 years old.
> Second coming any day now.
> 1000 year reign.
> 7000 years total.
> One God-week.

All nice and tidy.

>> No.6403007


That's the point.

>> No.6403009

yes that's exactly what the show is meant to be, genius

>> No.6403010


If they wanted you to understand science, the show would be boring.

They want you to get science wrong THEIR way...

...and they want you to buy a Jeep.

>> No.6403011

I like how Neil reminded me that no matter how hard I work or how hard I study, I will never ever make a decent contribution to science.

>> No.6403012
File: 15 KB, 590x128, cosmos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for fun

>> No.6403013

Well Tyson mentored him, I think Nye was a student

>> No.6403015



>> No.6403016

oh boy oh boy

>> No.6403017

Nice trips, and yes, this isn't an "educational show". This isn't supposed to educate anyone who's a science fan already. It's a motivational show meant to inspire kids and teens and idiot adults into liking and trying to understand life, the world and the universe.

>> No.6403018

torrent when

>> No.6403019

not sure if you're serious

>> No.6403022
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>science fan


>> No.6403024
File: 64 KB, 372x375, 1333917758857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watched it with my younger brother
>He really enjoyed it

>> No.6403027

pls don't ;_;

>> No.6403028

Sucky and filled to the gills with old shit or shit incorrectly labeled as theories that are pure conjecture?

If that is what they wanted, they were successful.

Because that is what they made.

>> No.6403030

Sagan was actually an advocate for the illegal pot needles.

>> No.6403032


Should...shoud've sent a poe....Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

>> No.6403036

He didn't write a book but rather a paper in a book. Submitted it anonymously. Go read it.

Captcha: attlyb prayers

>> No.6403033
File: 28 KB, 590x186, cosmos2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6403034
File: 70 KB, 640x480, afyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god you are insufferable

>> No.6403041
File: 429 KB, 499x330, 7NPvKHo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep this shit coming, this is the best part

>> No.6403042

popsci people,redditors,militant atheists

>> No.6403043
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>> No.6403044

Yeah, I forgot about that essay actually


>> No.6403045

Her father, and religion.

>> No.6403046


>> No.6403047

Target audience: 9-15 year old

>> No.6403048

i think this is it http://marijuana-uses.com/mr-x/

>> No.6403049

>Fox Broadcasting (eg Simpsons, Family Guy, etc) is one of the more progressive channels on basic television.
>Fox Cable (Fox News, etc) is one of the least.
>It's really strange, that way.
It's called covering your bases.
It's not that strange, it only seems that way if you insist that just because social sciences are still in their "phlogiston and salamanders" phase (or are "secret" if you believe /x/) that they aren't sciences.
It is nice that they are contributing to this side of it, instead of solely pandering.
I like it.

>> No.6403052


>> No.6403053



>> No.6403054

Watched it with my dad, and he feels a little inspired by it. He doesn't understand how time frames can be deduced, but other than that he's hyped for the rest of this series. He watched an episode of the original earlier and enjoyed it too though.

>> No.6403058

And what, exactly, is wrong with a mentor of Sagan's giving a tribute to him on the premier of the reboot of the show that Sagan hosted?

>captcha: muscular blaceman

>> No.6403061

That's the fucking standard model?

>> No.6403063
File: 36 KB, 590x283, cosmos3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a couple of em

>> No.6403064

What specifically? I feel like you are nitpicking, but without you specifying at all, it is hard to be sure.

>> No.6403065

r u a grill?

>> No.6403069
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>> No.6403074

Watched it with my parents, both very religious/spiritual. Fun times were had by all.

>> No.6403076
File: 51 KB, 590x358, cosmos4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6403071

>watched it with my dad
>blown away by all of the info
>Getting closer to my dad through it, hoping to watch the rest of it with
He's no Sagan, but Tyson'll do I think

Needs to slow down a bit though, too many commercials

>> No.6403079
File: 100 KB, 342x245, bbfls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do these people have to exist?

>> No.6403081

No surprises, show wasn't good and it can't compare with public broadcasting. I know, "It's aimed at retards". Still, thank Allah this will not be popular.

>> No.6403082


>> No.6403083

Anyone is noticed a serious focus of the media on space stuff? Or it's just me?

I think we are going for another space era.

>> No.6403077

I expected mostly women to be saying these things.

>> No.6403078



>> No.6403084


These are chuckle-worthy, but I ultimately leave them with a sallow, empty feeling inside.

I worry for our future, /sci/.

>> No.6403087
File: 12 KB, 590x95, cosmos5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this went from fun to painful real quick

>> No.6403090

>most of science is plagarism, giving random chance credit for the creative work of a real god


>> No.6403091


>> No.6403092
File: 17 KB, 257x276, gonna be gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow

>> No.6403093

Holy fuck is this guy a retard? Did he even read the bible? Jesus didn't create shit as Jesus, only in the form of God did he make stuff. I mean this is basic biblical shit here

>> No.6403094
File: 16 KB, 250x247, 1337032067982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of you did this

>> No.6403096

im in Australia so how long till torrent

>> No.6403097

this is some fom here

>> No.6403098
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime image
It's a troll you fucking idiot.

>> No.6403099


>> No.6403100

We can only hope.

>> No.6403101

I know man, It's not like religion hasn't existed ever since we started walking upright or has shown over and over again it doesn't destroy societies and only serves to inspire grand works of art and architecture and in some cases scientific progress.

We should all live in atheist societies like the Soviet Union and communist China, those were amazing places, right?

>> No.6403102

of course he didn't actually read the goddamn bible

>> No.6403103
File: 125 KB, 300x250, youtubesidepic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When am I gonna get my Spirit Science television series?

>> No.6403106
File: 95 KB, 300x381, 1367578786005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "LOL so inacurate lol were is the maths LOL"

You guys are missing the point. It's to inspire kids and to (kinda) educate the know-nothings.

Tyson is a personality. Don't lose your shit if this wasn't horizon broadening content.

>> No.6403107

Former Christian here.
Jesus = God = Holy spirit.
All part of the trinity. All part of God.
Like the shell, white and yolk are all part of the same egg, as you'll hear Christians say.
So "biblically" he's not necessarily wrong, at least from a modern Christian standpoint.

>captcha: foldstte canonical

I am burnin' these tonight.

>> No.6403108

Aren't you too busy getting eaten by spiders to torrent anything?

>> No.6403109
File: 22 KB, 450x268, 1257003814239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she realizes Jesus would have been Arabic looking

>Moses wrote the bible

>I think we are going for another space era.
I'm pumped as all get out

>> No.6403113

that's a troll dude

>> No.6403114

pls go.

>> No.6403115


>> No.6403118

You are a presumptuous, noncreative idiot.
#adhominem #blowme

>> No.6403123
File: 16 KB, 590x133, cosmos6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i'm done. if you guys want to find more, go ahead

and yes, I knew that last one was a troll. still funny though

>> No.6403125

When the cave drawings are first introduced, the top right has the cave drawing shown in the original Cosmos that recorded the supernova.

I don't remember exactly which episode it was originally in, though, but it's the one about supernovas, as you might expect.

>> No.6403126

If he were to teach the underlying principles of physics in the space of a hour, he would ether have to skip a lot of essential content or get so bogged down in it that no one would watch.

Going the sensationalist route is okay in this context imo.

>> No.6403129

Can you imagine seeing that though? That'd be so fucking nuts

>> No.6403130

Phil Lamar was the only redeemable aspect of this debacle. I hope they enlisted his help for the remaining episodes

>> No.6403131

Twitter biblethumpers: grand architects and scientific paradigm shifters

>> No.6403132

>Jesus = God = Holy spirit.
So by substitution, I can have 3 parts holy spirit in a universe and still get my egg?

>> No.6403133

>Y'all niggers gotta understand that this program isn't aimed at science majors. It's aimed at an audience that they KNOW is scientifically illiterate. >That's the point of this show.

Considering how much of /sci/ knows dick about science in general, stop complaining.
If you get a smidgen of introduction to fields outside your own and can still act like you know it all, be happy, it will help you to not look like an unedumacated dumcof to other scientists.
If you don't need this, just lay back and take it, because you know the others do, just be happy that you aren't one of them.

>> No.6403134

>he's presuming that every single atheistic nation so far on earth has been an oppressive, horrific shithole.


>> No.6403136

>Did he even read the bible?
I'd say at least 85% of Christians haven't and I'm not even trying to slander Christianity when I say so

>inb4 Religion v. Science flame war

>> No.6403139
File: 56 KB, 634x380, brian_cocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This man should have hosted the show.

>> No.6403142

there's atheistic by force and there's secular

>> No.6403145

spiders are my best friends have you ever been to aus flies everyware

>> No.6403148

all greek to me

>> No.6403149

>that moment I became a math major because I could not read shit like that
>4 years later
>Read it with no problem
This makes me feel gud

>> No.6403151


>> No.6403153

>2,000 years later, Christians are still mad.

>> No.6403159

true. if they had the choice of just public broadcasting and a ton of channels including Fox Sports, and the idea is "science evangelism" like Bruno, this is why it's like this

>> No.6403160

I think people aren't quite getting how important of a series Cosmos is, and how incredibly important this new one could be.
I mean, our current education system is so fucking alienating to most students, that getting them interested in anything academic is a serious feat.

It's also really important to note that they made the right fucking choice by choosing Tyson, because it breaks the illusion that math and science are strictly white fields. Tyson could just maybe be the new Nyota Uhura.

Regardless whether you think it's as good as the original or not, you have to understand the main aim of the show: to educate and inspire

>> No.6403163

His PhD thesis was in supernovae research, but I think all he's done since then is popsci shit like writing books, directing planetariums, being on commissions, etc.

>> No.6403167

Well, that and the papers on his CV

>> No.6403169
File: 48 KB, 418x550, 2dqimhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama and Tyson put science man stuff on sports channels
>White people reject astrophysics and evolution as Obama's Muslim lies

his CV's linked earlier in the thread

>> No.6403170

Lame, school is hard. I'd rather be an electrician or welder.

>> No.6403172

>because it breaks the illusion that math and science are strictly white fields
because fuck women right?

>> No.6403173

This entire thread

>> No.6403177

He has several scientific publications

>> No.6403184

>Tomorrow Morning, thousands of students in hundreds of universities will change their major to a science major
>Tuesday morning, most of everyone goes back to their previous major, as science is really really hard. Except for Tim of course. Tim was touched by Neil.... personally

>> No.6403185

holy shit talk about a sparknotes version of the cosmos, it was like watching a movie with bad pacing
i keep telling myself
>its an astrophysics program with an actual budget, its worth a lot of bullshit

but they made the big bang look puny, so they're 0 for 4
they still need
>proper black hole depiction
>proper neutron star depiction
>proper supernova depiction

>> No.6403191

>they made the big bang look puny
they had too, otherwise #jesus

>> No.6403197

the sun isn't hot though, but actually a cool place

>> No.6403201

I think you are wasting your time.
The people who are questioning his credentials are just going to giggle that he wrote about Uranus taking a pounding and still not think he is a "real scientist" unless he "invents a device" they can use, "like Bill Gates did."

>> No.6403207

Sweet, can't wait for her to guest host with Tyson.

>> No.6403208

>LOL, didn't read, but LOOK AT THAT FUCKING LIST!


>> No.6403210

i mean jesus christ, just get michael bay as a consultant for the big explosion scenes
>what is this? it looks like a mild puff of gas. MORE BRIGHTNESS, MORE FORCE, MORE HUGE

>> No.6403213


Anyone who's dumb enough to deny astrophysics, dumb enough to not wonder about the stars and dumb enough to not understand evolution isn't gonna be a scientist anyways.

>> No.6403215

>michael bay
Dude, he only speaks in explosions. Hard to get a translator for that

>> No.6403219

but they made the big bang look puny

It WAS puny. It was even punier than you could imagine. There was NOTHING to see for the first 400,000 years until atoms could form.

>> No.6403222

but wht bt jesus?

>> No.6403227
File: 120 KB, 625x608, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Commercial for Noah, during Cosmos... wrong audience Fox.
No, absolutely the same audience.
Seeing as there are lots of people who have never heard this stuff before.

>> No.6403229

Please, tell us more about yourself. Why are you that stupid? Are you Christian?

>> No.6403234

The nucleus of an atom doesn't look like a neon blue superball with some wiggly-tailed electrons around it either. The visuals for the big bang are a model, regardless

>> No.6403235

I like how she smiles

>> No.6403236
File: 26 KB, 350x505, science bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most activity i've seen on /sci/ in 9000 years.

>> No.6403238

Do you mean real blackman Jesus, or American white super-soldier Jesus?

>> No.6403240
File: 2.00 MB, 400x354, great space coaster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe they'll stop supporting Fox?

>> No.6403247

She didn't even use the word "their" correctly.

>> No.6403248
File: 119 KB, 700x698, 1394419876961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bbe jesus

>> No.6403251

8/10 would chuckle

>> No.6403256

>It's also really important to note that they made the right fucking choice by choosing Tyson, because it breaks the illusion that math and science are strictly white fields
Kill yourself. They are strictly white fields and putting in a black version of bill nye with even less accomplishments than him will do nothing to change the fact that the IQ curve prohibits most of them from entering either of those fields anyways.

>> No.6403261

Enjoy wallowing in your ignorance, and dying unfulfilled.

>> No.6403263

>Search Hulu for Sagan's Cosmos
It's gone.

>> No.6403266

It's been gone for months and the only torrent on the pirate bay is shitty.

>> No.6403267

I agree with you wholeheartedly, anon.
Shows like these are in no way a panacea to the scientific, often willful ignorance that plagues our nations, the US in particular; but they are a boon and a step in the right direction.

>> No.6403270

What did I say that was factually wrong? Even Bill Nye has a patent.

>> No.6403271

Good thing it's on Netflix

>> No.6403276

I just changed the channel, it was boring. Seems like the rating say people did that too.

>> No.6403295

Where can you get access to real time ratings data?

>> No.6403298

The average math science major's IQ is what, 130? ~0.5% of the population that reaches an IQ above 115 in America is black, while something like 8.9% is ashkenazi jewish, this despite the fact that jews are ~2.2% of the population while blacks are ~14%.

Math doesn't lie. The reason why it's a strictly white and jewish field is because those are the groups with the intelligence to work in them.

>> No.6403299


>> No.6403311

>implying white jews aren't the ones making the biased inteligence tests

>> No.6403346

Ok, they are both good educators, but nye is an actor, black science man is an astrophysicist. Appropriate accomplishment should be what counts. Also, if you were bamboozled by "the Bell Curve," or worse, are citing a book you haven't read, you should shut the hell up about science, but hey...

>> No.6403355

"is-no-God" is one word, it is the name of the Church of Athesm deity, hence "their."
Are you stupid or a troll, claiming to be a scientist and not knowing about your own religion?

>> No.6403369

Are you questioning information from a higher plane?

>> No.6403445

you're thinking of the optical horizon, before light could escape from the matter molasses

>> No.6403448

>all dis straight up dumbass racism
never change /sci/

>> No.6403454

"Math (applied to cherry picked pseudostatistical data) doesn't lie. Go back to /x/.

>> No.6403858

Where can I watch Obongo's preface speech?

>> No.6403955

Engineer. Nye is an engineer. Yes, engineering is a part of science.

>> No.6404313

i get this feeling obama was basically trying to indirectly claim credit for cosmos happening
i really, really hate that guy

>> No.6404830


>> No.6405617
File: 1.15 MB, 150x130, 1331809308500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I'm watching it. This is pure bullshit. I can't take it. There's so much wrong starting with this retarded looking space ship.

>many of us believe in the multiverse as bubbles!
>you can see infrared!
>there was only one man on earth that thought the earth wasn't the center
>no freedom of thought in italy
>holy shit this analogy with a boundary is so fucking wrong, nice fallacy with there has to be a wall or not a wall

I'm only 18 minutes in, I can't take much more.